
Into the World of Bleach

Not Mine https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13518332/1/

natlin1999 · Theater
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 16: 13th Division Lieutenant

AN: Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. I tried to draw a picture of Kishin's Zanpakuto (Sekiken Zansatsu) and Kinji's Zanpakuto (Koku No Bo). I also attempted to draw Kinji. Can't say I was very good at it but still, if you're interested you can take a look. They are posted on my deviant art.

Copy and Paste Link: deviantart .com/onetim3

Anyways that's all I have to say. Thank you all for your continued support.

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 16

Several Weeks Later

Kishin currently sat within the secret training ground under the Sokyoku hill as he continued to wrack his brain over devising the basics for a Kido spell that could effectively counter Kyoka Suigetsu's ability, however the more he thought about it the more frustrated he became. Beads of sweat dripped down from his forehead as he began to feel a headache coming on. In the end he let out a loud sigh, ruffled his hair, and screamed aloud in stress. "Aaaarrrrrrggghhh! I don't know!"

Once more he took in a deep breath before tipping backwards lying flat on his back and sprawled out like a starfish. He stared up at the fake blue sky of the training ground for several moments before finally turning over and got up on his feet.

"A Kido spell that counters perfect hypnosis...ugh...what a troublesome ability."

Kishin made his way over to the hot spring and stripped bare naked as he was the only one currently here. After untying his hair and letting it free fall down past his shoulders he neatly piled his clothes on the side and immediately sank into the incredibly warm water. He did, however, leave on some black cuffs that were strapped around his ankles. His muscles instantly relaxed in the hot bath so he let out a comforting sigh.

"Haaaah...maybe I'm going about this all wrong...maybe I don't need to completely remove the effects of Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu. Maybe I should focus on another aspect that might help grant me an advantage over his unique ability."

Just as Kishin closed his eyes and leaned his back against the wall of a giant boulder, his eyelid slightly twitched when he sensed another presence nearby. He smiled to himself and waited for several minutes, however that presence didn't reveal themselves so he decided to extend his greetings first. "How long are you going to hide in the corner like a pervert?"

It was then he heard the laugh of what sounded like a man's voice, however what he saw was most definitely not a man. It was a black cat.

"Hahahaha! So you sensed my presence did you? Not bad kid. Not bad at all."

Kishin raised his eyebrow questioningly and commented, "Yoruichi?"

The cat smirked and walked over to the edge of the hot spring before taking a seat on the ground. "Yo. Good instincts. How did you know it was me?"

Kishin just smirked as he dipped his head under the water for a quick second getting his hair wet. "I just had a feeling."

Yoruichi carefully studied Kishin for a moment before responding, "Well, I also had a feeling you would say something like that. Kisuke told me about your meeting with him."

"Hahaha! He did huh? That was over 5 years ago, Yoruichi-san. I didn't see you during the few months I was stationed in the World of the Living so let me guess...you were snooping around Soul Society getting information for Urahara-san at the time."

"Heh, you're pretty sharp."

Kishin went back to closing his eyes and leaning against the boulder completely relaxed. "So? I'm sure you've known about me for quite some time. Why have you come to see me now? Yoruichi-san."

It was then Kishin slightly furrowed his brow as he felt a burst of reiatsu leaking from Yoruichi. Just as he opened his eyes he was immediately stunned and stupefied at the sight of a completely naked Yoruichi. His face instantly heated up turning completely red for a split second before he covered his face with his right palm taking a few moments to calm down his shocked expression. Even if he knew that she could transform into a human and cat it was still strange to see. Especially when she so suddenly became completely bare naked for him to see.

Yoruichi simply let out a loud unruly laugh as she also slipped into the hot spring sitting on the opposite side of Kishin. Her feminine voice returned to her as she teasingly said, "That never gets old. So, Kishin-kun. What do you think? I'm pretty good looking huh?"

Kishin just let out a sigh as he stared at Yoruichi who was now bathing in the same hot spring as him completely naked. Her slender, slim, and very fit body of dark colored skin made it easy for Kishin to spot her through the haziness of the fog rising from the water. Her long dark purple hair was let loose flowing down by her side and around her atop of the hot spring. Her well endowed treasures just slightly peaked above the watery surface and her golden colored irises gleamed in her eyes. A confident and prideful expression was plastered on her face as she gave Kishin a smugful grin.

In the end he simply grinned back at her and nodded his head in approval. "Mn. I definitely give you an 11/10."

His answer peaked her interest a bit as she stared back at him. They held each other's gaze for an undetermined amount of time. Both of their golden colored eyes reflected in the others, however there were some significant differences. Her eyes were a bit more amber gold in color and showed a hint of playfulness and wisdom. His eyes however seemed to sparkle a bit like crystal gold, but within the depths of his eyes were hints of a sad damaged soul and a dangerous killer. Yoruichi was a bit taken aback by this and her expression slightly faltered, unsure exactly of what to say. She hadn't exactly expected for two such extreme characteristics to reside within Kishin's soul. In fact she had been expecting Kishin's eyes to reflect a similar personality trait to her own. Something akin to playful mischief. After she heard Kisuke describe what their encounter was like she had assumed that his true nature was mischievous and cunningness.

Kishin closed his eyes after seeing Yoruichi's current facial expression having an idea of what she was thinking. "I'm guessing that I'm different from what you expected."

A moment of silence passed between them before Yoruichi responded, "You must have had it rough growing up. Either as a Shinigami or when you were a human. Sorry."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "It's in the past."

