
Inhuman: Strongest Lust Warlock

*There would be smut in the novel but I'll most likely focus on plot* What would you do, if you wake up one morning and appeared in a magic world filled with sexy Succubus, vampire girls, naughty Angels, adorable elves girls, curvy cat girls, and yandere goddesses?? Troy grew up all alone in the streets trying to fend for himself; his parents and his Six years old sister died in a missile blast, resulting In him becoming an orphan. Despite all this, he was optimistic, but one stormy night, he died in his sleep, his biggest regret was being a virgin, but he encouraged himself that it was okay since he knew how se*x felt from the Nightly jerking off rituals. He embraced death, hoping to appear in hell; however, a certain god with a hidden agenda reincarnated him into a world of magic, a world filled with supernatural beings. When Troy woke up in this world, he found himself in a bed with three adorable vampire girls. Troy finally had his dream harem, he was happy, but there was cash. He reincarnated as Alucard Tepes, son of the vampire king, Dracula, who was hunted by the holy churches as a plague that should be killed on sight. For Alucard to stay alive in this world, he must become stronger, strong enough to protect all his women and get revenge on the holy churches!! *** *Note: please don't bring real world logic to this world because its purely fiction* Every PS and GT counts, so don't forget to vote for this novel!! **Additional tags: milfs, Anal, Threesome, Blow job, ass to mouth. Slice of life...Yandere** **Even a single Power or GT Stones motivate me and if we constantly hit 200 ps a week, I'll increase the chapters to 20 chapters a week!!**

Mylittledragon · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Immersed in a crystal blue pool was a beautiful woman in all her glory, having blue eyes, red lips, an enticing mountain of nowhere sagging boobs, and a dirty blond draping behind her.

"She isn't normal," Alucard said as he glared at the strange woman, who was staring at him seductively as though she would eat him raw.

"I won't question, because I take it you're as clueless as I'm," the vampire said, his eyes still fixed on the woman.

"…'' Lucy, who was just above Alucard floating in the air, was a bit taken aback after seeing the beautiful woman, who was a worthy competitor to her beauty. In her thoughts, she didn't hear Alucard's question, and instead, her smart brain was trying to scrutinize the woman for any threat.

"Have been expecting you." The woman spoke as she stood up. "Alucard Tepes, my name is Morgana ." The woman rose out of the water and began to step out of the glistening blue pools.

"Ms., do I know you?" Alucard raised a brow."And what're you doing here?"

From the woman's calm visage, her elegance, and her terrifying aura, Aluccard knew she was no 'simple' being, and according to what his vampire keen sense could pick up, this woman was strong.

So it shouldn't be that she was actually trapped here, right?

"I'm not trapped." If that's what you're thinking." The woman stood naked; all her curves were out for Alucard to view. "I stayed here on my own, waiting for the day I'd finally meet my husband."

"Husband? Do I know you? Or have we met before? Who is even this husband?" Alucard had a feeling it was him the woman was addressing as 'husband' but he wasn't entirely sure; the next words he heard, however, cleared his doubts.

"I'm your wife, and I've been here for a long long time."

"My wife? But I'm not married."

"Yes, you are; after you came to this manor, your mother engaged you to me. You simply didn't notice because you were still just a child."

"Seriously?" Lucy couldn't help herself as she blurted, but before she could speak any further, Alucard raised his hand, signaling her to keep quiet, and surprisingly, the chatty ghost kept quiet.

"Do you have proof? Are you sure you're not mistaking me for another person?"

"In Freya, only you answer the name 'Alucard' . I couldn't be any sure."

"So you're my wife, huh?"

"Yes, my darling." The woman made a low bow of respect as she stared at Aluacard with reverence and admiration in her eyes.

"Only a fool would resist such a beautiful woman as you, and I'm no fool. Why don't you give me your hand?"

'Who would have thought this bastard would actually be this stupid?' Lucy thought with a visible frown plastered on her face.

At the same time, Morgan strides towards him, seemingly unbothered by her jiggling pair of boobs and her exposed pu**y count.

stretching his hands out. Alucard squeezed Morgana's hands softly as he whispered:

"My wife, although I like it when you're like this, you need to put on clothes."

"There's no need to worry, darling. I can comfortably walk like this."

"Anything that works, I guess."

Obviously, being a ghost, Lucy couldn't be seen by Morgana, so the latter thought that Alucard was alone. Then, a thought formed in her head.

"Darling, what do you want me to do for you?"

"hmmm…lie on your back"

"Oh? Okay." She unhurriedly laid on her back with a seductive smile on her face. In her left hand, which was carefully hidden from Alucard, a pointy dagger appeared.

Alucard grinned when he saw Morgana lying while spreading her legs. She too smiled, but that smile darkened as a giant foot stomped on her face.

After seeing a couple of stares, she passed out.

"It seems like you're not actually stupid."

"Stupid? Did you take me for some dumb MC on webnovel?"

"What's webnovel?" Lucy asked, confused.

"Nevermind. Now, let's take care of this bitch."

"As someone who is more than a century old, I'm more experienced with torturing," Lucy said with a smug smile.

"What're you trying to say?"

"I have crazy torturing methods."

"Okay," Alucard shrugged.

Sometimes later, Morgana's arms and legs were bonded to the wall with thick, heavy chains. The chains were so huge that they gave no room for movement, so escaping was out of the question.

Not long again, Morgana's eyelid twitched slightly as her beautiful emerald eyes fluttered seductively as she gazed at Alucard.

"I didn't know you liked it this rough." She said while winking.

'This bitch doesn't get it, does she?' Alucard thought, but the next moment, he smiled and decided to play along.

"I want to try something different, something that would make you scream."

"Oh, such a bad boy. Now I'm really scared."

"Yes, you should be. You should be really scared." A crazed smile appeared on Alucard's face; at the same time, a frozen dagger appeared in his grasp.

"What are you going to do with that?" Morgana's entire existence visibly shuddered. She began to have bad thoughts about this. Images of the frozen dagger piercing her pu**y flashed. 'don't tell me he'll use that on me.'

"Oh, I'm going to use this on you, alright. Aren't you a bad girl?" Alucard calmly approaches her with the same crazed smile.

Morgan tried to speak, but before any words could escape her lips, the frozen dagger pierced her left ear.

"AGhhhhhhhhhh!!" Morgana shrieked as she felt an ear-crushing ringing in her ear, then something strange happened. Morgana's lush hair began to fall out, and her skin turned gray. Then, her face began to distort as a long, hunky nose bumped out. Her eyebrows and lashes fell out. A huge pair of egg-shaped eyes shot out of her eye socket, and twin yellowish fangs grew out of her mouth.

"Ugh! Can't believe this hideous creature was calling me darling?"


Remember to vote; it really motivated me!!

ugh! I've written this chapter a few hours ago, but didn't know what the fuck was wrong with my google docs for deleting the chapter. so I had to write and post in an hour time.

if you see any mistakes. Please let me know. oh and please vote!!

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