
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Manufacturer Levels

In the Interstellar Business Alliance, a third-level technological advancement is equivalent to being ahead of Earth's current technological level by approximately five to twenty years. In other words, Earth's current technology is approaching the level of second-tier technology, or more precisely, the introductory stage of second-tier technology.

Li Zhi is not hesitant to choose more advanced fitness equipment; however, even when he selects it, he is unable to use it. Not to mention the price, machinery beyond the third-level technological level is no longer powered by electricity, and the import procedures are very cumbersome. Furthermore, the Interstellar Business Alliance imposes high tariffs. Due to the profit-driven nature of the Alliance, freight, tariffs, and other fees can be several times, or even dozens of times, more expensive than the equipment itself.

In the Interstellar Business Alliance, low-level technological planets, or low-level worlds, can sell items to higher-level worlds at a low cost and without many restrictions, as long as there is a mutual desire for selling and buying.

However, if a technologically advanced planet or a prominent world manufacturer wishes to sell goods to a less advanced world, it is not a simple task.

Not only does it require high tariffs and approval from a special department, but it also necessitates both parties to pay special fees simultaneously. The Interstellar Business Alliance aims to prevent lower-level planets from facing catastrophic collapse caused by the sudden arrival of non-technological or highly specific technological advancements.

Many products from higher-level worlds are prohibited from being sold to lower-level worlds.

Of course, there is a caveat to this: the membership level of the Interstellar Business Alliance holds a certain degree of decision-making authority. In other words, high-level manufacturers can introduce technology, science, or specific academic industries from higher-level worlds to lower-level worlds. The standards for evaluating this are all determined by the Interstellar Business Alliance. This includes feasibility and pricing, which are entirely at their discretion.

Whether willingly or not, the Interstellar Business Alliance has the ultimate authority to interpret. However, the Alliance is not obligated to explain its decisions to all members.

Li Zhi can only purchase products from third-level technological planets at most. If it exceeds Earth's technology by too much, the Interstellar Business Alliance will still impose significant tariffs. Money is not the main issue; the problem is that it also requires time for approval. Even if the approval is not granted, he still cannot sell. He doesn't even have the right to appeal.

There's no way it's because Li Zhi's current manufacturing level in the 67th Interstellar Business Alliance is too low, and he has no influence at all.

Perhaps when Li Zhi's manufacturing level reaches a medium-high level, things will improve significantly.

To transition from a "weak-level" manufacturer to a "low-level" manufacturer, one must possess assets totaling one billion US dollars. Li Zhi can afford this amount, but he doesn't want to do it solely to elevate the manufacturer level within the Interstellar Business Alliance. This substantial sum of money can easily attract the attention of individuals with malicious intentions.

Despite the slow improvement, the pace of development in the manufacturing sector is very rapid. As long as he wishes, he can transfer the wealth from there to the Interstellar Business Alliance and the real world at any time.

At present, it seems that transitioning from a "weak-level" manufacturer to a "low-level" manufacturer is not very difficult. However, Li Zhi learned from Zhuzige that in the real world, it is challenging to ascend to a medium-high level manufacturer, even with the incentives of the factory world.

To transition from a low-level manufacturer to an "initial" manufacturer, the company's assets must exceed ten billion US dollars, and they must wield significant influence in their industry.

To transition from an initial manufacturer to a medium-level manufacturer, the company's assets must exceed one hundred billion US dollars. Additionally, they need to establish a significant presence in the global market and hold a corresponding "voice" within the Interstellar Business Alliance.

This "voice" can be acquired by accepting, trading, assigning tasks, and fulfilling tasks within the Interstellar Business Alliance, or by making donations. In short, the more frequently a manufacturer participates in trade within the Interstellar Business Alliance, the higher the transaction amount. Additionally, the greater the value of goods purchased within the Interstellar Business Alliance, the more influence or "voice" they will have.

A medium-sized manufacturer is required to maintain five hundred records of tasks, trades, purchases, etc. within the Interstellar Business Alliance, with a total transaction amount of no less than five hundred billion US dollars.

To transition from a medium-level manufacturer to a "high-level" manufacturer, the requirements become even more demanding. First, the total assets in the real world or within the Interstellar Business Alliance must reach one trillion US dollars, and they must have their own 'territory' in their world and wield 'significant' influence. They also require five thousand records of tasks, trades, purchases, etc., and the total transaction amount must not be less than five trillion US dollars.

In the "Interstellar Business Alliance," the sub-regional influence index must not fall below a "medium level." As for what this "medium-level" influence index represents, even Zhuzige doesn't know. The permissions are already beyond the control of high-level manufacturers.

Above the medium-level manufacturer, there is the major manufacturer, which holds even greater significance. Not to mention the ten trillion US dollars required to establish their own planetary territory, a transaction volume of five trillion, and so on. In short, there are now more regulations, and it's not solely about wealth anymore. They also need to have their own power and sufficient influence within the sub-regional sphere of the Interstellar Business Alliance.

As for what lies beyond the "major manufacturer," even Zhuzige cannot say. Whether it's for Zhuzige or Li Zhi, those things are too far away.

Is it his goal to become a high-level manufacturer in his lifetime?

Li Zhi couldn't help but laugh. He looked at Zhuzige and said, "I can become a 'high-level' manufacturer within ten years." Do you believe it, Zhuzige?

