
Into the World of Bleach

Not Mine https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13518332/1/

natlin1999 · Theater
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 15: Kido

AN: Hey everyone, I'm back with another chapter. There's a cover image of the story now. It was my attempt to draw a bit of what Kishin looks like. I suck at drawing, but I tried my best. Anyways, it's also on my Deviant Art page so you can also head there to look.

Copy and Paste Link: deviantart .com/onetim3/art/Kishin-Chigetsu-839705562

Anyways that's all I have to say. Hope everyone is doing well and thank you all for your continued support.

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 15

5 Years Later

Kishin yawned as he arched his back and stretched on his bed. His arms ended up hitting the headboard above him in the process. "Unf." He groaned groggily from the impact. He continued to lay there on his bed in the darkness for a few moments longer just staring up at the ceiling. It was still too early for there to be any sunlight out. He took a deep breath in before getting out of bed, slowly walking to the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom and stood before the mirror. After 5 years of taking the Shinigami Conversion Growth Factor pill he had grown considerably. Before he took the pill he was only 144cm tall, but now he stood at 180cm tall. He no longer had the look of his childish self. Before, others would call him cute due to his short stature and childish body, but now his muscles had become incredibly defined and well proportioned. In essence he had grown out of his small 10 year old-like body and into a 15 or 16 year old dashing young man.

His crimson hair had grown considerably longer as well. It now reached down to just past his shoulder in length. He had it tied up in sort of a messy high ponytail style. A few of his bangs draped over the front of his forehead between his eyes reaching down to his nose while a few long strands of his hair were left hanging down the right side of his face reaching the bottom of his chin. A black colored cross-shaped earring that was actually a modified reivice hung on his left ear. The bottom of the cross reached just down to his lower jaw level. He yawned once more and changed into his standard black shihakusho tying a red colored sash around his waist before strapping his Zanpakuto on his left side. He took one more glance in the mirror. His sparkling golden eyes reflected in the glass. If one had to describe his look then it could only be both flawlessly handsome and dangerously roguish. The aura around him was both dignified and intimidating. It was an odd mix of both spectrums, however it fit his characteristics perfectly.

He picked up a small blue and white bottle resting on the cabinet above his bathroom sink and opened it revealing a half full container of white Shinigami Conversion Growth Factor pills. Without hesitation he popped one in his mouth and swallowed before putting the bottle away. Kishin let out a soft sigh before turning to look at the clock.

"5:45am." He whispered to himself.

It's been 8 years since I've joined the 12th division and 7 years since Isshin was exiled. Ever since going to the World of the Living 5 years ago and meeting with Urahara, nothing's changed much. We still don't have a plan to stop Aizen. Then again...now that I've thought about it it's not like I'm obligated to stop him. As long as I can come up with a method to protect myself, it should be fine.

Kishin let out a sigh and took out a small white rectangular box from his pocket. He flipped open the top with one hand revealing 20 thin white cylindrical cigarette shaped objects inside. He slid his left thumb over one lifting it in the air and held it between his lips before closing the box with the rest inside putting it away within his right chest pocket. With a snap of his fingers a little crimson red Kido flame was generated from his reiryoku and protruded from the tip of his left thumb acting as a lighter. He slowly brought that little flame to the edge of his look-alike cigarette and ignited it. A thin white smoke began diffusing into the air as Kishin took in a deep breath inhaling the contents within the thin white object before exhaling the excess smoke into the air. The corner of his lips rose into a small smile as he stared at the object between his fingertips.

"Well, I guess I can say that I've made a contribution to the R&D division, although it can't be considered much of a contribution at all."

Kishin opened his door and finally stepped out onto the division grounds only to be greeted by the sight of Akon. He smirked as he watched Akon lazily yawn and rub his eyes.

"Yo, senpai. You're up early."

Akon slowly turned his head and groggily answered back. "Oh, Kishin," he yawned, "as expected of you. Always the early riser."

"You're no different senpai. Heading off to the lab again?"

"Mn. Where else would I go."

Kishin shook his head amusedly. "Do you do anything else besides spend your time in that place?"

"Not really."

"Hahaha, that's true."

Akon was fully awake by now and took a moment to get a good look at Kishin.

"Something on my face, senpai?"

Akon blinked a few times before he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "No, but I got to say the SCGF pills really worked well for you. You've grown so much in just 5 years."

"Yeah, I got to hand it to the Captain. He really made an incredible drug."

"True. Even though all the drug does is make it so a Shinigami can grow like they would if they were human. I'm guessing that you're still growing huh?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "I think so. I don't think I've reached my full height yet. Wait, senpai, this drug doesn't make me continuously grow until I'm a giant does it?"

Akon simply shook his head. "What kind of weird imaginations are you having? All the drug does is allow for you to grow like a human and reach your full potential in physical growth. It won't cause you to arbitrarily grow continuously. That's a different drug."

"Ehh? So R&D has a drug like that too huh?"

Akon let out a sigh. "Well...I guess you could say that the Captain has made...a lot of different strange drugs over the years."

Kishin nodded in agreement. "Very true. It's been hard avoiding his attempts to have Nemu place weird bacteria and nano devices on my body."

Akon just shook his head in pity. "I can't help you there."

"That's true. The Captain has probably infected you already with many strange things."

"I can't argue with that one." Akon then took note of the object Kishin was currently smoking and smirked. "Lighting a reigar this early huh?"

