
instant mastery skill in the anime world

My grammar is trash. this is not an incest

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Sora looked at the city in front of him, it was known as Oak town. Oak Town is an old castle town. It is situated on a hill, surrounded by forests and mountains, with the river flowing nearby.

as Sora entered the tower, he saw many normal people. it seems mages were quite rare as he couldn't sense magical energy from them, asking around he quickly got the information he needed, in this tower was a branch of a powerful guild. this guild was called Phantom Lord Guild

A Guild is a type of organization in this world, characterized by a member base and common trade. The purpose of a guild is to obtain and disseminate job requests to the members of the guild.

There are three different types of Guilds: Legal, Dark, and Independent. A Legal Guild is one that has been approved and registered by the Magic Council. A Dark Guild is one that has not been approved by the Magic Council and is treated as a criminal organization. An Independent Guild is one that is not approved by the Magic Council, but at the same time is not considered a criminal organization.

The main power in the Kingdom of Fiore is the King and his Government. Under his order is the Magic Council, which enforces rules over the guilds to uphold lawful employment of Mages and the enforcement of appropriate conduct. When Guilds cause destruction or other disturbances to the peace, it is the responsibility of the Magic Council to reprimand them. The Council is made up of very powerful Mages, some of whom have the power to legalize or disband Guilds.

Sora planned to join this guild and hunt down dark guilds to find the one which took his sister, but before then he needed to be stronger. calmly walking towards the guild, Sora entered, as he entered everyone within the guild looked over to look at him.

"What is a little brat like you doing here," a man with a scar over his right eye asked as he walked toward Sora.

"I came in joining the guild. what do I need to do to join?" Sora asked calmly, stunning the man with a scar, suddenly the whole guild began laughing as if they heard the funniest thing ever.

"Brat, why don't you run on and get home before you get hurt.... that's a magic sword. hand it over/" the man with a scar said with a cold smile as he reached out, but wind suddenly exploded off Sora sending that man flying. the man slammed heavily into a wall, while the whole guild got serious as they looked at Sora

"Can I join or not?" Sora asked calmly, everyone looked at each other before the branch leader for this branch of the guild smiled as he walked towards Sora.

"of course, you join, all mages are welcomed to join." He said with a smile, Sora nodded slightly as the branch master when on to give Sora a guild symbol which was the logo of this guild, and with this Sora had joined the guild. Sora didn't waste any time as he took a mission, which was to kill some monsters, and left. he needed to train, and killing monsters was what he wanted to do.

So, he sent of leaving the tower as soon as he arrived, leaving most of the mages in the guild speechless. meanwhile, the branch guild master went to report this to the headquarters, a talented mage at such a young age, the guild will of course welcome him

an hour later, Sora stood before a huge one-eye troll-looking monster, the monster roared as it held its huge club and ran towards Sora.

"It seems like we don't see eye to eye," Sora said as he dodged the huge club, and with a spin, he kicks the leg of the toll, leaving it to fall to the ground. Sora jumped backward as he looked at the ground angrily standing up

"What? you can't stand me?" Sora asked, the trolled roared om rage as it slammed its club on the ground, suddenly the ground around the spot it hit glowered before it shot towards Sora, Sora flashed as he dodged this attack. appearing in the sky, Sora shot two lightning balls at the troll

the troll was not fast enough to dodge, but he was able to block. leaving it with only light injuries, when it moved its hands away from its face to look at Sora, it's one eye shrank as the last thing it saw was a sword seconds before it stabbed into its eyes. as soon as the sword stabbed into its head, wind rampaged inside its head, leading to its head exploding

green blow flew into the sky as it covered Sora, Sora rested the sword on his shoulder as he turned and walked off, the troll flew to the ground forward behind him, and Sora calmly walked past the other monsters he had killed and headed towards a town nearby to turn in the mission to the one who requested it

'These guys are no challenge, only their boss was of some trouble. I should take a harder mission, the more I also need to start working out. the pay from this job isn't enough to find a place to stay, I will have to sleep outside, but before then I need something to eat.' Sora thought calmly,

after arriving at the tower, the tower mayor was thankful, as the monsters have been attacking their villages for the past week. they had to hide their wife as those monsters would try and take them away and marry them

anyways, Sora was given a place to stay for the night and free food. so he was not complaining about anything, the next morning, Sora said his goodbye and returned to the guild where he picked his next mission.

"Already returned and is about to head off, if everyone here had half of your spirit then this place will not be so full." the branch guild leader said with a smile, seeing the mission Sora was about to take. Sora smiled slightly as he looked around the guild, it was filled with mages drinking

"but I was told from Headquarters that you're to head there. the guild master said he wants to personally see to your growth. Your future is a bright kid." the branch master said with a smile, stunning Sora. Sora nodded slightly, the branch guild master was going to take him, So, they both headed off once Sora was ready.

along the way, Sora asked him a few things about magic. this world was called earth land, All kinds of Magic are used in Earth Land and they can be used for many purposes such as offense, defense, support, and healing, as well as other, more practical purposes.

Magic is used by exerting Magic Power as a wide variety of spells or by focusing it into an external source. In order to learn Magic, you must train your intellect and spirit. However, it should be noted that the stronger the Magic, the more it tends on selecting its wielder; if the Mage's mind is frail, the Magic will take over and destroy them.

To utilize Magic, a Mage must use the Magic Power in their body, which is composed of Ethernano, the source of Magic Power for all Mages. Every Mage has a container of Ethernano inside their body that determines the limits of their Magic Power. In the case that it becomes empty, Ethernano will come from the atmosphere and enter the Mage's body and, after a while, their Magic Power shall return to normal.