"I don't believe it!" Zhuzige didn't hesitate at all.

Li Zhi looked at him and said, "How about we make a bet?" "If I can become a high-level manufacturer within ten years, I will transfer your soul into a young female body, and then you will serve me for a hundred years." How about that?

Listening to Li Zhi's words, Zhuzige didn't think he was joking, but rather considered them seriously for a few seconds before replying, "A hundred years is too long, at most fifty years." If you agree, the bet can take effect!

Li Zhi was just joking, and even if he couldn't become a 'high-level' manufacturer within ten years, he wouldn't lose anything.

"Okay, let's settle it like this!"

The joke was made and then forgotten. Li Zhi continued his search for the fitness equipment he needed. In the third-level technological world, there are numerous fitness equipment options, but the top-of-the-line ones are out of his reach. All purchases must be approved by the Interstellar Business Alliance before they can be made, and the process is both lengthy and cumbersome.

Li Zhi temporarily decided not to choose. The price is not the main factor now. Some things are good, but the key is that he can only purchase them and not use them, as his current physical condition cannot support it.

"Zhuzige, do you have any good technological products to recommend?" Amidst the multitude of gadgets, Li Zhi's eyes were dazzled, prompting him to seek advice from Zhuzige.

"After reviewing your physical fitness report, I recommend that you consider temporarily investing in a '77 Mini Personal Fitness Machine." "This machine can effectively improve various aspects of your physical fitness in a short period of time." In addition, you can also opt for a "D6 Body Recovery Device," which can quickly restore you to your original state after intense exercise. Because the "D6 Body Recovery Device" serves a specific medical purpose in your world, it must incur a corresponding "value-added tariff." However, the approval process should be swift and free from interference by the Interstellar Business Alliance.

After a brief pause, Zhuzige continued, "If you have enough cash, I suggest that you also consider purchasing three 'Micro-dose' gene drugs for use." The "Micro-dose" gene drugs represent the pinnacle of third-level technology, bridging the gap between third-level and fourth-level technologies. Originally, they couldn't be purchased in bulk. However, as a "reward," the Interstellar Business Alliance stipulates that each level of manufacturer can purchase three doses of "gene drugs" equivalent to their own manufacturing level. At your current stage of weak-level manufacturing, you can purchase three doses of weak-type gene drugs.

Li Zhi was stunned and frowned, "Gene drugs?" Are they stable?

After using them, he doesn't want the gene chain to mutate and turn him into a monster. In that case, even if he has a lot of money, what's the use? Life would be unbearable, and he might as well just commit suicide.

Zhuzige affirmed, "It is very stable, certified by a ninth-level technological world, and one hundred percent free of side effects." The gene drugs being sold are of the 'stable type', not the 'aggressive type', making them suitable for use by any species. "Don't worry about safety issues at all!"

"That's good!" Li Zhi nodded and asked, "How much is one dose of 'Micro-dose' gene drugs?"

"One million US dollars." "At your manufacturing level, you can purchase up to three doses without requiring approval from the Interstellar Business Alliance!" Zhuzige said.

Li Zhi thought for a moment and asked, "Can only I use these three doses of 'Micro-dose' gene drugs?"

"The Interstellar Business Alliance does not have specific regulations on this!" Zhuzige replied.

Without any specific regulations, Li Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. Since there are no specific regulations, it means that he can use them on anyone he wants.

One million US dollars per dose – the price is not cheap!

But for Li Zhi's current net worth, it's just a drop in the bucket. Whether he uses it or not, he should buy it first. Even if he doesn't use it in the future, he can still give it to someone else.

According to Zhuzige, this item can be used to treat illnesses and strengthen the body, making it a valuable commodity. It's a valuable item, and even if he doesn't use it himself, he can still give it to someone else.

The '77 Mini Personal Fitness Machine' and the 'D6 Body Recovery Device' are more expensive than three doses of 'Micro-dose' gene drugs. The '77 Mini Personal Fitness Machine' costs $900, and the price of the 'D6 Body Recovery Device' is even more exorbitant at over word-sub4 million, including delivery.

Li Zhi spent a total of seventy million US dollars on the two machines, in addition to three doses of 'Micro-dose' gene drugs, totaling exactly one billion US dollars.

Li Zhi transferred one billion credits from the factory world to his Interstellar Business Alliance account and paid the associated fee. Money is meant to be spent, and if someone has money but their body is in bad shape, it's all nonsense.

Whether he has money or not, his health is the most important thing!

After spending the money, Li Zhi felt relieved. Basic training is no longer effective in significantly improving his physical fitness. Additionally, he is quite lazy and unwilling to dedicate time to the gym. That's why he decided to rely on technological products. "Anything is worth the price, and if it's expensive, it won't be of poor quality."

"Zhuzige, I'm leaving." Contact me if you have anything to discuss! Li Zhi rose from the oversized metal chair and strolled towards the illuminated door. He yawned as he walked, realizing that it was getting late, and he still had to go to the Falling Star Tower tomorrow. Hehe, the news must have already spread, and there might be many people waiting to laugh at him behind his back!

It doesn't matter; he's not afraid of others laughing at him. He's just afraid that his opponents won't be able to keep up!