
Into the Flames

‘Where am I?’ Eloise woke up abruptly to find herself by a small pond, in the middle of a very large garden. The cool evening breeze blew wisps of her dark red hair into her face. She looked down to find herself in a beautiful white gown. She slowly stood to her feet confused. ‘My wedding day?’ But that was two days from now. She quickly touched her stomach to find no stab wounds. She found no blood in her palms either. She swore they were filled with blood minutes ago. The scene of Cole stabbing her was so vivid now. She died...... Yes, she died. She would never mistake the fear she felt while, Cole pushed her off the balustrade. It was real. She knew what she felt. The sharp piercing pain from the cold iron knife, he stabbed her with. The satisfaction in his eyes while he stabbed her multiple times. The hate. Pure hate, she thought. But why? Why would the love of her life kill her? Most importantly, why wasn’t she dead yet? Yes, she was the Phoenix. She could rise from the ashes every time she died but not this time. She was sealed. Yes, by that woman. The woman with the realistic serpent tattoo. She’d seen tattoo before, but where? She remembered it all so well now. There was a witch circle, the seal of the condemned, a bright red moon and her blood.... She fell from a three-story building, right to the bottom of the pool. She spent her last breath drowning because she couldn’t swim. What a terrible way to die, she thought. Or maybe not.... She was alive, wasn’t she? Some terrible dream that was. Or was it?

LinnyYale · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 8

Soft lips. Yes, she remembered them so well now. Soft and warm gentle lips brushed against hers. She looked up to find his golden ears staring at her, with a look in his eyes, that made her insides churn.

'Eloise....' She heard him mutter in a throaty voice, leaning down and kissing her neck. She felt his sharp fangs dig into her neck. She didn't flinch or scream. She just held onto him tightly...

'Eloise... Eloise?' Corianne placed a hand on Eloise's. Eloise turned to find both Corianne and Leonard staring at her with worried looks.

'I'm sorry, I'm fine. What was it you were saying again?' Eloise asked with a smile, her emerald eyes glinting brightly. She looked unusually pale yet her smile had that beautiful smile she always had on.

They were seated at a round table at the Solaris, an elite countryside club where the royals and other elites spent some afternoons. The women usually had lunch, chatted, gossiped and bragged about their finest jewellery. The men ate, smoked cigars, drank the most expensive wine and engaged in club games.

Coming here was Corianne's idea, she pleaded with Leonard to come along. Eloise came because Leonard asked her to.

'You haven't touched your lunch, Eloise. Do you not like it?' Leonard asked her.

'No. It's good, thank you Leo' Leonard noticed her rub her neck absentmindedly. She had a blue scarf wrapped around her neck. He didn't need to have an empathic mind to know, what had happened. He could sense it off her. Call it one of the quirks of being a vampire. One could expressly tell when one was claimed.

Wrath had marked Eloise, fed from her. That would explain why she looked pale with that scarf on her neck. To disguise the several fang bites Wrath had given her. Several, because he knew what a greedy feeder his brother was. He wasn't called the Ripper for namesake. But he wondered if he'd forced her. Eloise and Wrath weren't exactly a couple even though they were married. Hell, they weren't even friends, so how did he feed on her if not force her? But what if she let him, without being compelled to?

He felt a pang of jealousy as he watched her nibble at the piece of cake on her plate. She was indeed the most beautiful person, he'd ever laid eyes on. At least apart from his mother.

Wrath didn't deserve her. She was too good for him. Too good for him either.

'Look it is Arielle' Corianne said directing his attention towards the light skinned woman, taking her seat next to the grand piano in the middle of the room. Her long curly brown hair rested on her back. She wore a beautiful purple gown, with her light brown eyes scanning the room. She had that beautiful smile playing on her lips as always.

Arielle Belle Hall, only daughter of Klaud Hall, the owner of the Solaris countryside club. Head of the only human family that knew about the existence of the supernatural. The Halls for centuries, have kept the secret of their existence. They still did, thus receiving special treatment and favours from the Lord and the Imperium.

