
instant mastery skill in the anime world

My grammar is trash. this is not an incest

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

iron dragon slayer

with the mission done, Sora and the others went to collect their reward before heading back to the guild. with the money form this mission, Sora was now capable of buying a house, he only needed to pick up some transformation magic so he can be of the right age to buy a house. lucy for him, transformations magic was not rare, and he could easy have a random mage teach.

when they soon arrived back at the guild, the others went to find their dad to show them the monkey while he went to go to oak town to buy a place to stay. but Jose stopped him and told him to can stay within the guild, their were places were guild members could stay so Sora got himself a room before heading down to the city to buy some stuff to help him train.

he wanted to train his body, spirt and so on. he didn't want to leave any weakness, for now his greatest weakness was his energy, sure the spells he caused her perfectly mastered allowing him to use less energy when using a said spell, but he was a kid. in the end, about 5 spells a day was enough to make him tier,

this was mostly because he was a child, as he grew the more energy he will be capable of storing within his body. one day he will reach a level were he didn't care about his energy use, but now he was just 5 years old. it was already rare to find a kid this young with the ability to use magic.

Sora bought many things, from weights, workout clothing, power drinks, and so one. He could easily buy so many stuff and store them away using Requip. Requip is a Caster Magic and a type of Spatial Magic related to the summoning of various types of equipment.

This Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Requip can be used for simple or combat-related purposes. Some users may just choose to use it to change their clothing. Requip users can also project a holographic inventory screen where they can view and organize items in their pocket dimension, as well as add items without the user equipping it on themselves.

It's rare to have those with Requip magic capable of Requip in mid battles, there is a slight delay to the speed of Requip, but some came Requip almost instantly. Sora was one of the few who can do this, but he choice to carry his sword on him at all times. Sora gained this magic from the dark mages a few months back, but this was the first time he was putting it to good use.

upon buying everything and storing them away, Sora went on to look around the store and copied the magic of every the store before heading off back to the guild where be went on to find a nice spot where he began working out.

And with that time went by. at first Sora had some trouble fitting in the with the guild, But Boze and Sue quickly became one of his friends, their father at first was displeased with the fact they went o mission, but after seeing Sora was strong enough to hold his own with even him for a few seconds, he was amazed as Sora was just 5 years old.

every day, Sora would start the day with a run. it was not a simple run as he ran until he felt he couldn't go on any more. after a break, push ups, sit ups, lifting weights, under water training, upside down sit ups. and the list went on. Sora didn't keep count, he didn't care for how many he did, wants the point of all of this if you don't push yourself.

after all that was a reflexing bath, then a huge male, after which he hit the library and train his mind. he was new to this work, so the more he learned the better. after this, he eats a huge meal. Sora made sure to that at least once a week, he takes mission which were for hunting Dark mages.

Sora managed to copy countless magic within this time, he even copied the guild master magic, which was known as Shade.

Shade is a type of Caster Magic involving the creation of phantom soldiers. The user can manipulate ghostly figures, which can be used for a variety of purposes, including: shaping large masses of ghosts into powerful ethereal tornadoes and pillars, immobilizing opponents, and shooting various kinds of blasts and beams. The user can create these ghost soldiers at will, even from far distances. The Shades if touched can drain their enemies' life force, they are even capable of reforming themselves after being destroyed

The Shades' initial strength is similar to that of a foot-soldier, but the user can remotely increase their strength to the point that they become super-soldiers. this magic was powerful, but Sora didn't have enough magical energy to show this spell full power,

Jose soon gained a title of the one of the 10 wizard saints, making him one of the top 10 strongest mages in the world. The Ten Wizard Saints are ten extremely powerful and skilled Mages of the Ishgar continent. To become a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, a Mage must be granted this title by the Chairman of the Magic Council.

The strength of the Ten Wizard Saints is known to be so immense that they are well renowned throughout the continent. Members of the Ten Wizard Saints are exceptionally strong where a single member is able to take on scores of average Mages with ease and defeat more powerful Mages with little effort. In fact, it has been stated that if two members, current or former, were to clash in a fight, it could cause a "cataclysm".

