
Into the Flames

‘Where am I?’ Eloise woke up abruptly to find herself by a small pond, in the middle of a very large garden. The cool evening breeze blew wisps of her dark red hair into her face. She looked down to find herself in a beautiful white gown. She slowly stood to her feet confused. ‘My wedding day?’ But that was two days from now. She quickly touched her stomach to find no stab wounds. She found no blood in her palms either. She swore they were filled with blood minutes ago. The scene of Cole stabbing her was so vivid now. She died...... Yes, she died. She would never mistake the fear she felt while, Cole pushed her off the balustrade. It was real. She knew what she felt. The sharp piercing pain from the cold iron knife, he stabbed her with. The satisfaction in his eyes while he stabbed her multiple times. The hate. Pure hate, she thought. But why? Why would the love of her life kill her? Most importantly, why wasn’t she dead yet? Yes, she was the Phoenix. She could rise from the ashes every time she died but not this time. She was sealed. Yes, by that woman. The woman with the realistic serpent tattoo. She’d seen tattoo before, but where? She remembered it all so well now. There was a witch circle, the seal of the condemned, a bright red moon and her blood.... She fell from a three-story building, right to the bottom of the pool. She spent her last breath drowning because she couldn’t swim. What a terrible way to die, she thought. Or maybe not.... She was alive, wasn’t she? Some terrible dream that was. Or was it?

LinnyYale · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9

Eloise stepped into the bedroom to find several servants walking about, redecorating the room. There were brickmen laying concrete and bricks at the fireplace. Elric stood in the middle of the room, throwing around orders and supervising the workers. The whole wing where the fireplace stood was burnt, including the black fur rug she'd come to like. The pictures hanging to the wall, the armchair Wrath used to sit in whenever he had smoke by the fire, were all burnt to a crisp.

Crisps, not even the streaks of the wood could be found. The bricks at the fireplace were crumbled to dust, threatening to cave in with the littlest force. And to think she'd only done this in her sleep.

It wasn't just her room that was thrown into chaos from last night's incident, the whole manor was in shambles. She lost control, how could she?

Eloise's fists curled into balls at her side, with her nails digging into her palms cutting into her flesh. Her nightmares were becoming more of a threat by the day. Her powers, on the other hand, being dormant for some time now threatened to break bounds. Last night was just a mere glimpse of what it could do if let free even for the slightest second.

'Stop it' A voice said from behind. She turned to find Wrath in black riding gear, with his hair damp. He'd just come back from his morning ride, she thought.

'Does riding make you sweat that much?' She turned her glance back to the room.

'Not this much. Had somewhat of a shower at the waterfall near, Cloud Forest' he told her standing in by her side.

'I guess you had fun' she said in a quiet tone.

'I did. You should come along sometime'

'Riding or bathing at the waterfall?' She asked with a smile.

'It could be both. I thought I told you to stop!' Wrath abruptly snapped.

All eyes turned towards them at the door. Elric clapped her hands and all the servants exited the room, including Elric.

'What did I do, now?' Eloise snapped back, glaring at Wrath. She was so not in the mood to quarrel right now.

He grabbed her hand abruptly pulling her closer to him. He opened her palms to find fresh cuts bleeding in her palms.

'When did you start this bad habit of inflicting pain on yourself?' He glanced at her palm, a small frown tugging at his lips.

Eloise glanced at her palms, a little astonished, she didn't even release she was hurting herself.

'I didn't....'

'Come here' Wrath led her to the bed with her hand still in his.

'Do not be too hard on yourself. No one was hurt' he told her. He pulled her palm to his mouth and licked the blood off.

A shiver run down Eloise's spine when his lips touched her palm. He looked up with a small frown on his face. He pulled out a blue handkerchief from his pocket, gently wrapping it around her hand.

'Thank you' Eloise mumbled once he was done'

'So, what is a TV show?' Wrath asked with a smile.

Eloise raised her brows in question.

'You would not stop laughing about it, last night'

He was there with her last night. Yes, he was the first person she saw the minute she awoke. He stopped her from making this any worse. He awoke her from a nightmare that started as a good dream.

A dream of her and Cole, slouched on her couch, watching an episode of Seinfeld. But the dream turned ugly very fast and the next thing she saw was Cole stabbing her again and again.

She couldn't move or fight back. All she could do was stand there as he killed her. It was as if she was stuck in a loop, playing the incidents of that night again and again. It was traumatizing, but who could she tell? They'd think her crazy and more of a threat than he already is.

'It was just a dream, Eloise' Wrath disrupted her thoughts.

'No, it wasn't' she said to herself sadly, her hand unconsciously moving to the spot where Cole stabbed her. The pain of the iron dagger slicing her skin over and over again was a fresh memory and vivid. A terrifying one that dared to cripple her senses.

'It is okay if you do not want to talk about it. But there is nothing you should be afraid of.... well apart from me' Eloise suddenly found herself with a smile.

