
Interstellar Hunting Nation

An Earthling who had inherited ancient martial arts and Buddhist meditation techniques mysteriously transmigrated to the era of interstellar wars, turning into a stowaway. Though his beginning is but that of a humble miner, it is also the beginning of his journey to hegemony in this other world.

But Heart Only · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Great Conflict

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Wu Chang was furious. He was very angry. Being beaten and insulted was only part of the reason for his anger. In fact, the reason for his anger was because of himself. It was because he had miscalculated.

He had overestimated the moral bottom line of this group of people. This was indeed the most chaotic mining area on Huang'e. Morality here was like the sun in the sky. Everyone knew that it existed, but no one had seen it before—thick volcanic clouds pressed down on the sky for years. Other than the noble pilots, no one else could see the light of the sun above the clouds.

Wu Chang really wanted to give himself a tight slap. He wanted to remind himself not to be so childish. He could sing whatever song he wanted in the mountains. He had already been reduced to a miner in an abandoned mine. He could forget about pretending to be a grandson to survive.

"Aardwolf Saywen, right? Put my crystal back into your backpack obediently and throw it over. If you still want your woman's life, don't have any crooked thoughts."

Saywen's eyes lit up. He suddenly admired this kid a little. He could play dumb and fight. In the chaos, he could even grasp the crux of the situation. The current circumstances were a good example: a single hydraulic pipe controlled the entire scene.

"Smart, you're really smart," Saywen actually subconsciously praised Wu Chang. "Your name is Wu Chang, right? Not bad, not bad at all. I like you. Do you want to follow me? I'll split half of my subordinates for you to lead. How about you be on the same level as Ado?"

Before Wu Chang could respond, Blood Rose, who was being controlled, shouted sharply, "Saywen, you bastard. You don't care about my life anymore, and you still f*cking want to recruit this—"

Before Blood Rose could finish cursing, she suddenly felt a chill on her neck, and a wet liquid seeped into her collar. It turned out that the hydraulic pipe in Wu Chang's hand had already pierced her skin, and blood was flowing out.

Blood Rose shut up on the spot. This woman wasn't stupid. At least she knew the principle of lowering her head when necessary.

Wu Chang leaned close to her ear, and said softly, "Don't think that I don't dare to kill you. Your life is just like a chicken's in my eyes." After saying that, Wu Chang looked up at Saywen coldly.

"Cut the crap. If you want to recruit me, wait a few days until I'm in a good mood. I, your daddy won't accept the alliance under the city walls."

"An alliance under the city walls1?" Aardwolf Saywen obviously wasn't particularly erudite. He thought for a long time, but could not figure out the meaning of this phrase. However, if he could not figure it out, there was no need to think about it. He sneered and looked at Wu Chang.

"Do you think I'm scared? A woman's life has nothing to do with me. If you want to kill her, then kill her."

"F*ck, you think I don't dare?"

"You dare! Of course you dare, but you can also take a gamble. Am I willing to give up on this woman?"

Saywen's rhetorical question forced Wu Chang into a corner. He really did not want to kill anymore. The few years he had spent as a mercenary were the period when Wu Chang had killed the most people. Later, he had happened to become a disciple of Zen Master Qili. The seven years when he had studied Zen were also seven years of repentance for his sins.

But now, the cruel reality had forced Wu Chang into a corner of fate. Even if he wanted to retreat, he could not.

Wu Chang's hand was already trembling so much that it was invisible to the naked eye. Ordinary people might not be able to notice this trembling, but it could not escape Saywen's eyes. Saywen knew that Wu Chang's heart was already in a mess.

Just as Saywen was looking at Wu Chang meaningfully, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the people who encircled them, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Hehe, Saywen, you can coax outsiders, but don't play tricks in front of me, Smith Pann. Would you bear to let Blood Rose die? That woman has kept one-third of your wealth. Would you bear to let her die?"

Accompanying the voice was a group of people. The leader was Smith Pann, the contractor of the B1313 mining area. Behind him were the dirty old man, Lion, and Bullhead. Behind them was a group of miners and bodyguards.

Seeing that his backup arrived, Parker scrambled over. Before he could say anything, he stuffed the terminal on his wrist over.

"Boss, that crystal belongs to us. It was mined by Wu Chang. I have the evidence of Saywen and the others snatching it just now. You have to interfere…"

Boss Pann patted Parker's shoulder, signaling him not to worry. Then, he walked up to Aardwolf Saywen. His calm aura at that moment made Saywen stop looking down on him.

"Haha, Boss Pann, how have you been?"

"Not good, not very good at all. My miner was beaten up, and my crystal was robbed. Do you think I'd be fine?" Boss Pann stared at Saywen, his mouth full of sarcasm.

"It's been three years. It seems like you've all forgotten the old rules on Huang'e. Any interstellar battleship-level Rainbow Crystal must be traded under the protection of the government. It can also be said that from the moment this 19-centimeter Rainbow Crystal appeared, Wu Chang and Parker were already protected by the Huang'e administrative system…"

Aardwolf Saywen and the old miners remembered this unwritten rule. Saywen held the crystal in his hand, and suddenly felt that it was very hot.

Boss Pann looked at Wu Chang, and said quietly, "Let her go. The guard's captain will be here soon. With him around, no one will dare to cause trouble."