"I see."

"You don't have to pity me or anything Yoruichi-san. I don't need it. I bet you thought that I'd have some sort of mischievous or playful personality."

"I did."

Kishin smirked. "Well I do."

Yoruichi tilted her head to the side a bit in contemplation. "It's odd."

Kishin just laughed. "Hahaha! I suppose so." He then placed his hand over his heart and continued, "I guess you can say...it's just how I deal with what I am. I'm not some sappy, guilt-ridden, completely insane murderer." He then cupped some water in his hands and stared down at it for a moment. For just a brief moment his eyes reflected a bit of sorrow in them. "I'm just someone who has accepted what he is, and I work with it."

Yoruichi couldn't help but feel as if she was going to tear up. She quickly sniffed and rubbed her eyes with her right arm while also slapping the surface of the water causing it to splash around as she shouted in a loud pitying tone, "AHH! So sad! You poor thing! What hardship must you have had to go through!"

A thick vein popped off on Kishin's forehead as the water Yoruichi splashed around smacked him in the face. "Oi! I said I didn't need your pity! And stop splashing the water around! I want to relax in the water, not play around!"

A split second later Yoruichi returned to her normal playful self. "Oi! I was being sympathetic just now! Is that the kind of attitude you should be taking with people who are pitying you?"

"But I just said that I don't ne-"

Yoruichi immediately cut him off. "HUH?! You're just gonna trample over my goodwill?"

In the end Kishin could only let out a sigh and shake his head in silent amusement as he replied in a nonchalant sarcastic tone of voice. "Yay...I've been pitied. Thank you for feeling sorry for me."

Yoruichi smirked in satisfaction. "You're welcome."

An awkward silence soon filled the air as they both sat in quiet stillness. In the end Kishin curiously asked, "Were you here for the training ground or were you here looking for me?"

"Oh? Pretty sharp kid. But sorry to disappoint. I came here to relax in the hot spring."

"Let me guess. You were roaming around Soul Society earlier gathering information."

"Like I said. You're pretty sharp. You being here happened to be a bonus. Which brings me to my next question, how did you find this place?"

Kishin just shrugged. "Tangible secrets are meant to be discovered eventually. Call it luck."

Yoruichi gave him a suspicious stare, but in the end she just let out an amiable laugh. "Hahaha! You're just like Kisuke said you'd be."

"Hm? And what did he say I was like?"

"That's a secret."

"It's fine. I already know what he told you."

"Oh? And what do you think Kisuke told me?"

"Obviously that I was a very handsome and very reliable person who you would fall in love with at first sight."

Yoruichi could only let out another amused laugh. "Hahahaha! You've got spirit. Nice, I like that."

"Can I ask you a more personal question, Yoruichi-san?"

"Hm? Yeah, what is it?"

"How come you haven't gone to visit Yushiro?"

Yoruichi sported an awkward smile as she scratched the side of her cheek. "Ehhh...well, Yushiro is...how to put it. He's a handful."

Now it was Kishin's turn to let out an amused laugh. "Ha! Hahaha! I can't argue with that one."

"See, you know what I'm talking about. Anyways, Yushiro is doing just fine without my presence. In fact he's doing better than fine. He's not just the Clan Head, but he's even involved in the Onmitsukido now as well as the Gotei 13 as the 3rd ranked officer and Commander of the Punishment Force. He even oversees the nest of maggots."

"True. He's earned it."

Yoruichi gave Kishin a knowing look and said appreciatively, "I know you had a hand in it. Thanks for helping the little brat out. He's a good kid, but he's always been a bit too childish and immature. Meeting you has helped him grow."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't really do anything. He just wouldn't leave me alone, that's all. So in reality he did it himself."

"Hahaha! I can see Yushiro doing that. Hope he didn't cause you too much trouble."

Kishin just smirked. "Too late for that."

Once again they both sat in the hot spring in complete silence, however this time it was a very comforting silence instead of an awkward one. Several minutes passed on like this until Yoruichi ventured to ask, "What are you doing down here all alone anyways?"

"It's a training ground. What do you think?"

"You cheeky brat. I know that much. What kind of training?"

Kishin furrowed his brow before responding, "Kido training."

"Oh? Kido? Are you skilled in that field?"

"Heh, you don't have to act so clueless Yoruichi-san. Isn't your specialty gathering information?"

She grinned to herself in response. "Yet you're a bit of a mystery. You keep your true talents and skills well concealed. The information I've gathered on you is probably outdated by now."

"I see. That's too bad."

"So? What kind of Kido are you working on?"

"Heh...I'm trying to make a Kido that can defend against Aizen."

Yoruichi slightly frowned at his answer. "Oh…"

"Difficult right?"

Yoruichi laid back in the water letting herself float on the surface as she answered, "Good luck with that."

"I'm trying. Actually it's great that you're here. Did Urahara-san make any progress in dealing with the Hogyoku?"

"What do you think?"

"Tch. Nil huh?"

"Unfortunately so."

"Yoruichi-san. If you fought Aizen right now how would you fare?"

"It's too late. I've seen his Kyoka Suigetsu."

Kishin could only let out a sigh. "Haaaah...guess we're still stuck at the drawing board."

Yoruichi noticed that the atmosphere turned a bit stressful at the mention of Aizen so she changed the subject. "I heard you were skilled in Shunpo and Hakuda."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "You heard?"

"Wanna go a round or two?"

Kishin gave it some thought before standing up and walked over to where his clothes were. "Alright. Why not."

