
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Words Cannot Be Spoken Nonsensically

When the sky was about to darken, 'Little Extreme' returned after being out for only two hours. Unsure of who to discuss business with, he came back to the office energetically and informed Li Zhi, "It's done. 28 yuan per catty. The net profit is definitely more than eight yuan. What about the reward?"

Li Zhi was intrigued by the girl who boldly asked for a reward. Her directness was admirable. With someone like her, there would be no need for pretense or formality.

"The end of the month calls for some calculations!"

Finished explaining

Leaving the 'No. 5 Fishing Harbor' back to his rented room, Li Zhi lay on the bed with a feeling of just waking up from a dream. Is "Factory World" a game?

Looking at the time on the wall, 8:00 a.m., what time did he enter the 'No. 5 Fishing Harbor' map? When it gets dark, it doesn't seem like it will be too late. How is the time in the factory world map calculated?

No one gave Li Zhi an answer. When he asked the 'Nebula I9 Intelligent Factory' system in his head, there was no response either.

Touching the silver 'Factory World Transporter' ring on his hand, a transparent light screen appeared in front of him. It displayed a row of grids resembling a bookshelf, with the remaining grids dark and devoid of text introduction. Only the first row, the first grid, showed the azure sea labeled with the words "No. 5 Fishing Harbor". No. 5 Fishing Harbor'.

Li Zhi froze, not expecting the 'Factory World' ring to have this function. His finger moved to the 'No. 5 Fishing Harbor' column, when clicked, the page converted right before my eyes, and suddenly everything changed to 'No. 5 Fishing Harbor' azure scene. An azure blue screen, a diminishing pocket island, encircled by clear sea water, with seabirds soaring in the sky under the brilliant sunlight. Below, a row of time numbers is marked, symbolizing the operation of this futuristic world.

Although it was morning on Earth and night on Sea Star, the time difference was significant. However, the time should be synchronized, meaning that when a minute passed on Earth, a minute was also spent in the factory world map.

Is the factory world equivalent to the game world?

Nebula I9 Intelligent Factory System is like Li Zhi's portable cheat, so what does the 'Interstellar Merchant Union' symbolize?

There were 67 Star Merchant Union branches on Earth, and the 'Star Express' could arrive in real time, indicating that the 'Star Merchant Union' was in sync with the real world. That is to say, since the branch of the Star Merchant League can connect to Earth, other members of the Star Merchant League can also travel to Earth. However, there is no navigational link with the Star Merchant League in the Factory World. In other words, within the Star Merchant League, the Star Express can arrive in real time. However, the "Factory World" is not accessible through the Star Chamber of Commerce. In other words, the "Factory World Map" does not feature any members of the Star Chamber of Commerce. Nonetheless, products from the "Factory World Map" can be transported back to the real world by Li Zhi. 'Factory World Map' - Is it meant to be seen as his own unique world?

Or rather, a private game world?

Shaking his head, although he had a bit of a clue, he still didn't dwell on it too much. Li Ji got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to wash his face. While washing, he was still thinking about how he entered the 'Factory World'. It felt similar to entering the Star Merchant League's private trading hall, where he seemed to pass through instantly, didn't he?

He hadn't slept all night, but Li Zhi didn't feel sleepy.


"Sis, it's not that I'm talking about you. Why are you so stubborn? It's just a guy who got lucky. Hand him over to me, and I guarantee I'll make him spill the secrets of making fishballs." "But let's make it clear, I'll get my hands on the technology, I'll definitely be taking the lion's share when the time comes."

Zhao Xueying looked at the man sitting across the table, talking to himself, and frowned. She said sternly, "Don't mess around. What happened last time has already been reported to the police. It's not true that our Zhao family has influence in Hai Cheng. We may have some power, but we are not reckless enough to act without scruples."

Zhao Xinyang is Zhao Xueying's half-brother. Their sibling relationship is not too good, not bad, nor too stiff. However, deep down, Zhao Xueying somewhat looks down on her brother, who only seems to be interested in chasing girls and getting into fights all the time.

