
Inhuman Sorcerer in The MCU

*EVERYTHING BELONGS TO MARVEL AND DISNEY EXCEPT MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS AND CONCEPTS* A teenager reborn having only live long enough to watch the first avengers movie is thrust into a combo universe of the MCU and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He awakens to completely unrecognisable circumstances being raised by some wizard and apparently he has powers? Maybe he’s a mutant… and why is a bald sorcerer woman rocking me. *THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMT AT WRITING* So criticism is welcome as long as it’s constructive, I am currently a uni student so I’m not sure how often I’ll upload as well. The cover art is generated by AI, and I use AI to assist in proofreading my writing. You have been warned, I know people don’t appreciate being smacked in the face with AI writing without being told.

MorTemTK · Movies
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25 Chs

Sorcery I

July 9th, 1996 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

As the morning breeze whispered through the ancient corridors of Kamar-Taj, the Ancient One sat in tranquil meditation within her chambers. She couldn't help but reflect on David's recent change of pace. Since their talk a few months ago, he seemed more at ease, finding solace in simple pleasures rather than being consumed by rigorous training.

With a gentle sigh, she rose from her meditation cushion, her steps echoing softly against the weathered stones of the temple. The journey to David's room led her through a maze of timeless architecture, a stark contrast to the vibrant chaos within his sanctuary.

Upon reaching his door, adorned with posters of intergalactic heroes from a movie he'd recently seen with his friend, she paused to knock before entering. The room erupted with a colourful array of Star Wars action figures, scattered amidst the floor like relics of a distant galaxy.

Navigating through the playful chaos, the Ancient One approached David's bedside. With a gentle shake, she roused him from his slumber, the groggy youth yawning as she drew back the curtains to invite the morning sunlight.

As light flooded the room, the Ancient One extended her hand, a gentle command guiding the scattered toys back to their designated shelves. David, now fully awake, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his gaze meeting hers filled with curiosity as she didn't usually wake him up.

"David, I think it's time to begin your lessons on sorcery," the Ancient One announced, her smile reflecting the gravity of the moment. The words jolted a half-asleep David from his slumber, his excitement palpable as he leaped out of bed with renewed vigour. "Yes! I completely forgot!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

With a knowing smile, the Ancient One watched David's animated response, silently grateful for the tidied room courtesy of her earlier efforts. "Come meet me in my chambers in an hour after your morning exercises," she instructed, before departing his room with a sense of purpose.

Left to his own devices, David proceeded to freshen up in his bathroom. As he emerged, a sense of anticipation coursed through him, mingling with the morning light filtering through the temple's intricately carved pillars.

Passing through the courtyard, David spotted Wong overseeing the apprentice sorcerers as they honed their skills in the subtle arts of sorcery. "Morning, Uncle Wong!" David greeted, receiving a respectful nod in return. With purposeful strides, he made his way to the temple's garden, a serene oasis nestled amidst the towering trees of the surrounding forest.

Arriving at the lush expanse of greenery, David positioned himself at the centre, adopting a classic martial arts stance that spoke of discipline and focus.

David took a deep breath, steeling himself for the rigorous training ahead. With each precise movement, he unleashed a burst of kinetic energy, the wind swirling around him in response to his powerful strikes. His body moved with fluid grace, each motion executed with increasing accuracy and speed. As he transitioned from static poses to dynamic strikes, winds gathered in greater strength around him, a product of his physical prowess.

After forty-five minutes of intense practice, David eased into a state of meditation, his rhythmic breathing syncing with the flow of his ionic energy. With a focused mind and steady breath, he allowed his thoughts to dissipate, embracing the tranquillity of the moment for fifteen precious minutes.

Emerging from his meditation, a sense of fulfilment washed over David as he made his way towards his mother's chambers. Along the familiar path, a smile tugged at his lips, his excitement palpable with every step. Despite the urge to sprint, he maintained a composed demeanour.

Upon reaching his mother's chambers, David paused briefly before knocking on the door. The door swung open effortlessly, granting him entry into the serene space where his mother sat in deep meditation. Taking his place before her, David mirrored her position, his gaze fixed on her with unwavering focus, ready to begin his training anew.

The Ancient One's inquiry stirred David's thoughts. "David, you've been around people performing and practising sorcery your whole life," she began, her voice carrying a gentle weight. "Have you ever felt something in the air when they use sorcery? Something that isn't usually there?"

David shook his head in denial, his mind searching for any recollection that matched the Ancient One's description. 