'You never leave a chance to ravish in your arrogance, do you?' She asked.

'What fun would it be?' He stepped away from the bed towards the door.

'We will be leaving for the Runen manor soon. Be ready and don't hurt yourself again... Your blood is too precious to be wasted' Wrath said over his shoulder, quickly striding away from their chamber.

Was that concern she picked up in his tone? No, Wrath didn't care about her.

Eloise glanced at the handkerchief wrapped around her hand. But he was there with her last night, wasn't he? And he never left her side until morning when he had to go out for a ride. He came back to check on her the instant he returned.

That wasn't the way a person who didn't care behaved.

Eloise rushed towards the hallway to find him heading for the stairs.

'Wrath' He stopped in his tracks, turning to her and staring across the hall at her.

'There's.... something... Something happened yesterday. I... I would want you to hear it from me and first ….' Eloise swallowed hard, her heart slowly pounding in her chest.

'I am all ears' he said calmly still at a distance from her.

'Yesterday, at the club... I... Lord Chamberlain and I we... we kissed' Eloise said abruptly.

'Wrath, there is nothing going on between us. I didn't...'

'How long have you known Cole, Eloise?' Wrath asked abruptly with a narrowed look on his face.

Eloise hesitated for a second. She could lie but he'd know, he was half daemon, and he possessed empathic skills too. But telling him the truth would give her secret away. She didn't trust him yet to tell him everything.

He suddenly sped towards her with his vampire speed, gently pushing her to the wall.

'Wrath...' Eloise gasped. He was angry, she thought. But his hold on her wasn't rough as other times. And the look on his face wasn't that of an angry man.

'I do not trust you either, Eloise' he started in a calm tone. Eloise stood stunned and confused, it was as if he'd read her thoughts. He cupped her face in his palm grazing her cheek with his thumb.

'You are odd. The way you talk, behave, the things you say, TV shows, computers, movies? At first, I thought they were normal because you are a witch But I have met my share of witches of none of them are like you. You are different. You seem almost.... out of this world' He muttered with his forehead creasing in thought. His golden gazed into her emerald ones as if they'd explain the puzzle in his mind.

A sudden smile found its way to his lips.

'So, it is fair if you feel you can not trust me. You barely know me. I know what happened yesterday. And I know you were scared'


'And I know, something has happened between you and Cole. If not still happening' He grazed his thumb on her lips, his eyes staring at them leisurely.

'Wrath, I can ex...'

'I do not want you to tell me anything, if you don't want to, Eloise. I want you to come to me when you feel you can trust me enough to share, your fears. Or whatever it is, that's making you suffer this much' he told her with a smile.

'I'm not a very good person, and by now you know that. But I do care and worry about my family, and you Eloise, are family. So, take your time, alright? But don't take too long' he told her with a gentle smile. Eloise's eyes were clouded with tears as he looked down at her. Had he been this kind and understanding all this while?

'Please, don't cry on me?' He chuckled slowly pulling her into a hug. If there was one thing, he couldn't stand it was a crying woman.

Elosie chuckled hugging him back. 'Thank you, Wrath' she muttered burying her face in his chest. She needed this right now more than ever, a hug.

'Don't mention it' He placed a kiss on her forehead and turned to leave.

'Can I walk with you? I... I have nothing to do here?' Eloise asked hesitantly.

He turned to her with a charming smile.

'Alright,' He muttered.

She slowly stepped by his side and they headed down the stairs together.

Down the old basement in the old Wimble house, came a muffled sound blown away by the eerie wind in the dark house. Beneath the old creaking lines on the wooden floor revealed a dark tunnelled dungeon infested with mould and rats. From there the screams coming from the end of the dungeon could be heard loud and clear.

'Bloody hell, mouse you are so loud' Miles groaned pulling the bloody gloves off his hands. He ran his hands through his dark curly blond hair with a sigh.

'Please, Lord Miles... I... didn't say any....' The pale slender vampire male tied to the metal chair cried blood spluttering from his mouth. His skinny hands were strapped to the chair with chains. His once expensive clothes were torn and soaked in blood. His blood.

His pale skin was ridden with wounds that refused to heal.

Miles pulled off the bloodied apron to find a speck of blood on his white shirt.

'I'm sorry, Lord Miles... I didn't... I'm sorry' Horigan Wills broke down into tears, his eyes bloodshot and his nose running like a river.

'Piss off, mouse' Miles snapped, annoyed at the speck of blood on his expensive shirt than at the miserable screaming man.

Miles pulled a fresh stick of cigar from his coat, lit it up with a lighter and stuck it between his lips. He leaned close to the metal table, which had torturing tools lined up and covered with blood. He took in a long whiff with his eyes closed, inhaling the smoke deeply, slowly exhaling through his nose.

As Horigan cried, screamed and pleaded for his life, Miles stood silently smoking like it was another normal Wednesday evening.

