
instant mastery skill in the anime world

My grammar is trash. this is not an incest

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

a new beginning

"Any last words?" a beautiful woman asked with a cold smile as she looked at a red-haired man who was tired up. there was a rope around his neck, and he laid weakly on the ground,

"Sigh, you got me good. I can't believe everything I have will go to you... but one question. I understand the rope, rare poison... but what with the measuring tape?" the young man asked calmly

"it's for good measure..." She said with a smile. the young man laughed, as he nodded slightly

"Good one. I knew you will catch something from me. never expected it would be everything I have, but it's something... I can't believe you're going to leave me hanging. last time I put my neck on the line." He said with a smile. the woman shook her head slightly,

"You and your dad joke, and to think I was starting to like them. the least I can do is take good care of your money." She said as she flipped the switch to turn on the fan, which began pulling up the rope, which slowly began lifting up

"I can't believe you flipped... I'm not a fan of this." He said in a soft voice, the woman's smile slowly disappeared hearing the tone in his voice. in the 4 years, she knew him, this was the first time he ever made a dad job which was not in good humor. this guy was the most easygoing she knew, he was born into a rich family, his parents died when he was a kid and he gained everything their family had.

He had trouble talking to people as he had trouble thinking things seriously, the funny this was that what drew her to him was not his monkey, but his personality. when the monkey came into the picture... a girl has dreams.

"I'm sorry. I will watch the last few episodes of that anime you have been waiting for you, so when you hunt me. you can finish watching it, I know it meant a lot to you." She said softly, but he didn't say anything.

the woman feeling how she was having some regret snorted as she left, the young man watched her leave as memoirs flashed across his mind.

'i deserve this. I took your monkey, and someone took it. and now you two can watch me born in hell...' he thought as he lost consciousness, a moment later, a headless body fell to the ground, yet his head was still spinning on the fin

a few hours later, copes around to the house, and the woman told a made-up story of how she just got here and found this. with tears in her eyes, days later, she had all the wealth he once had, down to every penny.

meanwhile, within a world of nothingness, the young man found himself floating in the void, there was nothing. no light, no air, not a thing. yet he was there. he was confused, but he soon realized this was his hell. for all of eternity, he will remain in a state like this, slowly going map.

he couldn't fall asleep here, he was wide awake. an unknown amount of time by and soon saw a bright light, the light slowly started getting closer. he closed his eyes as he was blinded by the bright light, slowly that light began transforming into flames. he suddenly found himself in a building which was being burned down to the ground, he was shocked and quickly stood up to get out of the house. as he left the house, he found he was within a village which was burning down, he was shocked and quickly tried to leave the village

but while he ran, he suddenly fell to the ground as memories entered his body. he gritted his teeth from the pain, but he quickly ignored the pain when he realized the memories he was getting.

He was an orphan; it was just him and his elder sister for as long as he could remember. they were twins, but he was not as grave as his elder sister was. today, a group of dark mages attacked the village taking away all of the children. his sister sacrificed herself to protect him, and now he was here the only survivor within this village.

"..." He looked at the burning villages, slight tears slowly filled his eyes. he was slightly shocked seeing himself crying, touching the tears he smiled slightly. he had forgotten to want it felt like to cry, this was from both being in that dark world and having cried so much in his past life. his memories as well as also all messed up, he couldn't even remember his own sister's name and most stuff from his past life. he couldn't even remember his own name from this world. but he was going to call himself Sora,

"Cry I'm I crying for a sister I never meant..." He said softly, yet he felt the pain of losing her. the hatred he had for himself for being so weak, and so cowardly. he suddenly punched a tree next to him,

"Why... why most everything I touch ends up disappearing." He said as he punched the tree remembering his parent from his past life, then his so-called wife who killed him, and now this. he gritted his teeth before his teeth as he stood up.

