
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Talking about Ideals

Li Zhi was unsure if there would be any sparks between Huang Pangzi and Ah Hong. If there were sparks, that would be even better. If not, it couldn't be blamed on anyone. After all, who could blame Huang Pangzi for being unattractive and overweight?

Standing outside the spacious private room, he knocked on the door and then pushed it open to enter.

Yang Yuqing was sitting next to Meng Ruping, glancing at the people present. The little girl's eyes were swollen, indicating that she had just cried. He didn't know exactly what had happened.

Not far from the private room, a middle-aged couple sat close to Meng Ruping and Yang Yuqing. The man was very kind and had a steady demeanor, bearing some resemblance to Yang Yuqing. If he wasn't mistaken, he should be the little girl's father. The woman's expression was somewhat displeased, giving off an air of arrogance and nobility.

If it weren't for the marks left by time on her face, this woman's appearance would definitely be top-notch. As for her resemblance to Yang Yuqing, it was as if they were cut from the same mold.

The remaining few people should all be drivers, secretaries, or bodyguards. None of them sat directly at the table!


As Li Zhi pushed the door open, Yang Yuqing ran over to him as if she had found refuge, and threw herself into his arms, bursting into tears.

Her crying was heart-wrenching and pitiful!

Li Zhi was dumbfounded, and the atmosphere in the private room fell silent. Meng Ruping turned her head and blinked at Li Zhi. If he wasn't mistaken, there seemed to be a hint of a smile in her eyes.

Rolling his eyes, he thought, "What's so funny?" There's absolutely nothing between him and Yang Yuqing. He found the little girl very endearing and felt a connection with her, similar to that of a younger sister.

But now that she had done this, the mud on his pants, whether it was mud or something else, was a big deal. This was in front of her own parents. Could they listen to Li Zhi's explanation?

Yang Yuqing's father seemed relatively calm, but her mother's face turned green as she glared fiercely at Li Zhi, as if she wanted to swallow him alive right then and there.

Li Zhi felt both amused and exasperated. He was even more wronged than Dou E. If he had known, he wouldn't have agreed to the little girl's request to come and wade into this muddy water.

"Alright, alright, you're all grown up." Why cry? Be good; stop crying. Li Zhi patted Yang Yuqing's head, trying to comfort her, and asked, "Is there anything that can't be discussed calmly?" A forced smile appeared on his face as he gazed at Yang Yuqing's parents and said, "You must be Yuqing's father and mother, right?"

"Who are you?" The middle-aged woman didn't wait for Yang Yuqing's father to speak and directly questioned Li Zhi.

Li Zhi smiled wryly and said, "My name is Li Zhi, the owner of this restaurant." When the restaurant was newly renovated and not yet open for business, I happened to be short of staff. I unexpectedly met Yuqing, a young girl who had just arrived in Haicheng and was unfamiliar with the area. So I brought her back with me. This girl and I got along well, and we had good conversations. When I was young, my family was well-off, and I always wanted a younger sister. But after my parents passed away, I never had one. After Yuqing arrived, I always treated her like a younger sister!

Regardless of the identity of the other party, at least this arrogant middle-aged woman was Yang Yuqing's mother, and her father was sitting across from her. She didn't say a word but threw herself into his arms and cried. Li Zhi could only explain first. Whether the other party believed it or not, he had a clear conscience. Didn't they see the way her real mother wanted to eat him up?

The middle-aged woman listened to Li Zhi's words, then turned to exchange a glance with the man beside her. Yang Yuqing's father nodded gently in agreement.

Seeing a hint of a smile in Meng Ruping's eyes, Li Zhi said, "In that case, I guess I should thank you." Young man, please come and have a seat. Let's sit down and have a good chat!

"Alright!" Li Zhi patted Yang Yuqing's shoulder and sat down on a chair near the door, saying with a smile, "We're all family." "Why can't we sit down and have a good chat together?"

"Don't cry!" Li Zhi's expression changed, and his voice became somewhat stern as he said to Yang Yuqing, who was clinging to him, "Look up!"

