
Into the omniverse with a beast tamer system

This is a story of how a young man and his younger brother died in a tragic accident and were given the chance to travel the omniverse with the power of the { Beast Tamer System } WARNING This will be a slow-paced Fan-Fic and will also be my first time writing so do expect a few mistakes. I will also try to update chapters as much as possible as well as make the chapters at least 1000 words long. All rights to all the Anime, Manga, Moveis, Shows, Games and images I have used for this Fan-fic are reserved to the respective creators and companies.

Orian2209 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


(POV Cyrus)

"Damn that's impressive…" I hear Darius say in awe.

<Are you sure he's a newbie?> Nexus questioned.

<Yep 100% sure!> Lyra said in a proud tone.

I put on a proud grin as I saw how powerful the new skill was (Hmm this is a fantastic skill but it takes too much-).

I collapsed to the ground with my body littered with frostbite.

"Shit Cyrus!" Darius rushed over to me.

<Yeah never mind he's a newbie…> I hear Nexus say in an amused tone.

(-mana…) As I passed out in the corner of my eye I saw Dwayne and Noir rush over towards us.





I groggily woke up as I placed my hand on my head. 

(Did I pass out?) I thought as I massaged my head and looked around to find myself next to a campfire.

I look down and see Dwayne and Noir without his armor huddled together on my stomach peacefully sleeping.

(Cute…) I thought as I gently placed them aside and stretched my body as I got up.

<You know this is kind of getting old, you passing out after each battle? At least it was only an hour time…> Lyra teased me.

"Yeah, yeah I know and what happened while I was out?" I thought as I saw most of the Girros missing.

"Nothing much really." I look to my side and see Darius thawing the ice out of a Girros corpse with a small flame in his hand.

<Yeah nothing really happened while you were out cold… Get the pun cold cause passed from frost- never mind anyway we let some of those Girros go back to their nest and are just melting ice corpses before storing them away.> I heard Nexus say in a bored tone.

"What about that mission? You know that one about defending the base or something…" I recall accepting some missions before the battle.

<Yeah it doesn't count as completed until the bodies are removed from area around base. The same goes for a few of other missions they don't done Girros gone.> Lyra explained.

"I see well-" I was interrupted.

"Well, can you help me thaw the ice? It's a tedious process and an annoying one at that so if you would not mind… HELP ME!" Darius said irritably as he stored the Girros away.




Four days later…




(POV Cyrus)

"Oi Dwayne Noir take a break and go to the camp eat! We'll take over mining duty!" I shouted as me and Darrius made my way to the duo.

^FFFFOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD!^ Dwayne rushed to the camp with hast.

^Tha-ank you for the break.^ Noir politely said as he turned back into his slime form.

"Don't mention it ya cute little bugger!" Darius bent down and scratched Noir's head as the slime purred in delight.

I ignored Darrius as I marveled at what we found just hours ago.

In front of me laid any dwarfs dream, a huge crevice that contained various minerals, metal, gems, and ores.

I then took out a pickaxe and started hacking away at the stone and ore as I recalled how much we improved in the past few days.

<===< p>

Name- Noir

Species- Mimikyu- M

Height- 8 cm

Type- Shadow slime

Age- 6 days old

Type- Ghost, Fairy

Abilities- Keen eye- passive, Simple- Passive, Disguise- passive (Inactive), Contrary- manual,

Current state- Cautious, Adrenaline filled

Affinities- Ghost S, Fairy A, Bug D, Psychic A, Dark- C

HP: 198/198

STR: 67/67

DEF: 96/96

SPE: 60/60

STA: 370/370

INT: 146/146

ACU: 97/97

MANA: 456/456

M-DEF: 89/89

M-ATK: 120/120

Skills: Shadow claw-4.2, Shadow punch-3.7, Dark pulse-2, Twin beam-2.5, Heal pulse- 5.3, No retreat- 1.7, Disarming voice-2.8, Amnesia-2.4, Agility-3.4, Nasty plot-4, Quiver dance- 4.4, Leech life- 2.6, String shot-4, Space pouch-1, Future sight-1.2, Fury attack-5.3, Rage fist-3.4, Outrage-2.5, Pin missile-2.4, Protect-3, Heal burst-1.3, Scary face-4.3, Taunt-2.1, Sucker punch-2, Wood hammer-1.2, Night slash-1.3, X-scissor-1, Slash-2.3, Arm thrust-1.4, Weapon mastery-1.5 


<===< p>

Name- Dwayne

Species- Amalgam Geodude –Unknown variant- M

Height- 14 cm

Type- Earth golem

Age-  6 days old

Type- Rock, Steel

Abilities- Levitate- manual, Iron fist- passive, Sturdy- passive, furnace- passive, Adaptability- passive, Rough skin- manual

