
Into the World of Bleach

Not Mine https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13518332/1/

natlin1999 · Theater
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52 Chs

Chapter 14: The World Of The Living

AN: Hey everyone, as I said last chapter, chapter 14 followed shortly after. As always, thank you for your continued support.

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 14

In a semi dark average sized room laid Kishin on his soft comfortable twin-sized bed. The sound of his soft breathing was the only noise that filled this space. His bed was situated in the middle of the room located opposite of the doorway entrance. There was also a small bathroom that was connected to his bedroom on the right side of the wall. A dresser that held his clothes stood on the opposite wall of his bed to the right side of the entrance. A mahogany colored wardrobe was erected next to it where he hung several of his identical looking shihakusho. The only source of light was from the sun that managed to shine through a small thin crack from the incomplete closing of the window curtains on the wall to the left of the bed. Kishin continued to sleep soundly and peacefully until he heard a loud knock on his door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

He frowned in his sleep and scrunched up his face in annoyance. Instead of waking up he simply turned on his side and went right back to sleep. At least he tried to when he heard the knock on his door again.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Kishin groaned and pulled the bed sheet covers over his head.

Go away. Go away. Go away.

He mentally chanted, however he had no such luck.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

He huffed in defeat and let out a long drawn out yawn as he sat up in bed.

"Who is it?" He asked hoarsely with his tired morning voice.

From the other side of the door replied a muffled sounding voice. "It's Akon."

Kishin lazily rubbed his eyes before getting out of bed opening the door to his room. "Oh, Akon-senpai. What is it?"

Akon stared down at Kishin's disheveled look and raised his eyebrow questioningly. "Were you still sleeping?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders replying sarcastically, "Oh no. I was found out."

Akon could only shake his head in silent amusement as he followed Kishin inside the room. "You're usually up by 5am aren't you?"

Once again Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Can you blame me? We were in Hueco Mundo for three years. The bed sucked. Then I came back here to my room on my nice fluffy soft and comfortable mattress. You bet I'm gonna treasure it for at least one day."

Akon awkwardly scratched the side of his cheeks. "I-I see."

"So, what's up senpai? You didn't disturb my sleep for nothing right?"

"Right. We have a mission."

Kishin raised his eyebrow intrigued. "We just got back from one. But, go on."

"Well, you know about what happened with Shiba Isshin already right?"

Kishin walked into the bathroom and began brushing his teeth as he replied, "You mean how he disappeared?"

Akon nodded. "That's right. And also how he fought a strange Hollow in the World of the Living."

Kishin paused midway in brushing his teeth to respond with a muffled voice. "What about it?"

"Ahem. After the late Captain Shiba reported on the strange Hollow, Captain Kurotsuchi was given permission to station some members of the R&D department in the World of the Living to investigate. Unfortunately they haven't been able to discover much of anything. Since we've returned from Hueco Mundo the Captain decided to reward us by stationing you and I in the World of the Living."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in suspicion and rinsed his mouth before replying, "Describe how this is a reward?"

Akon let out a sigh. "The Captain was happy with the present that you got him."

"What present?"

"Ahem. The three Adjuchas you killed. I told the Captain that it was you who killed them which allowed for us to successfully extract their bodies."

"Okay. That doesn't explain the reward part."

"Right...well, in truth the Captain hopes that by stationing us in the World of the Living, you might be able to miraculously procure more...specimens for him."

Kishin shook his head in amusement. "So the reward is sending us off to do more leg work huh? There hasn't been a report on any other suspicious Hollow activity after the late Captain Shiba made his report though. And the members currently stationed there haven't found anything either."

Akon nodded in defeat. "I know. I don't think it's necessary for us to go but orders are orders. The Captain hopes that you'll be lucky again and...encounter something interesting."

"Hahaha, I'm not a bundle of good luck you know. I might just be the opposite."

Akon could only shrug his shoulders. "Anyways, I thought I'd let you know. Besides, Shinigami aren't supposed to remain in the World of the Living for long periods of time anyways. They have to make regular reports back to Soul Society and that's why division members end up rotating shifts. I believe the longest that any single Shinigami has ever been allowed to remain in the World of the Living was a total of 4-5 months. Central 46 has never allowed a Shinigami to remain past that time. That's why division members end up rotating shifts. Take it as...this mission being our turn to take over a shift."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders as he got dressed in his standard black shihakusho.

Well, this actually works in my favor anyways. I've been trying to find an excuse to go to the World of the Living but came up with nothing. Then Captain Kurotsuchi sends me a free pass. Nice.

