
Inhuman: Strongest Lust Warlock

*There would be smut in the novel but I'll most likely focus on plot* What would you do, if you wake up one morning and appeared in a magic world filled with sexy Succubus, vampire girls, naughty Angels, adorable elves girls, curvy cat girls, and yandere goddesses?? Troy grew up all alone in the streets trying to fend for himself; his parents and his Six years old sister died in a missile blast, resulting In him becoming an orphan. Despite all this, he was optimistic, but one stormy night, he died in his sleep, his biggest regret was being a virgin, but he encouraged himself that it was okay since he knew how se*x felt from the Nightly jerking off rituals. He embraced death, hoping to appear in hell; however, a certain god with a hidden agenda reincarnated him into a world of magic, a world filled with supernatural beings. When Troy woke up in this world, he found himself in a bed with three adorable vampire girls. Troy finally had his dream harem, he was happy, but there was cash. He reincarnated as Alucard Tepes, son of the vampire king, Dracula, who was hunted by the holy churches as a plague that should be killed on sight. For Alucard to stay alive in this world, he must become stronger, strong enough to protect all his women and get revenge on the holy churches!! *** *Note: please don't bring real world logic to this world because its purely fiction* Every PS and GT counts, so don't forget to vote for this novel!! **Additional tags: milfs, Anal, Threesome, Blow job, ass to mouth. Slice of life...Yandere** **Even a single Power or GT Stones motivate me and if we constantly hit 200 ps a week, I'll increase the chapters to 20 chapters a week!!**

Mylittledragon · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Morgana, in her wretched hag form, bared her yellowish, razor-sharp fangs at Alucard as she wiggled her arms, trying to free herself from the clutches of thick, heavy chains.

Alucard, on the other hand, just watched her struggle with a bored expression. The moment Morgana included his mom in her little act, Alucard didn't need to be a genius to figure out that beautiful Morgana was acting.

It was already bizarre to see such a mind-blowing beauty in this dark, eerie place filled with countless rodents roaming about. Alucard was already suspicious then, but after hearing her story of him being engaged by his 'mother' after they arrived at this manor, Alucard couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment.

The woman was an amateur when it came to cooking up stories.

"Next time you try to fool someone, at least do some research, you stupid hag!" An ice spear appeared in his grasp, its edges as sharp as a blade, and Alucard thrust it into Morgana's right eye.

"AGhhhhhhhhhh!" An irritating shriek escaped the hideous woman's lips as she wiggled her body even more.

feeling the wrenching pain. In her left eye, Morgana made a resolve as she tried to get out of this place before this heartless monster ended her life here and now! Seeing the crazed smile on the man's face, Morgana cried out.

"Please let me go; I have a lot of mana crystals. I'll give it to you." Unlike the sweet voice she spoke with earlier, this one was irritating and disgusting to the ears.

"Mana crystals?" 

Earlier, when Morgana was still unconscious, Lucy had explained what mana crystal was to Alucard, and according to the ghost girl, the mana crystal could be absorbed to increase one's reserved mana, albeit a little. It was natural for Alucard, who wanted to be stronger, to be excited.

"Where is this mana crystal you speak off? If you give them to me, I'll happily step aside and let you go." Alucard's voice sounded so convincing that Lucy, at the side, couldn't help but give him a careful glance.

"Really? But how am I going to know that you wouldn't kill me?" Though he sounded convincing and she almost fell for it, Morgana didn't fully trust Alucard.

"Do you want a reason? I'll give you then. First, you're just a waste of time for me, and I need to be somewhere else real quick. So killing a harmless fly like you would be a hassle."

"Okay," Morgana answered, seemingly convinced. "If you want the crystals, you would have to at least free my left hand." 


"On it." Lucy hovered over Morgana, her nose scrunching up as she caught a whiff of the hideous-looking woman. Finally, she couldn't stand it any longer, so she cast a spell on her nostril before freeing Morgana's left hand.

From Morgana's point of view, she just saw the chains being removed from her hands, but she couldn't see anyone performing the act.

"Now give me crystals." The vampire's voice was rather stern; a tinge of impatience could be felt as he tapped his legs on the ground.

'I just want to get this diary and leave this stupid mansion. I've already spent too long in here.' In his train of thought, Morgana began waving her hands in the air, and then, not too long after, another bag filled with glistening crystals appeared.

If Alucard could make an estimate, the crystal was over 200! 

"Thank you." Alucard flashed an innocent smile, but the next second, a blood dagger impaled Morgana to the wall, making blood gush out of the puncture.

At the same time, a bag of crystals floated to Lucy, and she made it vanish, placing it in her personal space.

"So you made me make torture plans for the past 2 hours, and you just killed her like that?" Lucy didn't know if she should cry or laugh. After spending more than an hour coming up with creative torture, it was wasted just like that!

"I don't want to be here. instead of wasting our time touching some stupid creatures, I think we should find this diary thingy quickly." 

After a little thinking, Lucy just snorted. She was still furious at the number of brain cells she used to come up with those 'creative' plans, but Aluacard was right.

The faster they cleared the obstacles, the faster they could retrieve the diary and leave this place.

Alucard approached Morgana's corpse just in time when it was turning into dust, and in its place was a golden key. Alucard didn't know what this key was, but he picked it up and placed it in his pocket. It might come in handy; no one knew.

The small group of two approached the far end of the room. No, on a closer look, the hall was much larger than it appeared and the walls were clean, almost like the main manor, and creepy-looking artworks of monsters could be seen littered around.

'I guess the room was also made just for fooling me.' Alucard thought as he glanced at the end of the room, where a bookshelf-like structure could be seen.

Just as they were some couple of meters away from the bookshelf, a slim bookish boy, about 16 or 17, stepped out of the other side with academic glasses, a pristine white shirt, an elegantly tied tie, and a pair of black trousers.

"What can I do for yo—"

An ice spear pierced in between his eyebrows as he collapsed onto the floor. 

Walking past the corps, Alucard began to skim through the book. He wasn't reading the content. Instead, it felt as if he was just scanning and absorbing everything like a sponge.

Alucard didn't know the reason for this. But his old self, Troy, couldn't do this before, so there were only his vampire abilities that could do this.

That was what he thought.

Behind the shelf, Lucy also had her eyes squinted, trying to absorb the information in the book. On the other hand, unlike the other guy, she was a being who had an interest in knowledge, so she was using this opportunity to also grasp as much information as she could while at the same time searching for the diary.

"I didn't expect it to be here.  I mean, why would someone make us go through all this only for the diary to be here?" Lucy said as she wiped the invisible sweat off her face. 

"found it!" Alucard suddenly said, attracting the ghost's attention.


Remember to vote and comment; it really motivated me. 



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