
Interstellar Hunting Nation

An Earthling who had inherited ancient martial arts and Buddhist meditation techniques mysteriously transmigrated to the era of interstellar wars, turning into a stowaway. Though his beginning is but that of a humble miner, it is also the beginning of his journey to hegemony in this other world.

But Heart Only · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Besiege and Snatch

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The black snow kept falling, and the thugs kept hitting Wu Chang. Parker kept crying, while Wu Chang kept trembling. This scene looked cruel, but it was nothing to Wu Chang.

In his previous life, he had been a thief and a robber1. He had even been a mercenary for a few years, and had undergone hellish training. People like him had received torturous training, and did not care about blows at this level. On the other hand, their minds were abnormally mature. They would not be brave for the sake of their so-called face.

The most important thing was that the seven years of learning Zen with Monk Qili had made Wu Chang's emotions abnormally stable. He knew when to advance and when to retreat. In a chaotic situation, he could not be emotional, and would resolve the situation at his calmest.

Wu Chang's plan was very effective. This round of beating lasted for less than five minutes, but those thugs already felt that it was very boring. Although it was very satisfying to bully someone, bullying a person who had no reaction was a different matter.

There was no point in beating up a pile of mud.

Just as the thugs shook their hands and turned around to leave, a cold voice suddenly came from the edge of the mine. "Friend, are you good at pretending? To be able to use such a ruse, it seems that you're not an ordinary person…"

Before he could finish speaking, Wu Chang felt a murderous aura locking him down. Moreover, the voice was getting closer and closer. The person who spoke had to be rushing towards him at a high speed.

"Ado2? It's Poison Wasp Ado…" Accompanied by Parker's shout, a strong wind headed straight for Wu Chang on the ground.

Wu Chang's reaction was abnormally agile. He didn't jump up directly. Instead, he kicked the alloy board hard with his legs, and moved his body one meter horizontally. Then, he jumped up like a carp.

The moment his body moved out, an iron boot smashed into the spot where his body was just now with the sound of the wind. The ferocious force shattered the rocks on the ground.

A short and vigorous man in black rushed over. He wore a mask with the picture of a wasp on his face, and his cold gaze stabbed into Wu Chang.

"Hehe, looks like I didn't see wrongly. My friend's reaction is so agile. You're definitely a martial arts practitioner. This trash is not your match at all. Are you pretending to be stupid?"

Wu Chang said calmly, "Friend, there's no grudge between us. Why did you attack me?"

"Hehe, why? This is the abandoned mining area on Huang'e. What reason can there be here? I, your daddy, am happy to do so, okay?" After saying that, he tried to punch Wu Chang in the face.

'Daddy's happy to do so? This is a good reason.' Wu Chang once again experienced the order of the abandoned mining area. 'No wonder people call this planet Huang'e. It's not only the environment that's bad, but also the human heart.'

This time, Wu Chang couldn't pretend to be stupid. He continuously executed the exquisite moves of the Dragon Tiger Rush. The two figures quickly became entangled in the mine.

"Scram!" Poison Wasp Ado sent a thug flying with a punch. Immediately after, the dagger hidden in his sleeve drew a cold light as it stabbed towards Wu Chang's neck artery.

Wu Chang's reaction was as fast as lightning. Before the dagger could reach him, he had already punched Ado's armpit.

Nail Fist, as the name suggested, concentrated all the strength in the body at one point and hit the enemy's body like a nail. The Triple Nail Fist was even more powerful. It threw out three punches in an instant, and all the strength smashed into one point, producing the effect of stabbing in the shortest time.

The Triple Nail Fist was already the most advanced move among the Dragon Tiger Rush techniques that Wu Chang could master. As for the two legendary realms, Tiger Break and Dragon Plate, Wu Chang had only seen his master use them before. He was not at that level now.

However, this was enough. Ado had obviously never seen such an exquisite move. When the Nail Fist hit his armpit three times in a row, this guy took three steps back, and his arm hung down as if it was broken.

"Good, good, good. You're good. I didn't expect that even a martial artist like me wouldn't be a match for you. You've really hidden yourself well." Ado, who was panting heavily, stared at Wu Chang. The killing intent emitted from his body became stronger and stronger.

Wu Chang stared at Ado without backing down. "You can't do anything to me. I'm going back now. If any of you dare to stop me, then taste my fist again."

With that, Wu Chang led Parker and carefully moved out of the mine. Surrounding them were the subdued thugs.

Wu Chang was also a little regretful now. If he had known that the people in the abandoned mining area had been so perverted, he would have just fought his way out from the start. It seemed that he still did not understand the operating rules of this world. This damn place was simply a hell where the strong preyed on the weak.

Wu Chang was right. A godforsaken place like Huang'e had always been a place for exiled criminals. Moreover, countless criminals, illegal immigrants, and persecuted people had gathered here. There was no reason to speak of in this godforsaken place. All you needed was your fist.

Wu Chang's performance today had already made everyone present look at him in a different light. No one expected that the loser who had just been beaten up would turn into a tiger in an instant. Moreover, he could even suppress Aardwolf Saywen's general, Poison Wasp Ado.