'So, tell me, mouse....'

'Yes, I will tell you, my Lord. I swear...'

'What's your favourite colour, blue or green?'

'Huh?' A confused Horigan gapped at Miles. 'What, you are deaf now?' Miles said with a sigh.

'Blue...blue' Horigan spilt quickly.

'Fur or silk?' He asked slowly turning back to the tools, scanning through for a pick.

'Eh... sil...'

'Think carefully of your next answer, mouse. Your life depends on it?' Miles said in a quiet cold tone.

'I... my Lord I....'

'There's an upcoming masquerade ball. I have to get a dress for a very special person. I've drawn the sketch got down the design and all. But I cannot seem to choose between blue and green. You chose blue but her eyes are green. It won't look terrible on her but that's not her colour. So wrong answer. Let's move on to the next question, shall we? Fur and Silk?'

'Eh... silk?' Horigan said in a trembling tone, unsure of himself.

'Correct answer but I just like to hear you scream Miles laughed maniacally walking towards a terrified Horigan with a crowbar.

'No! No... have mercy....' Miles smacked him across the face, with blood suddenly splattering from all angles.

Horigan Wills fell to the cold ground still chained to the chair, wheezing and coughing blood.

'Now, you've done it' Miles rubbed his cheek to find blood on his face and all over his shirt. He raised the crowbar ready to strike Horigan again.

'Ugh, that is so not elegant of you, love' A voice from behind stopped him.

He turned to find a beautiful black haired in a blue gown, matching her dark blue eyes. She wore a pair of matching gloves with a black coat.

'Well, don't you look stunning, Scourge' Miles turned to her with a charming smile.

'Don't you look handsome as ever? The gory look is a nice touch' Scourge said placing a hand on his cheek. He leaned in and they kissed each other passionately.

'I missed you' Miles whispered to her. She laughed cupping his face.

'Oh, my beautiful darling. You have no idea how I've missed you' Scourge said softly, hugging him.

'What do we have here?' Scourge stepped past Miles towards the man on the ground. Horigan Wills wheezed loudly slowly looking in Scourge's direction. His vision was blurry with the side of his face swollen and bleeding.

His eyes went wide with fear once his hazel eyes met Scourge's dark blue ones.

'Well, well, well, the world is a small place indeed. Isn't it mouse?' Scourge bent down at Horigan's side.

'My very own mouse. I've been looking for you, love. Looks like you beat me to it, Miles' Scourge touched Horigan's shivering cheeks.

'Get up, you are going to ruin your gown' Miles said from behind gesturing towards the splattered blood from where she stood.

'You seem more concerned with my gown than the reason I'm here' Scourge said to him, slowly raising Horigan's chair upright.

'You have no idea how hard it is to wash out blood from cotton do you?' Miles said with a frown.

'That's why there are servants, Miles. And don't pretend you didn't hear the question' Scourge said.

'I know why you are here and no, I'm not handing him over to you' Miles said in a bored tone.

Scourge burst into laughter, caressing a terrified Horrigan's face.

'My poor little Horrigan Wills, oh what has he done to you? You are a terrible man, Miles Valerian' Scourge said with feigned emotion. Miles rolled his eyes, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping the blood off his face.

'I'm so sorry....'

'Ssssh' Scourge hushed Horigan, placing a finger on his lips.

'Manners, mouse. Don't talk when the grownups are talking?' Horrigan nodded vigorously his swollen face slowly healing.

'He's not the reason why I'm here. The main reason why I'm here is you' Scourge turned towards Miles.

Miles turned to her to find her with a serious look. He'd known Scourge since he was a child. She was his best friend and like a sister to him. For all the years she'd known him, the only times when she looked this serious was when he'd done or was doing something wrong.

'What did I do now?' he groaned, placing the bloody crowbar amongst the other tools. He leaned against the cold metal desk with his hands folded to his chest.

'What makes you think you've done something?' Scourge asked with a raised brow.

'You're angry' Miles muttered.

'Of course, I am. I passed through Horton yesterday on a lead to find mouse here. I ran into a massacre with one survivor, half dead, whispering the words the Inquisitor'

'I was on Imperium business' Miles muttered his brows furrowing in a frown.

'Liar. Miles Charlie Valerian, you are out of control! You killed over thirty people just to find this good for nothing' Scourge angrily slapped Horrigan's head. He groaned in pain but quickly closed his mouth after a daggering glare from Scourge.

'I killed people so what. It's part of my job description, Scourge. It's nothing new...'

'Your brother's looking for you' Scourge interrupted him abruptly.

'You're back in the Lord's service? I thought you were retired?' He glanced at her narrowly.

'Hell, I thought I was too not until you killed a bunch of people and didn't even bother to cover your tracks....'

'Those people were radicals. They deserved what they got and worse' Miles said his tone taking a defensive turn.

'Enclave or not, those people had families, Miles....'

