
Into the Flames

‘Where am I?’ Eloise woke up abruptly to find herself by a small pond, in the middle of a very large garden. The cool evening breeze blew wisps of her dark red hair into her face. She looked down to find herself in a beautiful white gown. She slowly stood to her feet confused. ‘My wedding day?’ But that was two days from now. She quickly touched her stomach to find no stab wounds. She found no blood in her palms either. She swore they were filled with blood minutes ago. The scene of Cole stabbing her was so vivid now. She died...... Yes, she died. She would never mistake the fear she felt while, Cole pushed her off the balustrade. It was real. She knew what she felt. The sharp piercing pain from the cold iron knife, he stabbed her with. The satisfaction in his eyes while he stabbed her multiple times. The hate. Pure hate, she thought. But why? Why would the love of her life kill her? Most importantly, why wasn’t she dead yet? Yes, she was the Phoenix. She could rise from the ashes every time she died but not this time. She was sealed. Yes, by that woman. The woman with the realistic serpent tattoo. She’d seen tattoo before, but where? She remembered it all so well now. There was a witch circle, the seal of the condemned, a bright red moon and her blood.... She fell from a three-story building, right to the bottom of the pool. She spent her last breath drowning because she couldn’t swim. What a terrible way to die, she thought. Or maybe not.... She was alive, wasn’t she? Some terrible dream that was. Or was it?

LinnyYale · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 7

Eloise woke up with a start. She sighed with relief, another nightmare.

Since the last time she saw Cole, she hadn't had a wink of sleep. There were nightmares every time she dared to close her eyes.

Nightmares of her dying over and over again. She had to find answers. Why was Cole after her life? Was he still after her life? From her previous encounter with his sister, she doubted he wasn't.

She was terrified of him. Afraid he was lurking somewhere in the dark, ready to finish what he started.

'Keep it together, El. He's not here' she told herself.

Keeping it together, that's all she'd been doing ever since she saw him, and honestly it was killing her every second.

She turned to find the side of the bed empty. Seven times in a row. Wrath hadn't been to bed ever since she refused him. It was a relief, but she wondered where he went at night.

Thunder crashed loudly from the outside following a spark of lighting, illuminating the dark room. She stepped down from the bed to the balcony door, watching silently as the rain trickled down the glass door.

She found herself thinking about Wrath. Worried even.

Why on earth was she thinking about him? Over the week, all he did was ignore her.

Eloise turned to spend more time with his siblings. Henry and Corianne sent her around town and showed her around. Miles and Thorne escorted her to soirees and other parties she was invited to. Leonard brought over some cases from work, and they went through them together.

But when night finally fell, she was all alone.

This shouldn't have bothered her much, but it did. After Cole, all she knew was fear. She would never trust or love another man the way she did him.

Wrath wasn't exactly the kind of person she'd trust her broken heart with. He didn't care at all, gave no regard to her whatsoever. She could die in a faraway corner of the manor for all he cared. And from their last conversation, he didn't seem like someone who'd want to commit to a relationship.

But that was good. She wasn't ready to get attached or for in love any time soon either. Never even.

She pulled out a black woolen cloth from her wardrobe. Slowly wrapped it around her body to keep her warm.

She stepped out of their room into the dull lit hall. The only sound that could be heard as she paced the hallway, was the sound of the rain thundering outside. She walked to a stop at Wrath's study, raising her clenched fist to knock. She hesitated for a second. She placed her ear to the door leaning in to listen.

She heard faint sounds coming from the within. She couldn't make it out since the rain was too loud. She slowly pushed the doors open. She froze at the spot once she had a look inside. Wrath abruptly turned towards her, his fangs and mouth dripping with blood.

Eloise's eyes met with his golden ones. His face was void of any expression as he looked at her. Around him were three beautiful blonde women pinning for his attention.

Eloise glared at three. Not because she was angry. No, anger didn't cut it. All she felt was a stab of pure, unattractive, inappropriate jealousy.

That could've been her, she thought.

Right now....

Eloise walked down the hallway towards Wrath's study. She stopped at the door, hesitating for a second. She knocked gently waiting for a response from within. She wasn't ready to walk in on another orgy.

