
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Security Department

"Boss, when it comes to the security department of the company, many decisions cannot be made by me alone," Yana said, looking directly at Li Zhi. Although Li Zhi didn't say anything, the furrow on his brow was a bad sign.

To advance in her work, Yana needed to earn Li Zhi's complete trust. If she couldn't, her future work would be extremely difficult.

The establishment of the Super Can Company was swift, and everything was built from the ground up. Without a solid foundation, a tall building is prone to collapse. This was the case with the Super Can Company. Since Li Zhi had spent a lot of money to bring himself over, Yana hoped to enhance the company.

Li Zhi's personal assistant department was still a part of the Super Can Company's structure. For Yana, this meant something very clear.

After Li Zhi's assassination attempt today, Yana sorted out her thoughts from the beginning. Firstly, there was only one attacker, and the intended victim was Li Zhi. This meant that the person knew Li Zhi or had detailed information about him.

Yana didn't know about any grudges Li Zhi might have outside, but she knew that the assassination attempt was not related to the Super Can Company. After all, the company had just been established, and the two Super Can factories hadn't even started operating yet. A company that hadn't even sold any products couldn't possibly have any grudges with anyone.

So, the only explanation was that the problem originated from Li Zhi himself or from past grievances.

But Li Zhi was the boss, and from Yana's perspective, she couldn't ask about certain things. However, from a security standpoint, she hoped that Li Zhi would tell her everything he knew in case of any future need.

In terms of the security department, Li Zhi's requirements were not just for the department to be responsible for the company's security.

If the security department had to be responsible not only for the company's security but also for Li Zhi's personal security, then the difficulty of establishing the department would be much greater. After all, regular security personnel for a company are distinct from those who must be prepared to take a bullet for the boss at any moment.

Their roles, prices, and required abilities varied among them.

Even though Li Zhi had mentioned his intention to establish a 'security defense team' in addition to the security department, there were instances where this team might not be able to handle all tasks effectively. If they couldn't, they would definitely need the assistance of the company's security department.

Initially, the role of the security department was not confined to merely providing security services for the company.

"What do you need me to do?" Li Zhi asked calmly.

Yana looked at Li Zhi and said with a stern face, "Support, full support." This department will involve numerous tasks and will also require a substantial amount of funding!

"Money is not a problem; I only want elite personnel," Li Zhi interrupted Yana, motioning for her to come over.

Yana took a few steps towards Li Zhi, but there was still some distance between them.

Li Zhi raised his hand and motioned for her to come closer.

Yana stopped only when she was right in front of Li Zhi. In the past, Yana would never have done this, but now things were different. The boss was clearly in a bad mood, and she knew she needed to cooperate as much as possible and not provoke his anger.

Li Zhi looked into Yana's eyes and said slowly, "I need a security department that belongs only to me." In other words, they must be willing to lay down their lives for me if necessary. Do you understand? Money is not a problem. Now, tell me, can you do it? If not, I'll find someone else to do it!

It's not that Li Zhi lacked patience or had a bad temper, but he couldn't afford to wait. Someone had already come looking to kill him, and today there was only one, but tomorrow there might be five, and the day after that there might be ten. Li Zhi couldn't afford to take any chances.

This was the 5th fishing port, and Li Zhi needed his own people. If the 5th Fishing Port became unsafe and he died there, then no matter how much money he made or how many factories he opened, it would all be for nothing. He needed to stay alive, not just alive, but alive and well. He wanted to send all those who wanted to cause him trouble straight to hell.

He couldn't let a group of non-player characters (NPCs) kill him, a player.

In the Factory World Map, being a little crazy was no pressure for Li Zhi. He didn't want to die, so he had to be stronger than anyone else.

An unknown enemy is more frightening than a known one.

He couldn't fight alone, and since he had money, he wasn't afraid to spend it. When it came to the issue of life and safety, he believed it was worth spending whatever amount of money was required.

Yana's brow furrowed as she looked at the face so close to hers. She realized that Li Zhi's words were even more direct than she had expected. He wanted a security department that would be completely obedient to him.

In other words, it was a private army.

Li Zhi looked into Yana's eyes and remained silent. He had been waiting for her response. This was something that Yana was best suited to handle, and he couldn't think of anyone else who could do it at the moment.

Would she agree? Or not?

Yana hesitated. This matter was not simple. Establishing a security department was one thing, but managing it was another. Since Li Zhi's requirement was for the security department to be completely obedient to him, it wouldn't be just ordinary training.

Under the premise of not being afraid to spend money, Li Zhi's intention was to establish a department that was completely obedient to him. In other words, those who took his money needed to be willing to lay down their lives for him. No matter where Li Zhi needed them to go, they had to be prepared to leave.

"Boss, how ambitious are you?" Yana asked softly.

Li Zhi said calmly, "How ambitious?" "The sea cannot deter me." "As long as I want, there's nothing I can't do."

After a brief pause, he continued, "But rest assured, I have no interest in territorial disputes. What I want is to make money steadily and safely." "I don't want to provoke others, and it's best for others not to provoke me." If they do, I won't be afraid. Do you understand my explanation?

Yana nodded. It was a simple principle: don't cause trouble, and don't be afraid of trouble.

"Will the security department be under my full authority in the future?" Yana asked Li Zhi, looking into his eyes without any hesitation.

Li Zhi said, "For now, it will be under your authority." But if there are suitable candidates in the future, you will have to step down. "However, if you are truly suitable and willing to be loyal to me, I won't rule out the possibility of letting you permanently lead this department!"

"What do you mean by being truly loyal to you?" Yana asked.

Li Zhi reached out and patted her on the buttocks, giving her a sly smile, demonstrating practically what it meant to be truly loyal. How could Li Zhi feel at ease if he didn't make her his woman? After all, why let the fat water flow into someone else's field in the game world!