Kishin just grinned and took another puff of his reigar. "It doesn't hurt. It's mostly recreational anyways."

"Well, even if that may be the case it's still a pretty popular item demanded of the 12th division. Your reigar invention is like a healthy cigarette. It's mostly made of reishi. Once you ignite it with a bit of Kido it slowly converts that reishi into inhalable smoke. Once one inhales the smoke the reiryoku component separates from the smoke and diffuses into one's body while the excess reishi that can't be absorbed is exhaled back into the atmosphere. On top of all that it comes in different flavors."

Akon gave a sniff in the air as he then commented, "Mint flavor today huh?"

Kishin took another puff as he nodded. "The amount of reiryoku one can replenish by smoking a reigar isn't really that significant. That's why it's mostly recreational."

Akon just shrugged his shoulders. "Well, didn't you make another set of special reigars just for you? Those are useful."

"True, but I haven't had a chance nor a reason to use them yet."

Seeing Kishin smoke a reigar caused Akon to take out his own. He took a puff of his vanilla flavored one and once more stared at Kishin. Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Senpai, don't tell me you've fallen in love with me?"

Akon shook his head in amusement at Kishin's teasing remark. "I'm just confirming that I was right."

Kishin tilted his head to the side a bit and inquired, "Right about what?"

"Remember all those years ago when I first delivered the SCGF pills to you? I said that you'd probably look more intimidating and ferocious when you grow up."

Kishin gave a toothy grin at Akon's comment. "Oh? Well, what do you think then? Are you intimidated by my presence?"

Akon awkwardly scratched the side of his cheek. "I don't really know."

"Hahaha! Senpai, I thought you said you just confirmed that I looked intimidating."

"I-I did. But rather than make people feel uncomfortable...how should I put this. If you were ugly then I think scaring people with your intimidating aura would work. Unfortunately you turned out to be a handsome guy so you'd probably captivate people instead."

Kishin blinked a few times at Akon's words. A moment of awkward silence filled the space between them before Kishin let out an amused laugh. "Hahaha! Unfortunately you say…?" The sound of his voice in his teenage body was deeper and more mellow sounding now than it was when he was a child. It was actually quite comforting to listen to. He wiped a tear away from the corner of his eye amused at Akon's comment before calming down. "Are you sure you haven't fallen in love senpai?"

Akon shook his head at Kishin's teasing. By now he had become accustomed to Kishin's antics. "I was just stating the truth." It was then Akon felt his entire body shudder in fear. He felt as if he stood before the devil himself. He couldn't even think about anything else because he had to focus all of his mental power on breathing. His hands trembled by his side as he noted the look in Kishin's eyes. The sharp glare of those golden uncanny eyes made Akon feel as if he could die at any moment. It felt like those eyes could see and pierce right through his very soul. Then, like magic, the deathly aura that made Akon feel nervous and scared disappeared into thin air.

Kishin smirked at Akon's confused look and relaxed his gaze as he innocently asked, "So, Akon-senpai. Did I meet your expectations of being an intimidating person?"

Akon felt a bead of sweat drip down the side of his forehead. He was speechless for a good minute before he awkwardly and anxiously responded, "U-Uh...Um, r-right. Yes. Actually...I think I was wrong."

Kishin had an innocent look plastered on his face as he responded, "Wrong how?"

Akon took a gulp of his saliva in nervousness. "Rather than intimidating, I'm pretty sure I saw the devil just now."

Kishin just smirked and walked over to Akon patting him softly on the shoulder. "Don't be so dramatic senpai. I'm not that bad." He then walked off waving his hand in the air leaving a stunned and incredulous looking Akon behind.

Kishin stood just outside the entrance of the 12th division grounds and gave his legs a light stretch. Even after all these years he made sure to keep up with a certain training regiment. He still ran and practiced his Shunpo in the early mornings so it was still dark outside, but with every passing minute the sky became lighter and brighter.

Let's see. When I visited Karakura town 5 years ago Ichigo was already born. I can't think of any good plan that would prevent Aizen from obtaining the Hogyoku. In fact...if I did mess up Aizen's plan then he might resort to a more...bloody approach. I wouldn't be surprised if in the end he just decides to kill Urahara and the others outright. Since it doesn't seem like I can stop him from obtaining the Hogyoku then the most important thing is increasing my own strength. Since Aizen seems to have lost interest in me and hasn't bothered me for the past 20 years it doesn't seem like I'll have to implement the secret plan I had with Jushiro. Ichigo should be about 6 years old right now so...it won't be long until Aizen reveals his true colors right? I should ask Jushiro if he'll appoint me as the 13th division Lieutenant soon. After that I should just let things play out and see how events unfold. As I am right now I still wouldn't be a match for Aizen. I wonder what the hell his Bankai is...it can only be more fearsome than his Shikai...probably. In the end, increasing my personal strength is the best option. I should attempt my own Bankai training soon. Now that I think about it there's really no need for me to care what Aizen plans to do against the Soul Society. It's not as if I'm obligated to be Soul Society's guardian or anything. Guess I'll play it by ear.

Just as Kishin finished stretching and prepared to dash off he was interrupted by the sound of Nemu's voice. "Are you heading out on a morning run?"