'Come in' Wrath's voice boomed in from within.

Eloise pushed the doors open to find not just Wrath but his brothers, Thorne, Miles and Leo as well. They instantly stopped talking when she stepped inside. She noticed Leonard quickly gather the files on the desk.

'What is?' Wrath asked, sighing in exasperation.

Eloise bit on her lips, irritated. A nuisance she was now, wasn't she?

'I want to speak to you…. privately' She glanced at his brothers and back to him.

'I am busy. Come back another time'

'It can't wait?' Eloise said abruptly.

'Alright. Go on' he muttered nonchalantly.


'Eloise, say whatever you want or excuse us' Wrath said not with the usually smile he usually held.

'I think we should leave…'

'I don't want you and your whores in this manor' Eloise blurted spitefully.

There it was again, that inappropriate sting she felt earlier.

Wrath ignored the looks his brothers gave him. She had that stubborn pout on her mouth with that feisty look in her eyes.

'Leave us' His brothers quickly left the study, leaving the two behind.

'Spiteful that much?' Wrath muttered.

'You can do whatever you…'

Wrath suddenly rushed towards her crushing her into the doors.

Eloise glanced at him in horror. For a second there was a terrible flash in his eyes.

'What is your problem, Eloise? You do not want me to touch. You do not want me anywhere near you. Now, you do not want me to have anyone else too?'

'You can fuck whoever the bloody fuck you want to! But bear in mind this is a marriage. No matter how insignificant it to you, it is what is it. And I demand I along with it be respected. You are hurting me, if you don't mind' Eloise snapped in an angry tone, gesturing at his grip on both her arms.

Wrath suddenly let go of her, noticing the bruises on her arms. For a second he forgot she wasn't a vampire. Witches like humans didn't selfheal when injured. Witches could use magic, sure, but their bodies couldn't heal by themselves like other creatures.

Eloise turned away angrily heading off.

'And by the way, that is no way to treat a woman' she said her shoulder.

'Get your coat. I will be waiting for you in the carriage. You have three minutes' he said after her instantly slamming the doors behind her.

God this woman was going to be the death of him, he thought.

Stubborn women. His father did warn him about stubborn women. They are a curse and a menace. Never make a mistake of taking one ever, he used to say.

Yet, he ended up with one. Not by choice though. If it were up to him, he'd raid himself of her. But that wouldn't be fun at all. She excited him whenever she challenged him.

Yet that was no excuse for the way he just treated her.

'Do your arms hurt?' Wrath turned to a sullen Eloise.

'Where are we going?' She asked abruptly, her hands wrapped around her arms tightly. Her eyes were glued outside the carriage window, looking anywhere but him.

The carriage suddenly stopped in front of a huge church.

Eloise stepped down from the carriage with the coachman giving her a hand. Wrath stepped in behind her, watching as she stared at the series of stairs.

'A church?' She asked in a questioning tone.

"A man has to confess his sins once a while." He said muttered slowly walking in behind her.

Eloise glanced over her shoulder with a chuckle.

"You never struck me as a religious type."

"You barely know me, Eloise" he said bluntly stepping past her and on ahead.

They entered the large church doors to find a few people around.

"Isn't there a strife between vampires and the church?" Eloise muttered glancing around the large catholic church.

"If there was, we would not be here, would we?"

'Well, you are full of surprises, aren't you?' She said sarcastically.

"As I said, you don't know me." He replied before sitting down on a front row pew with Eloise sitting in next to him.

"As if you'd let me know you better. You can't even say two words to without pushing me into a door' She blurted.

'I am sorry about that. Besides, you would not want to know me' he said staring at the crucifix overhead the alter.

'I haven't seen all of you but what I've seen so far, I don't like. I can imagine the worst, but I like a good challenge' Wrath chuckled turning to find her looking at him.

'To be fair, you don't know me either' There she was wrong, he knew everything there was to know about her. She just didn't know that.

"My Lord Valerian, forgive me for keeping you' They both looked towards the direction of the voice.

A woman in a white robe and white shawl approached them. Her blue eyes held delight to see them.

"Mother Valerie." Wrath embraced her with a warm look on his face. A look she'd only seen him with whenever he was with Corianne.

