
Into One Piece

A normal day with rain where the MC decides to visit the grocery store to buy necessary thing for the next week, while returning back to his home he saves a girl from an accident and dies. He wakes up in an Island in 5 year old body, for some reason he is calm and collected and that’s when he notices a symbol in the corner of his eyes, he selects the symbol [Welcome Kid.] [You have died and have been reincarnated into the world of One Piece.] BTW I don't own One Piece except the OC that I include. First time writing, so let me know if I make mistakes. Updates can be inconsistent, I will try to update one chapter per week, this can increase based on my free time. Hope you can enjoy the fanfic. Please do support through power stones and don't forget to give a rating. I got the Image from wallpaperaccess. If you are the owner do let me know if you want me to remove it.

Dark_Vader98 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Talk and Van Augur

Xavier woke up after a few hours.

When he looked through the window it was already dark outside.

Xavier looked around from his bed, he could notice he was in a different room.

Xavier got out of the room and head down the stairs.

Shakky who was smoking and reading a newspaper saw Xavier coming down.

Shakky: "How do you feel, Xavier?"

Xavier: "Have been better."

Shakky: "I have food on the counter go bring it."

Xavier did as Shakky told and sat opposite of her.

Shakky: 'Silvers D. Xavier, ah?"

Xavier: "It's a long story."

Shakky: "Go on, we have time."

Xavier then told his tale, where he was, how he was experimented, tortured, how he came up with a plan of his own to escape and how he transformed to a dragon in his near death… and he got interrupted.

Shakky: "You were the Dragon?"

Xavier: "Yes."

Shakky: "The World Government really wanted to make that news disappear but even now the people in the world talk about. Go on."

Xavier continued saying about how he woke up in a cocoon of flames, how he had to stay in that till he fully got healed. He talked about Amazon Lily, how he met Boa Hancock and the rest.

Shakky: "It's been many years since I saw them. How are they?"

Xavier: "It's not like I spent 4 to 5 days with them to know their situations or anything. But yea they were doing good I suppose. How do you know them?"

Shakky: "They came here, when they were young and we helped them."

Xavier: "They?"

Shakky: "She and her sisters. Rayleigh, me and Elder Nyon were here when they first came here. They are World Noble Slaves."

Xavier: "Oh, did not expect that. Now I understand why they hate Men. I wonder what they went through."

Xavier then continued to talk about the Bluebird Island, how he met the revolutionaries and then how he reached Sabaody and then about the Celestial Dragon Incident.

Shakky: "You should not have done that." said in a serious tone.

Xavier: "I know. Something just came over me."

Shakky: "Hmmm… they have already called for an Admiral; they will be here soon. Only advantage you have is not many have seen you. But I can't say for the guy who has been watching the bar for a long time. He must have seen you and is waiting patiently. A Bounty hunter already on your tail."

Xavier was shocked hearing this.

Xavier: {"How? I made sure to knock of everyone in the surroundings as well the next streets as well. They should have been very far to see me. Who can it be?"}

Shakky: "His name is Van Augur, he has been making a name for himself. He is a sniper he must have been on some other bounty job and took notice of you."

Xavier: {"He has not yet joined Blackbeared? Has there been any changes in the timeline due to me being here? Well in Van Augur terms fate wants us to find each other."}

Xavier stopped eating and said: "I will be back soon."

Shakky: "Be careful."

Xavier: "Will do."

Xavier head out.


Van Augur POV

Van: "He has not yet come out. Fate has allowed me to see who attacked the Celestial Dragon. Now I will wait till he comes back."

Van Augur was there when the Celestial Dragon incident happened. He was watching everything with his sniper. He is a bounty hunter and he was there to kill a pirate but stumbled on this incident and since then he has been following Xavier from a distance.

Van Augur decided to do this because a bounty will definitely be issued for Xavier soon and the bounty will be high. So, he has planned to kill Xavier and the moment a bounty is issued he will deliver his head to the Marines.

After waiting for few hours, Van could see Xavier coming out and for some reason he believes he came out for him, which shocked him.

Van: {"Why do I feel like he has come out for me? Do I and him share a fate? I will know soon."}


Xavier POV

Xavier has already left Shakky's Bar and was on move. He wanted to figure out if Van Augur has joined Blackbeared or not. If not, it will be an opportunity for him.

Xavier: {"If Van Augur still has not joined Blackbeared, then yes he will still be a Bounty Hunter like how Shakky told me. The moment a bounty is issued for me, he will come for me. or he will try to attack me now and take my head and give it to the marines when my bounty is issued. Let's hope that does happen."}

The distance between Shakky's bar and to the city was big and it took some time for Xavier to reach there.

