
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Blind to the Truth

When it comes to making money, Li Zhi has never doubted the capabilities of the Super Can Factory; after all, it is an intelligent factory provided by 'Star Cloud I9'. Just as the Super Fish Balls can thrive in this world, the Super Canned Goods can also thrive in this world. It's just a matter of how much money they can make.

The question of how to maximize the commercial value of the 'Super Canned Goods' requires everyone in the company to brainstorm. This is no longer just Li Zhi's concern. With over ten thousand employees, as the company becomes more profitable, its treatment will definitely improve.

The heads of several departments, including Sales, Finance, Production, Procurement, Internal Affairs, and Business, have all spoken, expressing confidence and optimism for tomorrow and the future.

This can be considered a mobilization meeting before the factory is completed. Whether it will be successful or not remains to be seen.

The meeting ended at 10:30.

Li Zhi still has tasks to complete and cannot sit in the meeting room listening to their lengthy discussions. He doesn't have the time or the inclination for it.

"Boss, where are we going?" Xingnan asked as she followed Li Zhi after leaving the meeting room.

"To the Super Fish Ball Company," Li Zhi said expressionlessly.

"Boss, even though I have already contacted the Super Fish Ball Company, I haven't been able to reach the CEO of the company due to the tight deadline you gave me," Xingnan explained in a hushed tone. The working hours of the CEO are certainly different from those of regular employees.

Although the Super Fish Ball Company is not yet a large corporation, meeting the CEO, Beidao Zhi, definitely requires an advance appointment.

Li Zhi understood Xingnan's meaning. Due to scheduling the appointment too late, the staff in the personal assistant department have not been able to reach Beidao Zhi yet.

Perhaps the reason is that Beidao Zhi, the CEO, was out partying last night and hasn't woken up yet due to overexertion. Alternatively, it's possible that a small company like Super Canned Goods hasn't been taken seriously or has been completely ignored.

But it doesn't matter. Despite the error's location, Xingnan still hasn't been able to contact Beidao Zhi.

"It's okay, let's go directly," Li Zhi said nonchalantly. After all, the Super Fish Ball Company belongs to him. Does the CEO really need to schedule an appointment to visit his own company?

Upon seeing him, others, including Beidao Zhi, would respectfully address Li Zhi as 'Boss.'

Fifteen people got into seven cars.

They set off towards the Super Fish Ball Company. Although both companies belong to Li Zhi, he has not located them in the same area. The Super Fish Ball Company is the Super Fish Ball Company, and the Super Canned Goods Company is the Super Canned Goods Company. The Super Fish Ball Company has a 25% stake owned by Beidao Zhi, while the Super Canned Goods Company is entirely owned by Li Zhi.

Li Zhi is very clear about this!

"Boss, can I ask you something?" Xingnan looked at Li Zhi, who was resting with his eyes closed, and hesitated before speaking softly.

Li Zhi, with his eyes closed, said, "Do you want to ask about the relationship between me and the Super Fish Ball Company?"

"Yes!" Xingnan nodded. In fact, she had wanted to ask for a long time, but she hadn't found a suitable opportunity.

"I have some shares in the Super Fish Ball Company, probably around seventy-five percent, so I still have a certain amount of say in the company," Li Zhi said.

Seventy-five percent of the shares? Xingnan rolled her eyes discreetly. Is that considered "some shares"? He could have just told her that the Super Fish Ball Company is his!

The scale of both the Super Fish Ball Company and the Super Canned Goods Company is not very large. Therefore, she wonders how they managed to attract Beidao Zhi, a person of such high status, to come over. Even if they used shares as an incentive, it shouldn't have piqued Beidao Zhi's interest that much. She knows what kind of person Beidao Zhi is.

"Speak up, don't hesitate," Li Zhi said. Even though he sensed that she still had many questions for him, he opened his mouth, but then closed it again.

Xingnan stuck out her tongue and playfully said, "Boss, you are wise!"

"Don't flatter me." You know I'm not in a good mood right now. Instead of flattery, give me something practical.

"Such as?" Xingnan asked.

Li Zhi reached out and touched her hair, lightly pressing it against his thigh. Xingnan didn't resist and appeared quite compliant.

Blushing, she murmured softly, "Boss, this isn't appropriate!"

"What's wrong with it?" "Hurry up," Li Zhi said. The Wildcat was sitting in the front seat with Jasmine driving, so the only other person in the car was Li Zhi, a man.

To do or not to do?

If she truly served the boss in this manner and made him feel comfortable, the future benefits were evident. But it felt degrading. Should she maintain some dignity? But the boss had mentioned that he was in a very bad mood at the moment. If she went against his wishes, although he might not say anything, he would definitely be unhappy.