Current state- worried

Affinities- Earth SS, Combat A, Metal C, Fire D

HP: 64/64

STR: 124/124

DEF: 157/157

SPE: 56/56

STA: 100/100

INT: 73/73

ACU: 54/54

MANA: 214/214

M-DEF: 80/80

M-ATK: 46/46

Skills: brick brake-5.3, power up punch-3.4, thunder punch-3.4, nature power-1.5, iron defense-4.3, Autotomize- 2.3, steamroller- 2.8, iron head-3.5, magma bomb-2.4, rollout-3.4, fire spin-2.3, flame charge-2.9, tar shot-2.4, protect-2, quick guard-2, fire punch-2.5, Bullet punch-2.08, Rock blast-3.6, Geo storm-1,



System: Beast tamer system

System host: Cyrus Ryker

Level: 7 [648 exp/1250 exp]

Age: Physical 16, Mental 24

Current state: Normal

Affinities: Ice SS, Water B

HP: 94/94

STR: 69/69

DEF: 45/45

SPE: 62/62

STA: 103/104

INT: 500/500

ACU: 56/56

MANA: 249/249

M-DEF: 100/100

M-ATK: 64/64

Tamed beasts: Amalgam geodude, Mimikyu, None x 47

Transformation: unobtained

Skills: Cooking-4.7, Gun works-7.4, Ice magic-3.2, Herbology-5.3, Engineering-6, Chemistry-8, Biology-6, Close combat-6.8, Mana burst-1.6, Carpentry-5, Pain nullification-7.5, Water magic-2.06, Scan-1.8, Brain time-2, Oceans vortex-1.2, Sub zero cradle -1, escapist -1.4, Poison resistance-1.8, Ice rupture-1.8, Water bullet-0.7, Ice bullet-1.2, Water torrent-1.5, 



Sp- 569





(HAHAHA We sure lucked out finding this just a day before the auction!) I thought as I picked up the lump of greenish ore and tossed it into the inventory.

I looked to my side and saw Darius in a meditative position playing around with Noir.

"*Ahem* As much as I like seeing you getting along with my tames I believe you have work to do?" I sternly said as I pointed my pickaxe at the gold mine of a crevice.

"Fine…" He said with irritation as he took out a pickaxe.

"Good now Noir run along to the camp." I shooed Noir away to work.

^Ok…^ He said as he hopped his way to the camp.

For the next few hours, Darrius and I mined the mineral deposit clean of anything valuable with the occasional monsters attacking.

"That should be everything…" I say as I close an inventory panel.

"Yeah should be about it. Nothing is on the scanner so we should be done now!" He said as stored away a strange device that detected ores or anything of the sort.

(How does that thing even work is it x-ray vision or thermal reading, maybe it finds the different densities of the ores and rocks-) My mind continued to ramble as we made our way to the camp.

<yrus… Cyrus…CYRUS!>  Lyra shouted.

"Huh, what-" I crashed into something and saw that I was facing a wall.

I look back and see Dwayne and Noir looking at me with confusion while Darius just face-palmed himself as he snickered.

"Hehehe Even now you get caught up in that habit of yours." I snickered as he lit a campfire.

<Anyway as I was saying before we should make some final preparations the auction starts in a few hours. thinking maybe take bit of materials from this 'expedition' for ourselves so could upgrade our gear.> She said seriously as she opened a panel that showed everything we collected in the past five days.

<I agree with Lyra it is in our best interest if we keep some for ourselves like the Namielle carves. Even take twenty percent of corpse won't lose much Sp cause they will try to outbid each other. And soul piece would make more than what lost within first three bids so it's a win-win honestly.> Nexus opened up a panel for Darius as well.

"Honestly I'm fine with like a little bit of its hide its strong and has some nice properties like electric resistance so I think I'll just let my armor absorb it along with some of the ores." He shrugged his shoulders as he took out some chicken from the inventory.

"Yeah, actually Lyra what about my subspace all the creatures that are unconscious are stored there right? So can I access it?" I realized I had forgotten about the subspace.

<Nope, 10 you can't access it just yet. You need to be level enter till then only your tames or any other unconscious creature we store away can it.> Lyra explained.

"I see… well then just give me a list of what creatures are there currently and we'll decide what to do with them." I said with seriousness.

Then for the next few hours until the auction started, we discussed what items we'd keep for ourselves and what order we'd present the items in.

"So what about the soul pieces from the Girros?" Darius asked me curiously.

"What'd you think, we put them up for bidding of course." I say as I organize the inventory.

"Cyrus we got to go it's time for the auction!" He hurriedly got up and equipped his armor.

"Lyra store the camp away for now and send the duo to the subspace it's time for their bedtime." I calmly said as I equipped Neo malware and patted the drowsy duo on the head.

<On it!> She said with excitement as the camp and duo were stored away

"So where exactly are we supposed to go? You haven't told me anything about it the location at all." I said in a confused tone.

"Just stand still and get ready to be teleported!"

"Wha-" I was cut off as I light and a world of pain engulfed me.

"-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I found myself in the familiar space that was the omniverse.






To be continued next time….