Mother Valerie sighed delightfully.

"Oh, how I missed you too' She cupped his face with a smile. 'And you must be Eloise. Mother Valerie, I hope my god son has not given you a hard time'

'Nothing I can't handle. It's a pleasure to meet you' Eloise said with a smile.

'Ah, a fierce one, just like I heard. Lovely, to meet you too, child' Mother Valerie gave her a hug.

'I understand why Carmine…"

"I came for what we spoke of earlier." Wrath interrupted her.

Mother Valerie sighed.

"I will be back in a minute." Mother Valerie walked towards a small chamber across the room.

"Huh, Carmine? Why not choose that over Wrath?' Eloise muttered.

'It is decided then, my name joins the list of one of the many things you do not like about me' Eloise chuckled watching him walk over to Mother Valerie. She handed him a black file, he quickly placed in his coat.

'That didn't look shady at all' Eloise said once they were back in the carriage.

'Not at all' he said quietly falling silent afterwards.

"So… you didn't seem scared of the cross around her neck." he laughed to her surprise. The rich sound of his laughter made her smile too.

'Do not be silly, El. There are no way vampires are terrified of crosses'

'Not in movies' Eloise blurted with a chuckle. It was after she said the words before she realized it. Movies weren't invented until the 19th century.

'Movies?' He asked with a raised brow.

'Err, plays' she said quickly.

He chuckled with a stunned expression 'You like plays?'

'As a matter of fact, I do' She replied with a small smile. She used to watch movies back at home all the time. Especially on Saturday nights. A large bowl of popcorn with some white wine. Slouching in her favorite couch with Cole. They used to fight over the remote or the movie they should watch....

Cole, God knows how much she loved that man. He was first love and probably the last. Why was she even thinking about him now?

Wrath watched that sweet smile of hers slowly turn into a sad one. She was sad, he sensed it off her.

"Vampires are an evolving predator species. Our eyesight is extremely different to that of witches, wolves or that of other creatures. Any geometric shape close in a field of vision can confuse our brains and cause a reaction of panic. But as I said, we are evolving species. We have learnt to overcome such absurd religious iconology and now we leave with it." he explained to her bringing her back from her disrupted thoughts.

"So, your theory is due to physiology as opposed to religion?" She asked.

He nodded in response.

"Hmm… I didn't know you were that smart." Eloise muttered with a chuckle.

"Would I have come this far, if I were some stupid idiot?"

"You make a good argument. I mean it would take more than power to keep all creatures together under one rule. It takes a genius to do that'

'Look at that, you called me a genius. Which I know I am' he said smugly. Eloise rolled her eyes with a laughter escaping her lips.

Wrath found himself smiling too. 'So, where are we going?' She asked him.


'When you said somewhere, I didn't think one of your fancy soirees' Eloise said with a sigh. She would love to be anywhere but here. The past weeks as Lady Valerian has been all about these gatherings. Making public appearances, meeting people and pretending to enjoy herself. She did enjoy herself for the first two soirees but after the seventh one in two weeks, she was bored out of her mind.

They stepped into a large ballroom. They were several elites, vampires, wolves, fairies, daemons but no witches. They were all dressed in exquisite colors of gowns and suits. The best and expensive collection of the season.

'Trust me, I do not want to be anywhere near here than you do'

'Goodness, my Lord Valerian.... Lady Valerian, what an honor it is to finally grace this occasion with your presence' A grey haired man with a golden monocle, in a fancy blue suit approached them.

'Lord Eddington, a pleasure as well' Wrath muttered with a smile. That smile that made you wonder what was going on in his head.

'Lady Valerian, allow me to introduce Lord George Eddington, Governor of East Eddin, the host of this wonderful gathering and huge admirer of yours' Wrath introduced.

'Is that so' Eloise turned to the man with a smile, offering him her knuckle. He kissed it eagerly.

'It is an absolute honor, my Lady. I have been trying to get you to attend one of my soirees for some time now. My invitations always hit a dead end, so you can imagine my delight right now' Lord Eddington said.

'I'm glad I could finally come then' she said with a smile.