Last time, Zhao Xinyang encouraged Zhao Xueying to rob Li Zhi's factory equipment. However, they ended up with a pile of scrap metal and attracted the attention of the police. Zhao Xueying secretly cursed Zhao Xinyang for this failed attempt, considering it a foolish decision to cooperate with him.

Zhao Xueying also blamed herself for the fishballs and Li Zhi incident. She shouldn't have revealed it in the first place and let others know.

"Don't worry, I have it under control." Zhao Xin Yang playfully smiled, his eyes flashed a trace of a cold smile. Good things can't just be available to Zhao Xue Ying. Letting her take charge of the Star Moon Bay Hotel, in his opinion, was all the old man's muddled decision. By rights, this hotel should be given to him to take care of.

"But then again, that boy's vision is really good. You know, he has that dozen fish ball store. How successful it is! I personally went to see it. One can earn a million or eight hundred thousand per month. Whether to do it or not, even if he just hands it over to someone else, it's a piece of cake for him in the end!"

"How do you want to do it?" Zhao Xueying asked with a frown.

Zhao Xinyang chuckled twice and said, "It's simple. Let's invest in shares together, so everyone can earn money. Trying to keep it all for yourself will only lead to failure. I believe he will understand this reasoning."

Zhao Xueying didn't say anything. She knows that her brother will never be as open as he appears on the surface. If Li Zhi is willing to accept the investment, why not use him? I believe that this lucrative opportunity has long been eyed by someone behind the scenes.

"Let's go." Zhao Xinyang smiled and stood up from his chair, "By the way, when I come here to eat in the future, please don't bother asking me to sign the order. Do you mind the trouble? I'm sick of it.

Zhao Xueying's expression turned sour. How could she not recognize Zhao Xinyang's threat towards himself? He had never dared to speak to himself in such a manner before.

Li Zhi is unaware of who dared to target the popular 'happy fishballs.' Anyone who dares to interfere will face his wrath; he is prepared to take decisive action. His influence in Haicheng has grown significantly, and he now possesses the resources to navigate the city effortlessly. The phrase "today is not the same as the past" no longer merely applies to Li Zhi; he has evolved significantly in the past two months.

But before Li Zhi could do anything, the young master of the Zhao family himself was 'scrapped' first.

"Ms. Dong, would you like to have dinner together tonight?"

Dong Xiaorou expressionlessly looked at the young man sitting opposite her. Suddenly, she smiled, a bewitching glint flashing in her eyes as she calmly said, "Sure."

Zhao Xinyang froze; he did not expect the other party to agree so readily. After leaving the Star Moon Bay Hotel, he drove straight to the 'Happy Fish Balls' company and sought out the general manager, Dong Xiaorou, to discuss the shares. However, during their first meeting, when Zhao Xinyang saw Dong Xiaorou, his eyes were fixed in astonishment and he couldn't look away.

In the eyes of Zhao Dazhao, he attracts numerous girls. Being so outstanding, he naturally refused to miss this opportunity. He secretly decided in his heart that this time, he not only wanted to acquire this company but also win over this woman. Zhao Dazhao aimed for a double harvest of wealth and romance, intending to make others envious when he succeeded.

Although some may see him as a playboy, Zhao Xinyang is not a fool. He is not lacking in cunning tactics and has devised a plan to gradually manipulate Li Zhi into selling the 'Happy Fish Balls' to him, akin to boiling a frog in warm water.

Although the Zhao family did not dare to claim absolute power in Hai Cheng, they were able to manipulate events behind the scenes and easily take down a newly successful small company.

"Star Moon Bay Hotel, my family's property. I wonder when Ms. Dong can get off work?" Zhao Xinyang asked with a smile, pretending to be sophisticated. At first glance, he gives the impression of being decent, but his true nature reveals a hint of scum.

The reason he chose the 'Star Moon Hotel' is twofold: first, the hotel's reputation is significant; second, Zhao Da Shao can stay at the Star Moon Bay Hotel without spending money. Additionally, there is a room always available in his name, where he can go after dinner to engage in conversations with beautiful women, discuss life, and engage in sports.


"Then, shall we go now?" Zhao Xinyang brightened his eyes and smiled. He didn't expect it to be so easy, but it was fine; he liked this kind of direct and quick.