Sora also began spreading his name, his action of hunting down dark mages caught the eyes of many dark guilds and even the magic council. the reason he was so eye catching was the fact it always end in a blood bath when he set his eyes on a guild, this gave him the title of the blood demon.

the dark guards even began sending mages out to hunt Sora, as he grew, he more of a danger he would be to them. just those who left to kill Sora disappeared, Sora quickly became an S rank mage as Jose saw his strength and capability.

S-Class Mages are elite members of a guild, and usually number among the most powerful individuals in the guild itself. Only officially recognized S-Class Mages are able to undertake difficult S-Class Jobs; These missions are said to be so dangerous that even the smallest mistake can lead to the Mage's death. However, in return, the pay is very good, easily going into millions of Jewels.

to make a million jewels, Sora would have to take around 10 jobs, and that would be around the highest paying job. but with these S rank mission, Sora opened a whole new world of missions he can take on.

Sora usually would leave for only a few hours to take on a normal mission, and times a day. but these S rank mission could take up to weeks to complete,

Sora became an S rank mage when he was only 13 years old. at this age, a new kid joined the guild. someone named Gajeel Redfox. he was a cocky kid, but he had a special magic called iron dragon slayer magic.

"Sora." a knock came from Sora door, Sora calmly opened the door and saw Sue was standing outside.

"a new kid joined the guild; he has a rare lost magic called dragon slayer magic. he challenged to a dual." She said with a smile, Sora smiled slightly hearing her words, lost magic, he didn't have a signal one of such magic. he would not pass up the chance to see a magic with such a name, capable of killing dragon. he wanted to see the thing capability

So, he went with Sue to see the kid. as Soon as he went downstairs, Sora saw kid around 10 years old standing over the body of a guild member. he had iron piercing all his ear, nose, chin, and where his eyebrows should be.

"This is my house now," Gajeel said looking at all the guild members who didn't dare to step forwards. Sora smiled slightly, the members of this guild only listened to power, showing weakness around them will only make you a target. Sora didn't hate this guild, but in fact liked it. these guys would do anything he ask out of fear for a beating, why would he complin

the only people would stand against Gajeel were all the powerful the power hoses within the guild, but they would not bother themselves with kid which the guild master have taken a liking to. in fact, they going to befriend Gajeel.

"You're Sora?" Gajeel asked seeing Sora looking at him, Sora calmly nodded. Gajeel had a unique physique, stronger than even him. Gajeel was like a dragon which took human form, at least that's the feeling he gave Sora.

Gajeel got off the guy he was stepping on and seriously looked at Sora, when he heard one of the strongest members in the guild was a kid only 2 years older than them, he of course wanted to show he wasn't any weaker.

Gajeel didn't think twice and attacked Sora, his fist turned into long iron poles which extended towards Sora at high speed. Sora turned his head to the side, dodging the attack. before he lowered his body, dodging the swiping attack.

Sora had instantly mastered this magic the instant he saw his fist turned into a fist, in fact he mastered everything Gajeel had, from his combat style to his strong physique which was thanks to the iron dragon slayer magic. the only reason Sora was able to copy his physique was thanks to coping the dragon slayer magic, and making it 10 times better

Iron Dragon Slayer Magic is a form of Dragon Slayer Magic which grants the user characteristics unique to Iron Dragons, allowing them to incorporate the element of iron into their body, granting them the ability to change parts of their body or its entirety into iron, which can be shaped into a number of forms fulfilling different purposes, and to produce iron objects.

The Magic relies on the use of iron for both offense and defense, with the user being able to create a wide array of weapons from their body to attack the opponents with both in melee and from a distance, and to cover their body with iron in order to drastically increase their defensive power, whilst simultaneously heavily boosting their offensive power

As a form of Dragon Slayer Magic, this one also allows the user to consume external sources of iron to replenish their strength and restore their body to a healthy state.

this was a powerful form of magic, but it had a drawback of turning one into a dragon. there was a reason why it became a form of lost magic, it was because this side effect. lucky for Sora, he felt like he used this magic for trillions of years, he had perfect master of this magic, times 10. so he could turn into a dragon to further increase his power,

but if he did that, the huge problem is that he would truly become a problem, making sharp senses which he would lose all control of. he would lose his humanity, losing all sense of taste, the ability to sleep, and so on. something which Sora didn't want

