
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

A Hard Dislike of Zhao Sihai

Things are very weird. Zhao Xinyang did not do anything; he just promised to "marry" Dong Xiaorou. However, not only did the promise not materialize, but not even a finger was laid on her. After a tragic car crash, an ambulance arrived at the hospital, where the pupils were dilated.

Weird or not, others do not know; the only ones who knew were Dong Xiaowei and Xinyang. People.

As Zhao's misery unfolded before her, Xiaorou's eyes briefly revealed a sense of helplessness. She considered a woman who, like herself, believed that those individuals desired to encounter an unfortunate destiny. Dead. It wasn't that she wanted to harm Zhao Xinyang; it was entirely his own fault. No one forced him.

No one knows that Dong has the ability to discern and recognize characters. She doesn't need to visually inspect them or listen to others' opinions. As long as the person is in her presence, she intuitively senses their nature. This unique gift has its roots in her childhood. The irresistible charm of a 'siren' captivates men, but it also fatally entices them. Well.

Many tried to flirt with her, but none of them had a successful outcome.

The traffic arrived first. There was no doubt that this was a serious accident. Dong Xiaorou, a member of the Xiaorou family, was questioned.

"I only know the person who drove the car; his name is Zhao Xinyang, and he is the heir of the Zhao Group."

"What is your relationship with him?"

Dong Xiaorou calmly shook her head and said, "I don't have any relationship with him." When we met for the first time today. We were supposed to go to dinner. "Dinner, I didn't expect something like this to happen on the road."

The car accident was caused by Zhao Xinyang and had nothing to do with Dong Xiaorou.

When the Zhao family was mentioned in Haicheng, almost no one knew about it, and the Zhao Group was one of the largest enterprises in Haicheng.

Zhao Sihai is nearly seventy years old. In the year, Zhao Xinyang was the youngest child of Sihai, although born out of wedlock. He had long been embraced as part of the Zhao family for a considerable period of time. The elderly man adores his youngest son, showing him a great deal of affection. Adoring.

Now, suddenly, when he heard that his youngest son had an accident and his life was at stake, Zhao Sihai was furious, and the entire Zhao family was shaken.

"Don't be anxious." Speak slowly. "What's going on?" Li Zhi received a comforting call from Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing said with a trembling voice, "Xiao Rou sister had an accident." How? I know the details, but she knows. She called me and said that people are in the hospital. She asked me to bring the company's overview.

Li frowned. Was there a car accident? Did you ask Xiao Qing to bring a lawyer from the company? However, since he could still call Qing, it means that the person should not be a big deal. What he could not understand is why he still needs to have the company's lawyers review the situation.

The company has a part-time legal counselor who typically does not work on-site but can be summoned promptly when required.

"In which hospital?" Li Zhi asked.

"The city's second hospital!"

Li Zhi hung up the phone, turned around, and drove towards the city's second hospital, running two red lights one after another along the way.

There is a way; he is also in a hurry.

After arriving at Second City Hospital, Li Zhi called Dong Xiaorou.

"Uhh!" Dong Xiaorou, who answered the phone, still had the same light-hearted look. She didn't seem to have suffered any shock at all, despite the slightly noisy surrounding environment.

"It's on this side of the intensive care unit!"

Care Unit? unit? Oh no!

Li Zhi hung up the phone, stopped a nurse to ask for the location of the ICU, and quickly ran over.

"If my son has any shortcomings, I'm going to have you, the woman of loose morals, accompany the funeral!"

"My son is this." "Why don't you go die?"

From afar, Li Zhi heard a woman's shrill screams and curses, which were extremely unpleasant.

Outside the intensive care unit, a large group gathered, including police officers. As Dong Xiaorou arrived, she stood by the wall, her head turned towards the middle-aged woman standing opposite her, who was emitting shrill screams.

Li heard the news and became furious. He didn't even need the details to react. Someone had cursed Xiaorou, questioning her character, but Li Zhi was too upset to care about the specifics. Other.

"Are you inviting people to attend the funeral?" "What a big bully!" You let others die. "Why don't you go yourself?" Li Zhi walked over, gazed into the middle-aged woman's eyes, grunted, positioned himself in front of Dong Xiaorou, and asked softly, "Is everything Alright?"

Dong Xiaorou's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as she shook her head.

"Little Yakuza, who are you?" Where did you come from? Dare to meddle? Do you know who I am? "Do you know who I am?" The middle-aged woman jumped and shouted arrogantly, causing many people around her to frown. However, due to the age gap, no one felt comfortable saying anything more.

Li Zhi turned his head, smiled, and helplessly shrugged his shoulders. He spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, but this is all I really know." "May I ask who you are?"

"The old man is Sihai, and the woman is Zhao Xinyang, my daughter." If anything happens to me, I will ensure that all those who allowed it to happen suffer the same fate, piece by piece. You will perish. "Die." The middle-aged woman yelled, baring her teeth and claws.

There were police nearby! The traffic police were also officers.

"Zhao Woman?" Woman? Who is Zhao Xinyang? "Whether your son dies or not, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us, right?" Li Zhi sneered and paused slightly before saying, "Not to mention that your son is not dead yet." "Even if he were, would Zhao Sihai make us accompany him to the funeral?"

Right. "If my son dies, you guys will die too!" An old voice picked up the words.

Li Zhi raised his head and looked towards the visitor. An elderly man, dressed in a white Tang suit and carrying a dragon head cane, approached with a stern expression on his face. Behind the man, followed by a group of people, Li recognized Zhao Xueying, who was commonly known as Xueying. Recognized.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, the old man's words made Li Zhi unhappy. His own life and death—when was he left to the mercy of others.