'Yes, Yes and I am glad as well. But I must say.... your beauty does precede you, my lady'

Wrath cleared his throat abruptly. 'What I came here for, Lord Eddington?'

'Ah yes, my apologies my Lord' Lord Eddington bowed.

'Please follow me' He led them through the crowd. People bowed and threw smiles their way as they passed. Wrath ignored them while Eloise smiled and nodded.

They followed Eddington outside the ballroom to a small doorway guarded by two guards. The guards bowed in greetings, opening the door to a lit stairway that led underground.

They walked down to the end of the stair way, where the music from the ballroom couldn't be heard anymore. There was another guard stationed at the door at the end of the stair wheel.

'My Lord and Lady' He bowed opening the doors for the three.

Eloise stepped in from behind Wrath to an enclosed chamber with ample light. Arranged in a circular pattern were chairs surrounding a small stage at the center of the room. Around stood a gathering of select elites, having quiet conversations in small groups.

Wrath gently took Eloise's hand in his. 'Follow my lead' He whispered in her ear. All heads bowed as they walked to the first row seats, slowly taking the first two seats in the middle, closest to the stage.

All the others settled in once the Lord and his Lady were settled.

'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome once again to the annual Velvet auction. A special welcome to the Lord and the Lady, it is an honor to have you here' Lord Eddington addressed the two, standing at the stage now as he spoke.

'Let us begin with our first item of the evening. The Dark Chamaleté' a veiled portrait on a table was carried to the stage. The black velvet was removed to reveal a black and red abstract painting.

A series of whispers burst through the room.

So, this was an elite art auction, Eloise thought.

'Bidding starts 500,000 gold coins'


'I get a 500, Can I get a 550'



'I get a 600. 600 going once, going twice….and sold to Lord Burrow. Moving on to the next item'

'So, what did you come to get' Eloise whispered to Wrath, who turned to her with a smile.

'Be patient, love. Be patient' he whispered back.

Four more rare, exquisite art pieces were auctioned off in a matter of minutes.

Eloise was an art enthusiast herself, but these people were on a whole new level.

'Moving on to the last and the most sorted after art of the evening. One of the first painting of the Falto, himself. Five hundred years old and believed lost. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Dark Phoenix' the room went dead still as the red veil was removed to reveal a black canvas with a flamed bird. A Phoenix.

Eloise gasped softly staring at the moving flame bird. It was an animated painting enchanted with magic. The bird flapped its flamed wings, flying back and forth across the canvas. Slowly settling in the middle and bursting to ashes.

In a matter of seconds, it generated into a more beautiful and brighter version of its old self.

This was her life narrated on a canvas, Eloise thought.

Come to think of it, she'd never woken up in ash since she found herself in this era. It was probably one of the changes in her powers in this time.

But this piece of art right here, was beautiful. The Falto was a genius, she thought.

'Beautiful, is it not. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Dark Phoenix, bidding starts at 2,000,000 gold coins

'3,000,000 gold coins' Wrath said, his voice boomed through the room loud and clear.

The room went still, no one dared to make a counter bid.

'3,000,000 going once, going….'

'4,000,000 gold coins' All heads turned towards the direction of the feminine voice. Eloise turned to find a beautiful brunette with red lips in a matching dress with a sly look.

'4,000,000 for the….'

'10,000,000' the crowd gasped.

Eloise turned to Wrath, who had on a blank expression.

He was willing to waste that much on a piece of art, it must mean a lot to him, she thought.

'10,000,000 going once. Going twice…. sold! To Lord Valerian' The small crowd applauded.

'Ladies and gentlemen this brings us to the end of the Velvet auction' Lord Eddington announced.

The crowd broke into groups again, conversing, with drinks being served in between.

'My Lord, can I have a moment…if you do not mind my lady?' Lord Eddington asked.

'Not at all'

'Are you sure?' Wrath asked to receive a smile and a nod.

Once he was gone, Eloise noticed the looks people around gave her. She stood alone in the middle of the room by herself. A witch in the mist of different creatures.

She stuck out like a sore thumb, maybe Wrath leaving wasn't the best idea, she thought to herself. She spotted Wrath across the room with Lord Eddington and three other men. He seemed engrossed with what the men said. As if feeling her gaze, he turned in her direction with a warm look.