'Bloody hell, Heather. Cut it out with the fucking self-righteous act already. You leave death in your wake everywhere you go, yet do you ever hear me talking about it? Stop this, it's boring' Miles snapped.

'Boring? Tell that to the council when we get back then. And don't call me that, it's Scourge, you bloody ass' Scourge suddenly slapped Horrigan angrily again. Miles suddenly burst into laughter while Horrigan wailed.

'You haven't changed one bit. Always plunging your anger on innocent people'

'You haven't changed either?' A voice said from behind him. He turned to find a tall handsome man with an eye patch on his left eye. He was dressed in an expensive grey suit with a coat. His long white hair was tied in a ponytail with his purple eye glinting. He had a scowl on his face, while he leaned quietly on the wall at the entrance.

'Is that so, not even one bit?' Miles asked with a daunting smile.

Draken Lycan frowned but shook his head with a sigh. A hundred years and he still had that insatiable look in his eyes, he thought.

He, like Scourge, had known Miles all his life. The three of them had been best friends forever. He knew Miles like the back of his palm. Miles was the calmest one amongst his siblings. He was sweet, kind, gentle and composed. He was never one to get angry easily, with that calm smile he always wore. On the outside, Miles Valerian was an angel with his charms and fashion. But this blood-soaked maniac before him right now, was the real Miles Valerian. This was his dark side, the real and the best version of him.

'Wrath asked us to find you. Let's get going already, I brought clothes you can change into' Draken told him turning away from him.

'Fifty years and that's all you can say?' Draken stopped in his tracks.

'There's nothing to say, is there?' Draken replied over his shoulder.

Miles frowned but quickly hid it with a smile. 'Looks like you haven't changed either'

Draken smiled to himself, walking away from the dungeon towards the exit.

'He missed you' Scourge said from behind.

'I know' Miles said softly watching Draken's broad back as he walked away.

He turned towards Scourge with a sigh. His eyes moved towards Horrigan. A sudden smile played on Miles's lips filling Horrigan with dread.

'You are one lucky man, mouse. I leave him to you then' Miles said to Scourge, picking up his coat from the table. Scourge suddenly burst into laughter as her eyes met with Horrigan's terrified ones.

'No!...No!... My Lord!... Take me with you. I would do anything, PLEASE!' Horrigan squirmed in his seat. His eyes were filled with terror as he screamed while Miles left.

Miles stepped out of the dungeon hearing Scourge's maniacal laughter.

'And they call me out of control' He muttered.

Eloise stood by the lakeside leisurely watching the swans swim across the lake. The sun was already setting in the dull orange sky. She checked her silver pocket watch, to find it was three pm. She turned the round watch to find her initials engraved on the back.

E.R.V, it read. Miles had it made for her a week ago. He told her time was one of the most important things a woman had to have and he wasn't wrong.

The family would be leaving for the Runen manor soon. She didn't know how long they'd be there but it surely would be after the renovation.

She felt terrible right now. She was the reason they were moving. She hadn't even had the time to apologize properly.

'Beautiful aren't they?' Eloise turned to find Miles behind her.

Eloise smiled once she was at his side. He wrapped her in a hug.

'I was just thinking about you?' She muttered staring at him with a smile.

'God, sister, I'm going to fall in love with you if you look and talk to me like that' He said with a sigh wrapping a hand around her arms.

She laughed heartily, and his heart lightened at the sound of her laughter. Who was to think he wasn't in love with her already? She didn't have to even try. He like all his brothers were in love with her, well apart from Wrath.

'Where have you been?' Eloise asked him.

'Making the world a better place' Miles replied.

'Alright, Captain America' she chuckled. She quickly scolded herself for being so careless.

'Captain America? Is that something folks there say? Have you ever been to America?' He asked.

'Yes, for a short time. Have you?'

'Not as long as I'd wanted to. This season, fashion is blooming there by this time of the year' He told her. He noticed Eloise's smile fade suddenly.

'What's wrong, El?' He asked, his brows creasing with worry.

Eloise looked up at him with a feeble smile.

'I'm sorry about the house. I am, I didn't mean to lose control. I…I never lose control but…'

'Calm down, El. First of all, no one is blaming you. The part where you lost control, we all do…sometimes' Eloise picked up the hesitation in his tone. It was quickly masked with sudden enthusiasm.

'Don't beat yourself up about it. What do you say we go shopping at Madame Monique's? Her collection for the season isn't as terrible as the rest'

'I'd love to' Eloise replied with a smile. She liked to shop back in the future. She wondered what shopping in this era would be like.

'Shall we then?' Miles offered a hand and she graciously took it.

'Lady Valerian, Lady Valerian" Annalise Vladimir waved for Eloise's attention.

Eloise turned to her with a distracted look, like she'd been doing more than often these days. She was stuck in her head replaying all the events of her life so far and where it was going.

