
Inhuman Sorcerer in The MCU

*EVERYTHING BELONGS TO MARVEL AND DISNEY EXCEPT MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS AND CONCEPTS* A teenager reborn having only live long enough to watch the first avengers movie is thrust into a combo universe of the MCU and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He awakens to completely unrecognisable circumstances being raised by some wizard and apparently he has powers? Maybe he’s a mutant… and why is a bald sorcerer woman rocking me. *THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMT AT WRITING* So criticism is welcome as long as it’s constructive, I am currently a uni student so I’m not sure how often I’ll upload as well. The cover art is generated by AI, and I use AI to assist in proofreading my writing. You have been warned, I know people don’t appreciate being smacked in the face with AI writing without being told.

MorTemTK · Movies
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25 Chs

First True Friend

April 30th, 1996 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

After months of painstaking effort to master the intricacies of his transformed body, David finally found himself at a point where he could breathe easy again. The relentless training regimen had left little room for indulging in the sheer joy of exploring his other abilities. While he had grown accustomed to training he always enjoyed the act of soaring through the skies using his ionic Aura, but ever since that fight with Ronan, flying just didn't feel the same to him for some reason. He decided to go into his mother's office seeking guidance on how to further hone his powers.

"Mum, do you have any ideas on how I could improve my powers?" David inquired, stepping into the room. The Ancient One turned from her desk, regarding him with a gentle smile. "No definitive plans, my son," she replied, her eyes reflecting a depth of wisdom. "At this stage, your growth will come naturally as you age."

David pondered her words for a moment before another thought struck him. "You mentioned starting my sorcery training after I turned eight, right?" he recalled. The Ancient One nodded in affirmation. "Could we perhaps begin earlier?" David ventured, a spark of eagerness igniting in his eyes.

His mother's expression shifted, her curiosity piqued. "You've been consumed by your quest for strength ever since your encounter," she observed gently. "But was that all you gained from your journey?" David's gaze softened as he reflected on his experiences. "No," he admitted, drawing closer to her. "I had moments of joy, friendship, and wonder. But... I've struggled to find that same peace in meditation since."

As David bared his soul, the Ancient One's heart swelled with understanding. "My dear, perhaps it's time to reconnect with those aspects of yourself," she suggested, her voice gentle yet firm. "Have you reached out to your friend since your return?" David's eyes widened with realisation. "No... I haven't," he confessed, a pang of guilt tugging at his conscience.

"So, what's your next move? Dive straight back into training, or explore the world beyond the confines of training?" The Ancient One's question hung in the air, challenging David to embrace the possibilities that lay ahead. With a smile tugging at his lips, David made his decision. "I'll wait until I turn eight," he declared, a sense of anticipation bubbling within him. "It's only a few months away, after all."

Since he wasn't sure about going back to America just yet David decided to spend the day exploring the city he was raised in, he always flew over the city when heading to the valley where he trained his abilities, but he'd like to atleast get to know the place a little better.

With a sense of curiosity driving him forward, David set out to explore the familiar streets of the city he called home. Despite having flown over it countless times during his training excursions, he realised he knew little about the intricate details that comprised its bustling streets and vibrant neighbourhoods.

Venturing into the heart of the city, David found himself captivated by the kaleidoscope of sights and sounds that surrounded him. From the lively markets teeming with merchants hawking their wares to the serene parks where families gathered to enjoy the warmth of the sun, every corner held a new discovery waiting to be made.

As he wandered through the bustling streets, David took in the sights with newfound appreciation. The towering temples seemed to reach for the heavens, while the historic landmarks whispered tales of bygone eras. With each step, he felt a deeper connection to the place he had always called home.

Stopping at a quaint café tucked away in a quiet corner, David decided to take a moment to savour the simple pleasures of life. Sipping on a cup of his mothers favourite brand of tea, he watched as the world bustled outside, content in the knowledge that there was still so much left to explore.

As the day drew to a close and the city began to quieten, David found himself filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to rediscover his roots. With a smile on his face and a renewed sense of purpose in his heart, he made his way back to the sanctuary, he would probably go and visit Monica soon.