'A drink, my Lady?' a black haired man with brown eyes dressed in a black suit took her attention.

She almost sighed too loudly. For a second there, she thought she'd die from sticking out.

'No, thank you' Eloise replied remembering Wrath's warning.

'They don't seem to like me much' She muttered noticing people staring and whispering.

'No at all. They are just scared of the Lord' another man dressed in a similar suit with similar features as the man on her right said.

Eloise looked from one face to another. They were twins, she thought.

'Pardon our rudeness, Lady Valerian. I am Henry Lenoire and this is my twin brother, Harry Lenoire' Eloise offered them her knuckles and they kissed it.

'A pleasure. Lenoire, like the wolf pack?' she asked.

'Yes, the Luna pack' Harry replied.

'I see. So, you're basically wolf royalty' she said with a smile.

The twins chuckled.

'You can say that. Your first time being at such an occasion?' Henry asked.

'Obvious that much?' she asked with a sigh.

The twins nodded.

'Harry and I on the other hand have been coming here, since we were….'

Wrath glanced in Eloise's direction. She was with the Lenoire twins. She laughed heartily at something Henry Lenoire said. He felt a pang of jealousy as he watched them.

'Another week, and the reforms will be….'

'Let us leave that for a workday, yes, Lord Burrow?' Wrath interrupted him with his eyes on Eloise all this while.

'Ah, yes, yes, my Lord' Lord Burrow muttered.

'My Lord, about the invitation to….'

'I will speak to the Lady. If she agrees, we will be there. Have a nice evening gentlemen' Wrath turned away from the four heading in Eloise's direction.

'Really, that must be very interesting' Eloise said with a smile. Four minutes into this conversation and she liked these two, the Lenoire brothers.

'You are invited to join us anytime, if time permits you that is' Harry told her.

'I loved that, Harry. Thank you'

'Love what?' They turned to find Wrath with a small smile.

'Lord Valerian' the twins bowed.

'Harry and Henry here were just telling about the sports fest their family is holding next Saturday' Eloise said.

'Ah, yes, your father informed me. We would be there. Say hello to your father for me. And thank you for keeping the Lady company'

'It was our pleasure, my Lord. And we will extend your regards to father' Henry said.

'We would take our leave now' Wrath turned to Eloise saying.

'It was a pleasure meeting you two. I look forward to seeing you next week' she told the twins to receive a cheerful smile followed with bows.

'Did you enjoy yourself?' Wrath asked Eloise once they were seated in their carriage.

'Surprisingly, I did' She turned to him with a pleased smile.

He nodded with a smile.

'So where is the portrait you bought?' she went on to ask.

'Do you like it?' he asked her in turn with a narrowed look.

'I... Yes. I think it's a brilliant piece of art. I've seen such great animation only on computers. But to make paintings move, more unless look so realistic is….' She paused, noticing the look on Wrath's face.

'Computers? What are computers?' Eloise cringed; this was the second time today she'd blurted something she wasn't supposed to.

'Er… They are like machines… machines to used to…'

'What kind of machines? Tsk… you say the oddest things, Eloise' He turned to find her quiet.

All he sensed from her was chaos now.

'Do not worry, I like odd' Eloise blushed surprisingly with his face suddenly close to hers.

'I bought it for you. The painting' His voice low and seductive as he spoke.

'You? oh…Thank you' Eloise slowly turned away from him. Any closer and she had no idea what she'd do. It was that way with him now.

Wrath pulled away with a smile, at least now he was causing the chaos.

'So where are we going now?' She asked him, trying to hush up her roaring insides.

Truth be told, he had more hold on her than she expected.

'You choose….'

Eloise's stomach grumbled loudly interrupting him.

He chuckled slightly, glancing at his silver pocket watch 'It guess it is decided then'

'The Pride Inn' Eloise muttered, staring at the small inn before her.

'I thought we were going back home' She turned to Wrath.

'Home is two hours away and you are hungry. But do not worry, this is home too' He offered her a hand. Eloise stared at his hand hesitantly.

'I am harmless, El' she looked up to find him with a smile. She chuckled taking his hand.