Annalise Vladimir was a crazed admirer of Miles, whom they met on their way to the Royal Hem. She was the daughter of Lord Vladimir, leader of the Luna pack and King of wolves. Annalise was a lovely brunette who was rather talkative and often overshared.

She kept Eloise's company as Miles ravaged through the fashion house for the best collection with Madame Monique.

The Royal Hem was the largest dressmaking house in all three kingdoms. Royal families from all over the three kingdoms came here for dresses of the season. The owner, Madame Monique Rochelle, was very acquainted with the Valerians in particular. She was a vampire brought to Valeria by Lady Evangeline several years ago. She was able to expand due to her ties with the Valerian family and her close relations with Miles.

"Did you hear half of what I said?" Annalise asked.

'Did she have to?' Lucy muttered from behind Eloise.

'Pardon me?' Annalise furrowed a brow at her, wondering why someone of her status would dare to address her.

'Pardon my maiden, Lucy here has somewhat of a mouth' Eloise muttered glaring at Lucy.

There were seated in a closed chamber, away from the mannequins and dresses. Two servants served them tea as they spoke.

Annalise sighed with disappointment.

"Huh, I've been blabbering for the past fifteen minutes all to myself. This proves how boring I am" she laughed nervously.

'I don't think so, I bet you were talking about something interesting. Forgive me my mind was somewhere else. Can you repeat what you said if you don't mind?' Eloise asked.

Annalise's face lightened up with a smile.

"I was speaking of how men suppress women in society. They see us as nothing but frivolous beings, supplements. Needed only for appearances fitting for society," Annalise told her.

'Oh!' Eloise said softly with a nod, wondering what brought that on.

"Men have always had this unquestionable superiority over women ever since the dawn of time. But I believe there will come a time when us women, will be seen as equals to men," Annalise said in a breath.

'I believe that too!' Eloise said with a smile. She believed it because she used to live in such a time.

'You are a learned woman too, I hear. So far there's been talks circulating the elite class, not only on your beauty but your insight on the philosophy of education,' Annalise said.

'Really?' Eloise raised a brow with surprise.

'Yes! Some even say maybe you will be the change we've been waiting for all this while. Real change. Like the impending initiative to allow women to write the annual Imperium Exams. Enabling we women to become council women too,' Eloise nodded as Annalise went on. Annalise was talkative but this conversation was parking Eloise's curiosity.

'You mean there isn't a single woman at the Imperium?' she asked.

'Not even one. The Imperium for two hundred years now has been a solely masculine organization. Some laws forbid women from joining. Unfair if you ask me, some of us have great potential to become great council women' Annalise said, shaking her head.

'Laws? What kind of laws?' Eloise was more engrossed in the conversation to Annalise's surprise.

'The Laws of Bale. Written by the Lords of Herald, endorsed by Lord Imperio in 1422. It is the standing rules and regulations governing the Imperium and its members' Annalise told her, thrilled she was boring someone to death for the first time.

'What brought about this law then? Has there been precedents where women wanted to take part in the activities of the Imperium?' Eloise asked, placing down her cup of tea on the small round table next to the chair she sat in.

'Yes, in the early years when the Imperium was formed. That was after the great purge, two hundred years….'

'El, what do you prefer most: blue or purple?' Miles walked in interrupting them.

He held a long piece of silk purple fabric in his hand. Next to him was Madam Monique holding a piece of blue cotton fabric.

'Eh…Purple!' Eloise replied.

'Perfect. Oh, pardon me if I interrupted you, Anna, I see you're still here' Miles said with a small smile.

'Not yet, I will stay a little longer than anticipated' Annalise beamed with a dreamy look, oblivious to the sarcasm in his tone earlier.

'Alright! Thank you for keeping my sister company then. El, wait here a little bit more, I will be back soon,' Miles said to Eloise.

'Take your time, Miles' Eloise replied. He headed away with Madam Monique muttering something about a backless dress.

'One of a kind, is he not?' Annalise sighed with the same dreamy look from before.

'He is!' Eloise agreed, Miles was the sweetest among his siblings. He was gentle, kind and had a great sense of fashion. Plus he knew almost everything there was to know about a woman, including their likes and dislikes.

He was handsome, understanding, wealthy and had style. Everything most women expect in a man.

Eloise turned to find Annalise with that dreamy look in her eyes. She was smitten by him, she thought.

'Annalise, so about the…'

'Lis… There you are. Oh… what do we have here?' A tall beautiful brunette dressed in a beautiful yellow gown stepped into the chamber. The neckline of her gown was lower. It revealed much of her glorious cleavage. Her hazel eyes twinkled and her mouth curved into a smirk when her eyes met with Eloise's.

'These are private quarters' Eloise's guard, Gerard stepped in the woman's path.

She chuckled, stepping out of the door.

'Oh, that is my sister, Loretta' Annalise quickly told Eloise.

'Let her in, Gerard. My apologies, Lady Vladimir' Eloise said, watching Loretta as she stepped in.