Kishin grinned and turned around to face her. He took in her early morning appearance. She braided her long hair behind her and kept her bangs parted on the side of her face. She donned a short black kimono that extended to the middle of her thigh and wore a white nagajuban beneath. A white obi with a red cord was fastened around her waist. The Lieutenant emblem of the 12th division was wrapped around her left sleeve. Kishin was now taller than her, being 180cm in height where she stood at 167cm in height. She gave him her signature indifferent gaze. A moment of awkward silence filled the air between them before she slightly tilted her head and smiled. Kishin just let out a sigh and shook his head amusedly. The reigar in between his lips had now completely burnt out and disappeared into the air in a flutter of reishi particles.

"Lieutenant, don't tell me you're here on Captain's orders. Another task of trying to put some weird creation of his on my body?"

Nemu relaxed her guard and shook her head. "Actually no. Not this time."

Kishin could only smirk at her response not believing her words. "Not this time you say...oh joy. That means the Captain still hasn't given up."

"That's right. He's very intrigued by you. In fact he was very happy about the present you gave him 5 years ago."

"But he was quite disappointed that nothing happened while Akon and I were stationed in the World of the Living."

"Even if that is the case the Captain still wishes to show you his regard."

"I see...well, the Captain has a strange way of showing his appreciation."

"What do you mean?" She then pulled out a syringe and continued, "The Captain only wishes to repay your kindness by injecting you with this drug enhancing serum."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in obvious doubt. "And what does it enhance exactly?"


The sound of crickets could be heard as a silence filled the air.

Nemu just gave Kishin a confident blank stare while Kishin could only shake his head in both disbelief and amusement. "Alright, let me guess, neither you nor the Captain has an idea of how that serum will affect someone."

"Correct." Nemu answered with a straight face unashamedly.

Kishin just smiled in amusement and defeat. "I can tell this conversation isn't going anywhere. So, given that you said you aren't here to play one of the Captain's tricks, what did you really need me for?"

Nemu put the syringe away and took out a packaged box. "Captain said that since you're going on a morning run that you should deliver the contents of this package."

Kishin gave a good look over the package. It wasn't very large and was wrapped up in a purple linen cloth. "The Captain wants me to deliver this? Where to?"

"To Captain Aizen in the 5th division. He placed an order for some items."

Kishin frowned and immediately declined. "No thanks."

"Eh? Why?"

"You're already up aren't you? Is there a reason you can't make the delivery yourself?"


"Care to elaborate."


"Then I guess Captain Aizen won't get his package."

Nemu gave a downcast look and bit her lip in shame. "I...I guess it can't be helped. Captain Aizen won't get his package."

Kishin stared at Nemu for a moment longer before closing his eyes and turned his back to her. "Lieutenant, you've attempted to use the pitying and puppy dog face on me hundreds of times in the past already. Give it up. I won't fall for it." Just as he was about to dash off he was stopped by Nemu's words. "Wait."

"What is it?"

Nemu just stared amused and confused at Kishin's back. "Are you really not going to deliver the package?"

"I'm not."

"But...then Captain Aizen really won't get his package."

"And that's my problem why?"

Nemu was at a loss for words. "Do you not care?"

Kishin just tilted his head in confusion. "Why would I care about something like that?"

"Well, Aizen is a Captain."


"Wouldn't this help your standing in the Gotei 13?"

Kishin just let out a light chuckle at Nemu's comment. "Ha-Hahaha! Help my standing? Nemu, you've known me for 8 years now. Do you really think I care about something like that?"

"Ah...I suppose not. But Aizen is a Captain. I hear he is very well respected in the Seireitei and that he is a kind man. Surely you'd like to use this opportunity to meet with him? And ummm...you can be friends with him."

Kishin just shook his head. "Let me guess. The only reason you're this pushy with trying to get me to deliver this package is because you or the Captain already doused the wrappings of the package with some sort of bacteria or weird nano device. The instant I touch it I'll have fallen for your trap."

Nemu's hands holding the package slightly twitched giving Kishin all the answers he needed.

"I thought so."

Nemu clicked her tongue. "Tch. Attempt 1,231 failed."

"Lieutenant, how many more times are we going to have to go through this?"

"You never know. One of these days I might succeed."

"Maybe...but not today."

Nemu let out a long sigh. "Haaah...If it were master then he probably would have succeeded."

"Hahaha, can't argue there. Even if the Captain says that he's interested in me he's obviously not THAT interested. He's not actually invested. He lets you do all the work. If he truly wanted to study me he would have come personally to pull his tricks. Can't say I would be able to avoid him then. To the Captain, I'm probably more like...a lottery ticket. If his number is called then he'll be happy and if not then it doesn't matter."

Nemu then unwrapped the package revealing a small box inside. "Well, since I can't get you to fall for my trick will you still deliver the item? Captain Aizen really did place an order."

Before Kishin could answer both he and Nemu were interrupted by Aizen's voice. "Oh, is that what I ordered?"

Nemu and Kishin turned their attention to where Aizen was standing. Nemu politely greeted him whilst Kishin nodded his head acknowledging Aizen's presence.

"Lieutenant Nemu, Kishin-kun. I see you both are up quite early this morning."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "It's nothing new."

Aizen picked up the box from Nemu's hands before nodding his head. "I see. Were the both of you about to deliver this to my quarters?"

Nemu immediately shook her head. "No. Actually I asked Kishin to deliver it but he refused."

