
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Parents Are Not Easy

"My daughter!" Yang Shan sighed and shook his head with a wry smile as he looked at Yang Yuqing. As parents, they did not want to force their children. Everyone has been young and had dreams. How can one know if they will not succeed if they do not try?

"Thank you, Dad!" Yang Yuqing suddenly stuck her tongue out at Yang Shan.

Yang Shan looked at her in surprise and asked, "Thank me?" "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for your patience and love towards your daughter." "I know you are the best father in the world!" Yang Yuqing said playfully.

Li Mulan interjected, "Yes, your dad is good, and everyone else is not. He gets to be the good guy, and I always have to be the bad guy!"

"No, you are also the best mother in the world. I know that you both have my best interests at heart." "It's my fault for making you worry," Yang Yuqing said.

Li Mulan rolled her eyes and said, "Stop flattering us. Now you're saying we're good?" When you ran away from home, did you consider how your dad and I would feel? You've been out for so many days without even calling home. Just thinking about it makes me angry.

"I'm sorry, I was thoughtless." "I won't make you angry again in the future," Yang Yuqing blinked and said.

Li Zhi, listening on the side, couldn't help but smile. This girl knows how to change her tune, but it's true. Parents are not strangers, and even if they are upset with their children, they won't hold a grudge forever. Once things pass, they will be forgiven.

Yang Shan and Li Mulan agreed to let Yang Yuqing attend the film academy. As a result, the relationship between Yang Yuqing, Yang Shan, and Li Mulan was restored, and all was well.

"The grilled lobster here is delicious." "Since you've come from afar, I'm hosting today as a gesture of hospitality," Li Zhi said with a smile. He signaled to Meng Ruping and then stood up to give the parents some alone time.

Exiting the private room, Meng Ruping breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Zhi with a smile, "Boss, you really have a way. Before you arrived, Yang Yuqing's parents were very firm in their attitude." Her father was a bit more lenient, but her mother was adamantly against her attending the film academy!

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Actually, what I said earlier may not have had much effect."

Meng Ruping looked puzzled and asked, "No effect?" How is that possible? "Yang Yuqing's parents, who had been unresponsive, were persuaded by you, weren't they?"

"A small part of it was because of me, but a larger part was because of Yang Yuqing herself," Li Zhi said with a smile.

"Because of Yang Yuqing herself?" Meng Ruping said with a smile. "Then why did Yang Yuqing's parents refuse before you arrived?"

Li Zhi shrugged and said with a smile, "I guess they had already discussed it before they came." If they could persuade Yang Yuqing to change her mind, that would be the best option. If they couldn't comply, they would have to adhere to her wishes. They couldn't lock her up. Before I arrived, I didn't agree because I wanted to make one last effort. But as soon as I arrived, the girl started crying, and she cried miserably. At that moment, I felt her parents' hearts soften. "They are parents, and when they see their daughter crying like that, it touches their hearts."

Meng Ruping asked, "Boss, are you suggesting that your words were merely a formality?" "Even if you hadn't come, would Yang Yuqing's parents have agreed if she had persisted?"

"Do you think there was any other way if they didn't agree?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Meng Ruping smiled bitterly. It was true. If Yang Yuqing had persisted, what else could her parents do? Could they disown their daughter? Being a parent is not easy!

"Yang Yuqing's parents are quite formidable." Sitting in front of them makes one feel suffocated," Meng Ruping said softly.

Li Zhi shook his head and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter who they are." I met Yang Yuqing because I liked her. She is herself, and her parents are her parents. It doesn't concern us who they are on the outside. But in Haicheng, at the Fallen Star Tower, they are Yang Yuqing's parents.

As a host, whether for the sake of Yang Yuqing or as the boss of the Fallen Star Tower, Li Zhi couldn't be stingy. It was necessary to entertain them.

"Mom and Dad, try the lobster here." It's very fresh and delicious. During the meal, Yang Yuqing boasted to her parents about the large lobster that weighed several pounds and tasted amazing. She described the ingredients and flavors of each dish.

Li Zhi did not join them for the meal. After greeting them, he left. Since everything had been settled, he had no further business there.



Yang Shan smiled and asked, "This Li Zhi seems to be quite kind to you. Do you have feelings for him?"

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Yang Yuqing blushed and couldn't look at Yang Shan and Li Mulan, her heart pounding.

Li Mulan chimed in, "Li Zhi is only a few years older than you, right?"

"I don't know!" Yang Yuqing focused on cutting the lobster. She didn't know much about Li Zhi's age, but she knew that he was capable and mature in his dealings, unlike most young people. He seemed mature, but at the same time, quite naive and didn't always consider the consequences.

"He's twenty-two this year, only three years older than you!" Li Mulan said.

Yang Yuqing looked up in disbelief and said, "Mom, did you investigate Li Zhi?"

Li Mulan smiled wryly and said, "My silly daughter, if I hadn't thoroughly investigated this small restaurant, do you think I would dare to leave you here without asking?" "No matter when, you will always be my most precious daughter."

Upon hearing Li Mulan's words, Yang Yuqing felt a warm sensation in her heart. Her parents had investigated Li Zhi for her sake, and that was understandable.

"Li Zhi is a decent person." "It's not easy for someone so young to establish such a business," Yang Shan sighed and said with a smile. "If you are interested in him, please let us know in advance." "You're not young anymore, and from now on, we also need to find a good match for you!"

"Dad, what are you saying?" I am still young, and I have not considered finding a boyfriend yet. As for the relationship between Li Zhi and me, please don't jump to conclusions. "We really don't have anything," Yang Yuqing denied. She had just achieved her dream of getting into the film academy, and she didn't want any other complications.

Although her parents were chatting and laughing with her now, who knows what they were really thinking? And she really didn't have anything with Li Zhi, at least not for now.

Yang Shan and Li Mulan exchanged glances. Both of them were experienced and had insight into people. Perhaps Li Zhi really had no ulterior motives towards their precious daughter. The key issue was not with Li Zhi, but with their daughter herself.