Kishin followed Akon around for a bit as they both grabbed a few items from the research department before once again standing right in front of the giant Senkaimon gate.

"Aaaand we're back." Kishin commented.

Akon rubbed the back of his neck as he sported a tired look. "Well, at least it's not that dangerous in the World of the Living as compared to Hueco Mundo. Oh, right. There's one more thing Kishin."

"What is it?"

"It's regarding your reiatsu. It's too dense and powerful so the moment you enter the Senkaimon a restriction seal known as a Gentei Reiin will be placed on your body. It's normally only placed on Captains and Lieutenants, however you're a special case."

Kishin remained silent for a moment before he let out an amused sigh. "So I'll have my reiatsu forcefully reduced by 80% huh?"

Akon nodded. "Right. Due to your strong reiatsu it could end up affecting the World of the Living. To prevent that from happening you'll only have access to 20% of your total power while there, but even if that's the case it should be more than sufficient. It is the World of the Living after all, not Hueco Mundo. The dangers that we could potentially face there are...well, I guess low class Hollows mostly."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "It's fine. I was actually expecting this to happen the moment you told me I would accompany you to the World of the Living anyways."

Soon after two members of the Kido Corp arrived and opened the gate that led directly to the World of the Living. Akon and Kishin didn't hesitate to walk through. They were accompanied by two other members of the 12th division as well. In less than a few seconds they arrived standing in the clear blue sky above Naruki City. The place where Isshin had been attacked by a strange Hollow. Kishin glanced down at his chest and noted that a seal in the shape of a thistle, the symbol of the 12th division, appeared on his left pectoral.

Oh, so this is what it's like to have my reiatsu sealed. Interesting.

He then took a good look around and sucked in a deep breath.

The air is definitely different. It's not as rich in reishi as Hueco Mundo or Soul Society. I wonder where I died. Was it here in Naruki City, Karakura Town, or a different place? I wonder if I can find an article about my death. Ah...but then again I was an orphan so...chances of there being any articles or reports about my death is probably scarce. Plus it happened so long ago.

Kishin took note of the many residential buildings in the area and the tall skyscrapers in the distance. When he looked down he took note of several kids running around a neatly cut grassy area. "Looks like a park."

Akon took a deep breath and began walking towards an average sized building nearby.

Kishin just followed suit.

"Senpai, does that building belong to the 12th division?"

Akon simply nodded. "It does. At least until we don't have any need for it anymore."

"I see...Ahem. Well then senpai I'll ju-"

Akon immediately grabbed Kishin's shoulder just as Kishin turned around trying to leave. "Not so fast."

"Ahaha...did you need me for something senpai?"

Akon gave Kishin a suspicious stare and asked, "Where do you think you're going?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "To take a look around."

"Haaaaaah...I knew this was going to happen."

Kishin just gave an innocent smile to which Akon just face-palmed in response. "You...even in Hueco Mundo. Can't you just stick around in one spot where you're supposed to?"

Kishin immediately shook his head. "Now you're asking too much of me."

Akon's jaw dropped a bit in disbelief. "T-That...How is that asking too much of you?"

"Come on senpai. We've known each other for a little over three years now. Do you really have to ask?"

Once more Akon let out a sigh. "Haaaah...as long as you promise not to stir up any trouble."

"Have a bit more faith. I didn't cause any trouble in Hueco Mundo."

"True. But isn't that because there was nothing but desert where we were stationed. Now we're in a place filled with people. You're not going to mess things up in the World of the Living are you?"

Kishin just let out a light chuckle. "Obviously not. I just want to take a look around. Besides, do you all really need me here? You have enough hands on deck and I doubt you'll encounter any trouble while here. At worst you'll probably encounter a Hollow, but nothing you guys can't handle."

Akon let out a sigh in defeat. "Alright. It's not like I can keep you anyways."

Kishin grinned in triumph. "That's the spirit. You know how to reach me if you need to. Later." Without giving Akon time to respond he dashed off. Kishin took his time making his way from the edge of Naruki City to Karakura Town. He walked around the streets of Karakura Town's residential area in leisure. He passed by several people and waved his hands to their faces only to receive no reaction from them.

"Of course they can't see me. Still...I want some coffee...should I head to a coffee shop and make myself a cup? Hmm...but that would count as stealing right? To humans it'll look like some sort of ghost is making some coffee."

