
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Borrowing Power

After leaving the hospital, Li Zhi and Dong Xiaorou got into the car and drove directly away from the city's second hospital. Li Zhi glanced at the rearview mirror but didn't see anyone following them. He let out a sigh of relief and muttered that he didn't care about the Zhao family anymore. He believed that the chapter of his life was closed. People were like elephants, capable of trampling others without a second thought, just as ants are crushed underfoot.

Whether it is from the strength or the manpower.

After all, Zhao Sihai has been in the business world for decades in Haicheng, with an intricate network of relationships. People from all walks of life should show respect. face.

It's really tough; from the cards' perspective, Li has only a slim chance of winning with half of his hair.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Li Zhi slowed the car down because the Zhao family did not immediately catch up. This indicated that the other side would not arrive for a while. However, he and Dong Xiaorou could not escape. Even if they ran, the company would still be there.

Dong said it was simple. Simple Zhao Xinyang asked her out to eat. Will Dong go? Not to mention Zhao Xinyang, a man who appeared out of nowhere, is pressuring Li Zhi to take action. If the other party is not satisfied, things will not go well.

"Zhao expressed his desire to marry me; consequently, we were involved in a car accident." Dong Xiaorou leaned on the passenger seat and spoke as if nothing had happened.


Li stared with wide eyes and said, "I want to talk to you." Can he get into a car accident? This is also somewhat unscientific.

Dong Xiaorou gathered her hair behind her ears and said flatly, "I have mentioned that my own yin qi is strong." Any man who touches me will be affected by the yin qi in my body. If you mention marriage, you may face misfortune. Those who can endure and withstand bad luck will experience fewer accidents. "And Zhao isn't the first one to face such misfortune!" "Either!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhi pulled over to the side of the road and turned to look at her in disbelief, asking, "Is it really that bad?"

Dong Xiaorou smiled helplessly and looked at Zhi, saying, "So you mustn't do it." In case something happens to you, I wouldn't know what to do!

Is the world such a thing? Does saying "I love you" cause people to experience accidents resulting in car destruction? Destroyed? What kind of leprechaun has this changed into!

"Not every day!" Dong Xiaorou lowered her head and said softly, "Every month, there are one or a few special days." During those days, it's fine, but not after them!

Li Zhi blinked and asked, "Which days?"

Dong Xiaorou shook her head and said, "There is no specific day; sometimes it's the 1st, sometimes it's the 10th." "There's no pattern to follow!"

Li Zhi asked bitterly, "Then how do you know?"

"I can feel it myself, just like the night..." Dong Xiaorou continued. Say.

Two nights ago?

Zhi, of course, knew what had happened and suddenly realized, "Could this be the reason why you suddenly started to be cold to me in the morning?"

Dong Xiaorou did not say anything; nevertheless, her meaning was self-evident.

Li Zhi touched his nose. Could there really be such an 'evil' thing in the world? Considering Dong Xiaorou's expression and the rumors surrounding Fish Head Island Village, he knew that she was not intentionally fabricating stories to deceive him.

"Why did you provoke Zhao Xinyang?" Li Zhi asked again with some puzzlement.

"I curse him. It was his words." Words, I curse people. People were originally believed to be destined by fate. He was destined to face this calamity in life; no one can change it. Dong Xiaorou shook her head, refusing to admit to "setting up" anyone to harm them.

It was all destiny!

Li Zhi was speechless for a while, then smiled and said, "Well, blame it on that unfortunate fate." The driver was speeding recklessly, disregarding the traffic lights on the way to his destination. Ah. "But now that we have offended the Zhao family, I'm afraid the future days will not be good!"

"Afraid?" Dong Xiaorou looked at Li Zhi and said with a smile, "Just now, I saw you cursing at Zhao Sihai." Wasn't it very imposing?

Li Zhi rolled his eyes and said with a helpless, bitter smile, "It's not all because of you!"

"Then wouldn't you just hand me over?" Dong Xiaorou said without a care in the world.

Li Zhi glared and said, "Is Laozi that kind of person?" person? He Zhao Sihai is only a few decades older than me. I aim to surpass this old man in the next few decades. Despite being on the brink of death, he still tries to compete with me. He may be simmering, but I will simmer him to death.

"Not afraid of good." Dong Xiaorou said with a smile, paused, and added, "But we can't do it blindly; Zhao's family in Haicheng has a long history, and they have connections in both legal and illegal circles." If we really can't, let's go outside and hide first!

"Hide?" Li Zhi asked with a bitter smile.

Dong Xiaorou smiled and said, "Two days ago, the Da Zhiming Oceanic Fisheries Company invited me to go to Hokkaido for an inspection."

"Da Zhi Ming Fishing Company?" Li Zhi frowned and asked, "Does he intend to cooperate?"

"I don't know!" Dong Xiaorou shook her head and said, "It's still under discussion, but we're not at liberty to discuss it yet." However, the other party seems to be more eager than we are.

"No matter who is in a hurry, there is one rule that we must keep." Li Zhi said seriously.

Dong Xiaorou asked softly, "What rule?"

"Never take a loss!" Li Zhi smiled.

Dong Xiaorou also nodded and said, "Well, right." This rule is good. "Good, I also prefer men who don't suffer losses." After saying that, she couldn't help but blush when she thought of something.

"Haha, just say you like it directly, right?" It. Li Zhi laughed and flirted with his words, saying, "We don't need to collaborate with Da Zhi Ming Fisheries Company regarding this matter." Even if we do, we should not share our technology. Without our technology, they won't succeed. If they try to take advantage of our technology and then deny it, we won't hesitate to take action. We won't allow them to claim credit for our work. They must comply and not act against us.