Yoruichi's eyes beamed with joy as she too stood up. It was then she caught sight of Kishin's much taller frame than hers. She was only 156cm tall whereas Kishin's current height was 180cm tall. The entirety of his naked back was turned to her revealing his well proportioned and defined muscles from his wet glistening neck down to his powerfully strong legs. Kishin only dried the lower half of his body and only put on his black colored hakama leaving his torso bare as he intended to return to the hot spring. After he turned around he took note that Yoruichi was already dressed in a black backless sleeveless undershirt with an orange over shirt that had two white straps on each shoulder. She wore black stretch pants and a beige colored sash around her waist. Just as she finished tying up her hair in a ponytail she grinned and commented, "Not bad Kishin. I'll give you a 9/10, but since I couldn't see the front I can't score you any higher."

Kishin simply smirked in response and disappeared in a flash of Shunpo right after.


Yoruichi grinned and disappeared even faster. Their images blurred with such great speeds that it was difficult to follow their movements. As Kishin gave chase he could only grin in silent amusement at the expected outcome. Every time he got close to her and was about to touch her she would increase her speed and disappear just out of his reach. She was teasing him and he knew it, but he had already expected it. After all, there's no way Yoruichi who held the title of Flash Goddess would be so easily captured.

Fwish! Whoosh!

Swish! Fwish!


For several hours the only sounds that could be heard were the whistling and whirling of the wind with amused laughter occasionally mixed in between. By now they were both completely drenched in sweat from dashing around for so long. In fact they were still at it. Kishin grinned as he noted that Yoruichi was getting slower and slower. It may have taken several hours but by now he could easily catch her if he wanted to, but he didn't. In the end he just chased behind her, falling just one or two steps in her shadow. Just as he dashed through the air to get behind her he widened his eyes in shock at her sudden stopping.


He was still moving too fast mid-dash and crashed into her knocking them both to the ground. He let out a groan as their loud panting filled the air. Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff. Yoruichi stood hovered above him as she took a moment to calm down her breathing and asked, "Why. Huff. Are. Huff. You. Huff. Losing on purpose? You could have caught me 40 minutes ago."

Kishin also had to take a good minute to calm his breathing before he responded beneath her frame. "It wouldn't matter. It took several hours just to tire you out to the point where I could catch you."

Yoruichi stared down at him for a moment longer before she grinned and stood back up on her feet removing herself from above his chest. "Heh, even if that's the case, not once did your Shunpo ever slow down. Mine did. I may be faster than you right now but you've got more stamina and endurance. You can keep up the same level speed of your Shunpo for hours. I get tired out."

Kishin slowly got up and shrugged his shoulders. "It's not that impressive of a feat. You haven't been in practice for a long time. I practice nearly every morning."

"I see, not bad Kishin. Not bad. It's only a matter of time before your speed catches up. I'm impressed." She then smirked and teasingly remarked, "You should marry into the Shihoin family. I think you'd fit right in."

Kishin just shook his head as he began to walk back towards the hot spring to wash his sweaty body. "And who would I marry? You?"

"Hahaha! What's wrong? Scared I'd say yes?"

Kishin smirked and teasingly replied, "Then marry me, Shihoin Yoruichi."

Yoruichi just grinned amusedly as she watched Kishin re-enter the hot spring. Her eyes momentarily wavered before she silently swallowed some saliva and nodded her head approvingly. "Mn. I now give you an 11/10. It appears we're both quite well endowed, wouldn't you say?"

Kishin just closed his eyes and leaned back against the familiar boulder from earlier. "So was that a yes or no?"

"Hahaha! It's too bad. If you were born a hundred years earlier we might have been a good match."

"So a no then?"

Yoruichi couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. "Unfortunately I'm unavailable."

Kishin raised his eyebrow slightly surprised and slightly expectant of her answer. "Really? So you and Urahara-san are open about your relationship?"

Yoruichi's cheeks slightly flushed pink before returning to normal. "Ahem. Whether or not we voice it doesn't matter. Anyways, I was kind of serious about you joining the Shihoin family. What do you say? I'll find a nice girl for you."

"I highly doubt it."

"Now now, don't say that. What about...Oh! You can marry Yushiro!"

"What happened to finding a nice girl?"

"Hahaha! Love has no gender!"


Kishin sent out a torrent of water that drenched Yoruichi's entire body after hearing her comment. He still sat completely relaxed inside the hot spring and replied, "I agree. Love has no gender, but have you heard of preference?"

Yoruichi just smirked and began ringing out the water in her clothes. "Alright. I'm joking around. I didn't think you'd be such an interesting kid."

"Keep calling me kid and I'll start calling you aunty."

"Bahahaha! Do you want to call me aunty? You can if you want. I don't mind. I'm more than 100 years your senior you know. Maybe even two."

Kishin just let out an amused sigh before a thought struck him. "Yoruichi-san. I've been wondering, but why don't you carry around your Zanpakuto?"


Silence filled the air for several minutes before she replied in seriousness. "What makes you think that I don't carry my Zanpakuto?"

Kishin just gave her an innocent look and replied, "So you do?"

Once more they held each other's gaze for several long moments before she gave in and replied defeatedly, "You're really an odd one. You even know that I don't carry around my Zanpakuto. Seems you really did your research on Kisuke and I."

"Then I was right. You don't carry around your Zanpakuto. How come?"

Yoruichi momentarily closed her eyes as if recalling something serious. She then gave a slight grin and answered, "That's a secret."