Kishin inwardly cursed Nemu's straightforwardness and honesty. Aizen glanced at Kishin and simply smiled amiably. "Haha, I see. Well I don't blame you. The 5th division is quite far from the 12th division. But I must say, you've grown quite a bit since the last time we've met, Kishin-kun."

"I took some growth factor pills. That's all."

"I see, but that's not the only thing that's different about you. Your presence is quite powerful. The reiatsu being emitted off of your body is at the Captain's level. I'm impressed with your progress."

"You praise me much. Captain Aizen, did you come all the way here just to pick up your order?"

"Mn, that's right."

"I see. It's quite a far walk. You must have gotten up even earlier than us to make it all the way here."

"Yes, but I do enjoy the early mornings. The sunrises can be quite beautiful."

Just as Kishin was about to make an excuse to leave, Aizen interjected. "Kishin-kun. Would you mind walking back with me to the 5th division? I could use some company."

Kishin was about to refuse and make up an excuse when he noted that Nemu was still nearby.

Haaaah...would Nemu's honesty expose me if I make an excuse? She already knows I was going on a morning run. Guess I can't make up a different lie now.

"Ahem...actually I was about to head out on a run and practice my Shunpo."

Alright, now just leave me be Aizen. Don't accompany me. Don't accompany me. Don't accompany me.

"Oh? I see. Would you mind if I accompany you for a bit? At least until we near the 5th division?"

Kishin mentally fell on the floor after he heard Aizen's question, but kept an unchanged expression on his face. In the end he simply shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head. "Alright. That's fine with me Captain." He then turned to Nemu and quickly asked, "So, what about you Nemu? You're up early as well, care to join us?"

Nemu immediately declined. "It's alright. Captain Kurotsuchi needs me back at the lab so I'll be off."

Kishin could only inwardly sigh as he watched Nemu disappear from her spot. After he turned back to face Aizen he could only mentally curse at the smiling face of his.

Well, maybe it won't be so bad. I'll make small talk with him. I wonder if he'll let slip anything useful.

Soon they both dashed off into the distance.

Fwish! Fwish!

The cool morning air brushed against Kishin's face as he dashed through the Seireitei in the direction of the 5th division grounds at a leisurely pace, not too fast and not too slow. Aizen dashed beside him as he commented, "Ahh, the morning air feels good does it not?"

Kishin replied nonchalantly, "Mn. The morning air always wakes one up."

"I agree. By the way Kishin-kun, your reiatsu is at the Captain's level now. Have you learnt to use your Bankai yet like Captain Hitsugaya? If I recall you two are quite close."

"Well, even though I have Captain level reiatsu I'm still a long ways away from learning Bankai."

Aizen was inwardly doubtful but nodded his head. "I see."

"Captain Aizen, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"Well, since I'll have to eventually learn to wield my Bankai I was wondering if you had any tips of your own. What was Bankai training like for you?"

Aizen remained silent for a moment before replying, "In essence, to obtain one's Bankai one must be able to manifest their Zanpakuto spirit and then defeat it. For me personally, it embarrasses me to say but it took me a long time before I was even able to manifest my own Zanpakuto spirit. It took even longer before I was able to defeat my Zanpakuto and obtain Bankai."

Kishin doubted every word that Aizen spoke about himself, but nodded appreciatively. "I see. It sounds like it'll be a grueling process."

"Ah, don't worry about that Kishin-kun. You're a talented individual. I can tell. With a little bit of work I'm sure you'll master your Bankai in no time."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll just have to do my best. By the way Captain Aizen, what did you order? It must have been quite important if you came to pick it up personally."

Aizen held out the black box in his hand and replied nonchalantly, "Oh, this? Ah, actually it's nothing special. Just some stamina recovery pills for my division members to help with their training."

"Eh? You came to the 12th division just to personally pick up some stamina recovery pills? I see you treat your division members very well Captain."

Aizen sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "It's nothing that special. It's the least I can do. Everyone is always working so hard. Right, how are you liking the 12th division? You've been there for quite awhile already. Have you decided to settle in that squad?"

"I'm still thinking about it."

"I see. Well, if winds ever seem to change for you then you're always welcomed in the 5th division."

"I appreciate the sentiment and offer. I'll seriously consider it Captain."

Kishin paused in his step on top of a roof as they stood just outside the entrance to the 5th division and commented, "It appears we've arrived."

"Indeed it does. Would you like some tea before you go?"

"That's alright. I should keep to my schedule."

"Oh, I see. I apologize if my self invitation caused you to deviate from your schedule."

"There's no need for you to worry about that Captain. We still got a light jog in."

"Well then, it appears we must part."

Kishin nodded and saluted Aizen. "I'll be off then. It was a pleasure chatting with you Captain."


Kishin booked it out of there immediately afterwards with a slight frown on his face. "There's no way Aizen visited the 12th division so early in the morning just to pick up some stamina recovery pills. He must have been snooping around and did something. Maybe after his little virus was deleted all those years ago he came back to implant another one. Or maybe it's something else? Tch. And him having trouble achieving Bankai? Yeah right. What the hell could his Bankai be anyways? I still need to find a way around his Shikai ability too. I could fight him blind I guess...hahaha, yeah right. I'd probably die. Maybe...a Kido spell? But...to create an entirely new Kido...I'll have to ask Kinji."

As he thought about Kinji another thought crossed his mind as well.

