
Innocent Villain

"An innocent villain? That's highly... Contradictory." ...

Lu_Grace · Fantasy
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18 Chs

No Answer

About an hour later, Eve's head lay on Rena's shoulder. Her breathing even, and eyes closed.

Darien silently got up and carefully took Eve in his arms, carrying her to the bed, a few feet away. He covered her with a blanket then turned and walked past Rena, not saying a word.

Pain and outrage flared up inside her and she turned around and left the room, gently closing the door on her way out.

Rena followed him and saw him enter a room.

She stood outside for a few minutes, contemplating.

Eventually, she entered and promptly locked the door, a clear sign that she wouldn't leave until he spoke to her.

He was seated comfortably on an armchair in front of a fireplace, reading, and acting as if he didn't just hear her enter.

She stormed over furiously, taking the book from him and tossing it to a nearby desktop.

He didn't even look at her as he got up, aiming to leave the room.

She was about to grab his arm, but he swiftly avoided her touch.

"Why are you doing this?"

Her voice made him stop at the door, his hand frozen on the handle.

"Tell me Darien!" She hissed angrily.

"Do you enjoy making me suffer so much?!"

Tears crowded her eye and soon began to fall on their own.

This was the last thing she'd wanted. For him to see her this way. Begging and pleading for him.

But at that moment she didn't care. All she wanted was the truth, and not even those memories she'd seen could give it to her.

She wanted his truth.

Her knees hit the soft carpet and she sat down helplessly, her knees up to her chest, her hands hugging her folded legs.

Less than a second later, a blanket was wrapped around her from behind. 

Rena's tears fell harder, but in sweet relief. He embraced her through the blanket, but it was more than enough for her at the moment.

Darien sighed softly, securing his hold on her. He wanted to say so much, tell her that she meant everything to him... But for that moment, he just held her, tightly and selfishly.

They sat quietly for a long while on the black carpet. Rena was positioned between his legs, while Darien had his back leaned against the base area of the armchair.

As much as she didn't want to admit it yet, she craved his touch more than anything. She noticed how he had covered her securely with the blanket, making sure she wouldn't touch him directly.

Rena thought about all the times she'd intentionally or accidentally touched him, and a question arose in her head.

"Why... does touching you hurt so much?"

She felt him tense up for a minute.

"Because of the darkness dwelling inside you."

Her eyes widened but she asked, "So... Are you saying you're not human?"

"I'm not fully human Irene."

"Are you like Xander?" She asked remembering what Xander had told her.

It was getting harder and harder not to believe him now...

"No. I'm not like anyone Irene. My father was human and my mom is... An archangel." He said almost with pride, and Rena couldn't blame him.

Anyone would be unbelievably lucky to have Angel as their mother.

"Seriously?" Rena exclaimed, then thought about Angel and smiled. "I guess that isn't too hard to believe."

"Those were my first thoughts exactly." He replied, and she felt him smile.

"So, when did you meet your real mother?" She inquired, feeling the ice between them start to break.

"Around the time you went missing." He answered, leaning closer.

Rena figured that it was about seven years ago when she was only fifteen years of age.

"She sort of kidnapped me." His voice was cheerful and reminiscent.

"Don't ask me how, but I sort of knew she was my mom from the moment I saw her. I felt... Her energy."

"You must have been really happy." She commented, thinking back to how she'd seen his other mother treat him. Their mothers were similar in a way.

"I was. I felt as though I finally had a real parent. She instantly filled to the brim the parental longing left by my other parents." 

Rena smiled, recalling the first time she saw her father.

It was all thanks to her sister.

Grace was eight, and had been kidnapped but had somehow managed to escape. Rena happened to find her on one of her 'late night walks', and had taken her to the hospital, as she had some minor injuries. The police got involved and her father was called. He flew in, practically from another continent, as soon as he could.

Ethan continuously thanked Rena, and insisted on getting acquainted with her parents as well. He needed to commend them on their fantastic daughter.

After finding out, he had been outraged that Felicia had kept his daughter's existence a secret from him.

All the same, he was granted custody of her, and Rena's happiness was indescribable.

"Tell me what happened that night. The night that Leo..." She paused, rephrasing the question.

"Why was my mother acting so... strange?"

"That... Was not your mother Irene." He answered calmly.

"We're not sure who— or what it was yet, but it was a Demon."

Rena's thoughts raced, before she gasped in realization.

"Is that why we left the house so suddenly that day?"

"Yes," Darien confirmed.

"But I'd wanted us to leave a little later that day anyway. Mother had warned me that it wasn't safe."

Rena thought for a moment then asked. "And the darkness... Why is targeting me?"

"It's not targeting you, Irene. It just chose you." Darien's answer made her shiver uncomfortably.

"That day, when you were kidnapped by those demons, you were to be offered as a sacrifice..." His aura changed in an instant.

"But you fought it. It didn't feast on your soul, but instead took shelter in it, and erased all the memories linked to it."

"Linked to it? How are you linked to it?" She asked confusedly.

"I interfered with the sacrifice ritual, remember? And if you were to know anything at all concerning it, or the supernatural in general, then you would find a way to get rid of it." He explained.

"But why is it active now?"

"Because of me." His voice lowered considerably.

"As much as I tried to stay away from you, Xander interfered, and our paths crossed again. Mother had advised that I stay away if I didn't want the darkness hurting you in any way. That's why it remained so dormant for so many years, until now."

"But can't it... erase my memories again?" Her voice wavered at the thought.

"Remaining dormant for all those years had its effects on it. Besides the fact that you were surrounded by your friends and loved ones, and so the darkness had no place in your life." A sad smile surfaced on his face.

"But when I appeared... Let's just say it awoke it in some way. But you don't need to worry, it can't erase your memories." He assured.

Rena nodded, finding herself taking in the information better than she thought she would.

"But how is it when I touch your mom, it doesn't hurt at all?" She suddenly asked.

"I'm afraid there's no answer to that yet Irene."

Rena said nothing else as she felt herself relaxing in his embrace. She wanted to spend more time and ask him more as it was just barely evening, but her exhaustion took over, and she fell into a peaceful and much-needed slumber. 