Kishin furrowed his brow. "So there is a legitimate reason then?"

"Heh. There is."

"Can I not know about it?"

Yoruichi stood up and began walking out towards the exit as she replied, "Let's just say that the less people who know about it the better. Anyways, it's about time I head back. I probably won't be back in Soul Society for a while so this is goodbye. For now. It was nice meeting ya, Kishin."

The corner of her lips then rose in a knowing smile as she gave one last comment, "By the way, nice ankle weights. "


And with that he watched her disappear in a flash of Shunpo. The corner of his own lips rose up in a smile as he spoke aloud to himself. "Heh. So she could tell."

He remained within the training grounds for another hour or so before deciding to take his own leave. After getting dressed he took a moment to stare down at the black cuffs strapped around his ankles and unlocked them.

Click. Click.

He gave his ankles a quick stretch rotating them a bit after freeing them from the black device. "Well, even if I took these ankle weights off to lighten my speed I probably still couldn't catch her, but it's thanks to these that I've been able to make breakthroughs with my Shunpo." He quickly stored them away in his earring before disappearing in a blur of Shunpo with a speed even faster than when he was chasing Yoruichi from earlier.

The next morning as Kishin was heading out of the 12th division he took note of Akon standing by the entrance.

"Yo senpai. This is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you out here."

Akon glanced behind him at Kishin's approach and retorted, "And where should I be?"

Kishin just smirked and stood beside Akon lighting a reigar to take a smoke. "Do you really think I need to answer that one senpai?"

"Tch. The lab."

Kishin just let out a light chuckle. "Hahaha! See, even you know the answer. So? What're you doing out here standing like a guard to the 12th division grounds?"

Akon gave Kishin a good long look before closing his eyes and took out his own reigar lighting it.


"You told me a few days ago that you were thinking about finally leaving the 12th division."


A quiet comforting silence filled the air between them before Akon let out a sigh. "Haaah...you really don't want to stay?"

Kishin just took a puff of his reigar before an amused grin graced his lips. "I've been here long enough. I'm going to ask Captain Ukitake if he'll accept me as his Lieutenant."

"I see...that's...good. You deserve to be in a higher position."

Kishin just smirked and shook his head. "It just means more work. It's not as great of a deal as you make it sound."

Akon smiled in amusement. "Well you could use some more work."

"It's such a bother."

"But you'll be good at it."

"That doesn't mean I'll like it."

"At least with more responsibility you won't go running off on your own in boredom like you did in Hueco Mundo and the World of the Living."

Kishin just grinned. "You really think that senpai?"

Akon took a moment of pause and stared at Kishin before shaking his head. "You're right. Haha, it probably wouldn't change that spontaneous attitude of yours."

"Heh, you say that like it's a bad thing."

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just different from a lot of others. I guess you could say that you're more interesting than others in the division."

"Now it sounds like your inner scientist is coming out, but please don't make me sound like some sort of lab rat. I get that enough from the Captain and Nemu."

"Haha, true. You know, when we first met I didn't think I'd like you."

"You can be honest about it senpai. It's because I swooped in and saved everyone's life in Hueco Mundo. You felt a sense of security with me around. And then like all good novels you, Nemu, and the other division members who were stationed with us on that mission fell in love with the hero."

Akon just face-palmed at Kishin's sarcastic and greatly exaggerated remark. "It's nice to see that while you've physically grown, that personality of yours remains the same."

"Eh? So you don't mind the way I talk?"

"Actually it's one of your interesting points."

"Heh, I'll admit that it wasn't so bad being in the 12th division. I learnt a lot of things. Got some cool new gadgets. Was able to invent my own stuff. Travel to Hueco Mundo...avoid the 1000+ different tactics that Nemu has tried to come up with to observe me…" His voice trailed towards the end to which Akon just shook his head in amusement.

"Haha, I suppose it would be a good time for you to transfer then. I don't blame you. It can get tiring."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Nemu is nice, when she's not in mission mode."

It was then that both of their reigars had completely dissipated into pure reishi prompting Kishin to begin walking off. He waved his hand behind him and said, "I've already packed my things senpai. Let's stay in touch. I might need to ask favors of you in the future."

Akon just amusedly grinned as he watched Kishin's retreating form in the distance as he mumbled to himself, "He's already expecting to be accepted into the 13th division huh? That's just like him."

It didn't take Kishin long before he arrived just outside the familiar entrance of the 13th division. As he stood there by the large archway that led to the division grounds he lit another reigar as memories of his early days here came flooding back to him. "It's been so long already...I'm finally back."

Just as he took a puff of his reigar he heard a loud shout that sounded just like Kiyone's, one of the dual 3rd seat officers, voice shout, "Who's so daring as to smoke by the 13th division!" It was then she dropped down from the air and kicked with her feet, however Kishin easily side stepped and dodged her attack causing her to crash into the entrance wall.



Kishin just smiled amusedly as he took in her appearance. She was pretty short, being only 154cm tall. She had short dark blond hair and gray colored eyes. She sported a standard black shihakusho, but the white undershirt she wore beneath it had a collar that popped out over it. She also wore white gloves. Kishin waited for her to rub her head and turn around to face him before he nonchalantly greeted, "Yo! Kiyone."

Kiyone had a surprised and confused look on her face as she squinted her eyes and craned her neck to look upwards. "You! How dare you smo- ...errr...wait. You seem a bit familiar...have we met before?"

