
Into the World of Bleach

Not Mine https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13518332/1/

natlin1999 · Theater
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 17: Achieving Bankai

AN: Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. Not much to say today, just as always, thank you for your reviews, for reading, and always, for your support!

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 17

It was currently early in the morning of Soul Society. The sun was already out and cast its light across the Seireitei lighting it aglow with a warm gentle heat. It seemed to be the start of a peaceful day, however in this moment it didn't quite seem that way in the 13th division barracks. Currently dashing throughout the division grounds were both Kiyone and Sentaro. The two 3rd ranked officers of the 13th division. They ran from one end of the barracks to the other end in what seemed to be a frantic search.

It was also at this moment that Rukia had finally finished dressing herself and left her bedroom. There were days when she spent her nights at the division barracks and days when she spent them at the Kuchiki manor. Last night she had obviously spent it at the division barracks. The moment she stepped foot outside onto the division grounds she was startled and jolted fully awake by the feeling of having her shoulders grasped by Kiyone's hands. Her eyes widened in shock and awkwardness at their close proximity as she simply waited for Kiyone to catch her breath.

After several seconds passed by Rukia hesitantly asked, "K-Kiyone-senpai. W-What's wrong?"

Once more Kiyone fought to catch her breath. Huff. Huff. Huff. Pheeeew… After getting her breathing under control she stared Rukia in the eyes with a look of hope. "Rukia! You're close with Kishin right? You should know then!"

Rukia awkwardly scratched the side of her cheek in confusion. "Aha...know what?"

"Know where he is!"

Rukia just gave a blank stare at Kiyone for a moment not registering what she was talking about. She pointed to herself just to make sure that Kiyone was truly speaking to her and questioned, "Me?"

Kiyone furiously nodded her head. "That's right. Surely you know where the Lieutenant's gone off too!"

Rukia blinked a few times, having no idea what Kiyone was going on about, however...then it hit her. She quickly recalled the conversation she had with Kishin yesterday after he returned from visiting the 2nd division.

Flash Back To Yesterday

"Kishin? You're back?"

Kishin just grinned and nodded. "Yeah. Got what I needed."

Rukia just gave him a confused glance. "What did you get?"

"Hehe, secret."

She pouted at his answer and quietly mumbled, "When did you learn to keep secrets…"

"Hahaha, when did you ever think I wasn't keeping secrets?"

"Tch. You were cuter back then…" She silently grumbled to herself.

Kishin just smirked in amusement. "What was that?"

"Nothing. I was just saying that you sure have grown up. You don't even call me senpai anymore."

"Hahaha, if it'll make you feel better then…" He bent down by Rukia's ear and whispered teasingly, "Senpai…"

His warm breath and deep voice caused her body to slightly tremble. Not in a repulsive kind of way, but in a warm fuzzy feeling kind of way. She quickly stepped aside from Kishin and placed up her hands to keep him at arms length away. "Y-You...you still like to tease people I see. You may have grown but your personality is the same as always."

He just gave her a toothy grin. "Wouldn't it be boring otherwise?"

"Hmpf. Maybe you can use a little boring."

"Hahaha, be honest Rukia-senpai. It was boring without me around wasn't it?"

She was about to retort, however she couldn't deny that after most of the 13th division learnt of Kishin's return that things in the division seemed to become more lively. Even more so after word spread of his promotion as their new Lieutenant. Rukia on the other hand felt a little conflicted deep down inside. She was ecstatic that Kishin finally came back, though she refused to openly tell him that less she give him some more ammunition to use against her. He was the only one that didn't solely recognize her by her status as a member of the Kuchiki Clan, therefore he was always open with her and didn't harshly judge her.

She knew that due to her average, perhaps even below average Shinigami skills that people mostly acknowledged her due to her status. It bothered her more than she liked to admit. She knew her power wasn't worthy of the Kuchiki Clan name. It also bothered her that she knew for a fact that if she didn't have the Kuchiki Clan name tied to her, she'd practically be a nobody. But Kishin didn't judge her worth by her adopted Clan name and it was a liberating feeling. He judged her as she was. Simply herself. Ever since she took on the Kuchiki Clan name it was both a blessing and a curse, but when she was around Kishin she could just be herself. She didn't need to be a stoic, cold, calm, collected, graceful, and a well-spoken individual. She could talk, do, and act freely. Even when she first met Kishin all those years ago as a kid he didn't see her as a "Kuchiki." He saw her as Rukia. He even asked her to teach him and wanted to spend time together and never once was it because she bore the name Kuchiki. As for the reason why she felt conflicted? It was because of Kishin's position as the new Lieutenant. She was still haunted by the death of Kaien.

Kishin slightly frowned when he noticed Rukia's crestfallen expression. A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes as he bent down and commented, "Where's my present?"

His question caught her off guard. She was immediately distracted and confused. "What present?"

He smirked at his success noticing her expression return to normal. "Well, don't I get two presents?"

"Wait, first you ask about a present and now you're asking for two? What for?"

"Isn't it obvious? The first one is for finally returning to the division after being gone for so long. Didn't you miss me?"

Rukia's jaw nearly dropped to the ground at his answer. "D-Do you have no shame saying stuff like that!" She exclaimed. Her cheeks lightly flushed since she couldn't outright deny the fact that she did miss his presence.

Her reaction only made Kishin grin. "So? My present?"

"I-Idiot! When did you become so materialistic?"

"But I'm not?"

"Then why are you asking for a present?"

"My present doesn't have to be physical."

Rukia raised her eyebrow in curiosity. "Then...what do you want?"

Once more Kishin grinned as he caught her in his trap. "Tell me you missed me."