Dong Xiaorou didn't say anything, packed up the papers on her desk, and followed Zhao Xinyang out.


Downstairs in the building, Zhao Xinyang personally went over and opened the car door for Dong Xiaorou, revealing a dazzling yellow Lamborghini. After Dong Xiaorou settled into the car, he closed the door and jogged over to the driver's seat.

"Miss Dong, where are you from?" On the way to the Star Moon Bay Hotel, Zhao Xinyang asked with a smile. In his eyes, the other party was already in his pocket, like a cooked duck that wouldn't run away.

"Haicheng is located below the county." Dong Xiaorou calmly said, "Is Zhao Shao trying to chase me?"


Zhao Xinyang almost bit his tongue.

Dong Xiaorou smiled sweetly and said, "Ah, why? Doesn't Zhao Shao like me?"

"Hehehe, like, of course I like!"

"Can you promise to marry me then?" "As long as you promise, then I'll be yours tonight!"

Dong Xiaorou said as if nothing had happened.

Crap, although he liked being direct and quick, this was a bit too straightforward. The two seemed to have never met before, and today was also the first time they had met. Could it be because of their birth? That's right, it must be so. Wanting to rise from the ashes like a phoenix, he has encountered many such women.

The heart sneered twice, on you can, as for the finish after getting married, Zhao Shao cannot dare to guarantee.

"Okay, as long as you serve this young master comfortably tonight, I will marry you in the future and allow you to enter the Zhao family as a young grandmother. Hey, I can't believe how clever you are. Come on, let this young master touch you first!" Zhao Xinyang smiled and reached towards Dong Xiaorou's thighs. Since everything is clear, there's no need to pretend. Even if you can't do anything on the road, you can still take advantage of your hand first. Isn't it over the top?

Dong Xiaorou's mouth corners curved into a strange smile as she softly said, "Then you can marry me, huh!"

"Marry, hey, old man must marry ..."

The hand was just about to touch Dong Xiaorou's thigh.


Zhao Xinyang's sports car was originally fast, and with the rush to the hotel, his style became somewhat reckless. Dong Xiaorou's words also slightly stimulated him, causing a rapid increase in hormone secretion. He didn't pay attention to his feet and stepped on the gas pedal fiercely.

Zhao Xinyang is very confident in his own driving skills. He never joins the Haicheng playboys in their late-night races or gambling activities. He believes that no matter how poor he may be, he would never stoop to their level.

Today, just a bit mischievous, a truck drove through the intersection without even noticing it. Due to his speed, he managed to pass the traffic light in just three seconds. That's right, almost passed.

As the driver slowly moved forward, his gaze fixed on the green light ahead, he lowered his head to light a cigarette. Suddenly, a yellow "small flying saucer" appeared overhead.

Intersection surveillance cameras captured this scene. The truck was not speeding, but the yellow Lamborghini was going very fast. Interestingly, the Lamborghini collided with the truck. The truck only turned slightly and moved a few meters away before coming to a stop by applying the brakes. Fortunately, no significant damage occurred.

The red sports car spun in circles like a gyroscope, flying out, first hitting the road's edge, then skidding back, and finally crashing into the wall. It rebounded, hitting several cars in succession before coming to a stop more than ten meters away.

The picture is called exciting.

The wheels of the car are up in the air; the whole car is scrapped!

Zhao Xinyang sat there covered in blood, with the driver's side of the car door crashed, only one leg remaining, eyes fixed, chest heaving as he struggled to breathe.

What's even more bizarre is that Dong Xiaorou, who was sitting next to him, had nothing to do, and not even her hair was messed up.

Dong Xiaorou looked at the young Zhao, who was breathing heavily, and said softly, "If you cannot fulfill your promises, do not make them. It is easy to incur divine punishment." "You are the third person who has dared to say that you want to marry me. The first two have already left, but at least they were sincere. Unlike you, I'm afraid you have to be a little more miserable."

Pulling off his seatbelt, he opened the door and stepped away from the car.

"If I go, all crashed like this, are people still fine?"

The people watching around them, staring wide-eyed at the hairless Dong Xiaorou, couldn't help but shout out. In addition to Zhao Xinyang, the others were only damaged vehicles, and the people in the cars were all fine.