Kishin kept walking for a bit longer before he came upon a phone booth with a yellow-book inside. "Aha, exactly what I was looking for."

He immediately walked inside and opened the book scanning through the yellow pages. "Let's see here...obviously Isshin isn't using his Clan name anymore. He'd be using the moniker Kurosaki right? So then...Kurosaki...Kurosaki...Kurosaki…"

As Kishin was flipping through the pages in the phone booth a few kids were walking just outside along the street when they paused and watched with fear in their eyes. All they could see was the book in the phone booth floating in the air having its pages flipped every so often. One of the kids pointed and stuttered with a shout, "G-G-G-GHOST!"

All the kids immediately began running away shouting and screaming in fear. "AAAAAHHHHH! RUUUUN!"

Meanwhile Kishin who was in the middle of flipping a page heard the screams and turned his head only to see the retreating form of the kids in the distance.

"Eh? Ghost? I don't see or sense any Hollow around here." He simply shook his head and continued looking through the book. "Kids."

As he looked through the K section eventually he stopped before the name he was looking for. "Aha, found it. Kurosaki Clinic. I wonder though…"

He then flipped to the U page and searched for a good few minutes before letting out an amused sigh. "Haaah. Right, of course the Urahara shop isn't listed in the book. I supposed that'd make it too easy."

He quickly closed the book and began his trek once more along the street. After 45 minutes of many twists, turns, and walking he finally stood in front of a cream colored building with a green roof. A small parking lot was built in front and to the side of the double doored glass entrance and a blue sign that read Kurosaki Clinic was posted on top. A side building was attached to the clinic portion that was meant for residential living.

"Finally I'm here. It was farther than expected."

Just as he was about to enter the parking lot he paused in his step and smirked, sensing a person with strong reiatsu behind him. That person spoke with a calm, but firm and feminine voice. "Who are you?"

Kishin slowly turned around to see a young woman. She was of average height with fair skin and had medium length light brown hair that fell past her chin. She was currently carrying a bag of groceries in her arms. Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity and responded, "I'm Kishin. And you are?"

She gave Kishin a once over with her eyes before she tilted her head to the side also in curiosity. "Umm...I apologize for my rude tone just now. It's just that you're dressed in a Shinigami shihakusho and carrying a Zanpakuto. My name is Masaki. Excuse me but...you are a Shinigami correct? You're still so young though, to think that you would be sent out on missions already."

Kishin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck at how quick Masaki was to change from an assertive and cautious tone to a gentle and motherly tone. "Ah, right. I'm a Shinigami. You don't have to worry about me, I'm tougher than I seem. So your name is Masaki huh?...Masaki...Masaki...Masaki...eh? Wait, your surname wouldn't happen to be Kurosaki would it?"

Masaki simply nodded her head. "That's right. Kurosaki Masaki. That's me."

A lightbulb flashed in Kishin's head as he lightly tapped his fist in his palm. "Oh! So that's how it is." However in the next moment another epiphany struck Kishin and he inwardly flinched in confusion.

What the? Wait...I know my memory on the information I have about the Bleach story is limited but...I'm certain that Masaki was the name of Ichigo's mother...why does Masaki possess reiatsu?! Wasn't she supposed to be human?

Masaki raised her eyebrow intrigued by the young boy. "That's how what is?"

"Ah, nothing, nothing. Hey, Masaki-san, do you know where I can find Isshin?"

Masaki slightly flinched and her expression immediately became cautious as she asked, "Why are you looking for Isshin?"

"It's nothing bad. I promise. I'm an old friend of his. Just tell him that Chigetsu Kishin wants to say hi and he'll know who I am."

Masaki gave Kishin a suspicious look but in the end she nodded. "Alright. Wait here for a moment. I'll be right back." With that she quickly dipped inside the clinic. Five minutes later she popped her head back outside the door and motioned for Kishin to come in so he did. The moment he entered the house he took note of the reception desk in the front. Two couches were situated on the right side of the room with a table in between for people to wait and relax in. A small coffee and snack bar stood right next to the entrance. Kishin's eyes immediately sparkled with joy as he had been craving some coffee, so he didn't stand on ceremony and helped himself to a cup. Just as he was in the middle of pouring some coffee into a styrofoam cup he heard the all too familiar voice of Isshin shouting in shock.

"AH! W-What the?! The cup is...it's floating!"

It was then Masaki slapped Isshin on the back of the head and scolded him. "Shhh! You'll scare Ichigo if you're that loud."