May 3rd, 1996 - Earth

Rambeau Farm, Louisiana - USA

The ancient one opened a portal for David after calling ahead and letting Maria know he was coming to visit. As he entered their front yard, he was greeted by the warm embrace of familiarity. Maria's welcoming smile eased any lingering apprehension, but he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of unease as he anticipated his reunion with Monica.

"Hey David, you've been a ghost for a while," Maria remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of teasing.

"Hi Aunt Maria," David replied, a nervous edge creeping into his voice. "Is Monica mad?"

Maria's smile remained enigmatic as she gestured for David to follow her inside. Taking a deep breath, David stepped inside, his gaze falling on Monica, who was seated on the couch, her attention fixed on the television. He cleared his throat nervously before speaking.

"Hey, Monica," David began, his voice tinged with regret. "I know I've been distant lately, and I'm sorry. I've just... I've been dealing with a lot since the fight, and I guess I didn't realise how much I missed you until now."

Monica turned to look at him, her expression softening as she took in David's earnest words. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, and her heart warmed at his admission.

"It's okay, David," Monica replied, her voice gentle. "I understand. I've missed you too."

With a shared understanding, the tension between them dissipated, and they embraced, the weight of their separation lifting with each passing moment. As they pulled away, Monica's gaze focused on his height, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Wow, David, you've... grown," Monica observed, her voice filled with awe as she took in his taller stature, although he was still a bit shorter than her.

David chuckled, a sense of relief washing over him as he realised that despite their time apart, their bond remained unbroken. "Guess I hit a growth spurt," he joked, a playful glint in his eyes. "Come on, let's go outside and catch up. It's a beautiful day."

With a shared smile, David and Monica headed outside, the warmth of the sun and the familiarity of their surroundings enveloping them in a sense of comfort and belonging.

July 2nd, 1996 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

Today was David's birthday and he was more excited than usual as his mother agreed to open a portal so that Monica could come as well. He enjoyed it when it was just his mum and uncle Wong but having a friend there made him so much happier. As the portal shimmered into existence in the courtyard of Kamar-Taj, David's heart raced with anticipation. He stood beside his mother, a wide grin on his face as he awaited Monica's arrival. The air crackled with excitement, and David could hardly contain his joy at the prospect of celebrating his birthday with his closest friend.

As Monica stepped through the portal, David's smile widened even further, and he rushed forward to greet her with a warm hug. "Monica, you made it!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness.

Monica returned his hug with equal enthusiasm, her face lighting up with a bright smile. "Of course I did! Wouldn't miss your birthday for the world," she replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

As David led Monica on a tour of Kamar-Taj, David couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he showed her around the ancient temple grounds. He pointed out the various training areas, the library filled with mystical tomes, and the enchanting gardens where he often meditated. Monica listened intently, her eyes wide with wonder as David regaled her with tales of his training and adventures.

After the tour, they gathered in the courtyard where a table adorned with a delicious-looking cake awaited them. David's mother joined them, offering warm smiles as she served slices of cake to each of them. With laughter and chatter filling the air, they enjoyed the sweet treat together, enjoying the moment. 

Once they had finished eating, David eagerly reached for the brightly wrapped present Monica had brought him. With excitement bubbling in his chest, he tore open the wrapping to reveal a beautifully crafted bracelet adorned with a glowing blue gemstone. "Wow, Monica, it's amazing!" David exclaimed, his eyes shining with gratitude as he admired the gift.

As the evening approached and it was time for Monica to return home, David felt a pang of sadness at the thought of saying goodbye. But before she left, he had one more surprise in store. "Hey, Monica, want to see something cool?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

Intrigued, Monica nodded eagerly, and without hesitation, David activated his ionic aura, enveloping them both in its shimmering energy. With a gentle surge of power, they lifted off the ground and soared into the sky, leaving the temple behind as they ascended towards the peak of a nearby mountain.

As they settled on the mountaintop, bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, David explained that this was his favourite spot to relax and contemplate. With his ionic aura shielding them from the elements, they sat in peaceful silence, watching as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink.

As darkness began to fall, David gently guided them back to the temple, where his mother awaited them with a portal to send Monica home. After promising to meet again soon, they bid farewell, their hearts full of cherished memories.

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