"Could it be that the Haicheng Family has the power to determine the fate and death of others?" "I don't believe it!" Li Zhi sneered back.

The white Tang Suit old man's face flushed. Although he wasn't old, his legs showed no signs of aging. All. Grimly staring at Li Zhi, he asked, "Kid, who are you?"

"Li Zhi!" Li Zhi looked at the other person without showing any weakness and responded with a cold smile, "Old man, who are you again?"

"Zhao Sihai!" The old man said three words.

Li Zhi did not expect that the white-clothed old man was the rumored famous richest man in Haicheng, Zhao Sihai.

"Sounds like it, huh?" Not just dollars. Don't they know their last name, right? But they also open and shut their mouths, letting life slip away. Please be patient with the Zhao family. I am unsure about what to say. "Yuck!" Li Zhi opened his mouth and spat, mocking Zhao Sihai and his group of Ji Trekkers. He felt superior, believing that his future wealth would surpass theirs, so he disregarded them.

No one wants to pay a high price. Did he break the law?

"Little bastard, you seek death!" The middle-aged man following behind Zhao Sihai couldn't help but curse in anger.

"Come on, here comes another idiot." Li Zhi shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. He wasn't even ambiguous when facing Zhao Sihai, let alone others.

Dong Xiaorou reached behind and pulled Li Zhi's clothes, signaling that he was done. There was no need to clash with the Zhao family.

Zhao Sihai said with a stern expression, "No one has dared to speak to me like this in years." "Years from now, I hope you won't regret what you said today."

"Regret?" "Oh, my dictionary never had the word regret." Old man, I also advise you that a businessman is a businessman. Don't move to let others live and die. You may be wealthy, but you are not exempt from the law. "In this world, there is still justice." Li Zhi smiled back.

"Hmph!" Zhao Sihai wasn't paying attention to Li Zhi; to him, Li Zhi was just an insignificant individual not worth getting angry with.

"Master, come." "Come, Ah, he's dying!" The arrogant woman who had just cursed at Li Zhi cried out and jumped into the arms of the white-clothed old man.

Li Zhi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth as he watched from the sidelines an old man skillfully playing with his young wife. Ah, what a sight!

Glancing at Zhao Xueying, he turned back and pulled Dong Xiaorou to a nearby corner, softly asking, "Sister Xiaorou, what's going on?"

Although he didn't care about holding a grudge against the Haicheng Zhao family, he felt the need to uncover the cause, didn't he.

Dong Xiaorou recounted the story of Zhao Xinyang bringing 'Happy Fish Balls' to the company. He was persistent and eventually convinced her to have lunch with him. Later, he invited her to dinner at the Star and Moon Bay Hotel. Despite Dong Xiaorou's initial reluctance, she eventually agreed. While driving to the hotel, Zhao Xinyang ran a red light, resulting in a car accident that caused damage to the vehicle and injuries to a person. The only thing left is a breath of air.

Dong Xiaorou's words are meant for Li Zhi and the bystanders to hear.

Even though they are in conflict with the Zhao family, they still maintain a sense of dignity, creating the impression that the Zhao family is domineering. Overbearing.

Li Zhi asked with wide eyes, "Were you also in the car?"

"Uh-huh!" Dong Xiaorou nodded.

"Are you alright?" alright? "Doctor, doctor, please hurry and take her for a thorough checkup, from head to toe." Li Zhi couldn't help but yell. Joke: How serious was the car accident that Dong Xiaorou was in? If she were to bump into or touch something, causing a delay in treatment, what would they do? In his eyes, Dong Xiaorou was more precious than the Zhao family.

Fine. "Fine, I've already checked!" Dong Xiaorou gently shook her head. The car almost crashed. I don't know if it was a coincidence or just luck. Anyway, Dong Xiaorou, who was sitting in the car with Zhao Xinyang, didn't sustain any injuries. Not even a scratch.

Li Zhi reached out and touched Dong Xiaorou's body to confirm what had happened. He took a long look into her eyes and couldn't help exclaiming loudly, "She deserved to die!" What kind of person is he? The Zhao behaves excessively. Behavior, I want to know how long the Zhao family will remain arrogant. Let's go!

Anyway, Dong Xiaorou is fine. She is fine, still waiting in the hospital, regardless of whether the child from Zhao is alive or dead. Ah.

"Stop!" Zhao Sihai's ribs snapped.

Li Zhi sneered, "Who do you think you are?" "Why won't you let go?"""" go? This is a traffic accident. The car belongs to you, and the person driving the car at that time is also you. If there is a car accident, you should look for the culprit instead of hindering us from performing our duties.

"What?" "Do you still want to restrict our freedom?" Ah? Get out of the way, or I'll call the police. By the way, I have contacted reporters from major daily newspapers. Let everyone come over to see what the Haicheng Zhao family is up to. They don't want to face the truth. Li Zhi looked at the person blocking the way and said with a cold smile.

Zhao Sihai grimaced, stared at Li Zhi, waved his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Let them go!"


The talent in front paved the way.

Li felt relieved in her heart. He was not afraid of Zhao Sihai in terms of financial strength, but he might not necessarily be a match for those surrounding Zhao Sihai in a one-on-one fight. His strength was not even comparable to Dong Xiaorou's, and Zhao Sihai's was definitely not to be underestimated. Vegetarians.

Taking Dong Xiaorou's hand, he walked toward the hospital's exit. But everyone present understood in their hearts that this matter wasn't over.

Not to mention the young master of the Zhao family lying in the operating room, Li Zhi and Zhao Sihai just had a conversation. It is estimated that the Zhao family will not be quick to let go.

This young man is courageous; he dares to speak out against the Haicheng family. Ah.