
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Whoever has a story

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhi couldn't help but smile. Zhuge Meili, this little girl, was undoubtedly cunning and adept at scheming, always considering what she could gain from others.

Everyone has their own selfish desires, which are unavoidable.

Li Zhi was not afraid of her scheming. If someone could be used as a pawn, it meant that person still had some value. He didn't know if luck was on his side, as it was intangible and invisible. Could luck alone make someone an emperor?

What belongs to oneself can never be taken away by others.

Li Zhi doesn't believe in fate; he only believes in himself.

One cannot fully trust Zhuge Meili's words, but since she said she could handle the situation, she must have some confidence. Zhao Sihai is not a minor figure, and there are few individuals in the entire city who can handle this experienced troublemaker. Therefore, Li Zhi dared not to put all his hopes on this little girl. It's easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to avoid an arrow in the dark.

This is a serious matter, and no one can guarantee that the other party won't care about anything.

It's a big deal, but it's not quite right to blame Dong Xiaorou for everything. She was just a passenger in the car, and it is unreasonable to blame a passenger for speeding and causing an accident. This kind of reasoning doesn't hold up.

Zhao's family is not known for being reasonable; they often demand people's lives and act domineeringly. They are not the kind of people who can be reasoned with.

"Someone is willing to help us!" Li Zhi said, shaking the phone in his hand towards Dong Xiaorou, who was sitting in the passenger seat, with a playful smile.

Dong Xiaorou furrowed her brows and asked in confusion, "Who?"

"A wealthy young lady," Li Zhi said with a smile. "Now you can rest assured." Tomorrow, I will arrange for you to go to Japan to assist 'Happy Fish Balls' in expanding into the overseas market.

"Isn't everything already settled?" Why are you in such a hurry to send me away? "If I leave, who will be responsible for 'Happy Fish Balls' and the factory?" Dong Xiaorou rolled her eyes and only half believed Li Zhi's words, not fully trusting that he could handle Zhao Sihai completely.

Li Zhi also knew that it wouldn't be easy to persuade Dong Xiaorou to leave temporarily. After considering it, he drove the car towards the company.

After Li Zhi hung up the phone, Zhuge Meili frowned, displaying dissatisfaction on her face. In her opinion, she had missed out on this deal. If it weren't for her cousin, she would never have taken on this mess.

Zhao Sihai was not easy to deal with, and the matter involved people's lives.

Looking at Dong Yingsnow sitting on the sofa, Zhuge Meili pouted and said, "If you care so much about him, why don't you make the call yourself?"

Dong Yingsnow sat there, smiling, and said, "What's the use of me making the call?" You, Miss Zhuge, are the one who holds the cards. Who would listen to me?

Zhuge Meili rolled her eyes, walked over, and sat down, looking at her. "Cousin, don't you feel like you're being taken advantage of?" "You should know that today, Li Zhi has made enemies with the Zhao family all because of a woman."

Even if Li Zhi did not agree to transfer the purple energy from his body to Dong Yingsnow, Zhuge Meili had a plan to obtain it.

In fact, asking Li Zhi to use the purple energy for safety was just an excuse. If Dong Yingsnow hadn't come to her door yesterday, she wouldn't have stepped into this mess. It was not only thankless but also foolish.

Dong Yingsnow sat there quietly without responding.

"So, what do we do now?" Zhuge Meili asked with a bitter smile.

Dong Yingsnow shrugged and said, "I don't know. You made the promises and guarantees, so you figure out how to handle Zhao Sihai."

"Hey, it's not right for you to say that." "Isn't all this for your sake?" Zhuge Meili's eyes darted around as she added, "If you continue to push everything onto me, I won't be responsible anymore."

"There are not many people in the entire city who can control the Zhao family," Dong Yingsnow frowned. She was also worried. It was one thing to provoke someone, but it was another to provoke Zhao Sihai. Even if it were one of the younger members of the Zhao family, it wouldn't be as difficult as it is now.