Xavier was going through many shops and bars, in hope that Van Augur will come meet him or take a shot at him.

Xavier: {"Like Shakky told he must be following me. Better head back. Since he has been following me, there might be chances he will take it as an opportunity to strike me."}

Xavier decided it was time to head back and as he was going the same way; he sensed a bullet coming for him. Xavier tilted his head towards right and the bullet just when through to hit the ground.

Xavier: {"That's definitely him. He must have decided to kill me and get my head now so he can bring to the Marine base for the bounty when it is issued. I better get moving fast and reach a close distance to the bar and fight him from a distance. Though it will be him sniping and me dodging."}

As Xavier started to run towards the bar, shots followed him and him dodging all of it.

The moment he could see the Shakky's Bar using Dragon Gaze, he stopped.

Xavier: "Van Augur, the man I have been waiting for." He said in loud voice.

Xavier was standing in the forest full of trees, not many people go through this place except those who know of Shakky's Bar which has no one inside of it right now.

Xavier: "Let's play a game, if you manage to hit me in the next 10 shots, I will do what you ask, if I find you and have any physical contact with you before you take the 10th shot, I win and you will join my crew. Deal?"

The moment Xavier finished talking a bullet came to him.

Xavier dodged yet again. Xavier increased his Dragon sense and Observation Haki to the max.

Xavier started to trace the path the Bullet came from and used Soru.

2 more shots came which Xavier quickly dodged. As Xavier was closing in on Van, Van also started to shoot him with more precision as he was getting closer.

Xavier was having difficulty to doge the more he got closer.

Xavier: {"No kidding, his accuracy is increasing. If I keep going straight, I will definitely get hit."}

Xavier: {"An advantage I have right now is Observation Haki, which I believe he does not have. If he did, I would lose terribly."}

3 more shots came to him and Xavier moved to the left and quickly used Dragon Rush to boost his speed more. Xavier got close to Van and he could see him and same can be said to Van.

Van shot again making it the seventh shot and continued with the eight as well.

Xavier dodged them and used his Conqueror's Haki onto Van.

Van felt the pressure in him increase and before he could take the 9th Shot, Xavier used Soru and Dragon Rush. His speed increased so much that he quickly reached behind and partially transformed his finger to that of Dragon and held it towards Van Augur's back. His finger touching his neck..

Xavier: "I win."


Van Augur POV

Van started to follow Xavier; he was keeping a close eye on him.

Van: {"Does he want to meet me. Is that why he is taking a few minutes in hope I come and meet him. He definitely knows I am a Bounty Hunter. What does he want from he, to not talk about the Celestial Dragon Incident or is he waiting for some other reason? What fate do I have with him."}

Van then saw Xavier heading back and once he reached a good distance from the city, he heard Xavier talk.

Van: {"Hmm… It seems both him and I have a fate together. Let's begin."}

Van loaded and shot the moment Xavier said Deal.

Van: {"How did he dodge the bullet?"}

Van used his full concentration and moved his sniper to the direction Xavier moved.

Van had high perception that he could even shoot when a person was moving, predicting their paths.

Van was shocked when Xavier again dodged the bullets.

Van shot three more bullets in a continuous fashion.

Van: {"he is dodging the bullet, he has a very high perception same as me or is it something else? I have heard about this Haki, does he know that?"}

Before he could take his 9th Shot, he saw Xavier disappear and appear behind in just a sec.

He held a knife to the back of neck and hearing him say: "I win".

Van Augur: "If this is what fate has decided, I will go with it, allow me to join your crew captain."

Xavier: "Welcome."

Van and Xavier shook their hands and when Van was about to ask for something, Xavier interrupted him.

Xavier: "We can talk later. Let's got to the Bar first."

POV End.


Both Xavier and Van head to words Shakky's Bar.

They both reached and entered in few minutes.

Shakky was waiting for them.

Shakky: "Did not think it will end this soon."

Xavier: "Neither did I."

Shakky: "There are some leftovers in the kitchen you can take that. I am going to head to bed."

Xavier: "Thanks."

Shakky: "One more info, don't go out for the next two days."

Xavier nodded his head and head to the kitchen to bring the left overs and sat together with Van in a table.

Van: "How did you dodge my bullets? Is it Haki?"

Xavier: "Yes it's Haki, Observation Haki. If you had it, I would be the one to lose."

Van: "Maybe but I don't think so."

Both Van and Xavier had small talk and decided to head to bed.


Author Here!

I have started another fanfic.

Marvel: One Piece Template System.

Go ahead and read that as well and let me know your thoughts.

Let me know if any mistakes.

Thank you readers!

Have to edit this chapter.


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Enjoy your day.

Dark_Vader98creators' thoughts