Rukia's face turned tomato red. "Y-Y-You want what?!"

He just gave her a triumphant look. "I want you to hear you say, 'Kishin, I really really really missed you! I'm so glad that you're back! Never leave again!' Just like that."

Rukia immediately kicked his shin causing him to let out a groan. "Ugh!"

She tried to glare furiously at him, but her flushed cheeks didn't help her case. "T-That's impossible for me."

Kishin put on his best hurtful expression. He clutched his shin where she kicked him and lowered his head to the ground staring off to the side completely dejected. "I see...so you didn't miss me at all."

Rukia gritted her teeth. She knew he was only acting. After all, she spent 5 years during Kishin's early days teaching, reading, playing, and spending time with him. They exchanged letters from time to time after he left the division to remain in contact as well. Nevertheless his acting was always too good. She couldn't help feeling that she wronged him so she let out a defeated sigh. "I...I missed you..." She whispered.

Kishin definitely wouldn't have heard her if he didn't have such good hearing. He immediately beamed and stood back up. "I missed you too! Rukia."

She blushed once more and turned her back to him. "Hmpf. There. I said it. Are you happy now?"

Kishin just had a mischievous smile plastered on his face. "Now for present number two."

She turned back around with an incredulous look. "You still want more?!"

"Well, this one is for my promotion to Lieutenant."

She squinted her eyes at him with a wary look. "And exactly what are you asking for this time?"

He bent a little lower and pointed to his cheek. "How about...a good luck kiss?"


"Ow!" He groaned out as Rukia smacked him on the head.

"You're impossible!" She huffed out.

Kishin just rubbed his head in amusement.

She's honestly the only one who dares to hit me like this. I hope that never changes. Ahem...I am by no means a masochist.

He stared at her grumbling inaudibly to herself and couldn't help the involuntary smile on his lips.

Guess she's feeling better now. That's good.

He let out a satisfied sigh and began walking off. Rukia quickly turned to see his retreating form and inquired, "Where are you heading off to now?"

Kishin just waved his hand in the air and replied nonchalantly, "I know that I was just promoted to Lieutenant of the 13th division so no doubt I have a lot of work to do, but...can you tell Kiyone and Sentaro to keep up the work they have been doing for a few more days? I have something I need to do that requires my full attention for a bit so I won't be around. I promise I'll do my job properly when I come back. Thanks!"

It took a few seconds for Rukia to register what he just said before she widened her eyes in shock and disbelief. She immediately dashed after him and began to shout, "WA-" However it was too late.

She watched as Kishin had instantly vanished from her sight. His presence disappeared completely causing her to stand alone within the division grounds completely confused. "What the...how could he...I mean he just…"

In the end a thick vein popped off on her forehead as she clenched her hands into an angry fist shouting to no one in particular. "You cheeky brat! You're making fun of me aren't you? You can't just dump something that important on me and then disappear! Come back here!"

End Flashback

Once more Rukia turned her attention to Kiyone's inquiring eyes unsure of what to say.

Haha...he was actually serious about being gone for a few days…

Rukia cleared her throat before addressing Kiyone. "Ahem...errr...how to put this…"

Kiyone just eagerly nodded her head. "Yes? Go on. Where is he?"

Rukia just awkwardly rubbed the back of her head. "Kishi-I mean...Lieutenant Chigetsu said that he had something important to do and that it required his full attention. He said that when he returns he promises to perfectly fulfill the tasks and responsibilities as the Lieutenant of the 13th division. Until then he uhhh...he hopes that you and Sentaro-senpai will continue to excellently perform the duties required of the Captain and Lieutenant."

A thick vein popped on Kiyone's forehead as she involuntarily gripped Rukia's shirt tighter and tighter. "T-That. Little. BRAT!"

Rukia awkwardly and nervously let out a light laugh. "Aha...hahaha...errr...Kiyone-senpai?"

Kiyone glared at Rukia and involuntarily answered in a stern and annoyed voice. "What?!"

Rukia immediately swallowed down her words and just stared off to the side. "N-Nothing. It's nothing."


Deep within the Sokyoku training grounds currently stood a clueless Kishin as to what was going on in the 13th division. Instead he lightly stretched his muscles and let out a relaxed yawn as he stood in the middle of the rocky terrain. With a quick snap of his fingers his cross-shaped earring gave off a dark light before the Tenshintai that he stored inside of it reappeared before him. He gave it a once over before his expression turned serious.

"Tenshintai. Otherwise known as the Divine Transfer Body. According to records it was developed by Urahara-san and kept deep within the Onmitsukido weapon barracks. A tool used to forcefully materialize one's Zanpakuto to accelerate learning one's Bankai. And in order to learn Bankai one has to defeat and subjugate their Zanpakuto spirit. Supposedly it shouldn't be used for more than 3 days, and records show that the only person who was ever able to successfully achieve Bankai by this training method was Urahara himself. Well...I suppose according to what I know Ichigo also succeeded."

After taking a moment to prepare himself for a grueling fight he positioned the plain looking white colored humanoid doll in front of him. He smirked and said to no one in particular, "Well then. Let's get started."