Kishin grinned and took another puff of smoke right in front of her before blowing some of it right in her face. This immediately made her angry, however after taking a moment to sniff the smoke her angry face only turned confused. "M-Mint? What the? What kind of cigarette is mint flavored?"

"Kiyone. It's me."

She raised her eyebrow still completely clueless. "Who's me?"

"Haha! Kishin."

It was then a lightbulb flashed in her head. "Ah! Kishin?! Wait...you're saying that YOU are Kishin? As in the little baby cute looking crimson haired ferocious reiatsu looking Kishin?"

Kishin awkwardly scratched the side of his cheek at her description of him before nodding his head. "That's me."

"HAH?" She then pointed at him in shock. "B-B-But...you're so tall now? And…"

Kishin gave her a mischievous smile which instantly caused her heart to waver for a few moments. "T-That can't be. You can't be Kishin. Our poor, cute little Kishin turned out to be a dangerously handsome man that probably eats young girls for breakfast! I refuse to believe it!"

Kishin scratched the side of his cheek unsure of how to respond so instead he bent down a little lower so their eyes could meet. In less than a second after their eyes met Kiyone's eyes began to tear up a little in sentiment. "I-It's really you. Kishin-kun. Our little baby Kishin."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in awkward silence as he wasn't expecting such a strong reaction from Kiyone. He watched her sniffle a bit before feeling her punch his arm and comment, "Hmpf! How could you make us wait so long before you returned to the 13th division huh?! You ungrateful brat. Do you know how long it's been? Rukia said you were going to return to the 13th division someday, but that was years ago you hear me? Years! Jeez, we were all starting to doubt whether or not you were actually going to come back. Captain Ukitake kept defending you saying that you still had things you wanted to experience, but he was obviously sad every time he learnt that you transferred to a new division that wasn't ours."

Kishin had an awkward and apologetic look on his face as he responded, "Ah...s-sorry?"

Kiyone just let out a deep sigh in defeat. "Haaaah...forget it. You're here now right? Better late than never. Wait...you are here returning to the 13th division right? Or...No, you're only here to visit?!"

Kishin just shook his head in amusement and took another puff of his reigar. "I'm here to rejoin the 13th division."

Kiyone rejoiced, but then she noted the reigar between Kishin's lips and slightly frowned. "Oi, the Captain's health isn't the best. Especially his lungs! You can't smoke that near him!"

He looked down at his reigar before nodding. "I promise I won't. It's not my wish to hurt the Captain's health anymore than it already is."

Kiyone nodded in satisfaction as Kishin quickly finished his smoke. He then followed her inside before stopping just outside the Captain's quarters.

"Captain isn't in the rain dried hall today?" Kishin asked.

"Nope. He's feeling pretty good today so you should be able to have a good chat with him."

He nodded in appreciation before knocking on the door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

From within the room he heard Jushiro's muffled voice through the door. "Come in."

Kishin immediately opened the sliding panel door and walked inside. The moment he revealed himself Jushiro froze in shock and his facial expression turned from relaxed to joy.


Kishin grinned as he sat across from Jushiro.

"Hello Captain."

Jushiro took a moment to take in Kishin's current look. He wore the standard black shihakusho with a red colored sash wrapped around his waist. His slightly longer than shoulder length crimson colored hair was tied up in a semi-messy high ponytail style, some bangs fell in front of his forehead between his eyes, a few long strands of his hair also fell down on the right side of his face reaching just to his chin, and an earring of a black cross hung on his left ear reaching just to his lower jaw level. Jushiro was momentarily shocked at how much Kishin had grown since the last time he saw him, however the one key feature that remained the same was Kishin's golden colored eyes. After finishing his observation Jushiro cleared his throat and ventured to ask, "Ahem. Kishin...is it perhaps...are you here for...I mean could it be that you would like a different kind of candy?"


A few seconds of silence filled the air before Kishin burst out laughing. "Pfffft! Ha! Hahahaha!" He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye as he responded, "Captain, I'm happy that you still remember that."

Jushiro could only sheepishly rub the back of his head. "Ahaha, of course I remembered."

After taking a minute to calm down Kishin noted that Jushiro had already placed several pieces of candy on the table so he gladly took one and popped it into his mouth. "Actually Captain you're right. I came to ask if you would still like to have me as a Lieutenant."

Jushiro's eyes immediately beamed with joy as he quickly nodded his head. "Yeah! Of course! Hahaha! So the day is finally here! It's been so long since you've been back in the 13th division. Hahaha, I was beginning to think that you forgot about us."

Kishin could only awkwardly rub the back of his neck. "I never forgot about the 13th division. I'm finally ready to return."

Jushiro couldn't help the grin that graced his lips. "Mn. Welcome back. Shin-chan." He then stood up and walked over to the corner of the room where a closed wooden cabinet stood. After rummaging around for a bit he then walked back to Kishin and placed a Lieutenant emblem on the table. "Finally we have use for this again. Alright Shin-chan. This is now officially yours."

Kishin nodded and stared at the Lieutenant emblem for a moment before picking it up. "Are you sure Captain? You're really alright with me?"

Jushiro amiably nodded. "Mn. There's no one else I would rather have as my Lieutenant."

In the end Kishin grinned and tied the emblem on his left shoulder. A moment of silence passed in the room before Kishin asked with curiosity, "So...is that it?"

Jushiro just nodded his head. "Yup. Pretty much. As you know Captains have the right to appoint their own Lieutenants without the need to go through extra paperwork and whatnot. Now that you're my Lieutenant I'll just send a hell butterfly to inform Central 46 of this matter and that's that."

