
Innocent Villain

"An innocent villain? That's highly... Contradictory." ...

Lu_Grace · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Innocent Villain


Fifteen-year-old Irene's terrified eyes looked around apprehensively. Her whole body trembled, hot tears streaming continuously down her cheeks.

She sat on the ground in an empty, dark room. The only illumination came from the moon through a small window with bars.

The room reeked of... Death.

"Don't worry dearie. This will all be over before you know it." A woman, dressed in all black, walked up to her. Her face was covered by a black hood.

"I'm Zeniss by the way. May I know your name?"

She asked trying to sound friendly, but nothing could hide the malevolent aura she carried.

"Not willing to talk huh?" The woman's voice turned vindictive.

"Then let's not delay your fate any longer, child."

Irene was rudely tossed to the ground, in the middle of a large room lit by dozens of candles. About seven hooded figures surrounded her hauntingly.

Irene tried to move, but an invisible force held her down. She turned and saw the woman, Zeniss. Though her hood was still on, Rena could feel her blistering stare.

Deep, almost demonic voices began to chant in unison, in a language unrecognizable to her.

As they got louder, Irene felt the ground under her begin to shake.

Small rocks fell but the hooded figures didn't stop the chants.

Irene saw the hooded woman walk toward her, her face clear as day now. Her eyes were an intimidating red, her face pale and her aura dark and sinister.

The woman smiled chillingly then placed her hand on Irene's head, and began to chant in a loud voice.

Irene felt as though the woman's hand weighed a thousand pounds. She clenched her teeth, and shut her eyes tight as the tears continued to stream down.


Zeniss shouted, holding out both her hands dramatically.

The other hooded figures did the same, and big cracks materialized on the floor and walls.

The earthquake intensified as a black cloud formed above, swirling around ominously.

The black smoke gradually made its way down, targeting its 'sacrifice'.

The black smoke entered her, and an earsplitting scream was heard.

Irene felt as though her body was on fire, while simultaneously being torn up slowly from the inside.

She wailed in indescribable anguish.

Despite all this, something in her refused to give in. Something in her fought for her life.

"Let go of her!"

A voice echoed throughout the room. Zeniss didn't have time to react. The last sight to meet her eyes was a sword making its way toward her face, before her body fell limply to the ground.

The black smoke also vanished shortly.

Darien's eyes burned a bright blue as he gazed at the hooded figures.

None of them dared to come near him, while others even backed away, seemingly in fear.

His gaze went to Irene.

She lay on the ground, looking lifeless.

Noticing that his guard was down, one of the figures attempted to make a sneak attack.

Just then, a woman dressed in all white appeared. Her emerald eyes were fierce as her hand stretched out toward the hooded figure.

The figure began to turn into black dust and soon faded into nothingness.

The rest of the figures were nowhere to be seen as they'd either disintegrated, or fled.

"She will be fine son." She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.


Rena's eyes opened.

"Forgive me, dear."

Angel smiled apologetically. She felt she was putting too much on Rena's shoulders, but she also knew that Rena was willing and strong enough to handle it.

"But... Why can't I remember him?"

"Because of the darkness inside you dear... Its effects on you still remain to this day." Angel explained.

"Then whose memories are these?"

"They're yours of course." She smiled.

"The darkness may have erased them from your mind, but never from your soul or heart. I just had to look deep inside your soul to find them."

"I know you have a lot of questions dear, but your family's been worried about you." Angel added.

Rena nodded in understanding.

Shortly after, her father entered the room.

"Are you feeling alright now dear? Darien told us you passed out at work."

"I'm fine dad. You don't have to worry." She hoped her smile was reassuring enough.

"Have you by any chance heard from... Felicia?"

"Irene... Listen, I didn't want to tell you this just yet. I know you have a lot going on right now and—"

"Tell me what's going on dad," Rena said, though she could tell it wasn't going to be pleasant news.

"Your mother... She passed away a few days ago."

Rena stared at her father, not willing to believe what she'd just heard.

"But How?" Her voice wavered.

"She had a heart attack," Ethan answered solemnly, reaching out to embrace her.

Rena felt a tear stain her face. Yes, her mother never cared for her, and Rena still suspected her of Leo's death, but no matter the circumstances, she was still her mother.

Rena knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in." She heard a familiar voice say.

Rena entered Diamond's room to find Darien and Eve seated comfortably on the couch, their eyes glued to the TV.

She didn't bother hiding her astonishment at seeing the two together. She didn't think Darien was the type to get along with kids.

"Aunt Irene! I haven't seen you a lot." The little girl said excitedly as she ran over to Rena, embracing her unexpectedly.

"Hey there sweetie. And how are you?" Rena asked, a bit surprised by the gesture, but still receiving it warmly.

"I'm great! What about you?" Eve looked up at her.

"I'm fine as well." Rena tried to smile.

Eve looked skeptically at her, clearly not believing her.

"Come join us then!" Eve pulled her to the couch and sat her down next to Darien.

Instead of returning to her original place, she sat next to Rena, holding her hand.

Rena fidgeted uncomfortably as she willed herself not to glance at him.

"Eve, do you know where your mum is?"

"She..." Eve said but got distracted by something on the TV.

"Went to see her friends," Darien answered, his gaze never leaving the screen.

Rena was stuck with a pang of guilt.

A while later, the animation playing on the screen finally came to an end.

"What a sad ending...The villain was really innocent, he didn't deserve that at all!" Eve sighed sadly.

Rena frowned incoherently.

"An innocent villain? That's highly... Contradictory."

"It is." Darien turned and looked into her eyes for the first time in a while.

"Till you experience it yourself."