Arielle Hall was a pianist and a singer professionally. On days when she wasn't playing at theatres, balls or special gatherings, she played at the club.

The only reason, he, Leonard came here every Thursdays.

All sounds ceased and all eyes turned towards her when she played the first note. She could sway a crowd that way. She began singing along as she played, spreading smiles around the room.

Eloise saw a little smile crawl onto Leonard's lips, as he watched the woman. There was something in the way he looked at her that was different. The only time he'd seen him with that look was whenever he looked at her.

Arielle ended the song followed by a loud sound of applause from her audience. She gave a wave with a beautiful smile.

Eloise watched a group of men approach her afterwards, indulging her and pining for her attention. She was beautiful, a sight for sore eyes. In this case, Leonard's. His smile turned into a frown as he watched the men around her.

'I want to go talk to her, Leo. I want to ask her to teach me to play and sing like her' Eloise heard Corianne say.

'No, Annie. Elric can find you someone else' Leonard said with a frown.

'Why? Is it because she is a human? They aren't all cruel....'

'Arielle is a nice person. I believe that's what she's trying to say' Eloise said quickly. 'Looks like she's coming right this way'

The three watched as the curly brown haired approached their table. 'I will be at the race court' Leonard suddenly stood up to leave.

Arielle watched as Leonard stepped away from the table.

'My Lady Valerian, Lady Corianne, how lovely to see you here' Arielle greeted them once she was at the table. Her eyes trailed towards Leonard as he joined a group of men across the room. As if feeling her gaze, he turned back and their eyes met. She gave him a smile but Leonard looked away, ignoring her.

'It's a pleasure to meet you too, Lady Arielle. That was a beautiful song' Eloise drew her attention.

'Thank you, my Lady. How do you like the club?' She asked.

'I love it. One of the best places I've visited since my arrival' Eloise told her with a smile.

'That is good to hear. Lady Anne, I hoped you loved it....'

'I did, Ari….' Corianne trailed off shyly glancing at Eloise.

'Lady Arielle, you don't mind taking sometime of to teach Annie here, how to play and sing, do you? She is a huge admirer of yours, you see?' Eloise told her caressing Corianne's cheek as she spoke.

'Oh… Is that so? I would love to teach you Lady Anne'

'You would?' Corianne squealed excitedly in her wheelchair.

'It would be an absolute honor, Lady Anne' Arielle placed a hand on her chest sincerely.

'Please, call me, Annie. Thank you, Arie' Corianne took her hands excitedly. Ariella laughed heartily muttering a 'you are welcome'

'Lady Arielle, please keep Annie company while I find the Ladies, will you?' Eloise told her.

'Of course, my Lady' Arielle sat in next to Corianne, instantly getting into a conversation.

Eloise headed out of the chamber with Lucy behind her. Heads bowed each turn she took, followed by whispers and queer looks. This felt exactly like the auction all over again. These people didn't like her very much, did they?

'Over here, my Lady' Lucy waved her over towards a door labelled 'Ladies'

Three minutes later Eloise stepped out of the washroom with a sigh.

'Lucy, aren't you done already?' Eloise asked from outside.

'Do not move an inch, my Lady. It is not my fault lunch did not sit well with me' she said from inside.

Eloise chuckled 'Take your sweet time then…'

The door across to the Ladies creaked open with a tall blond stepping out. His glittering light blue eyes met with Eloise's emerald ones.

'What are the odds, Lady Valerian' Cole slowly closed the door to the gents with a smile.

He was dressed in an elegant three piece suit, with a dark grey coat. He had on a calm expression and a soft smile. The devil in a sheep's clothing, she thought.

Eloise glanced around the hallway to find it eerily empty and quiet. She quickly turned away from him forgetting about Lucy. Her heart thudded so wild in her chest. She had to be anywhere but here.

