
Interstellar Hunting Nation

An Earthling who had inherited ancient martial arts and Buddhist meditation techniques mysteriously transmigrated to the era of interstellar wars, turning into a stowaway. Though his beginning is but that of a humble miner, it is also the beginning of his journey to hegemony in this other world.

But Heart Only · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Strange Box

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Although Wu Chang's memory was in a mess, he still did not forget some basic things, especially his master, a Zen Master called Qili. He had followed the Zen Master for seven years, and learned a lot about Buddhism.

When Wu Chang saw this strange box underground on Huang'e today, his first impression was that he had met an old friend from his hometown. Tears welled up in his eyes. He didn't care about the danger at all, and desperately wanted to climb down the cliff to retrieve the metal box.

"Are you crazy? It's a magma river down there. Do you want to die?" Parker cursed angrily. He really wanted to leave him alone, but Wu Chang had just saved his life. No matter what, he couldn't abandon him now.

Wu Chang threw his backpack, including the Rainbow Crystal inside, to Ground Mouse Parker. "Help me carry it. I'll go take a look at this strange box." After saying that, he inserted three sturdy ore nails into the rock wall, and tied a climbing rope tightly on them.

The metal box was only 10 meters away from the hole where Wu Chang was. This box was not big. Judging from the edge, it should be a cube with a side that was about half a meter long. About two-thirds of it were hidden in the stone wall.

Wu Chang couldn't figure out how this box had burrowed into the stone wall. However, looking at the combination of the box and the stone wall, Wu Chang felt that this box should have been abandoned in the magma. In the end, the magma had cooled down to form rocks, and this box had been sealed in it.

Today's earthquake not only shook the mountain and formed this lava river, but it also exposed this strange box.

"Be careful, be careful. Move your left foot another half an inch. Yes, yes, yes…" Ground Mouse Parker lay on the ground, and stuck his head over the rock wall to point the way for Wu Chang.

In a short while, Wu Chang was already very close to the box. However, this position was also very close to the lava. The rocks that were shattered by Wu Chang's kick fell into the rolling lava river, and the lava that splashed out almost burned Wu Chang's body.

A large part of the drooping rope had already been ignited by the magma. If Wu Chang hadn't stepped on the flames in time, the flames would have burned his body.

"Slower, slower." Parker's heart was already in his throat. He was already speechless. Facing this lunatic, Parker had completely admitted defeat.

At this moment, Wu Chang was not feeling well, either. The heat emitted by the magma made him sweat profusely. His breathing mask was filled with steam, and his goggles were already white. Wu Chang tore off his mask, and was about to breathe properly when he was suffocated by a violent heat. Wu Chang was caught off guard, his palm slipped, and his entire body quickly fell.

"F*ck… Be careful…" Parker was so frightened that he didn't dare to keep his eyes open.

Parker had definitely underestimated Wu Chang's ability. The moment he fell, Wu Chang used all his strength to grip the climbing rope tightly. He only stopped his fall after staining the rope with more than a meter of blood.

At this moment, Wu Chang had already approached the metal box. At a distance that was within reach, the exquisite reliefs on the box became even clearer. It was only at this moment that Wu Chang realized that not only were there reliefs of the Four Heavenly Kings on the box, but there were also some reliefs at the corners of the box. They seemed to record some Buddhist scriptures.

Wu Chang didn't have time to carefully identify what those reliefs depicted. He reached out his hand to touch the box with his own hands, and his mind was still thinking about how to get this big guy up. However, the moment his fingers touched the box, the entire rift valley suddenly shook violently.

"Aftershock, this is a f*cking aftershock! You brat, hurry up and come up…" Parker looked at the falling rocks above his head. He wanted to escape first, but he couldn't make up his mind.

At this moment, the metal box suddenly glowed brightly, and a white light that seemed to have materialized wrapped around Wu Chang's entire body. In the dazzling white light, Wu Chang was surprised to see that the half-meter-square metal box suddenly shattered into pieces. A black ball the size of a pigeon egg floated out from the middle of the box.

The pitch-black ball changed into various shapes. Dozens of silver-white threads wrapped around the black ball tightly.

Wu Chang was dumbfounded. He had never expected that such a huge box would only contain such a small black ball. Moreover, this black ball was actually moving as if it was alive.

What was even more unimaginable had yet to come. The black ball seemed to discover Wu Chang's existence, and suddenly flew in front of him. More than 10 silver threads wrapped around it separated, and pierced into Wu Chang's skull. It was so fast that it was impossible to dodge.

There was no pain or discomfort. There was only a cool feeling. Wu Chang watched helplessly as the silver threads pierced into his head. In less than half a second, the silver threads actually pulled out and weaved into a silver rope in midair that wrapped tightly around Wu Chang's neck.

In an instant, a strange necklace appeared. A thin silver rope was wrapped around Wu Chang's neck, and the strange black ball also became like a black diamond, hanging quietly below his neck.

There was no time for Wu Chang to think. At this moment, the tremors were already very intense. The exquisite metal box had already fallen into the magma and disappeared. At this moment, the three fixed miner nails gradually loosened.

At the critical moment of life and death, Wu Chang suddenly exerted strength in his arms, and used the secret technique of Dragon Tiger Rush. He climbed up in a few moves. Before Wu Chang could stabilize himself, he grabbed Parker and flashed into the mine tunnel that he had just walked out from.