Poison Wasp Ado was the leader of Saywen's thugs. This guy was a lunatic. You couldn't see any rules of conduct in his behavior. He didn't even have the basic logic of a human. From today's incident, it could be seen that he had decided to kill Wu Chang just because he discovered that Wu Chang's defensive posture was very standard.

And everything had been just for fun.

The situation on the scene was already very delicate. Wu Chang and Parker advanced warily in the crowd, while the encirclement followed closely behind. Neither party dared to attack.

At this moment, just as Wu Chang and his companion were about to walk out of the mine, a black light suddenly rushed towards Wu Chang.

"Little brat, how dare you be so arrogant in my, Aardwolf Saywen's, territory?" The black light brushed past Wu Chang's face and hit the ground. When he looked down, he saw that it was actually a large piece of waste slag.

Accompanying the voice was the appearance of a tall bald man. A howling aardwolf3 was tattooed on his bald head. Needless to say, he was the overlord of the surrounding mines, Aardwolf Saywen.

Beside Saywen, Blood Rose, who was wearing a breathing mask and a leather jacket, was looking at Wu Chang with hatred and cursing.

"Brat, if you were hiding in that rat's nest, I really wouldn't be able to do anything to you. But since you came knocking on my door today, don't blame me. Saywen, if I beat you to death…"

Without waiting for this woman's instructions, Aardwolf Saywen had already rushed over. Without any fancy moves, he raised his leg and kicked straight at Wu Chang's chest.

Fast, too fast. An ordinary move actually produced the sound of wind and thunder. Wu Chang, who had been a little arrogant just now, had already done away with all his arrogance. He did not even have the time to dodge, and could only cross his arms in front of his chest to protect himself.

With a bang, Aardwolf's leg kicked Wu Chang's arms. The huge force sent Wu Chang flying and smashed into a tool rack. The five-meter-tall alloy tool rack fell to the ground with a bang.

"Good, as expected of a third stage martial artist. This kick was too beautiful." The surrounding crowd immediately began to clamor.

Wu Chang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes remained calm. He had already determined Saywen's strength in his heart. Although this guy was slightly stronger than him, he definitely was not invincible.

Wu Chang didn't know how he had got injured before he transmigrated. He had just recovered a few days ago, and his strength was at its weakest. Furthermore, he had unleashed the power of Dragon Tiger twice underground just now, and his strength had already been greatly exhausted. Coupled with Poison Wasp Ado's attack just now, Wu Chang's strength had already been halved.

'Third stage? In this world, are warriors of this level called third stage martial artists? Then, is the "intermediate stage" that Ado mentioned even lower? This rating is a little like Go.'

There was no time for Wu Chang to think. The crazy Saywen attacked Wu Chang like a wolf. The strength of a third stage martial artist was fully displayed, and the weak Wu Chang was instantly suppressed. He could only defend bitterly. Fortunately, the movement technique of the Dragon Tiger Rush was very ingenious, allowing Wu Chang to dodge many fatal attacks.

Just as Wu Chang and Saywen were entangled, Poison Wasp Ado, who had one hand hanging down, quietly walked to Ground Mouse Parker's side, and snatched Wu Chang's backpack.

"Give it to me, you brat…" Ado, who had snatched it, kicked Parker to the ground, and started searching his backpack.

"Give it back to me." Parker rushed forward like a madman to snatch it. In the end, without Ado needing to do anything, the big fatty and the second fatty picked Parker up from the left and right and threw him more than five meters away.

Ado looked at Parker disdainfully. He didn't stop at all, and poured everything in his backpack onto the ground. When the long foam stick appeared in front of everyone, everyone present gasped.

Ado raised the foam sticks and shouted at Saywen, "Boss, stop fighting. Boss, stop fighting. Look, what's this?"

The puzzled Saywen jumped out of the battle circle, and turned around to look. He was so happy that his eyes narrowed into a line.

"Damn it, these two brats actually hid such a good treasure. This Rainbow Crystal is enough for me to change to a villa in Huang'e City…"

At this moment, everyone in the mine was excited. It had been three years since they had seen such a huge Rainbow Crystal. Their eyes were wide open.

At this moment, Blood Rose also jumped down from the slope. She snatched the crystal and looked at it carefully.

"Baby, my baby, my dream of changing villas depends on you…"

Saywen's men were stunned. After all, this was the largest crystal on Huang'e in the past three years. Other than the treasures in the governor's mansion, no other crystal could compare to him. Who wouldn't want to take a second look at such a treasure? Everyone squeezed forward desperately.

At this moment, Parker was already in tears. He walked around the crowd weakly and kept scolding. "That's ours. That's mined by Wu Chang. You can't snatch it…"

At that moment, Parker seemed to have forgotten that this was Huang'e, the most despicable and shameless mining area.

Just as the crowd was excited and Blood Rose was happily holding the crystal, a sharp hydraulic tube suddenly appeared in front of her. The luster of the spike flickered at her throat. A big hand twisted her arm to her back.

"F*cking spread out. If anyone dares to squeeze over, I'll stab this person to death…"