He led the way towards the inn, to find a small grey haired man sitting at the door.

'Good evening, Ole Den' Wrath said to him.

'Bloody me, Lord Valerian. It is you' Ole Den laughed heartily hugging Wrath. Wrath wrapped a hand around the small man laughing.

'You look good, Den. Shay's treating you well, I see' Eloise watched the two laugh and speak, as if they were very old friends.

'Ah, and you must be the Lady Valerian. Goodness, you are so much lovely than I heard. Den Haggis, people round her call me Ole Den' He bowed his head taking off his dusty brown hat.

'A pleasure to meet you, Ole Den' Eloise replied with a smile.

'Please follow me, everyone will be glad to meet you' Ole Den took the lead while the too followed.

'He's a witch' Eloise whispered to Wrath. She knew her kind when she saw them, she felt them.

'Yes, everyone here is' he replied.


Ole Den burst the old double doors open and all eyes turned towards them.

'Look everyone, it is the Lord, and he finally brought the Lady!' Ole Den yelled. The crowd yelled raising their cups cheering.

Eloise gasped; she'd never seen so many gathered in one place.

'Carmine!' a woman in her late fifties with a brown apron tied around her waist approached them.

Wrath laughed pulling her into a hug. Several others stood up to greet him. He looked very happy.

'Oh, you must be Eloise. I am Alda. You must be hungry. Come on now, let me get your coat, and let the lads fetch you a hot meal' Alda offered. Eloise slowly pulled off her coat to reveal her bruised arms. The marks already turned purple.

Alda's eyes wavered for a second turning to Wrath, who was now speaking with a group of men.

Eloise wrapped her blue shawl around her arms with a nervous smile.

'Oi, you lads leave him be. Carmine let us go get you two a place to sit. Let's go, dear' She turned to Eloise with a smile.

Minutes later, at a small round table, perched at the visible corner of the inn, a feast was served for the two. Mostly for Wrath who seemed to have an enormous appetite. He finished several dishes in minutes. Eloise finished two bowls of stewed lamb and an apple pie.

A teenage boy brought them two tall cups filled with ale afterwards. Their table was cleared afterwards. Wrath left the table to the middle of the room, where he was surrounded instantly by people.

He seemed interested in what every single person had to say. He paid close attention and indulged every single person who spoke to him. He seemed like an entirely different person amongst these people.

She heard him laugh hard at something one of them said. The loudest she'd ever heard him laugh. He looked happier amongst these commoners than he was amongst the elites.

'Full of surprises, is he not?' three women dressed in simple clothes approached her. Amongst them she looked like an overdressed turkey, with her expensive gown and shawl.

'Every day comes with a different charm. Unexpected…' Eloise's brows furrowed, glancing in Wrath's direction.

He was speaking to a group of children with their parents. He had a little black haired girl in his lap, who seemed obsessed with his long blonde hair.

This was a different side to him, a side she didn't expect. He was kind, friendly, polite and surprisingly fun.

Right now, he was everything Corianne once told her about.

'It is not every day you get to see, witches gathered in one place peacefully, not harassed or hunted. The Lord has made it so' The first woman said to her.

'Pride town, is the only place in Valeria, we witches can be free to be whatever and say whatever we want without fear. It has been so for a hundred years' The black haired one told her.

'So, imagine the joy whenever he visits town' The short brown haired said with a smile.

Eloise noticed more people enter the inn, mostly heading Wrath's way.

'I never knew, there were witches in these parts' she told the three.

'To be fair, not many people do. The first of us who were able to cross the sea, settled two hundred years ago before the purge. They mostly hunted by other creatures, especially vampires. After a short period, our numbers dwindled massively. What is left of us ran here for refuge'

'Those were terrible times. I did not see it but according to my grandfather, those times were horrible times to be a witch'

'I'm sorry… I had no….'

'Oh, that is all in the past now. You can imagine our delight when we heard the Lord had married you, Suprema' The black haired said with a smile.

'Finally, one of us in the upper echelon of the Imperium' Eloise glanced at the blue eyed blonde.

She was the wife of the Lord, that was true, but a member of the upper echelon of the imperium, not so much. She'd never bothered to delve into the political aspects of this alliance. In her defense, she was still new to this world and had her own crisis to attend to.