"Let's go, let's go quickly. The further away from here, the better." Wu Chang didn't explain to Parker at all. He dragged him, running all the way.

Strangely enough, this aftershock seemed to be concentrated in that crack. The further the two of them went, the smaller the tremors became. After running for a few hundred meters, the tremors could no longer be felt.

Puzzled, Parker stared at Wu Chang, and asked, "What was that just now? Why couldn't I see a white light?"

"You're asking me? Whom should I ask? When I touched that box, there was an earthquake. It was quite good that the box broke into pieces and fell into the magma."

Wu Chang didn't explain too much to Parker. It was better to keep such a secret to himself. As for the necklace, it was hidden under his clothes, so ordinary people wouldn't be able to see it.

They couldn't take the established route now. The two of them took a roundabout route for a full hour before reaching a mine tunnel that Parker was more familiar with. When sturdy alloy frames appeared in front of them, they realized that they knew where to go.

After the earthquake, the mine tunnel was very quiet. At this time, no one dared to go down the mine shaft. Only the two of them walked alone in the underground maze for another three hours before they finally saw the light at the entrance of the cave and the flying volcanic ash.

"We're here. We're safe. But let me tell you, we took a long detour. The exit now is not the B1313 mine, but the B1314 mine next door…"

"Aardwolf Saywen's territory?" Wu Chang immediately became vigilant.

"Don't be nervous. The mine tunnels between the mines are all connected. It's normal to take a detour from other mines. As long as we don't cause trouble, they won't make things difficult for us. Besides, during the black snow, the Blood Rose won't wander around the mines for no reason…"

Parker's words made Wu Chang feel a little more at ease. However, when the two of them walked out of the mine and were exposed to the black snow, they realized that reality wasn't that simple.

"Isn't this that annoying person?" Wu Chang had just appeared when a voice came from not far away. He looked up and frowned gloomily. 'F*ck, aren't these the twin fat thugs?'

That's right. On the high platform of the mine, the twins, a big fatty and small fatty, were supervising the miners below as the latter packed up their equipment. Looking down from above, they recognized Wu Chang and Parker at a glance.

"Ground Mouse Parker? And that annoying person?" The eyes of the two thugs immediately lit up. 'Isn't the kid beside Ground Mouse Parker the annoying person that the lady boss mentioned? He is the one who has wrongly accused the two of us of being the lady boss's sons, causing us to lose face in front of everyone.'

The two of them jumped off the platform, and squeezed Wu Chang and Parker into a corner with a group of thugs.

"Aiyo, brothers, isn't this an earthquake? We had no choice but to take a detour from here. We're all miners, so everyone should be able to understand…" The obsequious Parker nodded and bowed to the two fatties.

"Get lost." Big Fatty slapped Parker to the side. He pointed at Wu Chang, and said, "Kid, since you've made our lady boss unhappy, let us punch you three times obediently. After three punches, we'll naturally let you off." After saying that, the two fatties clenched their knuckles hard, making cracking sounds.

Ground Mouse Parker looked at the two pairs of fists the size of claypots and felt dizzy. He quickly squeezed over, and said softly, "Big brother, two big brothers, this fellow has just passed through the gates of hell. His body is still weak. If the two of you punch him three times, will he still be able to survive? I'll treat everyone to a drink. On my account, everyone, please spare his life…"

Parker's flattery was very comfortable. The second fatty nodded, and said, "Since you're treating me to a drink, of course I'll let him off. However, three punches are unavoidable. At most, I'll use a little less strength."

Parker still wanted to persuade them, but Wu Chang stopped him. He stuffed his miner's bag into Parker's arms, and said loudly, "Bosses, I said something wrong. I should be punished. I only hope that everyone will show mercy and spare my life. I'll treat everyone to a drink later."

After saying that, Wu Chang covered his head with his hands, and squatted in a corner, surrendering to fate.

Parker was pushed to the side by the thugs, and couldn't help at all. He more or less understood Wu Chang's plan. It was impossible not to let Fatty and Fatty vent their anger today. With more than 20 thugs surrounding him, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. Moreover, there was such a precious crystal in his backpack. He couldn't expose this thing.

Parker's considerations were correct, but they weren't comprehensive. What Wu Chang was the most afraid of now was blowing up the matter because once it blew up and attracted others, it would be difficult to deal with. Especially since he didn't have any status at all. Aardwolf Saywen and the Blood Rose would definitely use this to cause trouble.

As for these two fatties, Wu Chang could tell at a glance that they were mentally retarded. They were definitely children with immature minds. As long as you followed their whims, they would naturally let you off when they were done playing. As long as Wu Chang could return to the B1313 Allocation Center safely, he would be safe.

Fists rained down. Perhaps Wu Chang's cowardice had worked. None of these people really tried to kill him, especially the two fat men. They actually moved to the side after three punches and watched their subordinates attack.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight!" The two fat men cheered excitedly as if they were watching a farce.

Wu Chang, who was curled up in a corner, tried his best to protect the weak spots on his body. He exposed his thick back to let these thugs vent their anger. At the same time, he also covered his entire body with the power of the Dragon Tiger. This was also a good defense. In short, Wu Chang was still not injured in this attack.

However, this was not the case in the eyes of outsiders. They only saw Wu Chang being beaten until he was powerless to fight back. He was curled up on the ground and trembling. All the miners were so frightened that they retreated, while Ground Mouse Parker was crying so hard that his face was covered in tears.