He unsheathed his Zanpakuto and stabbed the Tenshintai causing an abrupt flash of light to emerge from the doll. A giant cloud of crimson red fog and smoke erupted from the humanoid object before completely disappearing. In its place was instead a 1.9 meter tall creature. It was precisely Kishin's Zanpakuto spirit, Sekiken Zansatsu, however there were key differences to its form then from the last time. It was still fair skinned and looked remarkably similar to Kishin. On top of that it was still completely bare chested which exposed its slim and well defined muscles. Zansatsu still wore a red tattered hakama, however that hakama now had a black colored tint to it with some black streak marks that it didn't have before. It was still held to its waist by a black chain and a long tail still protruded behind him with a sharp dagger-like tip. His hair was still long and red, flowing down to his waist, but there were also some black highlights present now. His eyes had also slightly changed. They were now completely black with blood red irises where before they were completely blood red. This change was also a bit different from the eye coloration of a vast majority of other Hollows as most hollows or hollowfied beings had a completely black sclera with yellow irises. Black obsidian colored shackles were strapped around his neck, wrists, and ankles. That part didn't change. Neither did the tattoos of a red crescent moon on his forehead and the red lotus flower patterns on his back, hands, and feet. On the side of his head however, he now had a long black jagged horn protruding from the right side while on the left side was a black broken jagged horn. The last noticeable physical change were its semi-long sharp nails that were now pure black in color.

Kishin slightly furrowed his brow as he took in Zansatsu's changed appearance from the last time they met. After a moment of observing his Zanpakuto he commented, "So this is what you look like after merging with my Hollow. You went into a sort of incubation period after I defeated the Hollow during the time I unlocked the Shikai, so I didn't get a good look at the time."

Zansatsu simply smirked, showing off his sharp row of teeth. His voice was semi-deep and mellow sounding, but it now had a Hollow-like echo to it when he spoke. "Well well, you're a bit hasty aren't you?"

Kishin simply grinned right back in response. "I don't think so. I've trained with my Shikai for more than 10 years now. I think I'm ready to learn my Bankai."

"Hah! Bankai huh? Did you really have to resort to this cheap little tool? It's uncomfortable inhabiting such an object."

"That so? Sorry but you'll have to bear with it for a bit. Or...You could always give up. That'll make things go faster."

Zansatsu simply grinned in amusement. "You think learning Bankai will be that easy?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "It could be if you gave up."

"You seriously haven't changed much."

"You would know best."

"Hahahaha! You're right. I would. Since you forced me to take this form then you know the condition for learning Bankai don't you?" Zansatsu rhetorically asked.

Kishin just nodded with seriousness. "I'm prepared."

"Good. The process may slightly differ for each individual but the end result is the same, however I'm warning you now, young master. If you don't defeat me you'll die."

Kishin narrowed his eyes in focus. "Always so violent aren't you?"

"Hahaha! You only have yourself to blame for that."

Red smoke soon appeared before both Zansatsu and Kishin. The smoke then slowly transformed into liquid blood before finally turning into the Shikai release state. Both of them gripped the katana in their hands as Zansatsu narrowed his eyes with seriousness. "What I'm about to say is redundant since you probably already know, but I'll say it anyways. Most others who face their Zanpakuto will usually become heavily injured if they lose, however...should you lose to me young master you will die. Period."

Kishin tightened his grip on his Zanpakuto and responded with confidence. "Then kill me. If you can."

Zansatsu simply smirked. "That's my line!" He then immediately disappeared in a flash prompting Kishin to do the same.

Fwish! Boom! Bang! Boom!

Ting! Cling! Clang! Cling!

Whoosh! Boom! Bang!

In only several short moments they had exchanged dozens and dozens of strikes. Each one precise, each one incredibly accurate, and each one extremely deadly. Kishin focused all of his mental power on the battle against Zansatsu. He didn't dare goof around when facing his Zanpakuto, after all he knew just how deadly his own power was. Both of their swords were in the Shikai release state and that meant getting cut even once with the wrong end of the blade could spell a disaster for either of them.

He quickly parried a strike to his knee before countering with an upward slash to Zansatsu's chest.

Ting! Whoosh!

His attack missed as Zansatsu expertly dodged backwards, but he didn't let up on his assault. He stepped forward and slashed down at Zansatsu's chest only to have his attack parried. This left him open for an attack so he quickly spun to his right to avoid a piercing sword thrust aimed at his own chest. As he turned he used the torquing momentum to increase the power of his sword attack aiming right for Zansatsu's neck, but Zansatsu expertly ducked downwards to avoid getting his head cut off.


The loud sound of Kishin's sword swinging and slicing through the air echoed in the giant room. He frowned and quickly flexed the muscles in his arms to stop his swinging blade from overshooting allowing him to keep a good control in switching sword stances.

Ting! Klang! Cling!

Metal sparks flew in the air from the clashing of their blades. Loud high pitched shrieking noises of metal sliding against metal rang on the training field. So far the fight between them seemed pretty even. Neither one currently held the upper hand. Both of their Zanjutsu skills and techniques were incredibly similar, which Kishin had of course expected. He quickly raised his sword in an upward slash meeting Zansatsu's downward slash.


The force generated from the meeting of their blades caused a powerful ripple of air to pulse out from the center. Kishin immediately weakened his hold for a brief moment and tilted his blade down to the left just slightly while still keeping his blade in contact with Zansatsu's. This caused the heavy pressure of Zansatu's blade to slide down and off to the side throwing him a bit off balance. Kishin smirked and immediately pushed out with his blade now throwing Zansatsu completely off balance and wide open to attack. Without hesitation he swung his sword in a horizontal arc aiming right for Zansatsu's chest, however Zansatsu expertly responded by leaning back and letting his entire body fall to the floor. Kishin's attack had missed.

Before Kishin could follow up, Zansatsu's dagger-like tail flung out at Kishin's leg forcing Kishin to jump backwards in order to escape being captured. This bought Zansatsu enough time to reorient itself into a standing position, however Kishin was no slouch. The moment his feet touched the ground again he blurred and disappeared in a flash of Shunpo.