"Huh...well, I wasn't expecting too much to go into the appointment but...the process really is lax."

"Ahaha...that's true. Well, it may seem that way but in reality it is a pretty tough process. After all, since choosing a Lieutenant is up to the discretion of the Captain of a division it could take as short as a day for a new appointment, or years and decades. The initiation of a Lieutenant's appointment may be very quick and simple, but the process in choosing one can be very tough. Just like right now. I didn't appoint anyone as Lieutenant for decades after Kaien passed away for one single reason. That reason is because there was no one I found who was more suitable than you to be Lieutenant, Shin-chan. In fact, if we hadn't met then I have a feeling that the position for the 13th division Lieutenant would have remained vacant for a long...long time."

Kishin closed his eyes for a moment, taking in everything Jushiro said before he got on his hands and knees and bowed with great respect. "Captain, I promise that I will do my best to help you manage the division. You were the one who found me and took me in. Taught me the basics of how to be a Shinigami and showed me kindness. You gave me shelter, food, and knowledge. You placed your trust in me and always continued to support me. Of all the Captains that I have served under I respect none more so than you. Please accept my show of gratitude."

Jushiro was speechlessly stunned. He hadn't expected Kishin to do something so extreme, especially since he knew exactly what Kishin's personality and character was like. He was instantly flustered and wanted to tell Kishin that he didn't have to do all of that, but in the end, as he stared at Kishin bowing lowly to the ground before him in a show of respect he could only feel the sincerity from the words that Kishin spoke to him. After nearly 10 seconds passed by in silence Jushiro finally said, "Mn. I have seen and accepted the sincerity in the gratitude that you have reciprocated, Shin-chan. Let's do our best together."

Kishin got up from his bowing form and nodded with a smile. "Yeah."

After exchanging several more talking points with Jushiro he finally excused himself and walked back out to the division grounds.

Okay. I'm finally a Lieutenant and back in the 13th division. Mn. It feels more natural being back here. I feel more relaxed. Now then...I think it's time I try my hand at Bankai. To do that I should pay Yushiro a visit.

As Kishin continued walking through the division grounds he noted the shocked and jaw dropped expressions on the nearby division members faces.

Right...at some point I should probably officially introduce myself as the Lieutenant of the 13th division to the rest of the division members…

Just as Kishin was heading back out of the division grounds from the same way he entered he felt someone bump into him.

"Ooft!" They let out as they began to fall towards the ground.

Kishin widened his eyes in pleasant surprise noting who it was.


As she was mid fall Kishin was able to fully take in her current appearance. She was still short as ever, being only 145cm tall. Her soft looking black hair fell just around her shoulders with several long strands falling just between her eyes. She still wore the standard black Shinigami shihakusho with a white sash tied around her waist. Before she could fall completely to the ground Kishin extended his hand and pulled her back up immediately catching her in his arms. Once more Rukia let out a startled sound.


Several seconds soon passed by with Rukia still stuck in Kishin's arms, however her face was tightly pressed against his chest making it difficult to breathe. In the end she couldn't take it anymore and began to bang her hands on Kishin's chest letting out muffled demands that he let her go. Kishin just smirked and did as she asked, releasing his hold on her.


Huff. Huff. Huff.

She panted for a few moments before catching her breath. "O-Oi! I'm sorry that I ran into you but how could you just smo...eh?" She paused mid-sentence as she finally got a good look at who was standing before her. This person who was both the cause of her temporary fall and her savior. As she stared for several long moments she couldn't help feeling a sense of familiarity.

Kishin just gave her his signature toothy grin and greeted, "Yo! Rukia."

Her eyes instantly widened in shock with revelation. "K-K-Kishin?"

"The one and only."

"B-B-But how? You? And your height? But yo-"

Kishin ruffled her hair a bit interrupting her shocked speech. "Miss me?"

Rukia still couldn't believe her eyes so she continued to stare in a daze. A good minute later she finally recomposed herself. "Ahem. I know it's been awhile since we last saw each other but...isn't your rate of growth too...I don't know...fast?"

"Hahaha, it's fine isn't it? I just became a pseudo human for a few years that's all."

Rukia was confused, but in the end something did come to mind. "Wait...Shinigami Conversion Growth Factor pills?"

Kishin grinned at her answer. "So you know about those."

Her facial expression turned from shock into wonderment. "I see. I suppose that does make sense as you are a member of the 12th division." Even though she managed to calm down her shocked expression she couldn't help staring in awe at Kishin's current look to which he gave her a simple smile. It was simple, but that's what made it captivating. In the end Rukia couldn't help but quickly turn her face away as her cheeks tinted a shade of pink. She then quietly grumbled to herself, "How did that little kid turn out to be like this…"

Kishin smirked and shook his head in amusement. "Rukia. Since you seem so shocked then might as well just get all the shocking events out of the way."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

Kishin pointed to his left shoulder which now had the 13th division Lieutenant emblem on it. As he predicted, Rukia's facial expression once more turned into shock.


Kishin poked her forehead interrupting her stuttering comment. "Yup. I'm the 13th division Lieutenant now. So uhhh...help me break this new info to the rest of the division members will ya? Thanks!"

Before Rukia could even respond he waved his hands and dashed off into the distance.

Sorry Rukia. I'd love to stay and chat but we've got plenty of time for that. I need to get something first.

Fwish! Fwish! Fwish!