Kishin nearly dropped the hot cup of coffee in his hands when he heard that. He immediately turned to face the two adults and widened his eyes in shock at the baby in Masaki's arms. It was tiny and had orange hair currently neatly wrapped in a blanket like a little hot dog. It took him a good minute before he came back to his senses.

"Is that…"

Masaki nodded at Kishin's semi-speechless expression. "Yup. This is Ichigo, our son. He's one year old."

Isshin then chimed in. "Oi. Masaki, who are you talking to? And why is that cup of coffee floating in the air."

Masaki glared at Isshin and replied, "Honey, you can drop the act now you know. You said that it was okay to let him in."

Kishin furrowed his brow and questioned, "Umm...don't tell me...that Isshin can't see me…"

Masaki just gave an awkward and apologetic smile. "S-Sorry. He can't hear you either."

Isshin then let out a deep sigh before he stared at the floating cup where Kishin would be. "Yo, Kishin-chan. It's been a while hasn't it...Uhhh...as you can tell I can't see or hear you so it's gonna be a bit difficult to have a conversation. Jeez, why aren't you in a gigai or something? Anyways it's g-..."

As Isshin continued to ramble on about nonsensical stuff, Kishin just shook his head amusedly and ignored him as he returned his attention to Masaki.

If she possesses reiatsu and knows about Shinigami then she should have knowledge about Urahara right?

"Masaki-san, Isshin has a point. I should get a gigai. Could you do me a favor and tell me how to get to Urahara's shop? I'm sure he's got a spare."

Masaki nodded and walked over to a map pointing to a lot. "It's right there. It's not too far from here."

Kishin nodded in appreciation. "Thanks. I'll be back later after getting a gigai."

Kishin and Masaki stared at Isshin who wasn't paying attention and was still rambling on about stuff so they both could only shake their heads in amusement. Kishin gave one more glance at the baby in Masaki's arms before he disappeared in a flash of Shunpo.


In mere moments he arrived right outside a dirt lot. On that lot of dirt stood a simple looking cream tan colored house with wood furnishings on the outside. A giant wooden garage panel was located on the front of the house while a gray van was parked on the right side of the building. A giant sign hung on the top of the house that read Urahara's Shop. From the outside the shop looked like it was currently closed. Kishin just shrugged his shoulders and walked around to the side entrance where he opened the door.

"Talk about bad security. Not even locked."

He immediately walked inside and raised his eyebrow in curiosity. The room was dark as no lights were turned on. There were several shelves that filled the room with various kinds of items on them. As he walked around a bit he attempted to call out. "Ahem. Hello? Anyone home?"

He waited for several minutes but received no reply so he shrugged his shoulders and picked a candy bar off the shelf. Just as he was about to open it he heard a deep gruff voice behind him. "Oh? You haven't paid for that yet."

Kishin smirked and turned around seeing a tall, tan, and muscular man who sported a white t-shirt, an apron, and glasses stare at him.

"Ah, Tsukabishi Tessai-san. So it's you."

Tessai inwardly flinched and narrowed his eyes a bit as he carefully studied Kishin's frame. It was then a loud clap was heard in the room before the lights suddenly turned on and the sound of an eccentric voice filled the room.

"Ahhhh! Are we being robbed? Please don't kill us, we don't have much!"

Kishin's facial expression showed a mix of curiosity and disbelief at the words spoken by the obvious person he was looking for. He turned his head and saw Urahara standing by a hallway door with a cane in his right hand and a fan in his left. He wore green pants, a dark green shihakusho top, and a black colored haori with white diamond patterns aligning the bottom. Kishin took out 50 kan from his pocket and handed it over to Tessai before opening the candy bar and taking a bite.

"Yo. Urahara-san."

Urahara flipped open his fan and covered half of his face as he commented with curiosity, "You are...Chigetsu Kishin...correct."

Kishin smirked and nodded. "As expected. Nothing really gets past you does it?"

Urahara smirked behind his fan. "Let's just say that I'm well informed."

"I see. Let me guess. The source of your information is Yoruichi-san."

Urahara grinned even more as he carefully studied Kishin trying to figure out why he was here. "So, tell me. What does the 5th rank officer of the 12th division want with little ol' me?"

Kishin raised his eyebrow and nonchalantly retorted, "Who said I wanted anything to do with you?"

A moment of silence passed between them. Then a minute passed in silence until finally Urahara closed his fan and remarked both teasingly and sarcastically, "Then...could it be? You're really here to rob us?!"