The moment he appeared by Zansatsu's side he slashed with his sword. "Shitsuyona Shukketsu!"

Zansatsu widened his eyes in shock and quickly dashed away while swinging his sword to defend himself.



Blood spurted out as Zansatsu landed back on the ground. A decently sized cut marred his back. Blood seeped out from it and the wound began to grow larger and larger. In the end Zansatsu could only grin in respect for his young master's skill in combat. "Not bad young master. Not bad at all. You got me."

Kishin just furrowed his brow and shook his head. "Not quite. You reacted pretty fast there. I meant to cut you with the front of the blade, not the back."

Zansatsu just let out a light chuckle. "Hahaha, never. If I'm going to be cut then there's no way I'd let you cut me with the front edge. You and I both know that the match would come to a short end should either one of us get hit with that ability."

They didn't waste anymore superfluous words and continued on with their battle. Kishin attacked with a series of slashes, strikes, thrusts, cuts, stabs, and counters. Just as Kishin slashed out with his sword, Zansatsu expertly defended with the incredibly hard metal shackle on his left wrist while infusing his blood and reiatsu into his blade.

Kishin widened his eyes in shock and immediately Shunpo'd backwards as he heard Zansatsu shout, "Saku!"

Kishin struck out with his blade to defend against the powerful crimson crescent reiatsu infused blood attack.


A loud noise from the initial impact of the blood crescent blade against Kishin's sword rang with a crisp loud noise. Then a high pitched grinding noise of metal on metal was emitted from the contact of Kishin's sword pushing against the reinforced blood crescent blade. The force behind the attack was too powerful and sent him flying through the air. He gritted his teeth as the momentum of Zansatsu's attack didn't stop. In the end he managed to twist his body and escape the deadlocked position he was forced into.

Just as he prepared to defend against the attack once more knowing that Zansatsu could still change the trajectory of the attack, he slightly furrowed his brow and noted that instead of redirecting the attack at him, Zansatsu caused the attack to return. He watched as Zansatsu held out its blade and reabsorbed the attack back into the sword.

Kishin raised his eyebrow, greatly intrigued. "That's a neat trick. You didn't teach me that one."

Zansatsu just smirked. "Well you're learning it now aren't you?"

Kishin could only grin at Zansatsu's cunningness.

This bastard never told me I could reabsorb the blood I used for an attack by simply redirecting the attack back at myself. Then again, now that I think about it it does make sense.

Kishin was brought out of his thoughts as he and Zansatsu reengaged in their close quarter sword fight.

Ting! Cling! Ting!

Clink! Clank!

As their swords were held in a deadlock against one another Kishin commented through gritted teeth and heavy breath, "So instead of redirecting Saku to chase after the enemy you can reabsorb the technique back into the blade. What other secrets of the Shikai did you keep from me?"

Zansatsu just gave a toothy grin in response. "Secrets? I didn't keep any secrets from you. Even though you've trained with the Shikai for over 10 years there is still room for improvement. The little trick I pulled just now isn't anything special. You just never realized that you could do it. Or rather you never tried."

"I see. You used the 4th technique of the Shikai's ability. That way when you use your blood to attack the enemy, if it isn't guaranteed to injure them, then to not weaken yourself throughout the battle you reabsorb the blood."

"As expected of you young master. You already deduced how it was possible. That's right. The 4th ability of the Shikai is called Nomu. It's more of a passive ability where every time you cut your target the blade will absorb some of their blood and store it inside the lotus flowers of the hilt."

Kishin tightened his grip on the hilt of his katana as he continued to push back against Zansatsu's blade. "Right. And as long as the blade is in contact with a target's blood I can turn Nomu's passive ability into a more active one where I speed up the rate at which I can absorb a target's blood. I can continue to take in and absorb the blood around me until all 10 of the lotus flowers are full. I can then absorb the blood stored in the lotus flowers to replenish my own blood loss or even use the blood stored in the flowers instead of my own to act as the base of the Shikai's techniques."

Zansatsu nodded. "And since this ability absorbs blood, your blood is no different, young master. The blade can obviously reabsorb your own blood back into itself, however the reiatsu that is expended for the attack can't be reabsorbed."


They both disengaged from one another as Kishin stared thoughtfully at Zansatsu in the distance. "I see. I should've known. Are you sure there aren't anymore tricks you'd like to show me?"

Zansatsu just grinned. "The Tenshintai will run out of time with all this questioning don't you think?"

Zansatsu quickly stabbed the ground where his blood kept leaking out by the wound that Kishin had inflicted on him earlier. The blade began to absorb all of the blood it was in contact with helping Zansatsu conserve as much of his own strength as possible. Two of the lotus flowers on Zansatsu's Zanpakuto began to glow a brighter and brighter red.

In the end Kishin just smirked and commented, "You're right. The Tenshintai time limit will run out if this goes on. Whether or not you've got anymore tricks up your sleeve, I've got tricks of my own."

Zansatsu frowned, however in the next moment he widened his eyes in shock and understanding as he heard Kishin shout, "Bakudo #62: Hyapporankan!"

Fwish! Fwish! Fwish! Fwish!

Instantly a hundred white blue rods flew through the air aiming to restrain Zansatsu who could only dodge and slash his sword to avoid being hit. "Hahaha! I've got to hand it to you young master! Looks like I'll have to pull all the stops in order to compete against you."

Bang! Cling! Clang!

Their fierce battle continued to rage on.

2 days later

Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff.