"Are you sure?" Dong Xiaorou looked at him and asked.

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Full, you need to go negotiate." We will invest in a factory dedicated solely to technology, while the remaining money will not be spent. We aim to take control of the factory but struggle to manage it effectively. We will only provide financial support and staff, and we can slightly increase the damages outlined in the contract. We also set up traps at a higher elevation to anticipate their reactions. Jump.

Dong asked, "Have you been planning to expose the trap set by Da Zhiming Fisheries Company for a while?" What time is it?

Li Zhi touched his nose and said with a smile, "This is not called a pit." As long as they sincerely cooperate and do not engage in any manipulative tactics, we will work together, collaborate, and achieve a mutually beneficial outcome. Win-win. "If the other party has different thoughts, then we can't be blamed."

Some thought it suggested, "Why not seize the opportunity and go to Japan to explore the possibility of introducing the 'Happy Balls'?" "If we can successfully launch printed fish balls in Japan, it might create a buzz back home and boost sales!" Better!

Dong Xiaorou naturally knew why Li Zhi asked him to go to Japan to represent. Although he claimed not to care about the Zhao family, he couldn't afford to refuse. If Zhao Xinyang has indeed passed away, Zhao Sihai, the cunning old fox, would undoubtedly be unwilling to relinquish control.

Even if Zhao Xinyang's car accident was her fault, the blame would still be directed towards her. Heads.

"What about you?" Dong Xiaorou asked softly.

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Me?"""" "Me? "I'm going out to America!"

Dong Xiaorou looked puzzled and asked, "What are you doing in America?"

"Investment, traveling, corruption, and by the way, to inspect the 'BT' project." Li Zhi said with a smile.

"BT project?" Dong Xiaorou looked at him with a tilted head and asked, "What is the 'BT' project?"

"Confidential, unless you kiss me, I'll tell you." Li Zhi playfully pointed to his face.

Dong Xiaorou rolled her eyes and muttered, "Don't do it." Forget it. "If you don't want to say it, I still don't like to hear it."

Li Zhi put away his smile and said with a serious expression, "It's not late." It's best if you book a flight and leave now. Now, I'll make arrangements for the company.

Dong Xiaorou frowned, shook her head, and said, "If you want to, you should be the first to go." The matters of the Happy Fish Balls factory have always been under control. "You don't even know how to handle them, yet you're supposed to be in charge of arranging them." Arrange. The trouble is, she confessed naturally and will not allow Li Zhi to take the blame for her actions.

Dong's temperament was known to be temperamental; Zhi was certain that she wouldn't leave if she stayed. Leave. To be honest, Li Zhi is unwilling to flee when coerced. What's wrong with Zhao Sihai? There's no need for further explanation. Give him two more years, or even just one, and he can completely disregard this old troublemaker.

Ding bell!

Li Zhi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and glanced down to see Zhuge's beautiful calligraphy. This woman claims to be a descendant of Zhuge and is also quite malevolent.

"Kid, good." You are bold, even daring to scold Zhao Sihai in front of so many people. You have real ambition. You're bold enough. Tiger, I'm optimistic about you. Do you know that now your name is spreading all over the world? Some people are not afraid of tigers; they are simply born fearless. Some people fear death. How do you evaluate yourself? Zhuge Beauty's voice came from the cell phone.

Li Zhi looked at Dong Xiaorou sitting next to him, feeling stirred. Although he couldn't confront the old scoundrel Sihai at the moment, he could leverage the situation. He knew Sihai while Zhao held power but couldn't control everything. Haicheng didn't solely belong to the family; there were others who were indifferent to him.

Talk, sarcasm. Sarcasm, Sihai, Sihai, that dog sees, sees, bites. Evidently, he ran a red light and got into an accident. He has to let us accompany him to the funeral. When can Zhao decide on other people's life or death? "Rich, rich, rich, terrific, huh?" "Ah?" Li Zhi grunted.

Zhuge Beauty's voice came through the phone as she asked, "Are you suggesting that these can be beneficial?" I'm not like my cousin. If your cousin wants me to find someone to assist you, that would help solve the problem. "But what are you willing to pay?" pay? "You know, Zhao Sihai is the deceased son."

"Did Zhao die?" Li Zhi asked with a frown.

Zhuge Beauty shook her head and said, "Not yet, but I did some fortune-telling, and it foretold that he won't live through tonight."

"Is it accurate?"

"If you don't believe me, you can go to the hospital tonight and watch!" Zhuge Mei was very confident in her fortune-telling.

As Dong Xiaorou stated, Zhao Xinyang was destined to confront this calamity, and overcoming it would be challenging.

The discussion revolves around cause and effect; if there is an effect, there must be a cause. Why would Zhao Xinyang's death be linked to Dong Xiaorou? This, I guess, he has to ask the King of Hell himself.

"I'll find someone to take the lead." Lead, Zhao Sihai definitely wouldn't dare to move you, at least not openly. However, secretly, it's hard to say. Say, "Tell me, what can I get?" Zhuge Beauty smiled and returned to her question.

"What do you want?" Li Zhi asked.

"A good time!" Zhuge Mei laughed delicately and said, "I enjoy conversing with intelligent individuals." I prefer brevity, so I won't waste words. "I desire that strand of purple energy from you."

"Is this for my cousin?" "I don't have much use for it!" Zhuge Beauty nodded with a smile.

Li Zhi replied after a moment, "Alright, I promise you." After a slight pause, he coldly said, "As for Zhao Sihai's side, there's no need for further discussion." "In one year, even if I can't completely dismantle the Zhao family, I will ensure they no longer have the audacity to control my fate."

"No problem, I'll ask someone to vouch for you to guarantee it for a year."