Kishin smirked and gave Tessai another 50 kan before picking up another candy bar from the shelf and took a bite. "Actually you're right. I came to see you."

"Haaaah...you're an odd one."

Kishin smirked. "I can say the same for you."

"Follow me."

Urahara walked through the hallway and opened up a sliding screen door that led to a cozy little room with a tatami mat and cushioned pillows around a small round wooden table. The both of them took a seat while Tessai left to brew some tea. As they sat in silence for a minute, Urahara then asked with curiosity. "So...truly, what can I do for you Chigetsu-kun? Do you need a gigai?"

Kishin took out a small black box. The reivice that Akon had gifted to him and activated it. In a mere moment a gigai dummy that looked just like him appeared. A few seconds later he quickly inhabited it and stored the reivice away.

"As you can see I already prepared my own gigai. I visited the Kurosaki clinic before coming here since I needed directions. Having an excuse to get that information makes me seem less suspicious."

Urahara just stared at Kishin intrigued. "Huh...I see…"

After Urahara took a moment to absorb what Kishin just said he inwardly flinched and cautiously narrowed his eyes in focus. Once more he opened his fan and covered half of his face. "How do you know about the Kurosaki's?"

Kishin smirked and placed his left hand in front of his face pretending to hold his own fan making fun of Urahara and replied, "Indeed, how do I know."

Urahara was at a loss for words. He wasn't sure what to expect from Kishin but...his current interaction with Kishin greatly surpassed what he thought their meeting was going to be like. In the end Urahara closed his fan and let out a sigh. "Haaaah...alright, shall we drop the act."

Kishin nodded in agreement as Tessai re-entered the room and served them both tea. Kishin's eyes sparkled in appreciation as he took a sip. "Mmm, tasty."

Urahara awkwardly scratched the side of his cheeks. "So, how was your trip to Hueco Mundo?"

"Hmmm...it was alright. Boring for the most part. Akon did most of the work."

"I see...and now you are stationed in the World of the Living. Might I know the reason why you are here visiting me?"

Kishin took another sip of his tea before replying in seriousness. "Aizen Sosuke."

Immediately both Tessai and Urahara flinched in wariness as Urahara tightened his grip on his cane. Kishin took note of their tenseness and just shook his head. "Ah, you don't have to worry about me being a spy or something like that. I'm not on his side or anything. Actually it's quite the opposite."

Urahara cautiously glanced at Kishin and replied, "Unfortunately I can't just believe you outright."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Well that's fine. It's better to be cautious."

Urahara took a sip of his own tea before he asked, "Then...why are you here to see me about Aizen?"

"The Hollow that Isshin fought. You and I both know that it wasn't a normal Hollow. I'm certain that Aizen had something to do with it. I fought a similar looking Hollow years ago and now another one pops up and attacks Isshin."

Urahara furrowed his brow. "You say that you fought one similar to the one that Isshin fought? And how did you feel afterwards?"


"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I was out for a week before I regained consciousness. So the experience was awful."

Urahara once more furrowed his brow.

What does he mean by awful? If he truly fought a Hollow like the one Isshin did then does that mean he exhibited symptoms of Hollowfication like Masaki? Or perhaps like the Visords? But if he did then how is he still alive? Furthermore how is he still able to remain in Soul Society?

"Chigetsu-kun. Can you elaborate on what you mean by awful?"

"Why? It sounds like you're implying that something happened to Isshin after he fought the Hollow."

"Hmmm...what if something did?"

Kishin furrowed his brow. "Is that the reason why Isshin can't see or sense spiritual beings?"

Urahara paused for a moment thinking how to answer. "I suppose you could say that it is related."

"Then you're implying that it's not directly correlated?"

Urahara smirked. "You're sharper than you let on."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was indeed a compliment."

Another awkward silence filled the room. In the end Urahara continued, "You brought up the Hollow incident for a reason I presume?"

Kishin nodded. "That's right. I brought it up because Aizen was involved. Why did he do it?"

Urahara closed his eyes for a moment before answering, "Hollowfication."

"Oh...so he still hasn't given up."

Urahara raised his eyebrow in curiosity at Kishin's comment. "You know that Aizen is behind the Hollowfication incidents?"

"That's why I'm here seeing you and not Aizen."

"What do you mean by that exactly? How can I help you with Hollowfication?"

"It's not what you can help me with per se...it's that I want to know if you have a plan."

"Plan? Plan for what?"

"I know you know what I'm talking about."