Kishin laid flat on his back heavily panting for air on the ground. He was completely drenched in both sweat and blood. Large gashes and cuts marred his body all over as he stared at the fake blue sky plastered on the ceiling above. Laying beside him was Zansatsu who had Kishin's sword pierced in his heart. Zansatsu's tail had been cut in half and he was also missing an arm. In the end Zansatsu simply smirked and let out a loud laugh. "Ha! Hahahahaha! Not bad! Not bad at all young master! You actually won. Congratulations on achieving Bankai."

Kishin could only grin as his muscles ached all over his body. "You bastard. You really did almost kill me."

Zansatsu also grinned. "I warned you beforehand."

A moment of peaceful silence filled the air between them before Kishin turned his head to see that Zansatsu was slowly disappearing returning into the white doll looking Tenshintai object. Before Zansatsu completely disappeared he made one final comment.

"Young master, although you've learnt how to activate the Bankai, don't use THAT technique. You aren't ready for it yet."

Kishin lazily closed his eyes and slightly nodded. "Ah...Got it. I know my limits."


Zansatsu finally completely disappeared leaving only the dull white doll of the Tenshintai lying next to Kishin. The terrain from their battle had become completely devastated. Giant craters and cracks were everywhere, however the one place that remained absolutely untouched was the hot spring to which Kishin was slowly crawling over to at this moment.

"Ugh." He groaned as he slowly dragged his injured body over to the healing hot spring. During the entire fight he had absolutely avoided this place for obvious reasons. The minute he reached the edge of the warm pool of water he didn't even bother undressing and simply plunged himself into the hot bath. A few moments later and he resurfaced already beginning to feel better.

"Haaaah...a hot bath after nearly dying is definitely the best."

He soaked in the water for nearly an hour before redressing himself in a new pair of clothes that he kept stored in his earring. He took one more glance at the devastating landscape before shrugging his shoulders and left.

"I don't think Yoruichi would appreciate what I did to the place where she and Urahara-san trained as kids, but...oh well. Not like they're using it anymore."


He arrived just outside the 13th division barracks and took in a deep breath. "Kiyone and Sentaro are probably angry huh?"

He placed a reigar between his lips, however he didn't light it and simply walked inside. The moment he stepped foot into the grounds, as he expected, he was met by the two 3rd seat officers.

"Oi! Lieutenant! Where the hell have you been?! Eh? A-And that reigar? How could you even smo-"

Kishin quickly placed his hands over Kiyone's mouth effectively silencing her before responding amiably, "Alright alright. I apologize for disappearing so suddenly. But hey, I was only gone for like 2 days." He then placed his reigar in front of her face and continued, "See? Not even lit. It just feels comfortable to have one. So? What did I miss while I was gone?"

It was Sentaro who answered as he simply let out a deep sigh. "Haaaaaah...Lieutenant, it's good that you're back. Since you just became the Lieutenant not long ago you should first familiarize yourself with the paperwork that's required of you. After that you should familiarize yourself with the Captain's duties. Then you should at least visit Karakura Town once to get a good understanding of the place since it's the jurisdiction of the 13th division to oversee it. You should also take some time to try and get to know the other Lieutenants of the other divisions at some point."

Kishin nodded his head appreciatively towards Sentaro and began to walk off. Kiyone pouted and crossed her arms before asking, "Where are you going?"

"I'm glad you asked. I have no idea."

Both Kiyone and Sentaro nearly tripped over themselves at Kishin's comment. In the end Kishin halted his step and turned back his attention to them. "So...can one of you show me where the Lieutenant's office is supposed to be?"

Sentaro glanced over to Kiyone and whispered with disbelief, "I-Is the 13th division going to be alright?"

Kiyone could only scratch the side of her cheek unassuredly. "You're asking the wrong person Sentaro."

Kishin obviously overheard them and just cleared his throat. "Ahem. Don't worry. Didn't Rukia relay my message to both of you? Like I said. I promised to properly fulfill my duties as the Lieutenant when I returned. Plus, don't you trust the Captain's judgement? Anyways less dilly dallying."

In the end Kiyone and Sentaro just let out a sigh and showed Kishin to his new official quarters. His new place was situated on the eastern side of the division grounds. It was a fairly large and elongated building with plenty of space inside. In front of the building was a neatly trimmed and well paved garden while to the left of the building was a small grassy training ground. Behind the building was an artificially carved out pond that had colorful looking koi fish swimming inside. Kishin was mildly surprised as he didn't recall there being such an extravagant looking place back when he was living with the division all those years ago.

As if Kiyone knew what he was thinking she grinned and proudly commented, "Hehe, not bad huh? Apparently the Captain thinks really highly of you. He said that one day you would return to the division as the Lieutenant and so he's been carefully maintaining this place for you. He wanted you to feel at home when you came back."

Kishin felt a warm bubbly feeling well up inside of him. Something that he never felt before. It was a strange emotion for him to feel and he couldn't quite place his hand on how to describe it. He was literally speechless for a few moments before he snapped out of it and replied embarrassedly, "Ahem. I-I see. It seems even when I wasn't around I caused the Captain some trouble…"

Sentaro let out a light chuckle and amiably slapped Kishin's back. "Bwuahahaha! Nonsense! Obviously Kiyone and I didn't let the Captain do the work. The moment the Captain began working on renovations we did all of the heavy lifting and labor."

Kiyone nodded in agreement. "That's right! We would never let the Captain do something so tedious as redecorating or cutting the grass."

Kishin could only awkwardly glance at the two 3rd ranked officers, a bit baffled at their attitude.

These two are...how to put it...are they masochists or something? When it comes to the Captain they're a bit...over the top.