Seeing his confusion, the Ancient One smiled warmly. "Let me explain. Magic is the practice of harnessing various forms of energy to manipulate one or more aspects of the infinite realities present within the Multiverse," she explained. "It encompasses many different activities, including astral projection, divination, teleportation, and spell-casting. These practices span across cultures, religions, and ancient texts."

David's brow furrowed in contemplation. "If they're harnessing energy to manipulate reality, then shouldn't I have felt the energies being used by now?" he questioned, a hint of bewilderment in his voice.

The Ancient One's smile widened. "Although you've always had a special sensitivity to energy since gaining your powers, sensing the energy used for the mystic arts requires an opening of your 'sixth sense,'" she explained patiently.

David's curiosity piqued further. "What do you mean by 'sixth sense'?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on the Ancient One, eager for understanding.

"The sixth sense is a rare gift possessed by only a few individuals," she explained, her voice carrying a tone of wisdom. David, ever curious, interjected, "So, it can be awakened through other means?" Her response was affirmative. "Yes, most sorcerers come with an unawakened sixth sense. It's typically one of the masters who awakens it for the students, and I am about to awaken yours," she confirmed, her gaze fixed on him. 

After a nod of readiness from David, he watched as the Ancient One rose from her seat and beckoned him to stand before her. Assuming a martial stance, she initiated a slow palm strike. Despite its seemingly gentle pace, David chose not to evade it, trusting his mother implicitly. Upon impact, he felt a force akin to being struck by a truck and he knew what that felt like, propelling him backward. As he soared through the air, he beheld a surreal sight: his body remained rooted in place, connected to the Ancient One's palm.

Confusion enveloped him as he observed his arms, now translucent, in midair. Before he could process this revelation, he passed through a barrier, thrust into a kaleidoscopic realm of vibrant colours and unfathomable beings. The very essence of this dimension seemed to twist and contort around him. In mere moments, he was whisked away to another surreal landscape, where his form fragmented and multiplied, his image repeating in countless iterations. 

Each transition grew increasingly bizarre, with tiny hands sprouting from his fingers and limbs intertwining in an intricate dance of metamorphosis. After what felt like an eternity of disorientation travelling through hundreds of dimensions, he found himself back in his mother's chamber, abruptly reuniting with his physical body with a jolt. Collapsing to the ground, he lay there, bewildered yet exhilarated by the extraordinary journey his consciousness had undertaken.

"What the fuck was that!" David exclaimed, his voice laced with shock and disbelief. The Ancient One's stern gaze met his outburst. "Language, son," she chided gently before elaborating, "I just guided your astral form through the multiverse to awaken your sixth sense." Despite her explanation, David's agitation persisted. "You took longer to return than usual," she remarked, prompting him to recall his experiences. "I remember hundreds of different dimensions," he responded, his mind still reeling from the journey. The Ancient One's expression shifted from confusion to understanding as she processed his response. "Ah, I see why it took you so long," she mused internally, her eyes glowing faintly with realisation. 

"Alright, David, for the next exercise, I want you to meditate as usual, but this time, refrain from using your ionic energy to sense your environment," she instructed, her tone firm yet encouraging. David nodded in acknowledgment, taking a deep breath to centre himself. Settling into a comfortable position, he closed his eyes and focused on regulating his breath, deliberately disregarding the familiar hum of his ionic energy.

As David delved deeper into his meditation, a peculiar sensation washed over him, distinct from his usual connection to his ionic energy. It was as if hundreds of energies, similar yet subtly different from his own, permeated the space around him, each pulsating with its own unique frequency. With heightened awareness, he could sense the interplay of these extra-dimensional energies, weaving through the very fabric of the temple.

Intrigued by this newfound perception, David focused his concentration on a particular strand of energy, attempting to manipulate it as his mother had instructed. However, his efforts yielded only partial success, as he struggled to grasp the intricacies of this unfamiliar energy. Despite his determination, he found himself unable to fully control or shape it to his will.

Observing his struggle, the Ancient One approached him with a reassuring yet firm demeanour. "David, manipulating dimensional energies requires practice and patience, it won't come as easily as with your powers," she explained, her voice carrying the weight of wisdom accumulated over centuries. "You will need to meditate and practise the manipulation of these energies until you have gained adequate control."

With a nod of understanding, David accepted the challenge ahead, steeling himself for the journey of discovery and growth that lay ahead. The ancient then let him go, acknowledging his need for a balance between training and life from now on.