
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

The Great Bear Golden Shield

Yana took two steps back, out of Li Zhi's reach, and looked at him expressionlessly. She said, "You are my boss. I will work wholeheartedly for you after receiving my salary, but personal matters are not included." "I have no interest in you, and the money you have is not enough to make me yours." Do you understand what I'm saying?

Li Zhi was stunned and asked, "Are you saying that you find my money insufficient?"

Yana neither nodded nor shook her head, which was a tacit approval.

Does Li Zhi have a lot of money?

Apart from the fixed assets of the Super Fishball Company, Li Zhi only had a few billion in cash, along with the two super canned food factories that were nearing completion and ready to start production.

It's not a lot, but it's definitely not a small amount. After all, talents like Yana only earned an annual salary of 1.5 million, and in ten years, she would only earn 15 million without spending or saving.

Did she dare to make fun of Li Zhi for having little money?

A sly smile appeared on Li Zhi's lips as he asked, "So, how much money do you think I need to have in order to completely 'own' you?"

"100 billion!" Yana said without hesitation, as if she had already contemplated the number in her mind.

"Only 100 billion?" Li Zhi shrugged and said, "This challenge doesn't seem too difficult. Is it really hard to earn 100 billion?" I'll give you a choice. "You can increase the difficulty level to prevent regretting it later."

Yana said expressionlessly, "800 billion will do."

The difficulty not only did not increase but decreased by 200 billion. Li Zhi was slightly stunned, and then he realized that she was looking down on him!

"So, you mean, it's very difficult for me to earn 800 billion in my lifetime?"

Yana remained silent.

Looking at her frosty face, this type of cold sarcasm could be suffocating. It would be better if she spoke a few more words or uttered a few curse words.

But Li Zhi was not an ordinary person. He was not angry because he had the confidence not to be.

He smiled and said, "You need to think carefully. When the time comes, you can't back out of our agreement!"

Yana said sternly, "I have never backed out of an agreement before, and I won't in the future!"

"Alright, 800 billion it is." But you need to earn it quickly. "I can't wait for too long!" Yana paused for a moment and added, "I can temporarily take charge of the security department." If you find a suitable candidate in the future, they can take over.

"If you like it, you can continue managing it!" Li Zhi said with a smile.

Yana did not respond to Li Zhi's words but asked expressionlessly, "Boss, what is the budget for setting up the security department?" I need a specific figure. Also, I have already placed an order with the Great Bear Golden Shield Security Group for your personal defense. Tomorrow morning, a small team will be dispatched to the company to temporarily take care of your security.

"Is this about the security department budget?" Li Zhi thought for a moment and said, "Ten billion." Remember, I only want elite soldiers. Money is not a problem. What I want is a security department that fully complies with my directives, with you serving as the interim head of the security department!

After repeating his requirements, Li Zhi curiously asked, "Where does the 'Great Bear Golden Shield Security Group' come from?"

Yana explained, "The Great Bear Golden Shield Security Group is one of the top three security and defense companies in the Star Sea. It provides security and defense services for the affluent and influential individuals on the ten major islands of the Star Sea." Additionally, it operates a mercenary business. As long as the Great Bear Golden Shield Security Group accepts the protection request, there are rarely any mistakes. Of course, the price is not cheap. "The small team that will arrive tomorrow costs eight million dollars per year."

"Only eight million?" Li Zhi frowned and muttered.

Yana listened to Li Zhi's words and rolled her eyes. Eight million was not a small amount. In the 5th Fishing Port, having eight million in assets was no longer considered poor. It was enough for a family to live happily on a large island for a lifetime, provided they embraced a simple life rather than extravagance.

Someone like Yana's boss, even if he had eight hundred million dollars, might not be able to live the rest of his life due to his arrogance.

From birth, people are inherently different from each other. This cannot be forced. People can only strive to grow and raise their children to be admirable in the eyes of others.

The Star Sea was very calm, with almost no wars. Although the ten major islands were autonomous, the Star Sea was part of the Graphite Interstellar Empire. In theory, the appointments on the ten major islands were made by the Graphite Interstellar Empire.

However, each of the ten major islands had its own island defense force, as well as the "Star Sea Garrison" composed of the joint forces of the ten major islands.

In addition to these official forces, there were also various small and medium-sized islands connected to the ten major islands. However, there were pirates on the Star Sea, and their numbers were not small. Many of these pirates were hired by the smaller islands located outside the ten major islands.

Mercenary forces were primarily naval and were employed to combat pirates at sea.

In the Star Sea, individuals who used their intellect to earn a living made more money than those who relied on physical strength, which was a prevalent trend. Therefore, the issue of "cheapness" that Li Zhi mentioned does not exist. Seven people earning a total salary of eight million a year was almost equivalent to that of a high-level white-collar worker. Wasn't that cheap?

Yana had hired an A-level security guard team. There were also S-level and SS-level teams. In her opinion, an A-level security team from the Great Bear Golden Shield Security Group was already sufficient for someone like Li Zhi. Using S-level or SS-level would be a waste of resources.

S-level and SS-level employees were hired by the prominent financial executives. Without money? It was not even worth thinking about. The cost of an S-level team, which also included seven security personnel, was ten times higher than that of an A-level team. The price for an A-level seven-person team for a year was eight million, but the price for an S-level team was eighty million.

As for the Secret Service level, not to mention a security team, even hiring a single person required careful consideration. Without adequate power, financial resources, and local influence, one could not afford to hire them.

It was said that there were even SSS-level warlords, and even if someone had the money and the ability to hire them, it would probably cost a fortune.

"Is one security team enough?" Li Zhi pondered whether eight million was a reasonable price. If one team was not enough, could he hire three?

When it came to personal safety, Li Zhi would not hesitate to spend extra money. After all, his life was at stake. If something happened to him, to whom could he complain? There were still many things in this beautiful world that Li Zhi had not yet experienced.