One can also train their own Nervous System and Wisdom for magic, where the former becomes a vessel for Magic Power, a way to increase. Though this would leave some Mages to neglect their physical Training,

There are two main classifications of Magic: Caster Magic and Holder Magic. Caster Magic is Magic that is expelled from the body as opposed to Magic done through the use of a weapon or outside source.

Holder Magic is Magic that requires a Mage to use an external source to produce the Magic. It usually requires the use of Magic Power,

Within these two classifications, there are many subcategories such as Ancient Spell, Lost Magic, and Magic Items, Ancient Spell as its name implies, is Magic from ancient times.

Lost Magic is a type of Magic that has been obliterated from the history of the world due to its immense power and the sheer gravity of its side effects on the users. However, users of such Magic still exist, though the Magic itself is believed to be extremely rare.

Sora began his nervous system, he wanted to get stronger quickly, so he spent most of the carriage ride to the headquarters training. when they arrived at the Phantom Lord's Headquarters

the headquarters was not far from Oak Town, sitting on one of the hills outside the city. it was huge, capable of holding at least a hundred people within with ease. as Sora and the branch guild master entered as soon as they entered Sora saw a middle-aged man who looked creepy

a tall, slim man with long, straight, dark red hair reaching down to his shoulders and a thin mustache. He has a long and sharp face, vaguely pointed ears, prominent eyelashes, and dark-colored lips.

Sora instants which he seemed to have copied from the trolls told him he was no match for this way, there were a few others within this guild he got this feeling from.

"Sora, this is master Jose. the guild master of the Phantom Lord," the branch guild master said, Sora nodded as he paid his respect. Jose smiled creepily as he looked at Sora.

"From now on you can remain within the headquarters. there are much more missions you can pick from here," he said with a smile, Sora nodded as he thanked him. Jose went on to show Sora around the place, before leaving Sora alone. Sora looked at a board that held all of the missions, there were more missions here than back at the branch for Sora

"Hey, it's rare to see other kids like us around here." a girl around 7 years old said as she walked up to Sora. She had light brown skin with short, dark green hair. She has a small, green oval-shaped jewel in the center of her forehead and small red earrings. there was a tall kid with dark skin who had shorts following her, he was around 9 years old,

"Yeah, you're the first kids I've seen after joining the guild," Sora said with a node at them,

"Our dad is a member of the guild, so we joined at a young age. so. what type of magic do you use? I heard someone say you use window magic, and without even a move you send a grown man flying." She said with a smile, Sora smiled as he waved his hand slightly, causing the wind to glow against her face.

"you want to have a slight spar... by the way, I'm Sue," She asked with a smile, Sora thought for a moment before nodding slightly. they both went outside, and the guild members within the headquarter all went outside to watch the kids fight.

"You can make the first move." She said with a smile, Sora nodded slightly as he flicked towards her, a green magic girl appeared as a small wind bast shot towards her. Sue waved her hand as a mirror appeared in front of her, the wind bullet entered the mirror world.

behind Sora, there was a reflection which Sora showed, the wind bullet shot towards Sora, smile smiled slightly as he turned to the side, dodging the wind bullet. Sue was shocked to see Sora dodge it without looking

"you're looking at where you wanted it to appear from, you should spend some time reflecting on that. I just don't see myself telling my enemy my next move." Sora said with a smile, Sue's eyes twitched slightly.

making another mirror, she pointed it at the sun as it gathered the sun slightly before she shot it as Sora. Sora dodged it before he rushed towards her, her eyes shrank as Sora's speed was too fast. before she knew it, Sora was in front of her.

"I win," Sora said as he patted her shoulder, before walking off. Sue stood there frozen on the spot, but she was unwilling to believe she lost so easily. she was slightly older, she followed Sora into the guildhall, but at this moment Sora had grabbed a mission.

"... you're getting a mission on your own?" she said in shock, her father would only allow them to take missions together, and even then they are simple missions.

"What? are you too young to take a mission?" Sora asked with a smile, Sue was enraged by Sora's words

"Who too young? I will tag along with you and show you just what I'm capable off." She said angrily, but when her elder brother heard her words, he moved to try and stop her, but she didn't listen and even ended up pulling him into this.

"... are you two sure you want to come? if you could only see yourself, you're shaking with every footstep." sora asked seeing they were actually following him.

"Sue he is right, let's go back. dad will be angry if he finds out what we are doing." Boze who was her elder brother said, she hesitated for a moment but seeing the look in Sora's eyes, which pretty much said, 'as expected'. she snorted as she followed Sora, leaving her elder brother to helplessly follow

"... what's the mission?" Boze asked as he walked up to Sora to see the paper in his hands, he looked at the mission and sighed in refill seeing it was s simple mission., it was just to defeat a group of 4 arm apes, the more ape that is killed the higher the reward.

they soon arrived at the forest where they hunted for monstered, Sue was best suited for fighting these 4 arms apes and she just had their fist enter the mirror, leading to them attacking themselves.

Boze was skilled with sound magic, and Sora had copied their abilities and had mastered them. as he took out his sword, the two froze as they watched as Sora defeated the 4 arm ape with 2 to 3 moves, Sora jumped around as his sword flashed, and blood flew into the sky, Sora was quickly covered in blood.

"... he is so strong?" Sue said in shock, the death or blood didn't bother her that much, their father had taken them out hunting before. what shocked her was Sora's strength., in a few minutes, Sora had killed all the monsters, all while just using the sword and some energy to enhance his strength and speed. he used some spells when he couldn't dodge to block, but other than those few times, Sora was clearly capable of handling his own against these apes.