In the end Kiyone and Sentaro left after explaining a few things, finally leaving Kishin all alone. The moment he walked inside the building he noted the cool air conditioned room and the well polished wooden floor. It was a long rectangular room. Centered near the back wall of the room situated on the long side was an office desk and chair. To the right of the desk down towards the end of the room were several bookshelves. Some bookshelves were empty and some were already filled with books and documents. There were also couches and a coffee table centered in between nearby. To the left of the desk on the other end of the large room was an empty space left for Kishin to do whatever he wished with it. He grinned and nodded appreciatively to himself.

"Seems like the Captain put a lot of thought into the design. He remembers I like to read so he added bookshelves with books, but he didn't want to overdecorate and left most of the room for me to customize things to my liking."

He slowly walked over to the right of the desk and opened a large sliding screen door that led right to the backyard where the pond of koi fish was centered. A large oak tree provided shade nearby. Kishin stood on the edge of the door taking a moment to relish the soft wind that breezed through the air and decided to leave the sliding door open. Just as he walked over to the bookshelves to see what kinds of books were stored within he heard some footsteps right outside the building. Since the entrance door wasn't closed that person waltzed right in and shouted, "Oi! Kishin! You really left for TWO whole days?! I thought you were joking around?"

Without turning to look who it was he continued browsing the books with an amused smile on his face. "Yo! Rukia-senpai."

Rukia just let out a defeated sigh at his nonchalant attitude. "Haaah...where did you go anyways?"

Kishin picked up a book off the shelf and brought it over to one of the comfortable couches nearby taking a seat. "Curious?"

A thick vein popped on her forehead at his dodgy way of answering. "You really never give a straight answer do you?"

Kishin closed the book just as quickly as he opened it. The sound from him closing the book made a loud snapping noise.


The abruptness of his actions momentarily startled Rukia, but Kishin just grinned and pointed to the seat opposite of him. "Relax Rukia. It's just me. Didn't mean to scare you."

Rukia furrowed her brow, slightly unsure of what Kishin was planning. She wasn't sure if her heart could take the rollercoaster of emotions that Kishin always took her on. One moment he'd be teasing her, in another he'd be consoling her, then another moment later he'd encourage her. It didn't stop there. In one sitting with Kishin he could make her feel nervous, anxious, happy, sad, angry, frustrated, scared, intimidated, safe, and amazed. When she heard the book suddenly snap in Kishin's hands she had absolutely no idea which Kishin she'd be facing.

As if Kishin could tell what was going through her mind he stood up and disappeared in a flash before her eyes. Then, without warning he lightly tapped the book in his hand on top of her head.

"Ow." She reflexively cried out.

Kishin just smirked and waved the book in front of her face. "Earth to Rukia. You there?"

She gave him a glare. "What'd you do that for?"

"Hahaha! To snap you out of your scary thoughts."

"What scary thoughts?"

"Your face was scrunched up like you were worried and amused all at once. Honestly you'll get wrinkles and age faster if you keep that up."

Rukia lightly rubbed the top of her head and clicked her tongue as she took a seat on one of the couches. "Tch. You're the last person I want to hear from about aging faster."

"Oi oi, all I did was accelerate my physical growth. Once I grow into my full height I'll stop taking the SCGF pills. Besides, the pill doesn't age my soul."

"Hmpf. I hope you grow into a hundred foot giant."

"Pfffft! Hahaha!"

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. You know senpai, if you open up to others in the division like you do to me then you won't seem so lonely to them."

Rukia pointed to herself a bit confused and embarrassed. "Huh? M-Me? Do I come across like that? Who did you hear that from?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Just some food for thought."

A moment of silence passed between them before Kishin broke the ice. "So? How are things going with your Clan?"

Rukia clenched her hands together in nervousness and hesitation. "I-It's...It's fine."

Kishin stared at Rukia for a good long minute before shaking his head. "I'll hit you on the head again if you lie."

"Huh? But you lie all the time don't you?"

"Oh? So you were lying? Then everything isn't fine?"

"You...tricked me."

Kishin just waved his hand in the air. "No I didn't. Deep down you really wanted to tell me. You just couldn't bring yourself to do it. So? What's wrong? Is someone bullying you? Since I'm the Lieutenant now it's okay for you to tell me, senpai. I'll go kill them."

Rukia couldn't believe what she was hearing. Even though the words that Kishin spoke to her sounded really extreme, he had said it both playfully and semi-seriously. She felt both happy and scared that Kishin supported her since his way of doing things could be...well, uncivil is the polite way to put it. In the end she just stared up at the ceiling with a sigh. "I'm too weak. I don't know why big brother adopted me into the Kuchiki Clan. Well...I mean I know that the reason is because I resemble his late wife, Hisana, but still...is that really all? I mean he doesn't really bother to talk to me either. Don't get me wrong. I'm really happy that he took me in and he treats me well, but I hate how the other members of the Clan talk poorly of my brother behind his back."

Kishin tilted his head with curiosity and went back to sitting on the couch across from Rukia as he asked, "What kinds of things do they say?"

"They say that big brother is a fool for taking someone like me in and that it will only disgrace the honor of the Kuchiki Clan. They say that big brother has no pride left for the Great Noble Clans and that the only reason he still holds the title of the Clan Head is because of his powerful reiatsu. They accused him of being a ruler with his fists instead of reason."

Kishin thought about it for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "And?"

Rukia stared at Kishin with a look of disbelief and hurt in her eyes. "What do you mean, and? Big brother isn't like what the other Clan members say...but he doesn't say or do anything about it. He just accepts all of the horrible things they say about him and I'm the source of the problem. I'm the reason why he has to endure all of the hate from the Clan."