'Because of you, Spell Casters are allowed over the border every month from France'

'Spell Casters?' Eloise asked.

'Yes, witch guards sent in to protect the less powerful.' The black haired replied with a narrowed look.

'We would not have need of them if it was not for that bloody prick, Hoffman Stratton' The short one said with disdain.

As if noticing her ignorance, the blue eyed blonde explained.

'He is the governor of Holend. Pride town is on the outskirts of his territory. Although the Lord has ruled, Pride town be a neutral region, Hoffman keeps poaching the small lands we have'

'He has men, stealing and raiding our docks and lands. Yet none of them have been caught or identified. So, you can imagine the relief when they spell casters arrived from France. They protect the docks and the borders. Now we can sleep soundly at night'

The short brown haired signaled Eloise over with a hand. She glanced sideways to check if anyone else was listening in. Eloise leaned in to listen as the woman's voice dropped into a whisper.

'Rumor has it, Hoffman is trying to gather forces to evade Pride town. Not directly but through other means' she whispered.

'Dana Hold, our town head suspects it is only with time until he makes a move' the black haired whispered.

'Does the Lord know about this?' Eloise whispered.

'I believe he suspects it, as he's heard the rumors too. Nothing passes him yet that is not the problem. The problem is no one knows if these rumors are true or not'

'But if they are just rumors then you need not be worried' Eloise said slowly wondering what these three were heading with this.

'That is where you are wrong. The last we heard, rumors like these were circling round in Oaken town. A witch town on the wolf border to Thornton. Governor Holstein disliked Oaken town like Hoffman does us. The town was massacred overnight and left with an unidentified and incomplete witch sigil'

'They made it look like the town folk did it themselves. How convenient for witches to butcher themselves? A dead town with a cursed sigil left behind. Hmm, but we gain nothing from killing each other'

'The disappearance of the fairies in Furrfold was just hush news. Our kind have been massacred and kidnapped way longer than these fairies'

'Foul play, if you ask me. Spell casters or none, these rumors are causing unrest here in Pride town. What if we are the next Oaken town and Hoffman plot is as….'

'Tattling as always, aye' They turned to find Alda with a frown.

'It is not tattling when it is true, Alda' the blue eyed blonde said with a frown.

'They are rumors you troublemakers have been circulating around town. Pride town is not the next Oaken town, now hush your foul mouths and ran along' Alda told them.

The three scurried off with Alda settling in next to Eloise.

'Ignore them, those three have been known to gossip way before they could walk' she told her.

'Let me have a look at them arms, aye' Alda offered, holding out her palms.

Eloise took off her shawl reluctantly to reveal her bruised arms.

'Oh, curse Carmine and his absurd temper….'

'I never said he did this' Eloise lied.

'I have known that lad for over two hundred years. You think I do not see one of his deeds when I see it?' Alda placed a hand on her arm. A pale light glowed as her hand hovered with the bruise suddenly healing.

Eloise gasped softly.

'You're a healer' she muttered.

'Ah, yes. I am the last of the Hallan coven in these parts' Alda replied.

The Hallan coven was a coven made of healers and doctors. They were the only coven amongst the four that practiced light and healing magic. They didn't practice dark magic like the rest of the three.

Eloise massaged her arms when she was done. It didn't hurt anymore and felt good as new.

'Thank you' she muttered with a smile.

'You are welcome, child' she replied with a smile.

'So, is there any truth to what those three said?' Eloise asked, her brain still buzzing with the newly acquired information.

Rumor or not, these theories were too grave to be taken lightly. Witch towns being massacred, fairies disappearing, she wondered what else was going on out there.

She noticed the fine wrinkles on her Alda's forehead deepen with worry.

'What happened in Oaken was very unfortunate, but it is nothing new. We witches for no good reasons, have been dying in masses for as long as I can remember. We have always been living, looking over our shoulders. Insecure and afraid. Nowhere is safe for us…. Not entirely'

'Not even France?' Eloise asked.

Alda was stunned at how little she knew. For someone who was supposed to protect the race, she sure had no clue as to what was going on.

'No, child. Not even in France' Alda replied.