"Kinji's from the Tsunayashiro family. One of the Great Noble Clans. After Isshin left Soul Society the Shiba Clan hasn't been able to recover from the loss. No one took over the Clan and it fell in status. That is, until just recently Shiba Kukaku, Kaien's younger sister took over, however they still didn't regain their status. What seems weird is how they lost their status. It...doesn't really make sense. Just randomly, one day it was announced that they were no longer considered one of the Great Noble Clans, however as far as I know the Clans hold more power than nearly any governing system in Soul Society. I hear that the Clans can even influence Central 46 so how did they just randomly lose their status? Was it due to the influence of the Shihoin, Tsunayashiro, and Kuchiki Clan? No...it can't be...right? Then again there's no other plausible explanation, but would the other Great Noble Clans do that? I can't see Yushiro having anything to do with it. He's the current head of the Shihoin Clan so I doubt he had a part to play in it. And Byakuya? It also doesn't seem too likely. Tokinada? But how can one Great Noble Clan affect another one so much?"

Kishin shook his head as he stopped right outside the Tsunayashiro Clan grounds.

Forget it. I'm not part of the Great Noble Clans. Their issues are their own. I hope Kinji is home.

He currently stood at the edge of a moat filled with clear clean water. Pretty colored koi fish of varying sizes peacefully swam about beneath the surface. There were four luxurious deep red colored bridges that connected the pieces of land separated by the moat. One bridge was stationed in each of the cardinal directions. As Kishin walked across the southern bridge a neatly paved road was stretched out before him flanked by a lush green bamboo forest on either side.

"Well, I've never actually been to the Tsunayashiro Clan grounds before but it looks nice." He commented aloud to himself.

It wasn't long before he reached the end of the road and saw a large traditional style Japanese looking compound. A large sign hung above the archway entrance that read "Tsunayashiro Clan" on it. Before he could even take a step closer he saw someone walk out from within the compound. They were roughly 186cm in height. Their body build was slim but not lanky. They were fairly pale and their face was gentle looking. Their long white hair flowed down to the middle of their back. They had deep purple colored eyes and wore a black shihakusho with a purple sash tied around their waist. A black prayer bead necklace was worn around their neck and they also wore a deep purple colored haori over their shihakusho. A familiar black and purple cane was gripped in their right hand. Kishin obviously recognized this person as Kinji.

"Kishin? This is a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Eh? Was my presence that obvious?"

Kinji just smirked as he stood before Kishin and leaned on the cane in his right hand. "With a reiatsu as powerful as yours I'd have to be dead to not notice."

"Hahaha, did my presence cause you any trouble with your clan members?"

Kinji just grinned in amusement. "Whether or not it did you wouldn't have really cared either way."

Kishin also grinned back. "It's courtesy to ask though right?"

"Hahaha, sure, sure. Since you're curious anyways then yes, your Captain level reiatsu was unfamiliar to our clan so they were highly alert."

"Should I scare them a little more?"

Kinji immediately panicked a bit inside and quickly shook his head. "Oi oi, if you flare up your ominous reiatsu here I think you'll really end up killing some of the elders in my clan."

"Oh? Have you had a change of heart towards your clan members?"

Kinji just let out a defeated sigh. "Haaaaah. You still like to tease people don't you?"

"It makes it easier to know their weaknesses."

"I can't argue with you there. So? Why the sudden visit?"

"Actually I came to see you. I'm glad you're actually here."

Kinji raised his eyebrow in curiosity and started walking into the compound as he motioned for Kishin to follow. "Let's talk inside."

"Alright. By the way Kinji, you used to be more tan. You really shut yourself indoors away from the sun huh? Are you sure the Kido Corp isn't some sort of dark cult that hides and lives in the shadows?"

Kinji just face-palmed at Kishin's comment. "They aren't! Ahem. But, I will admit that my new duties as the Lieutenant of the Kido Corp has kept me...holed up indoors for a long...while..."

Kishin just smiled amusedly to himself and continued to follow behind Kinji. The moment Kishin entered the compound he immediately raised his eyebrow in silent amusement at the quiet stares he received from the other Tsunayashiro Clan members nearby. Kinji also took notice and let out a sigh while shaking his head. "Just ignore them. There aren't very many outsiders that come to visit the Clan so you're like a rare animal that they have never seen before."

"Thanks for the lovely comparison."

Kinji just smiled. "You're welcome."

"I wasn't praising you."

"I know. Oh, well if you don't like the animal comparison then it's probably your face."

"My face? Meaning?"

"You're too handsome. Would it kill you to mark your face with a scar or something?"

"That's not what someone normally says to a friend."

"Hey, I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but please don't if that's your way of looking out for me."

"It's your fault I act like this now. Your personality rubbed off on me."

"Now that's a compliment."

Kinji just shook his head in amusement and stopped outside a luxurious looking building. It was decently sized and was a deep purple in color with black specks that sparkled off the walls. The tiled roof was black and a few large stone pillars aligned the front of the house creating a neat porch for one to relax on.

"This is your residence?"

Kinji nodded. "Yup. We can talk freely here."

They didn't waste any more time and entered the house. To the left of the entrance was a kitchen and to the right was a living area. A few feet beyond the doorway were stairs that led to an upper level and a long hallway was situated to the left of the staircase. Kinji pointed with his cane up the stairs and said, "You head on up first. Turn right after you get upstairs and you'll see a large office. We can talk there. I'll be right up."