Yang Yuqing was quite obedient. She raised her tear-stained face, looking at Li Zhi with her swollen eyes, evoking sympathy from those around her.

"Why cry?" What's there to cry about? You're all grown up, yet you're always crying. If you keep crying, I'll have your parents take you back. "I won't care about you anymore!" Li Zhi said sternly, using a tissue to wipe away the tears from her face. "Tell me, what's the matter?" "Why are you crying?"

Yang Yuqing looked like a little cat, obediently raising her head. This surprised her parents, who didn't understand her temperament. As parents who had raised her from childhood, they knew her well. Despite her appearance as a well-behaved girl, once she set her mind on something, no one could stop her. Her mother felt somewhat resigned to this.

"They absolutely won't let me attend the film academy!" Yang Yuqing pouted and turned to look at her parents, sobbing.

Li Zhi asked, "Have you explained it to them?"

Yang Yuqing nodded and said, "I've explained it, but they won't listen!" As she spoke, she became more aggrieved, and tears fell from her eyes again.

Li Zhi scolded her with a stern face, "No crying. Stop your tears!"

His voice startled Yang Yuqing, and she dared not cry anymore. But she pouted, looking as if she had been wronged.

"How did you explain it to them?" Li Zhi asked.

This was how the situation had to be handled. He couldn't appear too kind, especially not in front of Yang Yuqing. If he were to always defend the little girl, it would be like going against her parents.

He was the mediator, and Yang Yuqing's feelings were not as important as her parents' opinions at the moment. Therefore, he couldn't show her too much favor.

"I... "I told them that I want to attend the film academy and become a star." But they absolutely refuse to agree! Tears continued to roll down her cheeks!

Upon witnessing her daughter's distressed demeanor, Yang Yuqing's parents also felt uneasy.

Li Zhi raised his hand to wipe away her tears and softened his voice, saying, "Have you discussed your dream with them?"

Li Zhi's words surprised both Yang Yuqing and her parents.

"No, I haven't!"

Li Zhi looked at Yang Yuqing's parents and sighed, saying calmly, "Uncle and Aunt, you hope that Yuqing will have a better life in the future, and there's nothing wrong with that." Besides parents, there is no one else in the world who is as selfless. I think she understands this! But life involves making choices, and one should have dreams. Have you ever thought about what your daughter really wants? Isn't choosing a career she enjoys and doing what she loves for the rest of her life the happiest thing? Your path is correct, but the life you have planned for her is not to her liking!

Yang Yuqing's parents both gazed at Li Zhi, and no one interrupted him.

"Life is not long." At your level, you no longer worry about money or the future. You have everything you want, and there's little that you can't achieve. If that's the case, why wouldn't you want your daughter to choose a life she likes? She's not young anymore; she's already eighteen.

Li Zhi looked down at Yang Yuqing and said calmly, "Don't be too happy." I'm not just speaking up for you. Your parents have more considerations than you do because of their experiences and knowledge. On the contrary, you may believe that you will like what you choose, but it may not be as good as you expect. Your parents will never harm you; they only want you to have a better life, not a worse one.

"Why do you still support her in that case?" Yang Yuqing's mother asked, looking at Li Zhi.

Li Zhi raised his head, shrugged, and said with a smile, "Is it useful to stop her? I believe that both Uncle and Aunt have also gone through a rebellious phase when they were young." Are the dreams you were determined to pursue still there? Have you ever pursued them?

Yang Yuqing's mother remained silent.

"No, do you have any regrets now?" Since she likes it, let her do it. It's a good thing if she can do it well, and it's not a bad thing if she can't. Everyone has had dreams in their youth and has tried to pursue them. Success or failure is not the issue, nor is it important. At least, you won't regret it. Why can't you give her a few years to do something she likes? She's still young. "Even if she makes the wrong choice now, it's not too late for you to guide her back onto the right path later."

Looking at Yang Yuqing, Li Zhi scolded her with a smile, "Don't be too happy, because the path you've chosen may not be the right one." But since you've chosen it, when you realize it's wrong, you have to turn back, understand?