Li Zhi looked out the window and, unknowingly, he seemed to exude dominance once more. Yesterday's incident had been too stimulating for him. Life is short, so why bother with oneself? He wouldn't force anyone. Those whom he likes can stay by his side, and those who are not suitable can choose to leave. He definitely won't stop them.

Xingnan, blushing, sat up straight, tidied her slightly messy hair, and took out a tissue from her bag to wipe her mouth. She glanced at Li Zhi and whispered, "Boss, do you think I am very insignificant?"

"Do you?" "I think you're doing great!" Li Zhi said, feeling refreshed. His mood naturally improved significantly. He looked at her and said with a smile, "You're doing well, but your technique is a bit rusty. You can practice more when you have free time."

"I don't even have a boyfriend, so how can I practice?" Xingnan blushed, almost wanting to find a hole to hide in.

"Just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you can't practice," Li Zhi said.

Xingnan blinked at Li Zhi, as if asking him how she should practice.

"Buy a lollipop!" Li Zhi replied with a smile. Cucumbers and bananas might not be available in the Sea of Stars, but lollipops are definitely abundant. He knew they were sold at the fish market, but he wasn't sure about lollipops.

The convoy arrived at the entrance of the Super Fish Ball Company and was stopped by an individual.

"Boss, I'll go and see what's going on!" Xingnan wanted to get out of the car to negotiate, but Li Zhi stopped her and said, "No need. Just inform the security at the front of the car that the person in the car is me!"

After a while, a message arrived from the front indicating that the security at the entrance of the Super Fish Ball Company was unaware of Li Zhi's identity and still had no intention of allowing the convoy to pass!

"Boss, should I call the reception department of the Super Fish Ball Company again?" Xingnan looked at Li Zhi and spoke softly. Perhaps due to the events that occurred on the way there, she sensed a vague and ambiguous connection with the boss, one that felt more intimate than before.

Li Zhi frowned and ordered, "Instruct someone to drive through!"


The wildcat in front responded. They didn't care if it was someone else's territory or if there would be trouble. After all, it wasn't their responsibility. They only followed the boss's orders and only cared about whether the boss was happy. Whatever the boss said, they would do. As for whether they could handle any trouble that arose, it wasn't their concern.

It didn't take long before the convoy started moving again!

The scale of the Super Fish Ball Company was much larger than that of Li Zhi's Super Canned Goods Company. In addition to the completed fish ball processing plant, there were ten Super Fish Ball factories under construction. Once production begins, the Super Fish Ball Company's daily sales will reach a staggering figure.

At the entrance of the company's office building, Li Zhi stepped out of the car, and the members of the Wildcat team had already surrounded him. The security of the Super Fish Ball Company had already surrounded them.

"Who are you?" Li Zhi asked the head of security.

The head of security was stunned. Why should he fear forcibly entering the Super Fish Ball Company, even though he didn't know who the other party was? Furthermore, the person behind him was the CEO of the North. Even if the other party has a strong background, could they be stronger than the CEO of the North? Upon reflection, he gained confidence.

"I am the deputy head of the security department." You have forcibly entered my company. "What do you want..." Li Zhi waved his hand, interrupting the other party, and said expressionlessly, "Enough." Please go to the finance department and finalize the salary payments. Please do not come to work tomorrow. Go!

The other person was dumbfounded!

"Who are you?" Did one sentence just get him fired? Did he think he was the boss here... the boss? He suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a big boss in the company, but he hadn't seen the big boss since he arrived. So he hadn't thought of it. What was the boss's name again? Right, surnamed Li, seems to be called Li Zhi, General Manager Li.

Li Zhi ignored the other party. It wasn't necessary to take him too seriously. The reason he asked the other party to leave was to convey to Beidao Zhi that he could have a voice in the company, but there needed to be boundaries. After all, the Super Fish Ball Company is his company. If even the boss doesn't recognize me, then what's the point of staying in the company?

"Boss, why are you here?" "What I mean is, why didn't you inform me in advance?" Yiqiu Shuang hurriedly ran out.

In addition to serving as the company's vice president, she also holds the position of Li Zhi's executive assistant. Although she has been learning about company management by shadowing Beidao Zhi, the senior management of the company is aware of her presence.

"I already called this morning." "Didn't anyone notify you that I was coming?" Li Zhi asked calmly. He was angry, but he wouldn't take it out on his own people.

Yiqiu Shuang was stunned and shook her head, "No one told me?"

"Please have someone verify who answered the phone at the company today." "Anyone involved in today's events should be removed," Li Zhi said expressionlessly.

Yiqiu Shuang knew that her boss was angry and hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll have someone check!"

"Is Beidao Zhi in the company?" Li Zhi asked.

"He is." Beidao Zhi is usually in the office before nine-thirty every day," Yiqiu Shuang nodded and said, "Should I call him over?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "No need. You lead the way directly to his office." "I have something to discuss with him!"
