
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Going Too Far?


Just now, a water glass fell; now it's the phone, and everything on the office desk that can be dropped has already been dropped. If it weren't for her inability to lift the table, she would have already overturned the huge solid wood office desk.

Going too far!

Zhao Xueying hasn't even provoked the boy named Li, yet he has already caused trouble for himself. Zhao Xueying has always been proud and has never held Li Zhi in high regard. Li Zhi didn't know how to express gratitude, so he approached her directly, even though she didn't want to get involved in the family affairs.

"Huang Fatty, if you don't want to die, come back to the Star Moon Bay Hotel immediately." I will overlook everything as if nothing happened, otherwise…"

Huang Youwei answered the phone, listened to Zhao Xueying's threat, and his small eyes rolled. Nowadays, it's all about who you know. When he used to receive a salary from Star Moon Bay, he had to act like a grandson in front of Miss Zhao, but now he doesn't have to. Go back? Overlook everything? Considering Zhao Xueying's temperament, if he were to return, wouldn't she make things difficult for him? Ridiculous! Going back again, unless he's gone mad.

"Miss Zhao, I think you've got it wrong." I've already resigned, so why should I go back? By the way, I have already discussed this matter with my father at home. His opinion is important to me. If he doesn't care, you'd better not disturb him. He's getting old and irritable, so as not to annoy you. "If the old man becomes stubborn again, he might as well resign as the head chef in the kitchen."

Huang Youwei paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Since you called, let me tell you in advance that 'Falling Star Tower' is preparing for a soft opening tomorrow." If you have time, you are welcome to come and taste the food and give us some pointers. All expenses are on me. "I have something else to do, so I won't talk to you about it now."

Zhao Xueying held the phone, her expression constantly changing. She could hardly believe that Huang Youwei, that obese traitor, dared to hang up on her and speak to her in such a tone.

This scene was followed by another one, and then the phone shattered.

"Good, good, Huang Fatty, you've got guts," Zhao Xueying gritted her teeth.

She was indeed narrow-minded, holding a grudge not only against Li Zhi but also against Huang Youwei. In Zhao Xueying's eyes, Huang Fatty was a traitor, not only betraying her but also betraying the Zhao family. She liked Cao Cao and also appreciated a saying attributed to him.

"I would rather bear the world's enmity than let the world bear enmity against me."

She had the ability and talent, and coupled with a life of luxury, it had shaped her character to be intolerant of others.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have gone from being good friends with Dong Xiaorou to becoming strangers.

In fact, she was jealous. Envious of Dong Xiaorou's captivating appearance, personality, and talent. She couldn't stand others being better than her, especially those who were compared to her.

"Soft opening?" "I want to see if your 'Falling Star Tower' can survive!" Zhao Xueying muttered to herself, looking at the three-story building opposite with a cold gaze.

Huang Youwei hung up the phone and sighed. He knew that doing so would offend Zhao Xueying, but he still chose to do it. There was no other reason; it was because it was different with Li Zhi.

He had watched Li Zhi progress step by step to reach where he is today. The image of the impoverished young man holding a foam box and selling fish balls at the Star Moon Bay Hotel was still vivid in his mind. How long had it been?

The rise of the new and the fall of the old represent the changing of an era.

Others saw Huang Youwei as open-minded and chubby, but was he truly foolish? Huang Youwei took a chance on Li Zhi and luck, aside from wagering money. One person's success benefits everyone, and contributing to beauty is far better than spreading negativity.

Who wouldn't want to be above everyone else? Who would naturally enjoy being a lackey, running errands, and acting like a grandson?

If you don't want to, you have to change.

Understanding what to give up is essential before you can gain. If in the future, Li Zhi truly manages to provoke the Zhao family to the point of destroying him, and he finds himself unable to stand up, he can simply depart from Haicheng quietly. With his cooking skills, he can survive anywhere!

It's not a big deal; the sky won't fall. That's why he made the bet—to take a chance.

"Everyone, be prepared." Everything that needs to be prepared must be ready tonight. Although it's a soft opening tomorrow, it also relates to the life and death of the 'Falling Star Tower'. Whether this battle can be fought depends on tomorrow!" Huang Youwei walked to the kitchen and encouraged the kitchen team.

Huang Youwei had the contact information of a group of food enthusiasts, and he had already made the necessary calls. Although it was a soft opening today, if "Falling Star Tower" fails to attract attention, it may not need to have an official opening.

Zhao Xueying wouldn't miss this opportunity; she would definitely come and cause trouble. As for how she would cause trouble, he couldn't say. Given Zhao Xueying's temperament, if she could bring "Falling Star Tower" to its knees, she would undoubtedly not hesitate to do so.

Due to space constraints, the high-end food enthusiasts invited by Huang Youwei were the cream of the crop in Haicheng, totaling no more than ten people.

If "Falling Star Tower" could impress these ten "foodies," its customer base would not be lacking in the future.

Li Zhi didn't stay at the Falling Star Tower in the evening, as Huang Fatty was enough. Everything that needed to be prepared has been taken care of. With those ingredients, if Huang Fatty couldn't make a splash, he would be useless.

Looking at the time, it was not late; it was just after nine o'clock.


Dong Yingsnow received a call from Li Zhi while wearing pajamas, leaning against the bed, and reading a book.

"I miss you!" Li Zhi's voice came through the phone.