'Eloise' she walked to a stop at the mention of her name. His gentle calm tone remembered her of a time when it was the only thing she longed for. She missed those days. She cursed herself internally, for thinking about it.

'Not even a hello, Eloise' He stepped in behind her, whispering in her ear.

Eloise clutched her hand to her chest. What was this she felt? Fear, definitely. That and a tickling feeling down her spine as his lips grazed her earlobe.

'There's nothing to say, excuse me' Eloise quickened her pace towards the door. Her eyes were glued towards the knob across the hallway. She grabbed the sides of her gown wishing more than ever she could disappear from here. Either that or stop feeling his boring gaze at her back.

She suddenly felt strong arms grab her waist turning her around.

'Cole….' She gasped as he grabbed her close to him, their lips inches away from each other's. Eloise's stood bewildered with her eyes wide.

'No need to be afraid, El. It's just me' he whispered, his lips inches away from hers. His hand caressed her face with his thumb grazing her lips.

Eloise froze, He knew, she thought.

This wasn't supposed to be happening, she was supposed to be across the hall and far away from him right now. She had to get away now, she thought.

But her body was limp, refusing to move, refusing to do the right thing. Instead, it stood there staring into his eyes, and to his tempting lips.

Cole slowly caressed her neck, drawing her closer with their lips lingering on each other's. She wasn't fighting him off, that was a good sign, he thought.

Their lips slowly collided, Eloise's tense body eased up in his arms. His lips, they were the same. Felt the same. This was so wrong, Eloise's mind screamed at her.

'My Lady Eloise….' Eloise abruptly pushed away from him, her eyes wide gasping for air. She turned to find Lucy gazing at them stunned.

Cole reached out to touch her but she stepped away.

'Don't…. Stay away from me' Eloise muttered stepping away from him and heading for the doors.

Lucy strode quickly after her Lady, scowling at Cole when she passed by him.

Eloise stepped into the open foyer, clutching her chest. She looked down the balcony to find several men horse racing down the field. She took in quick breaths, trying to wrap her head around what just happened. For all she'd been through because of him, she walked right into his arms.

Why Eloise, stupid idiot! You never learn, do you? She scolded herself.

She wasn't surprised though; she was still in love with him. Even if it was a younger version of himself. It wasn't like she could forget how it felt to love him or be and be loved by him.

Don't try to justify this Eloise, this was all shades of wrong and you know that, her mind screamed at her.

She sighed burying her face in her palms. Cole had a hold on her, she knew that and so did he.

She wondered if she knew who and what she was? Did he know what he'd done to her in the future?

He probably knew. He had a sister who could see. A sister who was terrified of him. So was she. Was she now?

Eloise groaned pacing up and down the quiet balcony. She didn't even know what it is she felt. One minute she was terrified, another minute she longed to be in his arms.

'My Lady….' She turned to find Lucy standing in the doorway looking at her with a worriedly.

Eloise panicked. Lucy saw them. She saw Cole and her….

'If me seeing you two is what you are concerned with you shouldn't worry, my Lady. I can be very discrete… occasionally' Eloise gave her a feeble smile, settling in the chair closest to her.

'How long have you and Lord Chamberlain... '

'We are not… that wasn't supposed to happen' Eloise groaned burying her face in her palms.

Lucy settled in next to an agitated Eloise, placing a hand on her shoulder.

'Whatever happened there, my Lady, should not be repeated again. It would be a huge scandal if word was to come out' Lucy's voice dropped to a whisper.

'And you know the Lord is good friends with Lord Chamberlain, do you not? He will be….'

'I know, I know, Lucy. You aren't making this any better' Eloise groaned running her hands through her hair.

'Pardon me, my Lady. But I was only pointing out the obvious'

'What's obvious?' Thorne stepped into the balcony with Arielle and Corianne.

Both Eloise and Lucy stepped up quickly. Composing herself, she put on a smile turned to Thorne.

'Nothing to concern yourselves with. I loved it here, but I want to go home now' Eloise said in a composed tone.

