
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Happy App

"Do you really have a blood relationship with Zhuge Meili?" Li Zhi suddenly thought of something and asked with a smile.

Dong Yingxue was stunned and said, "Yes, my grandfather is her maternal grandfather, and her mother is my aunt." "Why do you suddenly ask this question?"

"No, I'm just a little puzzled." Why are you so good, both beautiful and understanding, while she's a bit mediocre? Compared to you, she doesn't even measure up. It's true that this kind of thing often runs in the family. Perhaps her father is just like her, naturally disappointing. "Maybe his father also inherited the genes from his grandfather, passed down from generation to generation," Li Zhi said with a smile.

Dong Yingxue couldn't help but laugh and scold him softly, "Stop mocking people here." "You're good enough; I've made it clear to you," Zhuge Meili is my cousin. If you speak ill of her in front of me, I'll expose you later!

"Don't be like that," Li Zhi begged with a smile.

Unconsciously, they chatted late into the night. Dong Yingxue yawned and said, "My phone is out of battery, and it's not early." "Tomorrow, your small restaurant will still be open, so make sure to rest early to avoid feeling tired and listless the next day."

Li Zhi looked at the time and realized it was already past midnight.

"Time flies." "Alright, let's chat again when we meet tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhi realized it was already late and inappropriate to call anyone. He thought for a moment, edited a text message, and sent it out.

The essence of the message was that his small restaurant would have a trial opening tomorrow. It is situated across from the Star Moon Bay Hotel and is named Falling Star Tower. If the other person has nothing to do at noon, they could come and show their support. Whether they came or not was up to them. It would be best if they came, but it wasn't necessary.

By having one fewer person, we can save money.

When sending the message, he selected the names of Zhuge Meili, Sophie, and Blackie. After some thought, he also included Mu Xiaomei's name. From the bottom of his heart, Li Zhi actually didn't want Mu Xiaomei to come. She was too clingy, and he was afraid that something might happen if she met Dong Yingxue. Then he would have a headache.

But if he didn't invite her, it would seem unreasonable. Among all the people Li Zhi knew, Mu Xiaomei was the one who showed the most kindness towards him, and Li Zhi felt that he should repay her. She knew about Falling Star Tower.

Forget it; invite her. Actually, nothing bad would happen. Dong Yingxue knew what kind of person she was, and Mu Xiaomei knew her even better. Based on their temperaments, even if they were unhappy, they wouldn't show it in front of others.

Zhuge Meili would probably call Dong Yingxue and definitely attend. It was uncertain whether Sophie would come or not.

Blackie had been assisting with the management of the processing factory in Yutou Island Village. It had been a while since they had seen each other, so it was a good opportunity to reach out to him. Li Zhi planned to have someone from Sophie's side manage the processing factory in Yutou Island Village. He wanted to call Blackie to do something else. Both he and Dong Xiaorou were among the first people to follow Li Zhi. Dong Xiaorou was also Li Zhi's junior brother, so they required special attention.

Dong Yingxue lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The more she got to know Li Zhi, the higher her opinion of him rose. He was confident, determined, and possessed a fearless spirit, refusing to admit defeat. She admired this. Although he wasn't very handsome, he wasn't ugly either. A man's appearance was secondary; inner qualities were most important. You shouldn't eat with your face. Although women often judge men by their appearance at first sight, after prolonged contact, they come to appreciate a man's charm and personality. The only thing she didn't like about Li Zhi was his flirtatious nature.

Too much of a playboy, not faithful!

If he couldn't change, Dong Yingxue didn't know if she could tolerate him.

A woman's partner should belong exclusively to her. Dong Yingxue could allow others to make mistakes, but she couldn't tolerate someone who kept making mistakes!

Shaking her head and sighing, she didn't know what was happening to her. She had known Li Zhi for about two months. It wasn't a good sign that she was thinking more and more about him. According to her cousin, Zhuge Meili, this was a sign of infatuation and obsession, a prelude to sinking.

Women blinded by love can become foolish.

Would she become a fool?

Dong Yingxue didn't know, and she didn't want to know, but she was curious about how it would feel to be held, kissed, and even touched by a man.

Sophie usually slept late. She had already moved out of the dormitory and rented a high-end apartment in Haicheng. Apart from a few close friends from school who would visit and have fun on weekends, she was usually alone.

Happy Fish Ball was not being suppressed by Joyful Fish Ball. Although the situation had improved somewhat, continuing in this manner would definitely not be beneficial.

She was trying to find a way to change the situation.

The pace of opening new stores had slowed down, which was unacceptable. Three new stores were already under renovation. This time, Joyful Fish Ball was not stingy. Whether it was renting the storefront or renovating it, they had hired professionals to redesign it. However, the speed of Joyful Fish Ball was not slow either. The three stores had not yet opened, but the other side had already caught up.

It was still the old strategy. Even if they couldn't suppress Joyful Fish Ball, they wouldn't allow it to develop freely. There was a clear intention to compete until the end.