Dong Yingsnow blushed and replied, "We see each other every day, so what is there to miss?" Although she said this, she was still very happy inside.

There's no woman who doesn't like sweet words; even if she claims otherwise, deep down, she still appreciates them.

"That's different." "Not seeing each other for a day feels like being three autumns apart." How long has it been since we last saw each other? "Can I not miss you?" Li Zhi said playfully.

"No nonsense." "If you have something to say, say it." "If not, I'll hang up!" Dong Yingsnow said, putting the book aside.

"I have something!" Li Zhi smiled and said, "I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow."

"Lunch?" "I might not have time!" Dong Yingsnow thought for a moment and said.

Li Zhi said domineeringly, "Even if you don't have time, you have to make time." Please join us for lunch tomorrow. If you dare not come, I'll come to your office to find you. "Don't blame me for shouting and embarrassing you."

"…Fine, I'll come." "If you're not afraid of being beaten into a pig's head, it's up to you!" Dong Yingsnow didn't get angry; instead, she smiled and said she wasn't afraid of Li Zhi playing tricks on her.

"Are you willing to do it?" Li Zhi asked playfully.

Dong Yingsnow smiled and said, "There's nothing I'm unwilling to do." Even if you're not my client, and even if I can't do it, I can ask my colleagues for help. I believe they will be happy to help.

"Then I'd rather you do it yourself." "At least if you hurt me, it hurts in your heart."

"Stop being cheeky!" Dong Yingsnow scolded with a smile. "What's the matter in the end?"

"Well, a friend and I have opened a small restaurant." "It has already been renovated, and we are planning to have a soft opening tomorrow." Although it's a soft opening, it's the first day of the restaurant. "Can you afford not to come and show your support?" Li Zhi said with a smile.

"A small restaurant?" Dong Yingsnow didn't hear the rest of what Li Zhi said and smiled bitterly. "You engage in various businesses, ranging from fish ball shops to car factories, and now you have opened a small restaurant."

"Can I assume that you're feeling sorry for me?" Li Zhi chuckled.

Dong Yingsnow rolled her eyes and said, "Your face is so thick, let's not talk about it." "But you must come tomorrow." The ingredients for tomorrow have been specially selected by me. It's a rare opportunity, not to be missed! Li Zhi said with a smile, knowing that Dong Yingsnow wasn't angry. Everything has its limits, and going too far is not beautiful.

"Fine, if there's nothing else, I'll go." "Where is it?" Dong Ying Snow didn't make it a hard and fast rule.

Li Zhi smiled, knowing that since Dong Yingsnow had said so, she would definitely come. Even if she was busy, she would definitely come and make an appearance; that's just her nature.

"It's across from the Star Moon Bay Hotel, and the name of the small restaurant is Falling Star Tower!"

"Falling Star Tower?" Dong Yingsnow was amused by Li Zhi and said unkindly, "You little brat, the Zhao family hasn't come looking for trouble with you, but you've gone to them." "What were you thinking?"

"Have they not come looking for trouble?" Yingsnow, you have to remember that from now on, we're all one family. What's mine is also yours. The Zhao family is almost ready to visit our Happy Fish Ball Company and cause trouble. "If I don't respond, Zhao Sihai, that old turtle, will think I'm a coward and will try to dominate me even more in the future," Li Zhi said with a bitter smile.

"What do you mean?" Dong Yingsnow frowned. She didn't have any objections to some of the 'ill-formed' sentences in Li Zhi's words in her subconscious.

Although she hadn't yet accepted Li Zhi as a person and agreed to be with him, at least she didn't dislike him in her heart.

Li Zhi informed Dong Yingsnow about the situation involving Happy Fish Ball and the Zhao family, emphasizing the lack of generosity in the Zhao family's actions. If they could step on Li Zhi, it would be fine, but if they couldn't, the people in the Haicheng business district would definitely not laugh at Li Zhi.

"The Zhao family is a bit overwhelming," Dong Yingsnow said, feeling a little angry. She wanted to say that she would find someone to help Li Zhi, but before she could, Li Zhi interrupted her.

"It's not too much; it's too despicable, playing too dirty, but it doesn't matter." With the Zhao family's tactics, "Happy Fish Ball" won't be defeated. "As long as they don't use underhanded tactics, engaging in a prolonged battle will certainly not be advantageous for the Zhao family in the end," Li Zhi said confidently.

Dong Yingsnow asked, "So, what is the significance of you opening this 'Falling Star Tower' to save face for the Zhao family?"

"Prioritizing making money over saving face is crucial for the Zhao family." In traditional businesses, the four fundamental necessities of life—clothing, food, shelter, and transportation—have always been essential. Food, in particular, is essential every day. If done well, it will definitely make money, and it will make a lot of money. "I'm focusing on 'food,' not just to confront the Zhao family, but also to fulfill my own plans," Li Zhi explained with a smile.

"Good then!" Dong Yingsnow nodded without asking any more questions. It wouldn't be good to ask too much; after all, the relationship between the two of them hadn't reached that level of intimacy. "You should also call Meili." "Although she is sometimes eccentric, she is still quite adept at handling things."

Zhu Ge Meili?

Li Zhi didn't want to call this little fox, but since Dong Yingsnow said so, he couldn't object. He smiled and agreed, "Okay, I'll call her in a moment!"