Urahara narrowed his eyes in wariness. "You know about that thing…?"

"It's fine to just say it Urahara-san. Yes, I happen to know about the Hogyoku."

Silence once more. Both Kishin and Urahara took a moment to sip their tea before Urahara continued, "I see...how odd."

"What's odd?"

"That you know about the existence of the Hogyoku. You haven't been around very long and you weren't even born during the time when the Hollowfication incident happened with Aizen all those years ago. How is it that you've come to know that I possess the Hogyoku? And how is it that you've discerned the truth about Aizen's true nature?"

Kishin smirked. "If you're thinking that I know because I am a subordinate of Aizen's then you can cross that off your list. Anyways, how I know is not important. What is important is that Aizen wants the Hogyoku in your possession. What's worse is that he knows you're here in the World of the Living. What I can't understand is why he hasn't taken it from you yet."

Urahara furrowed his brow as he too seriously thought about it.

"Urahara-san, what is Aizen thinking?"

Urahara could only let out a sigh. "Haaah...That I don't know."

Kishin also let out a sigh. "Haaah...that's unfortunate."

"Well then Chigetsu-kun, what do you think is going on in Aizen's head?"

"Other than planning to steal your Hogyoku? I have no idea. I was placing my hopes on you."

"Ahaha...sorry. I don't know."

"Out of curiosity, what have you done with the Hogyoku anyways?"

"It's sealed away."

"Is there a reason why you don't just leave it sealed away forever?"

"I wish I could, however the seal won't hold it for long. The seal's effectiveness is weakening with every passing year and I'm not quite sure why yet. I need an alternative method for hiding it."

"You really can't destroy it?"

"No. I've tried everything, but I've yet to find a way to destroy it."

"How exactly are you planning to hide it after the seal fully weakens?"

"I don't know. I have an idea, but…"

Kishin shook his head. "I don't think it'll work."

"Hm? Do you know what my idea is?"

"I have a guess."

Urahara raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Do tell."

"Let's see...before you disappeared from Soul Society you were working on a special type of gigai technology were you not? In fact...the gigai you are in right now is extremely special. It's what currently hides you from Soul Society's detection. If it can hide you, someone who possesses extremely powerful reiatsu, then perhaps you are trying to create a special gigai where you can store and hide the Hogyoku in. So, how'd I do?"

Urahara stared at Kishin in both awe and wariness at how close his guess was. He slightly pulled down his hat over his eyes before asking, "Are you truly...not one of Aizen's followers?"

"I'm not."

"I see. I can't say whether or not you're right, but your guess just now sounds like an interesting idea. Tell me, why don't you think it'll work?"

"Aren't there ways to remove the Hogyoku from the host?"

"Perhaps, however if the Hogyoku is hidden then Aizen would never know where to look for it."

"I don't see how this is a good idea. How long would you be able to hide it for?"

"Until I can find a way to destroy it."

"After all these years you still haven't found a way to destroy it. Do you really think you will in the future?"

"I'm not sure, however I must try."

"That's true, but don't you have another way to hide it?"

"Oh? I don't recall saying that I will be using the method you described."

Kishin furrowed his brow in seriousness. "Really? Then how exactly are you planning to hide it?"

"For now I will restrengthen the seal around it as much as I can. I still need some time to figure out exactly how I will keep it away from Aizen."

"Tch. Very well. I suppose that's fair, however I advise you not to hide it within a gigai."

"You're quite adamant about that."

"Because I don't think it'll work."

"You're quite confident that it won't."

"Then let me put it this way. You're too sure of yourself if you think it will."

Urahara furrowed his brow and let out a sigh before taking a sip of his tea. "I'm doing my best to come up with a method...oh, errr...what about you Chigetsu-kun?"

"What about me?"

"Since you seem to know quite a bit about the Hogyoku as well...perhaps you'd like to hide it?"

Kishin frowned. "I want nothing to do with it."


"That thing will only cause me trouble. On top of that I have no way of hiding it. Furthermore I'm not currently a match against Aizen. If he and I fought I'd die. And if he discovers that I possess the Hogyoku he would undoubtedly hunt me down. Giving it to me is like serving it up on a silver platter."

Urahara raised his eyebrow at Kishin's comment. "You're not very confident in yourself are you?"

"You can drop the teasing remarks. I know my limits and I'm not an idiot. If I have possession of the Hogyoku I'd die by Aizen's hands, but that's why I'm confused why you're still alive."