"Okay!" Yang Yuqing nodded vigorously. She wasn't stupid and could tell that Li Zhi's method of persuading her parents was much more effective than crying and making a scene.

"Uncle and Aunt, you know your daughter's temperament better than I do." Even if you don't permit her to do it, do you think she will comply? She came to Haicheng and met me. If she can come to Haicheng by herself, she can go to other places. "She has legs and can't be stopped!" Li Zhi said with a wry smile.

This was a bit of a threat. After all, Yang Yuqing had run away from home once before, so she had a history.

"Hmph, she dares!" Yang Yuqing's mother snorted and said, "Do you think we don't know she's here?" If we were not certain of her safety and did not want to create unnecessary complications, we would have brought her back long ago!

"You can keep an eye on her in the country, but what if she runs away to another country?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Upon hearing Li Zhi's words, Yang Yuqing's eyes lit up. It was a good idea, but Li Zhi raised his hand and tapped her on the head, scolding her with a smile, "Just because I said that, do you dare to act recklessly? You can't handle things in the country, and if you run to another country, I guarantee you'll be sold to Africa." "Then you'll be calling for help every day, but no one will be able to save you!"

"No way!" Yang Yuqing sniffled and wrinkled her nose.

"That's for the best." If it were true, please dispel that idea promptly. Li Zhi snorted, "Behave yourself and stay out of trouble!"

Seeing the interaction between Li Zhi and his daughter, the middle-aged man coughed and said, "Young man, what you said has indeed taught both me and your aunt a lesson." I understand my daughter's temperament, but some things are not as simple as you think. In the entertainment industry, there are many factors that are beyond one's control. We can take care of her, but there are things we can't handle. "There are always things we can't take care of."

"Uncle, have you ever considered that if there are things we can't manage in the entertainment industry, there might be similar challenges in other fields?" Some things will happen whether we want them to or not. Have you considered what your daughter really wants? It's understandable to hope for the best. Choosing a career she likes and doing what she loves for the rest of her life, isn't that the happiest thing? "Your path is correct, but the life you have planned for her is not to her liking!" Li Zhi said.

Yang Yuqing's parents looked at each other and then turned to Li Zhi, asking, "So, Little Zhi, what do you mean?"

Li Zhi looked at Yang Yuqing and said with a slight smile, "Since she wants to attend the film academy, let her try." Going to college is not the same as making movies. She still has four years until she graduates. She wants to enter the entertainment industry now, but she might change her mind by the time she graduates from college.

Yang Yuqing's parents were both stunned. Going to college was one thing, and deciding on a job after graduation was another. After Li Zhi made this statement, their perspectives started to change.

In reality, it was more a matter of helplessness. Even if they couldn't understand it, there was nothing they could do. Their daughter was determined to attend the film academy and refused to go to any other university. What could they do?

Why not let her go to college? Should they allow her to continue working as a waitress here, or should they have her arrested and detained? None of these options were realistic.

"Yuqing, have you really thought this through?" Yang Yuqing's father turned to his daughter and asked.

Yang Yuqing nodded vigorously and said, "Dad, I've thought it through." My dream is to become a big star. Whether you stop me or not, I am going to pursue my dream!

"In that case, your mother and I won't stop you." Whatever you want to do, go ahead and do it. Just as Little Zhi said, everyone has dreams when they are young. "Success or failure isn't important; it's only after you've done it that you won't regret it," Yang Yuqing's father relented. After a brief pause, he added seriously, "But you have to promise me a few things!"

"Okay, tell me!" Yang Yuqing said, "No longer crying."

"When your dream is shattered, do as your mother and I want you to do." "We will always be your support and won't harm you!" Yang Yuqing's father said.

Yang Yuqing's eyes shifted, and she nodded, saying, "Okay, but on the condition that you don't plot against me behind my back!"

"You little brat, what do you take your mother and me for?" "Do you think we want to see you fail?" Li Mulan scolded angrily.

"Hehe, no, I know that Mom and Dad love me the most!" Yang Yuqing wiped away her tears and smiled. Since her parents had relented, she quickly said something nice to appease them.