Several minutes later he arrived just outside the familiar 2nd division grounds. The long luxurious looking entrance didn't change one bit, however this time he easily detected the Onmitsukido guards that were stationed in the area. The moment he arrived by the giant gate the familiar scene of several Onmitsukido guards flashed to surround him. Kishin smirked at their slightly surprised reaction when they took note of his appearance, however he also knew that they figured out who he was already as his familiar reiatsu gave him away. Once more one of the guards stepped up to confront him.

"State your business."

Just as Kishin was about to speak everyone was interrupted by the opening of the gates and the loud shout of Yushiro's voice. "Hahaha! Kishin! You're here!"

The atmosphere instantly turned awkward as Kishin turned to the Onmitsukido guards and pointed to Yushiro replying, "Ahem. Actually I'm here to see him."

The guards could only give each other an awkward glance before shrugging their shoulders and disappearing from view once more. Yushiro stood proudly in front of the entrance and immediately invited Kishin inside. It wasn't long before they both ended up in Yushiro's office which was once Kishin's own. As they both took a seat, Yushiro finally had a chance to take a good look at Kishin's appearance. Just like everyone else he was a bit shocked.

"Eh? Are you really...Kishin?"

Kishin smirked. "You invited me inside without even first confirming that fact?"

Yushiro awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "Ahaha...I mean, I would never mistake your reiatsu, but still...I know we haven't seen each other in a few years but how'd you grow up so fast?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "If I have to explain every time I'd be really rich."

"Hahaha...I see. Ummm...Oh? Did you come here to challenge me to a game of tag?"

"Yushiro, are you that bored?"

Yushiro just let out a long drawn out sigh. "Haaaah...Yes."

Kishin just let out a light chuckle at his answer before saying, "Actually, I came to ask you a favor."

This caused Yushiro's ears to perk up a bit. "Eh? A favor huh...Mnnnn, what do you need brother?"

Kishin just raised his eyebrow in curiosity at Yushiro's way of addressing him, but he just shrugged it off since Yushiro's personality was unique. "I was wondering if you could get something for me."

"Hm? Get something for you? Me? If you can't get it yourself then it must be pretty special."

"I suppose you could say that. It's something that is kept hidden within the Onmitsukido barracks. I need to borrow it."

"Ehh? Something within the Onmitsukido barracks? What is it?"

"It's called the Tenshintai. Have you heard of it?"

Yushiro furrowed his brow as he thought about it for a moment. "Tenshintai...Tenshintai...Tenshintai...Ah! That humanoid looking faceless doll thing?"

Kishin smirked and nodded. "That's right. That thing. I need you to sign off on using it for a while and let me borrow it."

"Hmmm...Okay, I can do that, but what does that thing do anyways?"

"Eh? You don't know what it does?"

Yushiro awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Ahahaha...nope. To my knowledge it's just been sitting in the corner collecting dust for who knows how long now. It doesn't get used. I assumed it was useless. Should I know what it does?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't matter I suppose. I'm guessing it's not used since it's considered a pretty dangerous way to train."

"Dangerous to train? What the heck are you planning to do Kishin?"


Yushiro gave him a suspicious glance but in the end he shrugged his shoulders. "Ever so secretive."

"Hahaha, why, curious?"

"I always am."

"That's very true. Want me to tell you?"

"Now I feel like I'll fall into one of your elaborate traps if I say yes. Fine. I'll get you the Tenshintai or whatever. Is it going to cause me any problems though?"

Kishin gave a thoughtful look before nodding his head. "Yup."

"EHHH?! Then...uhhh...should I really be giving it to you?"

"Hahaha, come on Yushiro, I only want to borrow it for a bit. Not long. I promise. Just rent it out from the Onmitsukido for a week and secretly lend it to me for a few days. I'll return it to you before the rent date is up. Just keep this between the two of us and it'll be fine."

Yushiro just scratched the side of his cheeks suspiciously before he made up his mind. "Alright. That's fine. Then wait here. I'll be back soon."


Kishin grinned amusedly to himself as he stood up and walked around his old office space as he waited for Yushiro to come back. "Guess Yushiro didn't change much. The biggest change would be the giant crest of the Shihoin Clan that's plastered on the back wall and a few black cat figurines on the desk."

He picked up one of the black cats and thought back to his encounter with Yoruichi. Soon after he heard Yushiro's voice once more, "That's my sister."

Kishin turned to the doorway where Yushiro stood and simply grinned. "You know, if you said this to nearly everyone but me they would think that you've gone insane. To say that this figurine representing a black cat is your sister with such a straight face is a shocker."

Yushiro just pouted. "But it's true."

"Hahaha! I know that, but others definitely won't."

"Eh? You believe me?"

Kishin just smirked. "Actually I've known for a long time now that your sister can transform into a cat."

Yushiro was slightly startled by this as he handed over the white doll of the Tenshintai over to Kishin. "Here. I got it for a week and a half just in case."

"Thanks Yushiro."

"Hehe, don't mention it. I am the 2-"

"Yushiro, what did I say about spouting your title like that?"

"Tch. Fine. Anyways, how'd you know that my sister can turn into a cat?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Is it supposed to be a heavily guarded secret?"

Yushiro simply nodded his head. "Actually it is. Not many people know about it."

Kishin furrowed his brow with great interest and curiosity. "Say, Yushiro...how does your sister turn into a cat anyways? What kind of ability is that?"

"Didn't you hear me say that it was a heavily guarded secret?"