'I apologize, my Lady. It was rude to just barge in. I mean, you are now Queen and all. In other circumstances it would have been different' She said with a smirk.

'Pardon me?' Eloise asked with a furrowed brow, thinking how familiar her voice sounded.

'Loretta! Ignore my sister, my Lady…'

'How is the painting? He bought it for you, didn't he? It would have been mine but he just had to go flex his arm. He was always sweet that way, even in his arrogance,' A small smile crawled to Loretta's beautiful face as she watched Eloise slowly remember who she was.

It wasn't long before Eloise realized who she spoke of.

She instantly recognized her voice. This was the woman from the auction. The one who dared to bid the dark Phoenix while Wrath did.

'Loretta Vladimir, it a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my Lady Valerian. I've heard so much about you'

"Was that mockery she picked up in her tone?" Eloise thought.

'A pleasure to meet you too, Lady Loretta. Sadly, I've heard nothing about you' Eloise said in a composed tone. She barely knew her but she didn't like her.

'It comes as no surprise, my Lady. You are as ignorant as they come….'

'Loretta' Annalise hissed.

'No, don't stop. Please continue' Eloise turned to Loretta with a tight smile.

Loretta chuckled. 'The Lord….'

'The Lord would not appreciate you offending the Lady' Miles entered the chamber turning to Loretta with a hard look. His olive orbs held no love towards Loretta.

'Lord Miles… I apologize. I did not mean to offend the Lady in any way' Loretta turned to Eloise with a feigned look of innocence.

Eloise smiled, she was one good pretender, wasn't she?

'Miles, can we leave now?' Eloise turned to him.

He nodded giving her a hand as they walked out the door. Loretta flashed her a smirk as she walked past her.

'I can defend myself very well, Miles. Don't forget that!' Eloise said to Miles once they were outside the chamber.

Miles smiled. 'I have no doubt you can, but I would not want you to even do as much as retort to the likes of Loretta'

'You are not very fond of her, are you?'

'No one is!' Miles replied as they headed down the stairs to the foyer, where Madame Monique and several employees stood.

'Thank you for visiting the Royal Hem, my Lady' Madam Monique bowed lowly after kissing Eloise's knuckle.

'The pleasure is all mine, Madam Monique. I look to seeing what you and Lord Valerian here have made for me,' Eloise replied with a smile.

'I will not disappoint you, my Lady' Madame Monique said with a bow. Her employees followed suit.

Miles and Eloise stepped outside the Royal Hem to find people walking about their business.

Their side of the street was filled with elites and nobles, dressed in elegant gowns and suits. They bowed when they walked past them, then stared and whispered afterwards.

The other side of the road was less elegant. Filled with the lower class and paupers, walking around in simple clothes and rags.

The two sides of Runen street, Eloise thought. Life in the renaissance period was difficult and different. Social classes ruled these times. It didn't matter what creature you were; class was everything. Your class defined who you were and what you'd grow to be. If you were a member of the high class, you were assured a life of wealth and value for as long as you stayed in the high class.

If you were a member of the lower class, your worth was as much as a miserable earthworm crawling on the ground. You were assured a life of extensive poverty, and misery with little to no value to society.

'Let us pass the Rivendell's for shoes. More time to spare at least before supper,' Miles said to her, glancing at his silver pocket watch.

'You can tell me what Loretta Vladimir's problem is with me on the way then?' Eloise told him.

'You need not bother yourself with someone like Loretta, El' Miles said with a chuckle. They headed towards the carriage hand in hand.

'It's not much of a….' A loud cry across the street interrupted her.

"What was that?' Eloise asked quickly moving past the carriage and looking across the street.

There was a girl about ten years old on her knees, dressed in dirty rags almost torn off her back. Her bloody back was caused by the whips she was receiving from her master. She like about ten others, mostly teenagers, was chained, dirty and bruised. They squirmed watching in terror as they watched the girl suffer. None of them dared to run to her aid for the fear of facing something much worse. The onlookers at their side of the streets didn't dare to intervene either. The elites and nobles didn't even bother to look, it was just another lovely Wednesday afternoon to them.

'Oi! Get on your bloody feet, you bloody cunt!' The man with the whip yelled, slashing the child's back with a long black whip.

"Why on earth is no one stopping him?" Eloise turned back to Miles angrily.

"Eloise, let us go!' Miles replied with a sigh.

'Can't you see, he's going to kill her! She's just a child….'

'Leave it be, Eloise' Miles said calmly taking her hand. The sound of the child's cries echoed across the street making Eloise's blood boil.

'The hell I will!' Eloise swatted her arm away from his grasp furiously. Eloise stormed across the street angrily with her fists clenched.

'Eloise…' Miles called after her. The Royal guards quickly followed after her.

All heads and eyes on both streets turned to watch as she walked towards the slave master and the child.