'Welcome back, my Lady. How did you like the Solaris?' Elric asked, taking Eloise's coat at the foyer.

'It was lovely' Eloise forced a smile.

'I'm glad to hear that. The Lord has requested you….'

'I want to take a nap now. Whatever it is can wait afterwards, please' Eloise walked off with Lucy behind her.

'Whatever happened back there?' Wrath asked, quietly standing in the doorway to his study.

'I have no idea, but it certainly has something to do with Cole' Thorne said once they were in Wrath's study.

'What did he do to her?' Leonard asked with a frown, he, like Thorne, didn't like Cole so much.

'She was not hurt, that is the most important thing. Is it not?' Wrath turned to his siblings with a black raven in his arms. He caressed its head and tickled it.

'You had her followed. Why am I even surprised?' Leonard chuckled.

'You do not need me, to tell you how wrong that is, right?' Thorne told him.

'We both know I crossed the line between wrong and right, many lines ago. As much as I will love to talk about my wife all day, we have work to do. Where is Miles?' Wrath asked in bored tone.

'On one of his escapades, I presume. With Scourge' Leonard muttered.

Both Wrath and Leonard glanced at Thorne, who cocked a brow.

'What the bloody fuck are you looking at me for?' he muttered.

'There was another massacre, last night. At Pitsbellow. Another incomplete sigil was left at center of the town' Wrath started, going around his desk and pulling out a file. He threw it to the desk with Leonard picking it up.

Leonard glanced through the file, stopping at a hand sketch of the incomplete sigil. He passed it on to Thorne who did the same.

'This was the same one found in Oaken town and now Pitsbellow' Thorne muttered as he glanced at the file.

'This is different. The whole town was burnt to crisp…overnight' Both Leonard and Thorne turned to him with pointed looks.

'What the bloody fuck are you looking at?' Wrath muttered in an annoyed tone.

'A burnt town with an incomplete sigil. That does not ring a bell at all does it, brother?' Thorne turned to Leonard in a sarcastic tone.

'Oh, not at all. Except for one burnt town, ah yes, I remember say a two hundred years ago. Because someone threw a tantrum' Both Leonard and Thorne turned to Wrath with questioning looks.

'I'm sorry to disappoint you then. I want you to run point on this one' Wrath told them, caressing the raven's head gently.

'Men have already been sent there….'

'This is not a request, brother. You leave tonight. And while you are at it, tell Miles I need him here'

'I will go gather some things then' Leonard walked out of the study, not so happy about his brother's decision.

'The rest of us have lives, you know?' Thorne said.

Wrath chuckled. 'I will pretend I know' he turned back to the window, doting on the raven in his arms.

'So, what did he want with Eloise?' Thorne asked. Wrath turned to his brother with a narrowed look.

'You are concerned with my wife that much?'

'I care about her that much, so yes, I do' Thorne replied.

He'd never wrapped his head around his brothers' obsession with Eloise. They were all in love with her, this Wrath knew. He sometimes wondered how she did it.

Wrath sighed turning back to the window.

'He kissed her' he said flatly.

'He did not' Thorne muttered surprised.

'He did and she did not resist…. They knew each other. That explains why he couldn't stop looking at her. I mean, she is a beauty, who would not stare? But the look in his eyes were different' he muttered quietly.

Thorne noticed the small, confused frown he had on. As if his brilliant mind couldn't wrap his head around the situation. He called her beautiful, he'd never acknowledged her in the presence of any of his siblings before. This was new, he thought.

'You do not think she….'

'No, I do not. She is… she is too good for someone like that' Wrath said quietly.

'And you are better?' Thorne asked.

'Worse, but safer' he muttered with a smile.

'What are you going to do about it' Thorne asked him, only to find him with that devilish smile of his.

'Nothing. I would like to see how this plays out'

Wrath stepped into the bedroom to find it unusually quiet. The large bed was empty and there was no fire at the fireplace. He checked his pocket watch, and it was midnight. It wasn't like her to not sleep in their room.