Kishin nodded and followed the instructions. The moment he reached the office area he couldn't help but nod in approval. It was a pretty spacious room with the walls being cream colored and the floor being carpeted in royal red. The entire back wall was actually all glass windows with a wooden mahogany desk situated nearby. The entire right wall was simply made of bookshelves filled with documents, papers, and books. To the left were three black colored couches centered around a neat circular mahogany coffee table.

"Not bad...I could use an office like this one."

Kishin then heard Kinji's voice behind him. "Too bad. This one's mine."

Kishin grinned and turned around seeing Kinji roll a tray cart with various snacks and drinks on it. The both of them sat down on the couches in the room each with a cup of coffee in hand and a tray of snacks set between them on the table. Kinji took a sip of his coffee before asking, "So, you didn't come to the Tsunayashiro Clan just to say hi did you?"

Kishin shrugged his shoulders and lit a reigar.



Kinji could only grin in amusement. "You're getting a share of the profits for those reigar's right?"

"With Akon-senpai's help, thankfully yes."

"That's good. A lot of people like them."

"I never imagined they'd be so popular. I created them on a whim."

"Hahaha, don't tell me next that you saw it in a dream or something."

Kishin smirked. "Would that make me seem less cool if I said I did?"

"Not telling."

"Heh. Alright, I suppose I'll get to the main topic. I'm sure you're busy anyways."

Kinji just shook his head. "I don't mind. I may be the Lieutenant of the Kido Corp and have a lot of work to do, but I have time to spend for you."

"I feel honored."

"And you should be. I don't make time for just anyone you know."

"I know I know. I was telling the truth when I said I feel honored."

"Great! So, what's got you so troubled that you came to see me about it all the way in the Tsunayashiro Clan?"

"I wanted to ask you some things regarding Kido."

"Kido?" Kinji paused for a moment before nodding his head. "Okay...that's rare. You're really good at Kido already. What's the problem?"

Kishin took another puff of his reigar before asking, "How feasible do you think it is to create an original Kido?"

Kinji furrowed his brow immediately after hearing the question. "You want to create an original Kido?"


"It'll be tough...but not impossible. After all, that's how all the current forms of Kido came to be in the first place. Someone had to devise them, however let me guess...an original Kido made by you can't be anything as simple as some sort of mid-level Kido."

Kishin stared at his cup of coffee and took a sip before continuing, "Well, I suppose not."

"Then what kind of Kido are you trying to make? I can only give you an assessment after you tell me the effect you're trying to achieve."


"How about...a Kido that lets one teleport?"

Kinji's face slightly contorted in deep contemplation before he answered, "Well, there is a Kido spell that does that already. Its name is Kukanten'i. It was developed by the late Kido Corp Captain Tsukabishi Tessai, but use of this Kido is strictly forbidden by Central 46. There is another spell, but it's also difficult to use. Bakudo #94: Hako Okuri. With that spell you can generate a barrier around any object that you are in direct physical contact with and then teleport that object to any location that is within your sphere of reiatsu."

"I see. What about a Kido that manipulates time?"

"Hmmm...well, in that case I can think of two spells that fall under that category. One is called Jikanteishi. Another forbidden Kido that was developed by the late Captain Tsukabishi. It temporarily stops the time of all those in a certain area. It is an incredibly powerful Kido spell that requires not only an immense amount of reiryoku to use, but also control. Then there is Bakudo #87: Gyogai. This spell creates a barrier around a target that is close to you and temporarily halts the time of anything within the barrier. It's a useful spell to temporarily prevent someone's death, but it's very hard to use and master."

Kishin closed his eyes and nodded his head as he listened to Kinji's explanations. He took another puff of his reigar before asking, "What about a spell that has to do with illusions or hypnotism?"

Kinji gave a thoughtful look before sipping his coffee and answered, "There's Hakufuku. This spell can knock a target unconscious and slightly distort their memory. Then there's Bakudo #26: Kyokko. This spell can warp the light around the caster and hide not only their physical form from view, but also their reiatsu. As for a counter spell against illusions...I guess there's Bakudo #25: Noren Mekuri. This spell can rip through barrier type illusions like Bakudo #26 and reveal things that were hidden from view."

"I see...but there's no spell that can counter hallucinations, hypnotism and what not?"

"Hmmm...not that I can think of. Why? Is that the type of spell you want to develop? A counter-spell against hallucinations and hypnotism?"

"Maybe...well, how feasible do you think it'll be?"

"That depends. First off there aren't any spells that even cause hypnotism. Maybe Hakufuku, but from what you've asked me so far I'm guessing you're talking about countering against a much stronger form of hallucination and hypnotism. If that's the case then it depends on the specifics of the illusions you're trying to develop this Kido for."

Kishin gave a thoughtful look before replying, "What about countering against a type of hypnotism that aims to control and distort all of someone's senses?"

Kinji frowned as he thought about it for a moment. "That...well, I surmise that with enough reiatsu one would be able to break themselves free of the illusion in the first place but-"

Kishin cut him off as he shook his head. "No. I want to create a super powerful Kido that can counter against the worst case scenario. Say...something like an illusion that controls all of one's senses...perfectly. So well that not even their own reiatsu can break them free from it. An illusion that can control someone even if they know they are in an illusion. I want to create a counter to something like that."