Urahara slightly flinched and frowned at Kishin's statement since he also couldn't really give an answer. He truly didn't know what Aizen was thinking. Did he know where his base was? Did he know where he currently hid the Hogyoku? What is Aizen's current strength? What are the chances that he'd survive if Aizen did decide to attack him right now? There were too many unknowns and too many questions to ask, however he couldn't mind himself to focus on them because the only thing he did have control over was looking for a way to better hide the Hogyoku. In the end both Urahara and Kishin let out a sigh in defeat and stress. Tessai refilled everyone's teacup in silence to which Kishin nodded in appreciation. He then took another sip and commented, "So this is what it's like to have overwhelming power...no matter how we try to plan around Aizen it just won't stop his momentum."

Urahara closed his eyes in contemplation, but he too couldn't come up with a good countermeasure. "If he was just a being who had overwhelming brute force and power then it would still be possible to defeat him, however it's his unique ability that's the problem."

Kishin frowned as he knew it as well. "The power of his Kyoka Suigetsu...it's too hard to counter."

Urahara glanced at Kishin with interest as he asked, "Are you aware of the power of his Kyoka Suigetsu as well?"

"I am. It's been hard trying to avoid falling under its spell all these years."

"Oh? So you know how it is activated then?"

"I do. The activation for his ability involves a short ritual where one must see the release of his Shikai. Once that is over that person will be placed under Aizen's ability of perfect hypnosis. His ability allows him to control all five senses of his targets perfectly. Mass, weight, touch, taste, smell, sight, spatial orientation, time sensation, etc. He'd have control over all of it. The problem is I have no idea what its weakness is. Furthermore, his Shikai is already so powerful I can't really fathom what his Bankai would even be. What about you, Urahara-san?"

Urahara frowned and let out a long drawn out sigh. "Haaaaah...I don't know either. I've been thinking of how to counter his ability for a long time now, however I haven't been able to devise a good counter strategy against it yet. On top of that...unfortunately I don't know what the power of his Bankai is either. I can only surmise that it is just as fearsome or even more so than his Shikai ability. I am surprised and impressed though, Chigetsu-kun. That you've been able to avoid falling prey to his Kyoka Suigetsu. Are you sure you haven't been affected by it yet?"

Kishin nodded with confidence. "This I'm certain of, but it did cause me quite some grief early on in my years as a Shinigami. Aizen took note of his failure to place me under his hypnosis so over the years he began targeting me. Treating me as if I was some sort of toy. I don't quite know why, but approximately 3 weeks after I killed the strange Hollow that was similar in description to the one Isshin killed, I felt like I haven't been targeted by Aizen any longer. Almost as if he lost interest or couldn't be bothered with me anymore. Maybe he got bored. Either way it was both perplexing and a relief for me."

"Huh...I see. Then...this is a good thing. Listen well Chigetsu-kun, that Hollow that you fought was a very special one."

"In what way?" Kishin asked intrigued, however inwardly he already knew why.

"That Hollow you fought, as you described, it was probably a prototype to the one Isshin fought. The one that Isshin fought was meant to infect others in an attempt to Hollowfy them."

"Okay...does this mean that Isshin was Hollowfied?"

Urahara carefully studied Kishin for a moment before deciding to tell the truth. "Actually, the one who killed the Hollow wasn't Isshin. It was Masaki."

Kishin narrowed his eyes a bit in confusion. "I thought it was odd that I sensed reiatsu leaking from Masaki's body. What is she exactly?"

Urahara lowered his gaze and tilted his hat as he replied in seriousness, "Quincy."

Kishin slightly flinched in shock. "Come again?"

"Quincy. Kurosaki Masaki is a Quincy."

Kishin furrowed his brow in confusion having no idea what was going on. The knowledge he had in his previous life did not include this fact.

"You're saying that Masaki is a Quincy...she defeated this Hollow that has the power to Hollowfy spiritual beings...does this mean that she was Hollowfied?"

Urahara took a sip of his tea and paused in silence for a moment. "She was indeed afflicted by Hollowfication, however the soul composition of a Quincy is different than that of a Shinigami. Quincy souls cannot coexist with Hollowfied souls. In the end they would destroy the other. This goes beyond soul suicide. It is more like soul murder. It's like trying to mix oil and water. Masaki was supposed to die, however I was able to save her."

Kishin narrowed his eyes in focus. "What do you mean?"

"It is the reason why Isshin can't see or sense spiritual beings. In order to save Masaki he gave up his Shinigami powers to create a powerful envelope of energy that surrounds Masaki's Quincy soul. In doing so it keeps the Hollowfied poison in her soul at bay."