Kishin furrowed his brow a bit as he noted the conflicted look in Rukia's eyes. "What about you?" He softly asked.

"Hm? What about me?" She asked back.

Kishin just let out a sigh. "It's not your brother I care about...I want to know if people are bothering you?"

Rukia remained silent for good long while. Kishin noted the pained look in her eyes and knew that she was probably subject to even more verbal abuse and unsavory rumors than Byakuya was. Obviously it was because she wasn't originally a member of the Clan and at the end of the day, Byakuya was still the Clan Head who held tremendous power. People could badmouth that guy all they want, one look from him was all it took to shut them up. Rukia on the other hand was like a little bunny in a den of wolves. She'd have to bear all the negativity that came her way with no way to fight back. Even if Byakuya forbade anyone to speak poorly of her and punished those who mistreated her, he wasn't omniscient. He couldn't know every little detail and thing that goes on in the Clan and Rukia definitely wouldn't tell him if she was being abused in anyway. She was already so worried that people talked shit behind Byakuya's back that there was no way she would try to add more issues on his plate by telling him if she was being mistreated.

Several minutes went by with still no answer from her. It only made him angry. He stood up from his seat and walked around the coffee table before sitting down right next to her. He lightly patted her head and asked with a hint of darkness laced in his words, "Tell me the names of everyone who's bullying you."

Rukia shifted a bit beside him before asking with nervous curiosity, "W-Why?"

He looked down so that their gazes met. His gold crystal eyes instantly captivated her, but her entire being also shuddered in fear when she saw that his eyes reflected a desire to murder. Kishin didn't bother hiding his intent to kill so he simply gave a not so innocent smile and replied, "Once I know their names I'm going to go kill them."

Rukia immediately slapped her hands over his eyes in order to break their gaze as she quickly shook her head. "You can't!"

"Tch. Why not?"

"Are you an idiot? You can't just go killing people if you don't like them!"

For the first time ever Rukia witnessed Kishin put on a pouting expression as he grumbled out, "But I'm not doing that."

"Then why would you try to kill them?"

Kishin just crossed his arms and looked away from her. "First, it's not TRY to kill them. It's fact that if I want them dead then they're definitely dead. And second, they hurt you didn't they?"

Rukia was a bit speechless at the reasons that he gave her. She didn't even notice that her anxiety and troubled feelings had already completely disappeared. Instead they were replaced with a feeling of warmth from the knowledge that Kishin was actually angry for her. Then, just as quickly as that warmth filled her up, it was replaced by the feeling of anxiety once more, however this time her anxiety stemmed from the fact that she just realized that Kishin's way of resolving everything was to kill people.

"D-Don't kill them..."

Kishin could only click his tongue with dissatisfaction. "Why not?"

"Because...at the end of the day they are still part of the Kuchiki Clan. And murder is a crime Kishin. I...I don't want you to get hurt or get into trouble over something small like this."

Kishin remained silent for a good long minute before letting out a deep breath and easing up on his murderous intent. "You say it's a small matter, but for me it's not."

"What do you mean?"

He let out a soft sigh and stared Rukia in the eyes once more. This time a softer gaze reflected his golden irises. He hesitated to speak for a moment before he commented, "I don't know what it's like to have important things."

Rukia furrowed her brow a bit and cocked her head to the side in confusion. "What...do you mean?"

In the end he stood up and placed some distance between them as he pretended to browse the bookshelf. "Nothing. Never mind. We're getting off topic."

Rukia bit the bottom of her lip having no idea what Kishin was talking about, but she understood that Kishin didn't want to elaborate so she decided not to pressure him. Kishin finally got his thoughts back in order and sat back down on the couch opposite of her before he continued, "Let me get this straight. From what I can gather the happenings in the Kuchiki Clan are...unfavorable towards both you and your brother if I'm putting it nicely."

Rukia warily nodded her head unsure of where Kishin was going with this.

He smirked and continued, "Then isn't the answer simple."

Rukia just stared at him with confusion. "How?"

He gave a toothy grin before pointing at her. "Since you seem to be at the core of everything going on in the Kuchiki Clan then all you have to do is become strong. Then no one can say anything bad about you and in the end everyone will accept that what Byakuya did was a good thing."

"E-EH? Become strong? Me? You make it sound so simple. I'm not...good at anything."

Kishin just let out a light chuckle. "Well, maybe for right now, but that doesn't mean it always has to be that way."

"What do you mean?"

Kishin stood up and walked out towards the training ground by his quarters. "Rukia, there's no telling what the future will be like. In the event that I leave my post I want you to be the one that takes over my position as the new Lieutenant of the 13th division."

She widened her eyes in shock. "Me?! That's impossible. With my skills I can't even become a seated officer."

"That's true."

Rukia pouted a bit at his answer. "That...you're supposed to console me aren't you? Not agree."

"Hahaha! Senpai, do you want me to always console you or do you want to be strong enough to console others?"

His counter question inwardly jolted a new revelation within her. She clenched her fist and walked over to stand by Kishin as she asked with a soft voice, "I...don't want to remain weak. Is it really possible for me to become stronger?"

Kishin smirked and ruffled her hair. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

She craned her neck up to look at his much much taller frame. Their eyes met and they held each other's gaze for several long minutes before she gave a confident reply. "You're Kishin."


"Ow!" Rukia exclaimed as Kishin lightly flicked her forehead. "Why'd you hit me?"

"You idiot. I'm not just Kishin. I'm your Lieutenant now. Seriously, I thought we were having a moment of understanding."

