
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Wildcat Team

The sun once again rose from the horizon, filling the world with light.

Li Zhi had not slept all night and sat by the large office window, watching the sunrise.

On this night, he believed that many others had not slept either.

"Boss!" Xingnan knocked on the door before entering.


Li Zhi sat there, motionless, not even shifting his gaze. To him, the world was silent and lonely. No one could enter his heart, and he did not understand the world.

"The people of the Great Bear Golden Shield have arrived," Xingnan whispered softly in Li Zhi's ear, the warmth of her breath tickling him. Li Zhi glanced at her, knowing that she was deliberately teasing him.

But Li Zhi was not in the mood for such flirtation at the moment.

"It's quite early." "Let them in!" Li Zhi said calmly. As Yana was responsible for setting up the security department, Xingnan temporarily took over all of Li Zhi's daily assistant tasks.

"Alright!" Xingnan smiled and left.

In no time, a small team entered.

Five men and two women, totaling seven members. The men were strong and fierce, exuding a powerful aura of battle. Each of them carried a distinct scent of blood, as if they had just come down from the battlefield. Their eyes were sharp and unapologetic.

The two female members had a slightly milder aura than the men, but they were not to be underestimated.

"Boss, we are the 'Wildcat Team' of the Great Bear Golden Shield Security Group." During the contract period, we will assume responsibility for your security tasks. "If there is anything you are not satisfied with, you can tell me," one of the women representing the team said.

Li Zhi turned his chair and looked at each of the seven members before settling his gaze on the woman who had spoken.

She had a great figure, but her face was not as pleasant to look at. It was marred by scars, as if it had been cut by a knife. If it weren't for these scars, she would have been a very beautiful woman.

"The Wildcat Team?" Li Zhi murmured softly, asking.

"Yes, I am the leader of the Wildcat Team." "You can call me Cat, or Wildcat!" The woman spoke respectfully, but her face could not hide her rebelliousness. They were warriors who had come from the battlefield, and they would not show much respect to their employer, even for the sake of money.

Eight million was not a small amount, and at least it was much safer to be with this young man than on the battlefield. Although the company would deduct a portion of the payment, she was willing to take on such a task. For them, it felt like a vacation.

"Can you please ask your team members to tone down their energy?" "There are ordinary people in the company, and it makes me uncomfortable," Li Zhi said, turning his chair back around. The sun was already high in the sky.

"Call North Island Zhi and tell him I want to go to the Super Fishball Company." Please arrange for the purchase of a batch of fresh seafood, preferably readily available. "Please inform the senior management of Super Canned Food Company that I will be holding a meeting at 9 a.m.," Li Zhi said.

"What time are you going to the Super Fishball Company?" When will the purchased seafood be transported? "After the morning meeting, do you have any other plans for the afternoon?" Xingnan asked. She needed to arrange the schedule and make various preparations. After yesterday's events, the people around Li Zhi were already on high alert, but Xingnan was the only one he could trust among his personal assistants.

"Figure it out." The seafood is not fresh. After the morning meeting, I will go to the Super Fishball Company, and then to the hospital. "I have something to do in the afternoon and need to leave!" Li Zhi said.


Li Zhi got up from his chair, walked over to the Wildcat, stopped in front of her, and smiled. He said, "If you need anything, just tell Xingnan." She will help you.


The wildcat was taken aback, her eyes flickering. This young leader seemed to possess something distinctive. In the past, when she led her team, she had undertaken several security tasks. However, the way those 'bosses' looked at her always seemed disdainful, as if they had seen something disgusting. She knew that it was all because of her face, which she herself hated.

But in the eyes of this young man, she did not see disdain.

"Don't be polite." "Being by my side means you are mine," Li Zhi said, then walked out, leaving the Wildcat to interpret his words. Right now, he was hungry and wanted to eat something!

In addition to the members of the Wildcat Team, Li Zhi was also accompanied by five assistant secretaries, so he had a considerable entourage. At any given time, there were always at least twelve people by his side.

"Boss, it seems like this young leader is quite approachable!"