Kishin just smirked and nodded his head. "I did. So?"

Yushiro could only sigh in defeat. He could never win against Kishin's way of talking. "Haaaah...you aren't really expecting me to answer you right?"

Kishin just nodded his head. "I am."

"Eh? Really?"

"What's wrong? Is it really that much of a secret that I can't know?"

"Err...well, I mean...not really. It's just that it's not heavily talked about."

Kishin grinned and sat down on a nearby couch getting comfortable. "I'm all ears Yushiro. I'm really curious."

Yushiro hesitated for a moment before pouting in defeat. "You can't tell anyone else."

Kishin performed a zipping motion on his lips as he responded, "Promise."

In the end Yushiro let out a sigh. "Alright. Like I said before it's not that it's supposed to be a super super secret...and since you're my friend I guess it doesn't hurt to let you know a bit about it. The truth of the matter is that it's really known only to a few. The truth is...I can turn into a cat as well."

Kishin instantly widened his eyes in shock and nearly fell off the couch. "W-What?! You can?"

Yushiro smirked in triumph at Kishin's reaction and proudly nodded. "Heh! That's right. I can. In fact, all members who possess a pure enough Shihoin bloodline and learn the secret technique of the Clan can do it, but the technique is only passed down to the Heads of the Shihoin Clan and their direct descendants. Since I'm the 23rd Head of the Clan, naturally I'm privy to its secret technique."

Kishin furrowed his brow in contemplation. "Then...do you turn into a black cat as well?"

"Ah...actually I'm an orange colored cat."

Kishin raised his eyebrow incredibly intrigued. "Is there a particular reason why the Shihoin Clan has such a profound technique and can transform into cats?"

Yushiro remained silent for a moment before nodding his head. "There is. Truth be told the Shihoin Clan is a Beastial race."

"Eh? Beastial race? What do you mean?"

"Mnnn...Hmmmm...errrr...how to explain it...I don't know too much about this myself, but from what I understand and from what I was told the Shihoin Clan is part of the Bestial race or rather, we are Demi-humans. You see, other than Shinigamis, Hollows, Humans, and Quincys, there were also Demi-humans. I was told that a long time ago when Soul Society was first formed the Demi-humans were forced into another dimension called the Beast Realm. I was told that the Bestial Clans wanted to be the rightful rulers of Soul Society. Driven by their desire to dominate and control the other races they rebelled and fought against the others and hence they were banished from the cycle of reincarnation. The Shihoin Clan at the time was the only Demi-human race who didn't rebel and hence the Shihoin Clan wasn't banished to the Beast Realm. In fact, I was told that it was the Shihoin Clan ancestor who helped prevent a great war from breaking out and that is why our Clan is recognized as one of the Great Noble Clans. In fact, according to the history books of our Clan the very first Great Noble Clan is known as the Kamunushi Clan. Supposedly they were once the most prominent of the Great Noble Clans and held the most power and authority, but I'm not sure what happened. Once the formation of Soul Society was established it is said that they locked themselves away refusing to appear in public and no longer interfere with the matters of Soul Society...or anything really. No one has seen them ever since Soul Society was first established. Strange if you ask me. Anyways, I believe the second of the Great Noble Clans that came about was the Tsunayashiro Clan. The third was the Shiba Clan. The fourth was our clan, the Shihoin Clan, and the fifth and last of the Great Noble Clans to come into being was the Kuchiki Clan. From what I was told, although this is the order in which the Great Noble Clans were established the truth is that they all came into being in less than 10 years apart, so in essence I guess you could just say that all 5 of the Great Noble Clans were established at about the same time. Also...I find it strange that the Shiba Clan isn't considered a Great Noble Clan anymore but...well...back to the topic of the Bestial race and the Beast Realm, whether or not the story is true I don't really know. All I know is that our ability to transform into a cat is because we are actually Demi-humans and had something to do with those who were banished into the Beast Realm. I'm not sure if the Beast Realm actually exists though. And if it does I have no idea where it would be."

Kishin furrowed his brow in deep contemplation greatly perplexed and intrigued at the whole ordeal.

The last of the Great Noble Clans is called the Kamunushi Clan? And no one's seen them since the establishment of the Soul Society? That's...way too odd...And the Beast Realm? Is there really such a thing? Damn...I should have asked Yoruichi about her cat transformation. Maybe she could have told me more. Eh? Wait...isn't Captain Komamura a...dog or wolf or something? Then he's...he's a Demi-human too right? Maybe this Beast Realm stuff isn't that far fetched and actually exists.

He was brought out of his thoughts as Yushiro continued to ramble on. In the end he stored the Tenshintai in his cross shaped reivice earring and returned to the 13th division.


Tenshintai (Divine Transfer Body): An artifact that was created by Urahara Kisuke. It is an object that belongs to the Onmitsukido and is a humanoid plain looking doll-like object. This object forcibly manifests one's Zanpakuto spirit facilitating the process of obtaining Bankai by subjugation.

Ankle Weights: These weights were a design of Kishin's with some help from Akon. They are specially catered towards Kishin's reiatsu and forcefully condenses his reiatsu down towards his feet. This causes a heavy and dense pressure to weigh down on his legs making it much harder for him to move. Because it uses his reiatsu as a weight he can freely adjust the amount of pressure and heaviness applied to his legs. He uses these for training his Shunpo.

Great Noble Clans:1. Kamunushi Clan2. Tsunayashiro Clan3. Shiba Clan4. Shihoin Clan5. Kuchiki Clan