
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

The Wall Slam of Huang Pangzi

Regarding Fang Yuanyuan's statement, it should not be difficult for the police to uncover the truth about the 100,000 yuan in cash found in Mu Xiaomei's dormitory cabinet. Just because there is money in the cabinet doesn't mean it must belong to Mu Xiaomei. Is Mu Xiaomei foolish to think that 100,000 yuan is not a small amount? Would she really put so much cash directly in the dormitory? Even if she did invest a significant amount of money in the dormitory, how could she flaunt it everywhere?

"How did you see it?" "Please explain clearly!" Dong Yingxue stared expressionlessly at Fang Yuanyuan and the others.

Fang Yuanyuan was relatively well-off, but Mu Xiaomei's other roommates were all young people in their twenties. In addition, Dong Yingxue clearly favored Mu Xiaomei, and they had not discussed things beforehand. So, as long as their testimonies were not consistent, they could be investigated further!

Sun Zhipeng didn't know whom he had called, and a few auxiliary police officers from the university town police station arrived, expressing their intention to handle the case. Not only that, but they also wanted to take Li Zhi away.

Dong Yingxue's temper flared up. Whom could she indulge? She directly called the director of the other party. Not to mention Dong Yingxue's position, even in terms of the influence of the Dong family in Haicheng's political circles, anyone who wanted to challenge Dong Yingxue had to think twice. This is especially true today, as Dong Yingxue was not standing up for herself.

The remaining matters were simple. All of Mu Xiaomei's roommates, including Fang Yuanyuan, were taken away. Mu Xiaomei and Zhao Yafang also went to the police station to make statements. Sun Zhipeng was taken to the hospital. The development of the plot would depend on who stepped forward in the end. If there really was someone supporting Sun Zhipeng from behind, Dong Yingxue stated that she would confront them directly and be prepared to take action against them.

She was so domineering!

"If you have something to do, you can leave first." "I will call you if I need you later!" Dong Yingxue looked at Li Zhi, who approached with a hesitant expression, and surmised that he had something to say.

Li Zhi nodded straightforwardly and said, "Alright, then I'll leave first. I'll leave him to you." "I'll treat you to a meal later!"

Dong Yingxue waved her hand and gestured, "Go ahead!" Before getting into the police car herself.

With Dong Yingxue present, Li Zhi was not afraid that Mu Xiaomei and the others would be bullied at the police station. Although he didn't know how influential the Dong family was in Haicheng, if there was something she couldn't handle, he would have to take care of it. There was no other viable option; the only choice was to use money.

On the way to the Falling Star Tower, Li Zhi called Sophie to express his gratitude. Facial expressions are mutual, and Li Zhi is the type of stubborn person who does not yield to coercion. If he feels that you have shown him respect today, he will likely be willing to assist you in the future.

Sophie only said, "You're acting like a man!" and then hung up the phone.

Li Zhi rolled his eyes and muttered to himself, "What does 'acting like a man' even mean?"

When Li Zhi arrived at the Falling Star Tower, it was almost noon due to the situation with Mu Xiaomei. He parked the car on the side of the road, walked into the Falling Star Tower, and was unsure if Yang Yuqing's family had arrived!


The waiter at the Falling Star Tower smiled sweetly when he saw Li Zhi, showing even more enthusiasm towards this young boss!

"Yes, have they arrived?" Li Zhi nodded and asked directly.

The waiters at the Falling Star Tower all knew who Li Zhi was asking about. They nodded quietly and replied, "They arrived in the morning, and Manager Huang and Sister Meng have been upstairs with them. They haven't come out yet, and I don't know what they've been talking about up there."

"Don't gossip." "Whoever gossips will have their bonus deducted at the end of the month!" Li Zhi warned them and smiled as he walked towards the direction of the elevator!

Li Zhi didn't know who Yang Yuqing's parents were, but the person who could raise a daughter like Yang Yuqing must be exceptional! Although Yang Yuqing did not possess the arrogance of a spoiled young lady, her temperament was no less striking than that of a girl like Sophie.

Raising sons in poverty and daughters in wealth, if she had not lived in a good environment since she was young, she would not have developed the character and knowledge she has now.


At the entrance of the third floor, two girls were standing. The most outstanding individual was over 1.7 meters tall, with large eyes, a pointed chin, and long wavy hair. This girl's most prominent feature was her ability to observe and understand people. She had worked in various professions before, such as a car model, a print model, a KTV princess, and a bar hostess. Her background was beyond imagination, and Li Zhi learned about her through the overweight man, Huang Pangzi.

As soon as the man arrived at the Falling Star Tower, he set his eyes on her. Over the past few days, he had been behaving erratically.

Li Zhi nodded and asked with a smile, "Where is he?"

"He's inside the large private room." "Quite a few people have come to see him, and they seem quite impressive," explained Ahong softly as she followed behind Li Zhi.

"No problem!" Li Zhi shook his head and said, "No one can blame the Falling Star Tower or me. If I hadn't taken Yang Yuqing in the first place, who could guarantee that such a beautiful girl wouldn't have had any accidents?" Unless the other party is non-human, they wouldn't understand!

Li Zhi didn't rush to go inside. Instead, he found a quiet place, lit a cigarette, and had a conversation with Ahong.

"How are you considering it?" Li Zhi asked.

Ahong was puzzled and shook her head, asking, "Boss, what are you talking about?" What are you considering?

Li Zhi exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at her with a half-smile, saying, "If I remember correctly, you're not young anymore, around 28, right?" A woman's most glorious youth is only in these few years. You've had your fun and encountered scumbags on the road of love. Shouldn't you consider your marriage now?