"Hey, you there! Stop hitting her!" Eloise yelled.

The Slavemaster turned to her with a raised brow.

'Get on out of here and mind your own bloody business! Bloody rich cunt!' The Slavemaster spat turning his attention back to the little girl.

'What did you just say to me?' Eloise hissed through clenched teeth.

The Slavemaster ignored her swinging his whip high intending to land another lash on the girl.

"I said STOP!" Eloise yelled her eyes flashing with blue flames as she caught the whip in her hand. Her voice echoed across the streets and the ground rumbled slightly, causing gasps around. All activities halted on both sides, as everyone watched on alarmed, wondering what just happened. Shop owners peeked through their windows, some stepped out to witness what was going on.

'Eloise!' Miles suddenly stepped before her, quickly pulling her into his arms. He buried her face in his chest, slowly patting her head.

'Calm down, Eloise!' He whispered to her. Eloise looked up at him. The blue flame in her eyes quickly died as she turned to look around to find everyone staring.

She stepped away from Miles still holding onto the Slave master's whip.

'Guards, arrest this pathetic man!' She ordered, her eyes burning with hate as she looked at him. The Slavemaster fell to his knees shell shocked.

The guards like everyone else were rattled for a second. They quickly rushed to the Slave master's side ceasing him and grabbing him from the ground.

'Get him out of my sight!' Eloise spat.

The Slave master's eyes were filled with terror as the guards carried him away. He turned to look back at Eloise as they took him away.

'That's right, you should be afraid,' Eloise thought to herself. For a second there, she almost lost it.

She glanced at the whip in her palm, the leather was scorched thin now. She threw it to the ground staring at the deep wound from the whip now in her palm.

Eloise's eyes trailed towards the girl on the ground. She was coiled into a ball, hugging her knees to her body, weeping silently. The wounds on her body were open, almost turning blue.

Eloise knelt at her side, smearing her elegant gown in the mud. She gently placed a hand on the girl's head. She flinched slowly looking up at her. Her light green eyes were bloodshot from all the crying. Her small face was swollen and bruised from all the whips she'd taken. The child quickly bowed, burying her face in the ground.

'Forgive me, my Lady,' She begged.

Eloise's heart throbbed at the sight of the child. She was probably afraid she'd offended her. Her small palms were bruised with several cuts. At the back of her right palm was the 'S' brand, scorched into her skin.

She was a poor human child condemned to a terrible life of slavery. She had no choice of her own and no say in her life. How can a little innocent child like this, face such cruelty and inhumanity?

'Look at me!' Eloise patted her head. The girl slowly looked up trembling from the cold, her light green eyes meeting Eloise's dark green ones.

Eloise pulled off her coat wrapping it around the child's body. She slowly pulled her into her arms.

'What is your name?' Eloise asked gently caressing her cheek.

'Cla…Claire!' Claire muttered in a trembling tone; her eyes filled with fear as she looked at Eloise.

'What a beautiful name!' Eloise said with a smile only to receive a terrifying look.

'Don't be afraid, Claire. I will not hurt you, neither will I let anyone else hurt you ever again,' Eloise told her firmly.

Claire's eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at her.

'I promise!' Eloise slowly pulled her into a hug. Claire wrapped her little arms around her, sobbing into her chest.

Eloise slowly rose to her feet holding Claire to her chest. She turned to find people from both sides of the street gaping at her.

She glanced at the other teenage slaves hogged up in the back of the dirty cage. She looked over at Miles who was now at her side.

'How can you watch such savagery go on? These children leave and breathe as you do,' She said to him with a frown.

'Free them all!' Miles ordered the guards.

The head guard along with three others immediately freed the children from the cage and broke off their chains.

The children quickly bowed to the ground thanking Eloise and Miles. Miles walked over to them. He gave each one of them ten gold coins, then sent them off.

He turned back to Eloise who still had a disappointed look on her face.

She turned away from him heading towards the Royal carriage with Claire in her arms.

Miles watched Eloise settle in the carriage with Claire in her arms. He turned to find the lower class whispering amongst themselves. They threw smiles and nods at each other.

'Finally, someone to stand up to this blood cruelty,' he heard one whisper.

The elites and nobles on the other side thought otherwise. They had frowns and whispered angry words towards Eloise.

'That cursed witch!'

'And to think we have to allow more of her kind into our mist'

Miles headed towards the Royal carriage quietly. Things were about to stir in all the wrong ways now, he thought to himself.

Eloise met Elric at the doors to the entrance of the Runen manor. She had on a closed look, looking from the girl in her arms to Eloise's face.

'My Lady, the Lord demands you come to his study right away. You too, Lord Miles,' she told them.

'Elric, this is Claire. Bath her, clean her wounds and feed her. I want you to personally do this. Take care of her for me,' Eloise said to her, carefully handing a sleeping Claire to her.

'I will, my Lady,' Elric said with a nod.