"Ye Tian?" The crowd was in an uproar. Huang'e's guard was equivalent to an army, and Captain Ye Tian's authority was second only to that of Governor Ye Fei.

At this moment, the dirty old man, Lion, came to Wu Chang's side, and said in a low voice, "Let her go. Actually, you don't have to fight them at all. You and Parker are still too inexperienced…"

Whom did Wu Chang trust the most on Huang'e? It was the dirty old man, Lion. This old man had helped him treat his injuries, and even brought him to familiarize himself with the environment. Wu Chang, who was good at reading people, immediately saw that the old man was someone to befriend.

The released Blood Rose stumbled to Saywen's side, and threw herself into Saywen's arms, crying with snot and tears.

"Help me take revenge. Look, my neck is cut…"

Before Blood Rose could finish, Aardwolf Saywen suddenly slapped her face. "Get lost, you b*tch."

This slap was ruthless. The breathing mask on Blood Rose's face was sent flying. She sat on the ground, and forgot to cry. She covered her face with her hands, and looked at her man in disbelief.

At the critical moment, mother and son were still connected. The two fat twins actually ran over immediately. "Lady Boss, how are you? Does it hurt?"

Aardwolf Saywen didn't have time to deal with this woman. He put on a smile, and said to Smith Pann, "Brother Pann, what happened today was just a misunderstanding. I was just itching to play with my brothers. As for this crystal…"

Saywen let out a long sigh. He gritted her teeth, and said, "The crystal belongs to Wu Chang. I was just looking at it." Then he stuffed it into Boss Pann's arms.

At this moment, a faint sizzling sound suddenly came from the northern sky. Everyone knew without looking that it was definitely the sound of a land car.

As expected, in the northern sky, 12 land vehicles covered with black snow flew over. These land vehicles equipped with anti-gravity devices floated half a meter above the ground as they flew over from Huang'e City in the north.

Facing actual armed troops, everyone in the abandoned mining area became antsy. Other than the two contractors, Aardwolf Saywen and Smith Pann, everyone else took the initiative to squat on the ground and cover their heads with their hands.

"Don't just stand there. Hurry up and squat down. Don't make Captain Ye unhappy." Lion quickly pressed Wu Chang to the ground when he saw that he was spacing out.

Wu Chang had never expected that the appearance of a guard captain could suppress hundreds of people present, the latter not even daring to let out a fart. Lion knew that he was very confused, so he quickly went to his ear, and explained, "Silly boy, Captain Ye Tian is a fourth-stage expert, and the lowest level of his guards is a second-stage warrior. No one here is his match.

"What's more, look at the 12 land vehicles. They're equipped with dense wave weapon system called 'Bee Swarm.' With a single shot, everything within 100 mu2 will turn into a sea of fire. In the face of absolute strength, forget about squatting, even if you're asked to kneel, you have to kneel."

Ever since Lion accepted the "thank-you" gift from Wu Chang for instructing the latter, he seemed to really treat Wu Chang as his disciple. Lion would tell Wu Chang everything that the latter was curious about.

"Remember, no matter what Ye Tian asks you to do, you just have to agree. Kid, you're really lucky. That crystal saved your life."

"Aren't people innocent until proven guilty? Is it that treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime3? Why are you saying that the crystal saved my life?" Wu Chang asked in confusion.

"Huh?" Lion's eyes suddenly lit up. "You actually know this idiom? Did you go to a noble school? Did you learn the ancient language?"

Before Wu Chang could answer, a huge leather boot appeared in front of him, followed by a low voice. "You're Wu Chang? Stand up."

When Wu Chang stood up obediently, before he could size up the person's appearance, a huge fist suddenly came straight at his face.

At that time, the nameless anger in Wu Chang's heart rose. This world was simply too unreasonable. You shouldn't be so obvious when bullying others. You could hit or scold them whenever you wanted, but you wanted to save someone and snatch other people's things? Even a clay figurine would have some anger. In an instant, the power of dragons and tigers filled his entire body. This was the third time Wu Chang had used the Dragon Tiger Rush secret technique today.

Captain Ye Tian was standing in front of Wu Chang. Originally, he wanted to test Wu Chang's skills. A guy who could fight to a draw with Saywen had indeed piqued his interest. However, it did not matter if he gave it a try. He would become Wu Chang's punching bag.

In all fairness, a fourth-stage martial artist was still stronger than Wu Chang, but Wu Chang's martial arts were unique. Ye Tian had never seen such exquisite moves before. Ye Tian's left fist was sealed in the first exchange, and a Nail Fist landed on his right shoulder, causing him to stagger.

"Good kid, how sinister!" Ye Tian became more and more excited as he fought. Although he had suffered a little, he was able to use his fourth-stage strength to stabilize the situation.

Wu Chang was in a lot of pain. His physical fitness was not good to begin with, and the continuous battles had already exhausted him. Most importantly, no one on this planet dared to take off their breathing masks when the black snow fell. This mask had always made Wu Chang feel a little suffocated.

However, Ye Tian wasn't afraid. He was stronger than Wu Chang to begin with, and he was very adaptable to the environment. In less than 10 minutes, Wu Chang's abdomen received a ruthless punch, and his arm was tightly locked by Ye Tian, unable to move.

"Satisfying, it's f*cking satisfying…" Ye Tian's excited cry made everyone present break out in a cold sweat. It seemed that Wu Chang was doomed.