After a brief pause, he continued with a smile, "As for this guy, Huang Pangzi, I know him quite well." This time, it shouldn't be just a casual pursuit for you. Despite being a bit overweight, unattractive, and unsettling, he doesn't have any other significant flaws. With the current turnover of the Falling Star Tower, he not only receives a fixed salary but also a five percent bonus. It is not difficult for him to earn one or two million dollars a year. "So, his conditions are not bad."

"Boss!" Ahong blushed and felt a bit embarrassed, but her eyes were shining, indicating that she was seriously considering Li Zhi's words.

"This matter is up to you." I won't force you. My original intention was to see if there would be a spark between him and Meng Ruping. But you know, forced melons don't taste sweet. Since he is interested in you, I am also willing to help you two get together. He's in his thirties, and you're 28. If you can form a family, it wouldn't be a bad thing for you, your family, or the Falling Star Tower!

"I..." Ahong hadn't spoken yet when the door of the private room opened. Huang Pangzi poked his head out and stared at Li Zhi, asking, "Boss, am I really that bad?"

"You bastard!" Li Zhi rolled his eyes and said irritably, "You scared me. You were hiding in there and didn't say a word." Suddenly coming out like that, trying to scare us!

"Hehe, the atmosphere inside was too intense." "I couldn't handle it, so I came out for a smoke!" Huang Pangzi laughed awkwardly. He had heard what Li Zhi and Ahong had just said.

"Still dare to say you're not creepy!" Li Zhi couldn't be bothered with him. He had already made things clear with Ahong, and it was up to her to make her own choice. Whether she was willing to be with Huang Pangzi or not, it was her decision.

"You two talk it out." But one thing, personal wishes cannot be violated. Forced melons don't taste sweet. "Huang Pangzi, do you understand what I mean, right?" Li Zhi asked.

Huang Pangzi smiled wryly and said, "I understand, Boss." Rest assured, I know my limits.

"Good!" Li Zhi flicked the cigarette butt into the trash can and walked over to the large private room across the hall.

Huang Pangzi and Ahong stood there, both silent. Neither of them chose to speak. Huang Pangzi was in his thirties, and Ahong was 28. They were not young anymore. Before the matter was clarified, they could still play dumb, but now that the words had been spoken, they had to make a choice.

Yes or no, to try or to deny directly, were all answers. Li Zhi had just made it clear that personal wishes could not be violated. Whether Ahong agreed or not, it was her choice. Huang Pangzi couldn't persuade her to agree.

With Li Zhi guaranteeing her, Ahong's agreement wouldn't affect her job at the Falling Star Tower. Huang Pangzi was the head chef of the Falling Star Tower's kitchen, while Ahong worked as a waitress and had no connection to him. She followed Meng Ruping, who was directly recruited by Li Zhi, the boss.

"Ahong, how about we go inside and sit for a while?" Huang Pangzi laughed and took the initiative to speak.

Ahong was also a little embarrassed and hesitated for a moment before saying softly, "It's working hours." "Is it not appropriate to slack off in the private room, correct?"

"Didn't the boss just say for us to talk?" "If he doesn't say anything, who else will?" Huang Pangzi blinked and said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, okay then!" Ahong followed Huang Pangzi into the private room.

The private room was not very large, but it was spacious enough for just two people.

"Ahong, I really like you and am willing to marry you." I'm not just trying to flirt with you. If you're willing, we can give it a try. I own two properties in Haicheng, and the Falling Star Tower provides me with an annual salary of three million, along with a five percent bonus. My father is a chef, and in all of Haicheng, even in the entire province's culinary scene, he is a prominent figure. He has countless disciples and grandchildren. Relying on this skill, even if I don't work at the Falling Star Tower in the future, I won't let you and our children go hungry. Huang Pangzi knew what he should say and what he shouldn't. The old man had likely argued with him several times about his wife. At his age, he didn't want to play around anymore.

"Before..." Ahong was not a little girl. Since Huang Pangzi was straightforward, she was also very honest. She talked about her past, her previous professions, and her past boyfriends, just as Li Zhi had said. At 28 years old, she had already played enough, loved enough, pursued her dreams, and been naive enough. She had encountered scoundrels, endured long-distance relationships, and finally reached where she is now.

At the age of 28, she was no longer considered young for a woman. She also wanted to settle down, find a man to marry, and have children.

There aren't many 28-year-olds in life. After a woman turns 30, she is often perceived as less valuable. Although it is unclear who said this, it is not unreasonable.

A woman should not have to rely solely on her appearance to earn a living!

Once youth is gone, it's gone forever.

Huang Pangzi had been listening to Ahong without interrupting her. Since she was willing to speak, he knew there was a chance. Listening is a form of respect for people.

"The past is the past, and the present is the present." I didn't know you before, and you didn't know me. I love the present you, and the past you has nothing to do with me. "I just want to ask you, in the future, are you willing to be with this overweight guy and walk hand in hand through the rest of our lives?" Huang Pangzi looked at Ahong with his small eyes and asked.

Ahong smiled shyly and said softly, "Are you confessing to me?"

Huang Pangzi was overjoyed and nodded vigorously, "Yes, I'm a chubby guy with a clumsy mouth, but I have a good heart." Hehe!

Ahong rolled her eyes at him coquettishly and said, "Stop praising yourself. You must have deceived other girls a lot in the past." After a brief pause, she blushed and said softly, "Since you want to pursue me, then go ahead." But let's make it clear. If you can't pass the test, then we'll pretend that nothing ever happened.

Before she could finish her sentence, Huang Pangzi came over with a twinkle in his eyes, hugged her, pressed her against the wall, and forcefully kissed her on the lips.

He tried to slam into a wall.

Why bother pursuing? I like to be direct. If you're willing, I won't be reserved. Let's start with a kiss since it's a pursuit!


"You fat guy, let go of me!" Ahong blushed and felt embarrassed.