Kishin rubbed his temples at the new information he just received. "Then...this was the reason Isshin returned to the World of the Living and chose to exile himself from Soul Society. And they even got married and had a kid. This...surpassed my expectations…"

Urahara smirked and let out a light chuckle. "Hahaha, right?"

Kishin gave him a disbelieving expression and took another sip of his tea. "Now I have no idea what's going on."

Urahara stared at Kishin with seriousness and asked, "Now you know why that Hollow Isshin fought was so special. This is why I asked you how you felt after you fought the prototype. So? Did nothing truly happen?"

Kishin smirked and held out his teacup to Tessai who gladly refilled it. "I'm perfectly fine. It was a prototype after all. Perhaps with finding nothing wrong with me it caused Aizen to lose interest."

Urahara closed his eyes and thought for a moment before nodding his head. "I see. Perhaps you're right."

Kishin stood up and began to walk out the door causing Urahara to call after him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm in a gigai now so I'm heading back to the Kurosaki's. I told them I'd be back after getting a gigai."

"What about our discussion about Aizen?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what to think anymore. Certain events have surpassed my expectations and all plans I've thought of don't seem like they'll hinder Aizen in the slightest. What about you?"

Urahara unfurled his fan covering half of his face and replied, "I'm still thinking."

"I see. Well, I've got nothing. The only foolproof plan that I can think of is to become strong enough to the point where even if Aizen uses his power, he won't be able to kill me. Unfortunately that just takes time. Anyways I'll be in the World of the Living for a few months so I'll stop by again, Urahara-san." He threw 50 kan to Tessai before grabbing a candy bar off the shelf and walked out of the shop.

Urahara stared at Kishin's retreating form and mumbled to himself. "What an interesting kid."

Tessai turned to Urahara and asked, "What do you make of him?"

"Heh...I don't know yet. He doesn't seem like he's lying about not being on Aizen's side, however he's keeping secrets from us."

"That may be, however everyone has secrets to keep."

"True. I'm curious about whether or not he's lying about being afflicted by Hollowfication. Did you notice Tessai-san, he never flat out said that he wasn't afflicted. He simply dodged the question saying that he felt awful or that he was fine. Anyways, what I'm most curious and impressed by is how he knows so much about Aizen and myself, although I doubt he'll ever divulge this secret of his."

"Was it alright to tell him so much?"

Urahara just smirked as he replied nonchalantly, "I barely told him anything. He already knew so much."

"But what about Masaki's identity and the weakening of the seal around the Hogyoku?"

"Now now Tessai-san, there's no need to worry about that. From the information I've gathered on him he should be trustworthy."

"Should be? How confident are you about that?"

"Before meeting him? 50/50. After meeting him? 70/30."

"Hmmm...I suppose those odds aren't that bad."

"We'll have to take it. Especially if he's telling the truth about not being exposed to Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu."

"But do you trust him when he says that he's not Aizen's subordinate?"

Urahara paused for a moment in contemplation before answering with confidence. "He's not one of Aizen's subordinates."

Tessai stared at Urahara for a good long minute before asking, "And how confident are you about that?"

Without hesitation Urahara replied, "I'm at least 90% sure of this."

"I see...however there's still that 10%...then wouldn't it have been better to not reveal that the seal around the Hogyoku was weakening?"

"No. For some odd reason he knew that I was in possession of the Hogyoku. Furthermore he guessed that I was searching for a way to conceal it. Like I said earlier I'm curious how he came by this information, but questioning him about it won't help. First, he'll probably never tell us. And second, if he truly isn't on Aizen's side and can continue to avoid being placed under Kyoka Suigetsu's ability, then he'll become an important ally and chess piece. Instead of keeping him at a distance it's better to gain his trust early on if we can."

"Mn. I see. The child has a point though. What will you do about the Hogyoku?"

Urahara frowned. "I really don't know…"


Reivice: A small hand held black colored cube that can analyze and store reishi matter. It cannot store things that exhibit reiatsu or the device will break. It also can't store living things or things with a soul. It is an object that was created by Akon.

Gentei Reien (Soul Limiting Symbol): A seal where individuals who possess Captain or Lieutenant level reiatsu have their power sealed by 80% while in the World of the Living. Therefore these individuals only have access to 20% of their true strength.

Gigai: An artificial body used by Shinigami in the World of the Living so they can be seen and interact with other Humans.