A lightbulb then clicked in Rukia's forehead. "Oh. Ha...Hahaha...sorry. Right. You're the Lieutenant."

He just let out a defeated sigh. "Senpai. I'm no longer that little kid you used to look after all those years ago. I've already become Lieutenant. You taught me a lot of things back then and put up with my...pranks...so let me help you out a bit. Tell me, do you want to become stronger?"

Rukia felt a warm feeling as she stood by Kishin's side and nodded. "I do."

"Good. Then let's get started."

Several Hours Later

Kishin lazily slept under the shade provided by his building on the front porch facing the training grounds as Rukia stood on the grassy field drawing her sword and sheathing it over and over and over again and again and again. Sweat dripped down her body as she continued the same exact motion. She breathed heavily and felt her arms become incredibly heavy. Her shoulder and arm muscles ached from the continued simple, yet difficult motion that Kishin had her do. As she sheathed her sword once more she took one glance over to where Kishin relaxedly slept. A thick vein popped on her forehead as she glared at him.

"Oi! I thought you said that you'd help me get stronger! What is this? I've been doing what you told me to do for hours already. I've drawn and sheathed my sword hundreds of times. What's next?"

Kishin gave a light yawn as he slowly glanced over to her. "887."

Rukia tilted her head in confusion. "887? What's that?"

"That's the amount of times you've successfully completed your Iaido form. Keep going until you've reached 1000."

"E-Eh? 1-1000?!"

"That's right."

"I-I see. Wait...what's after I finish that?"

Kishin mischievously smirked and replied, "Then you'll do 1000 downward slashes."

"I see. Then it'll be 1000-wait! What?! Don't tell me I'll be performing 1000 sword strikes for each different basic Zanjutsu form?"

Kishin once more let out a lazy yawn and held out a thumbs up to her. "Great. You understand the training quickly, senpai. Keep up the good work."

"W-Wait! How will this he-"

He cut her off as he interjected with a serious tone, "Rukia. I'll give it to you straight. Your Zanjutsu skills suck."

Rukia pouted at his blunt answer. "Gee, thanks."

He just gave a light chuckle. "Hahaha, I'm not being mean or anything, but if you truly want to get stronger then don't be ashamed to admit your shortcomings. Honestly you have to train from the basics once more. Trust me. The training may seem tedious, boring, and meaningless right now, but the fruits of your labor will show in battle. Just trust me on this. I didn't become Lieutenant from nothing you know."

His words immediately removed all doubt within her heart as she silently went back to drawing her sword with even more determination this time. As Kishin continued to lazily nap on the porch he slightly opened one eye and took a peak at her silently smiling to himself.

Sorry senpai, but the process will be really tedious. After 1000 sword draws is 1000 downward slashes. Then upward slashes. Then horizontal slashes both left and right. Then downward diagonal slashes and diagonal upward slashes. From there it'll be stabs and then turn strikes. Guard stances, counter strikes, parrying motions, etc. etc. I wasn't lying before when I said that one day I want you to hold the Lieutenant position, but before that happens…

He let out a soft sigh and stared up at the overhang of the roof providing him shade quietly muttering to himself, "You'll need to become strong enough to stand on your own two feet first."


Tenshintai (Divine Transfer Body): An artifact that was created by Urahara Kisuke. It is an object that belongs to the Onmitsukido and is a humanoid plain looking doll-like object. This object forcibly manifests one's Zanpakuto spirit facilitating the process of obtaining Bankai by subjugation.

Kishin's Zanpakuto: Sekiken Zansatsu (Blade of Crimson Carnage)Shikai Release: Wash all things in a river of blood.Shikai Abilities:-Saku (Cleave):Kishin channels some blood and reiatsu into his Zanpakuto and fires out a red crescent blade at his target. The more blood he infuses the harder, stronger, and sharper his attack becomes. The more reiatsu he infuses the faster and more aura and Kido-like his attack becomes. He has the ability to change the trajectory of this technique one time after it is fired.-Shitsuyona Shukketsu (Relentless Bleeding):When activated his blade glows a subtle hint of crimson red. Whatever he cuts, no matter how shallow the cut is, it will grow and spread until one end of the cut loops around and meets with the other end of the cut. The wound created by this ability will continue to cause the target to bleed profusely. It will not clot or slow down. With each passing second more and more blood bleeds out faster and faster until the target bleeds to death.-Guren (Crimson Lotus):When Kishin cuts his target with the bloodstained edge of his katana it creates an infected wound on their body. When he activates this technique the targets blood around the site of the infected wound clumps together and forms a dense and hardened sharp crimson colored blood lotus. That blood lotus grows by continuously aggregating more and more of the targets blood tearing and puncturing the target's internal organs and ripping open their flesh and body. The blood lotus only stops growing when the target has no more blood left to offer leaving them left as only a pile of tarnished flesh and bones.-Nomu (Drink):This ability is both passive and active. Every time Kishin's blade comes into contact with blood, some of that blood is absorbed into his Zanpakuto and stored inside the lotus flower patterns carved on the hilt of his sword. There are a total of 10 lotus flower patterns carved on the hilt of his katana. The more blood stored inside a lotus flower the more crimson red it shines. Kishin can use the blood stored in the lotus flowers to fuel his blood based abilities like Saku or he can convert it into compatible blood and absorb it into his body to replenish his own blood loss. As long as his blade is in contact with blood, he can actively force the blade to absorb the blood at a faster rate than its normal passive state does. An advantage granted by this ability is the fact that he can reabsorb the blood he used for his Saku technique as long as the attack has yet to dissipate.


Bakudo #62: Hyapporankan (100 Steps Fence)