Gajeel rushed towards Sora, but he was no match for Sora. even before Sora copied his magic, Sora was stronger, as he wide arrange of skills allowed him to come up with countless of ways to defeat Gajeel without the need of a melee battle. but for a melee battle, Sora would have lost, but now he was stronger than Gajeel

Sora easily caught Gajeel fist, stunning everyone as they have seen just how powerful Gajeel was. Sora pulled Gajeel forward and with a flick, with was powered by lightning, wind, fire, and normal iron magic, Gajeel was sent shooting out of the guild hall.

moments later, Gajeel entered the guild as he held his forehead, with some tearing treating to fall from his eyes.

"Did I flick to hard? I thought you were hard headed" Sora said with a smile, Sue who was shocked seeing how Sora easily defeated Gajeel sighed at how easy Sora could destroyed the untouchable air he had.

Gajeel was enraged with Sora mockery, with a step, he rushed towards Sora as he placed his hands together. with a deep breath as he gathered a large amount of air, he suddenly released all of that air, shooting out a powerful tornado from their mouth, made out of sharp metals.

Sora flicked two fingers up, the wood on the ground suddenly grew out forming a wall which blocked the attack. waving down, the wood returned back to the ground with slight injures, Sora had mastered all forms of magic, Elemental Magic, Creating Magic, Transforming Magic, Body Modification Magic, and Mental Magic. some magic was rarer than other, So Sora had to search far to find the wishes he wanted.

every suddenly saw a green magic circle appear before Sora, as he suddenly disappeared. everyone looked around, before their eyes widened as Sora was standing next to Gajeel. everyone instantly knew the type of magic Sora used, it was known as High speed

High Speed is a Caster Magic involving the use of one's speed. High Speed is a type of Caster Magic that allows the caster to move at extremely high speeds. However, despite the Magic's speed-increasing properties, When used in combat, High Speed can be very efficient; the increase in speed makes it so that melee attacks that would normally be considered weak become very effective.

they all new Sora had a wide arrange of spells, but it was clear his talent was unmatched. to learn so many type of magic at his young age was not easy,

"lets call it truth, we can team up and become alloy." Sora said with a smile, everyone sighed as they had enough of Sora annoying puns. Gajeel turned to attack Sora, but Sora flashed appearing next behind him.

"I bet iron deficiency is your weakness, you should listen to metal more to avoid this," Sora said with a smile, Gajeel rage shot up he tired to attack Sora, but Sora was just to fast. Sora laughed slightly, he wrapped his hands around Gajeel shoulder.

"What's with the rage, you getting my clothing all wrinkled up." Sora said with a smile, Gajeel was annoyed but he found he could use any of his energy was he was suppressed by Sora.

"You thought you could defeat my big brother," Sue said pridefully as if she was one the one who defeated Gajeel. Boze sighed in depression, he was her elder brother, yet was replaced just like that.

Sora stretched slightly as he left Gajeel alone, he walked up to the mission board and saw there was no S rank mission. this has been going on for 4 months in a role, Sora although was among the richest int he guild didn't like the fact he was doing nothing these past few months

at this moment, one of the strongest members of the guild suddenly appeared from annual meeting of the Guild Masters.

"Jose lost to the guild master of fairy tail. what ever you do don't speak to him." He said quickly, everyone was stunned at his words, Sora stretched his head as he remembered how much of a short temple the creepy guy had. Taking the best mission they had, Sora left the guild, Sue and Boze quickly left with him. everyone else quickly rushed to pick a mission, and left the guild

"Yo, Gajeel, tag along." Sora said seeing Gajeel just standing there in confusion while watching everyone leaving. Gajeel snorted hearing Sora words, he was a alone wolf. but seeing how everyone was in shock a panic, and even someone like Sora was leaving. he slowly grew unease

"I'm only coming alone because all the mission has been taken." Gajeel said as he saw the empty board which no longer had a signal mission. Sora shrugged, as they left.