'Luce, give Elric a hand, will you?'

'Yes, my Lady,' Lucy said with a bow. She walked to Elric's side and together they walked off towards the servant's quarters.

Eloise turned towards Wrath's study to find Miles at the door. She took in a deep breath and straightened her gown and her shoulders.

She walked towards the study boldly. Miles opened the double doors for her, stepping in after her.

"That is not how things work here, Eloise!" Wrath said abruptly.

"I don't give a bloody fuck how things work here. What did you expect me to do? Stand there and watch that cruel man kill that poor girl?" Eloise yelled.

'I do not care about that slave master nor his bloody slave. You lost control in public. Do you have any idea the problems you'd cause if your powers were ever revealed?' Wrath pointed out angrily.

'Claire that is her name. And I don't give a rats ass whether it would've caused the….'

'You should give a bloody rat's ass!' Wrath suddenly slammed his desk into the wall with a wave of his hand. The wooden desk crashed down loudly into splinters. Miles, who was seated quietly watching the two stood to his feet quickly. He didn't want to intervene but if Wrath was getting violent, he had to.

Eloise stood her ground as Wrath paced towards her slowly. She sensed a menacingly powerful aura off him. Fear gripped her but she stood her ground. She was too angry and stubborn to give in.

'You would risk everything to save a pathetic human?' Wrath hissed angrily, towering over Eloise.

'I would!' Eloise said through clenched teeth, her eyes staring defiantly into Wrath's.

Miles stood in astonishment, watching Eloise hold her own against his brother. She could handle herself perfectly, he thought.

'You are king, Wrath. You can abolish this inhuman act,' Eloise's voice dropped as she tried to reason with him.

'There is a food chain, as well as a chain of command. Vampires are at the top and humans are at the bottom. It had always been that way. The quicker you get that into your head, the better,' Wrath spat, enraged.

Eloise frowned, glaring at Wrath. He just couldn't be reasoned with, she thought.

'You are no better than the rest of your kind. You are a heartless and cruel man. Humans live and breathe like the rest of us. They are no different from…

"I do not care what you think of me, Eloise. And do not educate me on what humans do or do not deserve. They have done far worse than you can ever imagine. Humans should be thanking me for even allowing them to breathe the same air as I do,' Wrath said angrily.

Eloise applauded Wrath slowly 'You are not, God, Wrath Valerian! You may be the most powerful being amongst the supernatural but you have no right to treat people that way'

'I have every right to do whatever I want!'

'No, you don't!' Eloise yelled stepping in closer to him, looking up at him more furious than before.

'You have no right to treat people like that, Wrath. You can't see it because no one around you tells you, because they are too bloody terrified to,' She told him.

'But I am not one those pathetic cowards who will squirm in fear because of your power. I am not afraid of you and I will never be. That's why I want you to hear it from me first. I will take part in the upcoming Imperium exams. I don't care about your sexist and misogynistic rules that ban women from joining. I will take part and I will pass. I will become a councilwoman and I will fight you with every ounce of blood in my body. Fight you and every bloody self-serving cock in my way. And trust me, I will win!' Eloise said determinedly.

She quickly turned away from him heading towards the door. She flung her hand angrily and the double doors blast open.

Miles watched Eloise's back retrace angrily.

He wished to never be on the bad side of that woman. No one would be as crazy as her to threaten Wrath that way, he thought.

A sudden laugh interrupted his thoughts. He turned to find Wrath laughing softly, slouching in his chair. He wasn't angry like he was, seconds ago.

'Did something humorous just happen… Because if it did, I did not see it?' Miles said.

'Now I understand that look on Serafine's face that day. That woman is a remarkable one,' he said, referring to Eloise, slowly running his hands through his hair laughing.

Miles smiled with a nod.

'I wonder where she got this councilwoman idea from,' Wrath said.

'Annalise Vladimir, but you already know that, do you not?' Miles asked quietly.

'Ah yes, Annalise!' Wrath said with a nod, laughing softly.

'That Slave master, he hurt Eloise. Get rid of him,' Miles's eyes wavered for a second.

Concern, yes, that was what he picked from Wrath's voice. He also noticed the wound in Eloise's palm too. The wound from the Slave master's whip. But that was nothing new. Wrath was stubborn, cruel and arrogant. But he cared a lot about people close to him, especially his family. And the last time he checked, Eloise was family.

'Do not mention it. I will take very special care of him,' Miles said with a wicked smile.

'I will need you at my side at tonight's meeting. Their leaders will raise questions about this. Can you make it?' Wrath stood from his chair heading towards the door.

The wooden doors now had cracks on them with a few loose hinges.

'She flung it too hard?' Miles stepped in at his side staring at the loose hinges.

Wrath smiled with a sigh, turning away from him.

'I will be there, tonight' Miles told him.

'Do not go bothering her!' Miles said after Wrath.

Wrath waved him off, as he headed towards the direction Eloise used.