Their room.

Those words seemed familiar each day.

An image of Cole touching her came to mind. The raven in his hand cawed. He looked at it to find his hand gripping its neck.

'Sorry Lu' He caressed its neck gently, slowly setting it down to the ground. The raven suddenly morphed into a black cat, speeding off.

Wrath walked to the open balcony to find it empty. Where on earth was she?

The black cat trotted into the room to his side, circling at his feet and rubbing its feet against his legs.

'What is it, girl?' Wrath picked it up into his arms again.

It purred, abruptly leaping from his arms and outside the room again. Wrath slowly followed after it down the hallway to his private library. The door was slightly open, with streaks of dull light coming from within. He slowly pushed the double door open and stepped inside. His once clean and organized library was turned upside down. There were books scattered everywhere.

Lu's purr drew his attention towards the east wing of the library. He stopped in the dark corner of the room where Lu stood.

Amongst the tall bookshelves in the looming dull lit darkness, lay Eloise fast asleep, naked and in a pile of ash. Lu purred rubbing her head against Eloise's legs. Eloise groaned muttering something inaudible and curling into a ball, hugging her knees. Amidst the pile of ash, lay her green silk night dress along with several books scattered all around her. The only source of light was a single candle shielded in a glass.

Wrath slowly walked towards her, stopping to watch her closely.

So, this is how it was. The power of the Phoenix. It's power to die and rise in a pile of ashes, fascinating, he thought. It was his first time, witnessing this at hand.

Her dark copper hair was longer, with thicker curls dangles at the ends, specks of ashes at the strands, sprawled over her shoulders and her face. Her skin glowed amidst the dull light. Her soft pink lips parted, with her chest heaving slowly. His eyes trailed down from her breasts to her huge buttocks. All this beneath a gown?

She looked even more beautiful than the last time he set eyes on her. Wrath knelt down at her side, gathering the books around her.

Philosophy of Time, The Art of Time, Into the Stars, Mechanism of Time. Witch lore and time. Wrath glanced at the books skeptically then back to her.

He wondered when she became interested in these books. A glittering mark on her arm caught his eye. He placed the books on the desk and leaned closer to examine.

It was a mark of a fiery bird glowing red, as if it'd had just been scorched into her skin. The Mark of the Phoenix, the first time he'd ever laid his eyes on one. He reached out to touch it, caressing the red flesh beneath his thumb. His hands roamed up her neck to hair, then to her face.

Wrath gently and carefully carried her back to their room. He laid her down on the bed, positioning the pillows underneath her head.

Eloise laughed muttering in her sleep.

'Stupid, it's a TV show… stop it, Cole….' She giggled with a sigh. An air of pure inappropriate rage fanned his senses as he looked at her.

Wrath instantly threw the covers over her body and turned to leave. A sudden grip on his shirt from behind stopped him.

'Help! … please' Eloise muttered, a sudden wave of fear hit him. He sensed it off her, she was frightened. But of what? Her grip on the sheets tightened, with a bead of sweat breaking on her forehead. What started as quiet mutters suddenly turned to screams. Wrath quickly sat in next to her as she tossed and turned, screaming for help.

'Eloise…' Wrath shook her, trying to wake her up.

The fireplace suddenly burst out with blue flames with Eloise screaming in a deafening tone.

The manor trembled, followed with sounds of glass shattering around the house.

'Eloise! Eloise!' Wrath grabbed both her arms yelling her name. Eloise woke up abruptly, gasping for air. The blue flames suddenly diminished, and the trembling stopped.

'Eloise' Wrath cupped her face with his brows creased with worry. Her green eyes were clouded with tears that refused to fall.

'Come here' She flinched, clutching the covers closer to her body, shifting uncomfortably.

'I will not hurt you, Eloise. I promise' He placed a hand on hers, gently stroking it.

He slowly pulled her into a hug, feeling her racing heartbeat slowly return to normal now.

What was she afraid of? Or it was a who?