Kinji raised his eyebrow both intrigued and oddly confused at Kishin's vague but seemingly specific request. "Okay...well an illusion like that is...how do I put it...overwhelmingly powerful. For someone to have that sort of power would mean that it could potentially give them the strength to control everything in their surroundings. Where'd you even get the inspiration of such a technique that you have to come up with a counter for it?"

Kishin just grinned and took another puff of his reigar. "I dreamt about it."

Kinji nearly choked on his coffee at Kishin's jabbing remark as he recalled their conversation from earlier. "You…"

Kishin just smirked. "So, does saying that I dreamt about it make me sound less cool?"

Kinji massaged the bridge of his nose. "Oddly enough, the fact that you can sit there so relaxedly and say that you dreamt it up doesn't make you look any less cool. You're just mysterious now...and weird." He inaudibly mumbled at the end.

"What was that?"

"Hahaha! Nothing. I didn't say anything."

Kishin smirked and continued, "So? What do you think? Is it plausible?"

Kinji just let out a sigh. "Haaaah. Well it's not impossible, but it'll be extremely difficult. In fact if you succeed, a spell that can remove and defend against a perfect hypnosis effect that controls all of one's senses that even reiatsu can't defend against would be an incredibly high level Kido spell. It's a spell that would have to be able to counter the control of all 5 senses at once. I'm guessing it'd be categorized as a level 80 or 90's Kido spell at the very least."

"I see...and what if I want that spell to last as a shield to constantly ward off the hallucination?"

Kinji frowned. "Jeez. What kind of dream did you have where there's a power that can constantly place you under control even after you remove it? The fact that you want to create a Kido spell that not only removes the illusionary effect, but also to create a barrier to constantly keep yourself shielded? That'd definitely be a level 90's Kido. It may start as high as a level 95 Kido spell. That's near the limit. The Kido spell that you're talking about will be incredibly complex. First off, illusions are one of the most complex things to create. It's just as difficult to counter them. Second, being affected by just one sensory illusion is already hard to deal with, but two or more? Very difficult. Especially if you want to counter them. Third, the illusion you want to counter against is, as you have described, so perfect that even if you know you're under the illusion, you can't get out and no matter how strong your reiatsu is you'll still be trapped. And finally fourth, even after all of that, you want to ensure that some sort of barrier can be erected around you to constantly ward off the illusion. That's the type of illusion counter spell you want to make."

Kishin took a moment to listen to Kinji's summary before amiably nodding his head. "Yeah. That about sums it up."

Kinji could only drop his jaw in disbelief. In the end he just let out a long defeated sigh. "Haaaah...maybe you're better off taking some sleeping pills. Your dream sounds crazy."

"Hey, I'm being serious here. Can you give me some tips at least?"

"Alright alright. Let me think. Hmmmmm...First, you'll have to think about how to protect yourself from the illusions. To prevent all 5 of your senses from being controlled I would suggest you come up with a spell that is similar to my Zanpakuto's ability."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Okay. If I recall, your Zanpakuto is called Koku No Bo. It has an ability called Tsuiho Suru that lets you create a portal sending anything it envelopes into a separate void dimension. Your ability Modoru creates another portal where you can send things in your void dimension back out into the world."

"That's right, however those aren't the abilities I'm talking about."

"Oh? Are you sure you want to reveal to me more about your Zanpakuto's abilities?"

Kinji simply shrugged his shoulders as he replied unconcernedly, "If I can't trust one of my closest friends then who can I trust?"

Kishin smirked and replied straightforwardly, "No one."

Kinji just grinned. "Haha, I expected an answer like that from you, but it's fine. I trust you anyway."

Kishin couldn't help but clench his fist a bit and was inwardly happy that Kinji would place so much trust in him. It was another feeling that he never had the chance to experience before. In the end he nodded and seriously replied, "Alright, I'll keep your ability between us."

"I know you will. This ability of mine is called Utsuro. In essence it's a technique where I semi-erase my existence. Although I can still be seen while using this technique I can't be affected by anything. Physical attacks, Kido, time, spatial distortions, anything that would affect my senses, sight, smell, taste, touch, it would be unable to interact with me. The obvious drawback to this technique is that those around me would still be able to see me, however they can't sense me or hear me. Think of it as me becoming a living hologram. Everything would phase through me, but I can still be seen. Another drawback is that I can't interact with anything either when I use this technique. My physical attacks, Kido, reiatsu, nothing I use while this ability is active will interact with anything either. Anyways, it's a great defensive and support technique of mine that can save my life if I'm ever in a pinch. When you try to devise your Kido, I would urge you to think of a way to model it after this technique."

Kishin narrowed his eyes a bit in focus as he took in the information Kinji just gave him. By now his reigar had already dissipated into thin air so he lit another one and took a puff. "I see...to make a Kido spell that can isolate my senses in a certain range...that...might work…"

Kinji smiled and continued, "The second thing you need to consider is how large scale or small scale the technique should be in order to function properly. This you can only test with trial and error. Third, you need to consider what form and shape the spell will look like to help you bring the Kido into being. The fourth thing you need to consider is...will the spell you devise be feasible within the limits of what Shinigami can perform."