"Unless the head of the Dong family speaks up, right?" Zhuge Meili said with a playful smile.

"Right!" Dong Yingsnow nodded, then shook her head. "Even if Grandfather speaks up, Zhao Sihai may not necessarily listen."

"Yeah, he lost his son," Zhuge Meili said with wide eyes, lost in thought.

Dong Yingsnow furrowed her brows. "But the Zhao family is too overbearing." Their son had an accident, and they want someone else to pay for it. Li Zhi was right. In this city, having money and power doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.

"If they do it, what can you do about it?" Zhuge Meili blinked helplessly.

Having money and power is a significant advantage. Who can do anything about it?

Dong Yingsnow's face turned cold. She didn't say anything, though. As the wealthiest individual in Hai City, if you intend to confront the Zhao family, you must have concrete evidence; otherwise, it will be challenging. Zhao Sihai has built a strong network of relationships after many years of operation.

"In fact, it's not too difficult to control the Zhao family." Zhuge Meili said with a cunning look, smiling at Dong Yingsnow, "I have a plan to make Zhao Sihai, at least on the surface, not dare to act against Li Zhi." "But I have a condition."

"What condition?"

"First, you can't be soft-hearted towards Li Zhi; otherwise, all our efforts will be in vain," Zhuge Meili said, frowning. "And second?"

"You must enter the officialdom, not just for yourself, but for the entire Dong family," Zhuge Meili said seriously.


Dong Yingsnow got up and walked outside. When she reached the door, she stopped and said, "I can follow your arrangements, but when it comes to marriage, I want my freedom."

"Li Zhi?" Zhuge Meili furrowed her brows.

"Not necessarily with anyone!" Dong Yingsnow exclaimed before leaving.

Zhuge Meili sat on the sofa without moving, muttering to herself, "I didn't expect that guy to have such a strong influence, dragging my cousin into this mess." I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Oh well, the red thread of fate in marriage is best left to destiny. Interfering too much can lead to a shortened lifespan!

The next day, when the sun rose, Zhao Xinyang was not dead. The hospital's conclusion was that he was in a vegetative state with a slim chance of regaining consciousness, although the probability was not high.

Calling him a vegetable was a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, he was brain dead, still alive, but not much different from a deceased person. In an ordinary family, the ventilator would have been removed long ago, but due to the Zhao family's influence in Hai City, no one dared to do so.

Zhao Sihai's face was as dark as ice, with a hint of helplessness and desolation in his eyes. Perhaps the greatest pain in the world is witnessing a younger generation pass away before you. But who could he blame? Whether it was a vegetative state or brain death, his son, who remained unharmed, would never return.

"My son will definitely wake up, he will!"

"Yes, he will!"

The middle-aged woman muttered to herself with a fierce expression, "Now that my son has become like this, why is the woman who was with him still unscathed?" "Why is the person lying down not that woman, but my son?"

A cold light flashed in Zhao Sihai's eyes. Since his son is lying here, the person who is with him should come and accompany him!

"Go find out the background of the woman and the child from yesterday." "I want to know who dares to insult me, Zhao Sihai!" Zhao Sihai said in a deep voice.


The middle-aged man by Zhao Sihai's side turned and left.

After returning to the company yesterday, Dong Xiaorou saw Li Zhi off. She was not afraid of the Zhao family causing trouble for her.

After so many years, how many people wanted to cause trouble for her?

Was she a good woman? A hint of indifference appeared in Dong Xiaorou's eyes. Perhaps, after living a simple life for so long, no one remembered who she was anymore.

In this world, good and bad are just one letter apart.

Dong Xiaorou wanted to live an ordinary life, even if it was just a small hope; perhaps it was destined to remain unfulfilled.

"Young man, if you wish to proceed, I am willing to accompany you." "Your appearance may be destined to make me discontent with an ordinary life," Dong Xiaorou stood by the window, gazing into the distance, muttering to herself.

At this moment, the "demonic" aura surrounding Dong Xiaorou intensified.

Everyone has a story.