"This world is different from earth, sis. I will become a strong mage and come save you. I will not let you disappear." Sora said as he looked at the village one last time before walking off, but just as he was about to walk off, a males voice sounded from the village

"One of them is getting away." a dark mage yelled as he rushed towards Sora, Sora turned around in shock and slight fear. The Mage suddenly rushed a spell which shot lightning towards, this lightning was of course not to kill but to paralyze Sora

as Sora looked at that lightning heading his way, time seen to freeze. that spell that made use appeared inside his head, and in a blink of an eye, Sora felt as if he used this spell trillions of times. he knew this spell inside and out. he knew the weakness of this spell; he could even use this spell 10 times better than the person who created the spell. he mastered every part of this spell that could be mastered and improved upon it all.

Sora reached out as a yellow magic circle appeared before him before lightning shot out, hitting the lightning which was heading his way. the dark made was stunned seeing Sora using magic, and he was even more shocked at how Sora magic. one should know this was a small village, not many people knew magic in it, yet a brat just used the same spell he used with equal force

Sora looked at his hands as he felt the power rushing through him, he mastered that spell just by looking at it. he did more than just master it, he improved that spell.

the dark mage was only stunned for a moment before was covered by lightning and rushed towards Sora. Sora's red-eye glowed slightly as he saw this, what the man just did was use the special energy of this world to enhance his speed. it was not a spell, yet Sora felt like he had been using this energy all his life for that said action. but that now fell he realized he mastered, he mastered the man every skill set, from magic to his way of fighting. Sora knew everything about him as if he had been studying him got the longest amount of time

with a step, Sora jumped up dodging the dark mage who wanted to grab him from behind, Sora fell down with a heavy kick, the dark mage had problems blocking attacks from the sky, and with how he was caught off guard by Sora's quick movement, he was too late to dodge and was kick the head, killing him. Sora was not holding back any punishment, these dark mages took away his sister, why would he be nice to them?

Sora looked at the other dark mages who were heading his way,

'my ability is all about copying the abilities of something I see, it seems like I have to see the ability or spell being used. for a spell, the spell must be cast for me to see it and master it, and use it 10 times better. as for a person, they have to use some skill, so I can copy every skill set they have and know their weaknesses and strength. but it's only to the same level as them.' Sora thought as he flashed forwards,

a mage suddenly shot toward Sora with a sword in his hands, the sword bright light as it released power wind which wanted to cut Sora down, Sora's eyes brightened as he copied the sword ability, as the mage swung to cut Sora down, Sora also copied him.

wind mixed with a light shot from Sora's mouth, hitting the mage's sword. Sora was sent flying backward but ended up floating in the air. Sora shot back towards the dark mage, he skillfully dodged his sword as he placed his palm before the mask which covered his hand. lightning shot out of his palm as it pierced a hole through his head,

Sora took his sword and coldly looked at the remaining mages, Sora slowly walked towards them as they all took a few steps backward.

"where are you all taking everywhere?" Sora asked coldly, but they all refused to speak. Sora snorted as shot forward, but he stumbled slightly as he found he was low on energy. the other seeing this instantly attacked, Sora quickly retreated as he dodged their attacks, he found the more he copied them the more he mastered their abilities leading to his energy dropping fast.

he could not turn this ability off, Sora quickly retreated, he gritted his teeth seeing he was running away when the chance to save her was just before him. but if he stayed and fought, he would just be asking for death, Sora quickly disappeared into the forest, while the mages followed. more quickly joined, and in the end, there were more than 10 following Sora.

"if only this was back in high school and you were all females," Sora said softly seeing them running after him none stop, he jumped into the sky. wind suddenly gathered behind him before it exploded, sending him rocketing up into the sky.

the others could only watch as Sora disappeared into the clouds, Sora gritted his teeth as he made sure to remember what those guys looked like. once he mastered his ability, he will start a worldwide search for him.

Sora soon began falling down, Sora used wind magic to slow himself down before bringing himself to a stop. as he landed in the middle of nowhere, he sat down to rest as he was too tired to do anything.

after a few minutes of rest, Sora stopped up and began walking in a random direction, he didn't know why but maybe it was because he was within the dark world for so long, but his sense of space was bad. but that didn't matter now, he simply followed the road which seemed to lead somewhere.

'What do I do about my eyes, it seems like I can't control the ability to master stuff. do I have to keep my eyes closed? no, I will try and master this ability as well.' he thought as he looked ahead at the city which had appeared, the sun was rising, a new day was arriving, and a new journey had begun