Eloise marveled at how little she knew. No matter the era she found herself in, witches were never safe. Her ignorance in the whole situation wasn't profound either. She was only ignorant because she wanted to be. Both in the future and the present.

A long keynote bursting through the room disrupted her thoughts.

She turned to find Wrath in the middle of the room, by an old piano, playing a folk song. He played and sang in his rich baritone voice. People around clapped, sang and danced along.

As if noticing her gaze, he turned to her waving her over. Her smile wavered for a second, pointing a hand to her chest. Wondering if he was talking to her.

Two women pulled her towards the circle, while Alda sat back laughing.

Wrath turned the piano over to Old Den and moved into the circle.

He held her hand and twirled her around. Eloise burst out laughing, she was surprisingly enjoying herself.

'I'm a terrible dancer!' She yelled over the loud crowd singing.

'Follow my lead' He took her hands, and they danced around the circle. Mostly footwork, more clapping and twirling around. Several people joined in dancing around them in pairs. The song ended on a loud cheerful note, followed by applause and laughter.

Eloise laughed hard, never in her life had she enjoyed herself this much. Amidst the loud cheers and laughter, her eyes settled on Wrath's golden ones. He had on that warm smile he only gave to Corianne. She returned it with a warm smile of hers.

He was quickly taken back to the piano for another song by a group of children.

'Play the Summer angel by Mad Harv' the little girl obsessed with his hair told him. Her little fingers still touching his tawny strands as he turned to the piano.

The noise in the room died down as Wrath began playing the slow melodious tune. As Wrath sang his eyes lingered towards Eloise. For a second, she felt he was singing only to her.

'Oh my Summer angel!' Everyone joined in at the chorus.

Eloise's heart sunk as she watched him sing amidst the other voices. The song was beautiful and so was he. At least this part of him.

Eloise hummed the summer angel song softly to herself. Her eyes were glued outside the window as the carriage moved. The Valerian manor coming in view ahead. Pride town was miles behind them now, leaving a good memory in her mind as well.

'You have a beautiful voice' she heard Wrath say.

'You have the voice of an angel as well. A devil with the voice of an angel that is, the irony, huh?' Eloise said with a chuckle.

Wrath chuckled softly following the silence. Not awkward but comfortable silence.

'Eloise, can you forgive me for earlier today? I never intended to hurt you. And about last night, you were not supposed to see that either. But that is no excuse for how insulting it was and for that, I apologize' he told her, his voice full of sincerity as he spoke.

She raised her brows in surprise but slowly smiled at him.

'Thank you for acknowledging that. I forgive you, Wrath' This was the first time she'd ever mentioned his name.

'And thank you for today. I had a great time' she said before stepping out of the carriage. She took slow strides up the stairs, with Lucy and Elric at the entrance.

Wrath followed in quietly behind her. Eloise abruptly turned towards him, and they both spoke at once.

'Eloise I….'

'Wrath I….'

They both smiled. 'Go on, first' Eloise insisted hurriedly.

'No, you first' Wrath replied softly.

'I wanted to tell you… you can come sleep in our room tonight. If you want to….'

'Alright' he muttered softly.

Eloise nodded with a smile quickly turning away and heading for the doors.

'Welcome back, my Lady' Elric and Lucy bowed.

Wrath watched as Lucy led Eloise inside. Elric walked towards him with a smile.

'How was it?' she asked him, taking his coat as they walked inside.

'The best time I have had in a very long time of my tired life' he told her with a smile.

'You should have seen her, Elric. One minute she was soft, hard… and soft again. She is… incredible' his tone was uncertain, as if he found it hard to believe his own words. He slowly burst out laughing heartily.

Elric smiled at the sound of his laughter.

'I'm pleased, Master. Let me make you some blood tea while your bath is prepared. Your hair is a mess, that little Sarah again huh?' Elric said with a chuckle.

Wrath nodded with a small smile, turning away and heading up the stairs.

Elric watched him as he headed up the stairs slowly towards his chambers.

Eloise did bring light wherever she went. The happiest he'd been in his tired life indeed, she thought.

It was better to save the bad news for tomorrow then, Elric thought with a sigh.