Furthermore, in terms of business operations, Joyful Fish Ball was not losing much money. The "Joyful APP," which was performing well, was a part of this. Sophie learned from the Zhao family in this regard. They copied Joyful Fish Ball's store, and Joyful Fish Ball copied the "APP" of Joyful Fish Ball. In terms of online operations, Joyful Fish Ball was lacking and insufficient.

Sophie had already begun assembling Joyful Fish Ball's dedicated "takeout" team by investing significantly in mobile app software.

Sophie believed that this takeout software could not only be their own product but also expand horizontally in the future, potentially entering the field of mobile networks.

Thinking about all of this was a bit overwhelming. For now, the "Joyful" app mainly serves Joyful Fish Balls. In terms of promotion, it couldn't compare to Joyful Fish Ball. It lacked advertising power and did not invest in activities. The growth of the user base was slow, relying entirely on the loyal customers of Joyful Fish Ball.

Accumulate strength and wait for the right moment.

The existing eighteen Joyful Fish Ball stores could generate over $800,000 in net profit per store on average.

There was approximately in cash flow per month. One-third of this money was invested in opening new stores, and two-thirds was invested in developing the "Joyful" app software and establishing the takeout team!

The "Joyful" app was actually operated as a separate company, independent of Joyful Fish Ball. From this, it could be seen that Sophie had high hopes for this subsidiary company.

Ding dong!

While planning for the next month, Sophie received a text message on her phone. She was feeling a bit thirsty, so she took a sip of the cold coffee that had been sitting there for a while. She then picked up her phone, unlocked it, and read the message.

It was from Li Zhi.

The content was an invitation to the opening of his small restaurant. Sophie rolled her eyes at this. Shouldn't this kind of thing be communicated in person or at least with a phone call? Who did he think he was?

Originally, she didn't want to pay attention to it. She found Li Zhi annoying, and it was best not to see him. Due to the company's requirements, Li Zhi had to come and sign some documents. Without the boss's authorization, Sophie's words were futile.

Is it across from the Star Moon Bay Hotel?

Falling Star Tower?

Sophie couldn't help but smile. The man who named his establishment "Small Restaurant" and opened it across from the Star Moon Bay Hotel was clearly trying to compete with the Zhao family!

She didn't know if he was foolish or really foolish. The Star Moon Bay Hotel has been operating in Haicheng for many years and has already established itself as a top-notch restaurant. What right did he have to compete with them?

Wasn't he just embarrassing himself?

No, she has to leave tomorrow. Maybe there would be some excitement to see. Li Zhi was Li Zhi, and Sophie was Sophie. Although Li Zhi was the boss of Joyful Fish Ball, it had nothing to do with her whether he made a fool of himself or not.

After thinking about it, she smiled and sent a text message back to Li Zhi: "Thank you for the kind invitation." "I will definitely be there tomorrow!"

Sophie stretched and turned off the computer, getting ready to go to bed. What was she working so hard for? Staying up late is the biggest detriment to a woman's health. She didn't want to sacrifice her youth for a failing Joyful Fish Ball company and become an old hag prematurely.

If the boss didn't care, why should she, as a "minor shareholder," work so hard? It wasn't worth it!

Upon opening the safe, Li Zhi retrieved the "Weak-level Interstellar Core" and inserted it into the microcomputer's slot. He then connected the power and gained access to the private trading hall of the Interstellar Business Alliance.

"Welcome, 'Weak-level' manufacturer Li Zhi!"

The mechanical voice sounded in the hall as Li Zhi walked through the illuminated doorway. "Pillar Brother" opened his eyes and moved closer!

Li Zhi's rank in the Interstellar Business Alliance remained at the "Weak-level" as a manufacturer, and it had not changed. His wealth in the world of the factory had already reached nearly 20 billion US dollars. In theory, he should have been able to upgrade to the level of a "Medium-level" manufacturer, which indicated that the wealth in the factory's world was not recognized by the "Interstellar Business Alliance" in reality. The Interstellar Business Alliance had eyes and ears everywhere, but it couldn't monitor the world inside the factory.

This made Li Zhi feel a lot more at ease.

"Pillar Brother, do you have any recent news that I need to know?" Li Zhi sat on the massive metal chair and asked the Pillar Brother standing beside him.

Pillar Brother said, "There are several suitable tasks that you can take now, but we didn't receive a response from you, and the tasks have been taken by other manufacturers!"

Li Zhi nodded. He didn't blame Pillar Brother for this. He had been busy with Falling Star Tower and the world of the factory recently. Despite receiving messages, he did not accept them. They were all small sums of money, and Li Zhi was beginning to disdain them.

"I understand." "What else is there?" Li Zhi asked.

Pillar Brother shook his head. "Nothing else!"

"Help me find single-user workout equipment." "It needs to be at least at level three in technological advancement," Li Zhi said after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, please wait!"