"And there are so many beautiful women around him." This mission is definitely worth it!

"Have you never seen a woman before?" I'm with you guys every day. "Aren't I enough to satisfy you?"

Except for the Wildcat, another female team member stared angrily at the man who had spoken.

This woman did not have a figure as striking as the Wildcat's. Apart from her relatively ordinary face, everything else was unpleasant to look at. She had a thick waist, was nearly six feet tall, and had arms thicker than a girl's thigh. She looked even more formidable than Aunt Susan.

Ninety-nine percent of men would not find her attractive, but she had a nice name, Jasmine.

Jasmine was also the deputy leader of the Wildcat Team. No one on the team dared to challenge her for the title of "deputy leader." Of course, if there were, Jasmine would not be afraid. She would sneak into the other person's room at night and sit on their waist.

She would captivate you, making it impossible to escape her allure. All that would be left are screams. So, relatively speaking, the members of the Wildcat Team were more afraid of Deputy Leader Jasmine than they were of the leader, the Wildcat.

All seven members had walked out of the bloody battlefield, and they had no doubts about their emotions or understanding. With just a glance, they could understand each other's intentions.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

The Wildcat reprimanded them in a low voice, but for them, this mission felt like a vacation. It was not only a chance to relax but also an opportunity to earn money, which was a hundred times better than being on the battlefield.

Assassination was considered a trivial matter by them, not worth mentioning.

"Split into two teams." We will go out together during the day and take turns resting at night. "Each person will have two days off per week, and no one is allowed to be out for more than three hours at a time," the Wildcat said in a low voice, scanning her team members and finally fixing her gaze on the man who had spoken earlier. "David, take care of yourself." If you dare to look at the women around the boss again or if another security incident like the last one occurs, I will gouge out one of your eyeballs, cut off your testicles, and make you eat them. "I'm serious." "Do you understand?"

During the last mission, he got the boss's female secretary pregnant, leading to both of them being deployed on the battlefield for two years. Now, he seemed to have forgotten the lesson.

The member, named David, chuckled and nodded obediently, "Yes, Captain, I will take care of my task!"

The Wildcat turned to the other four members who had been laughing mischievously and said sternly, "And to the four of you, if anyone causes trouble, I will make Jasmine share a room with them for six months!"

"Yes!" The four members' faces darkened instantly. Only Jasmine grinned and licked her lips, saying, "The captain knows best what I need."

The Wildcat Team of the Great Bear Golden Shield could only be considered a transitional team. In the future, Li Zhi will need trustworthy individuals by his side for security.

After having breakfast, it was almost 9 a.m.

The members of the Wildcat Team had changed their clothes and subdued their auras, making them much more appealing than when they had first arrived.

Li Zhi exuded an imposing presence wherever he went, always surrounded by twelve people.

Upon pushing open the door to the meeting room, most of the senior management of the Super Canned Food Company was already seated. Li Zhi calmly walked in.

Someone pulled out the main chair for him.

Li Zhi sat down, and there were quite a few senior management members present, totaling over fifty. The two super canned food factories of the Super Canned Food Company were theoretically going to be completed and operational by tomorrow afternoon.

At that time, it would be a test for this team.


"Please, everyone, take a seat!"

Li Zhi looked at the people present and smiled, saying, "You should be familiar with me, but I am not familiar with you." Everything is just beginning, and the company is just starting out. Those who are capable, I don't mind promoting you. Those who are not prepared need to make way for others. Starting tomorrow, there will be a test for all of you. I don't want to hear what anyone says. I want to see who can do it. Do you understand what I mean?

"We understand!"

The voices were not subdued, and no one dared to stay quiet, as Li Zhi was the leader, and they all hoped to depend on him for their livelihood.

"Good, that's all!" Li Zhi muttered, then calmly said, "I can empower competent individuals to thrive, and I can also condemn those with malicious intentions to suffer in hell." Those who are capable will only continue to enhance themselves. Do your best. A year from now, I hope to still see all of you here!

No one could understand the meaning behind Li Zhi's words, but those who did were definitely individuals with foresight.