Kishin furrowed his brow at Kinji's statement. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, there is a limit to the strength of a Shinigami. Within the realm of Kido at least. You should know this as well since you're one of the greatest Kido users I know. Level 99 is the highest level Kido spell devised. Do you know why? Because that is the limit a Shinigami's soul can take. At least as far as what has been known and discovered currently. Anything higher than level 99 and the amount of power it would require would begin to cause the soul to deteriorate. You once told me about the former 12th division Captain Urahara Kisuke. Before he was exiled his research on how to strengthen a Shinigami's soul was sanctioned by the Soul Society. Although the research didn't produce the results Soul Society wanted it remains a fact that Soul Society is aware of the limits a Shinigami's soul can take. If the research had been successful then I'm sure that Kido would not be limited to 99. Anyways, it is because there seems to be a limit that there were attempts made to try and get around this limit. That created two more separate categories of Kido. The first is Ura Kido. In other words, Hidden Kido. And the second is forbidden Kido. Even I don't know what the Hidden Kido's are. I only know that they exist. My guess is that if I can be promoted to Captain of the Kido Corps then I'll come to learn what these Hidden Kido's are. For now what I do know is that they are only known to very few people and are quite powerful. As for forbidden Kido, to try and get around the limit of a Shinigami's soul these Kidos aim to utilize the energy in the surrounding world and dimensions. Kido is usually supplemented by the caster's reiryoku, however forbidden Kido not only uses the caster's reiryoku, but it also taps into various mechanisms of the very nature and fabric of the world. So...just be mindful of these things when you're trying to create your Kido."

Kishin took a puff of his reigar before closing his eyes and nodding in appreciation. "Thanks, Kinji. Don't worry, I'll do my best."

Kinji just let out a sigh. "Haaah...that's why I'm worried."

Kishin just gave his signature toothy grin. "So, is there anything else I need to consider?"

Kinji gave a good long stare at Kishin before he let out a sigh and held out his hand. Kishin smirked and took out a reigar from his chest pocket as Kinji lit one for himself. As Kinji took a puff he then gave Kishin a serious look. "If you really want to create such a high level Kido then there is one last thing you need to accomplish. The fifth and last requirement is that you at least master a Kido in the level 90's."

Kishin furrowed his brow and let out a sigh. "I thought you might say that."

"Obviously. So, tell me. What level Kido spell are you able to use as of right now?"

Kishin stared out the window for a moment in silence and contemplation before replying, "As of right now...Bakudo #84 is the best feat I can manage."

Kinji nodded his head in approval. "That's actually impressive. Just so you know you can think of it like this. Learning level 88 Kido and beyond is like trying to learn and master a Bankai. It'll take some time, but you'll get there."

"Tch. What about you? Kido Corp Lieutenant?"

Kinji sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he replied, "I'm not that great."

"It's me. There's no need to be so modest and humble Kinji. Just be straight with me."

"Ahem. Then...I'm currently working on a level 90 Kido."

"Eh? So you're already working on spells that high? Tsk. Looks like I need to work harder. If we really compare the complexity of learning level 88 Kido to that of learning Bankai then...I suppose we can say that you've already stepped into that realm of strength."

Kinji just shrugged his shoulders. "You can say that, but it's truly difficult. It'll be a long while before I can use Kido in the 90's, but once I do I have a feeling that I'll finally be promoted and recognized as the new Captain of the Kido Corps."

The two of them remained seated and continued talking and chatting the rest of the day away in peace and quiet.


Reivice: A small hand held black colored cube that can analyze and store reishi matter. It cannot store things that exhibit reiatsu or the device will break. It also can't store living things or things with a soul. It is an object that was created by Akon. (Kishin wears a modified Reivice in the form of a black cross-shaped earring on his left ear)

Reigar: Similar appearance to a cigarette. It is made completely of reishi and can be ignited by generating a small Kido flame at the end of the reigar. When lit, one can inhale the smoke of the reigar and the reiryoku component within will be absorbed through the lungs diffusing into the Soul's body and restores that individual's reiryoku reserves. Although the amount that is restored is miniscule. The excess reishi matter of the smoke is exhaled back into the atmosphere.

Nagajuban: Simple robe/shirt worn beneath a kimono.

Obi: A sash that as usually worn along with traditional Japanese uniforms/kimono outfits.

Kinji's Zanpakuto: Koku No Bo (Staff of the Void)Release Command: FadeShikai Design: A long 2 meter black staff with purple marking patterns engraved all along the shaft. The top of the staff is shaped with a black circle and three purple crescent shaped blades. One crescent blade protrudes from the left of the circle, one on top of the circle, and one on the right of the circe. On the bottom of the staff is one long black colored crescent shaped blade. The joint where the crescent blade connects to the bottom of the staff has three purple colored circular rings attached to it.Shikai Ability:Tsuiho Tsuru (Banish): With the top of Kinji's staff he can create portals that sends anything it envelopes into a separate dimension unique to himself.Modoru (Return): With the bottom of Kinji's staff he can create portals that lets him send anything within his void dimension back into the outside world.Utsuro (Be Empty/Be Hollow): Both ends of Kinji's staff emits a purple glow and temporarily removes his existence from the world. In this state he is unaffected by things from any other dimension both physical and non-physical. The drawback is that he also cannot interact with or effect anything in the world either. He can also still be seen by those around him.

Kido:-Bakudo #25: Noren Mekuri (Curtain Stripping)-Bakudo #26: Kyokko (Bending Light)-Bakudo #94: Hako Okuri (Farewell Box)

Unnumbered Kido:-Hakufuku (White Crawl)

Forbidden Kido:-Kukanten'i (Spacial Rift)-Jikanteishi (Temporal Stasis)