
Ionic Human

August 22nd, 1995 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

As David's eyelids parted, he found himself greeted by the familiar surroundings of his chamber in Kamar-Taj. A faint grogginess clung to his senses as he attempted to orient himself, his mind still clouded by the remnants of slumber. "Note to self," he mused inwardly, "avoid falling into comas whenever possible."

But any lingering drowsiness was swiftly dispelled by a curious sensation that prickled at his senses. Two distinct rhythms pulsed through the air, their steady beat reverberating within the confines of his chamber. With a furrowed brow, David turned his gaze towards the source of one of the sounds, only to be met by the sight of his mother, seated in deep meditation.

As his eyes settled upon her form, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded before him. Through some inexplicable force, the veil of her skin seemed to dissolve, revealing the intricate network of organs and tissues that lay beneath. And among the sights that were revealed , the rhythmic throb of her heart echoed with a mesmerising intensity.

Seeking answers and reassurance, he called out to his mother, his voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and apprehension. Her response, delivered with a hint of amusement at his actions, only added to David's bewilderment. As she explained the nature of his metamorphosis and the need for him to relearn control over his newly altered body.

As the shock of the surreal sight faded, David's mind raced to make sense of the inexplicable changes he observed within himself. Memories of his transformative experience before slipping into unconsciousness flooded his consciousness, each detail etched vividly in his mind. 

Gingerly, he lowered his gaze to his own body, noting with a mixture of astonishment and curiosity the azure hue that now suffused his blood and organs. The pulsating energy that flowed through his veins like a radiant river confirmed his suspicions—this was his ionic energy, manifesting in a tangible form.

With a measured breath, David rose from his bed, his movements deliberate as he tested the newfound capabilities of his altered form. Standing at his full height, he felt a subtle shift in his stature, he had grown slightly taller.

It was then that his attention was drawn to the absence of sound beyond the confines of his chamber. Perplexed, he turned to his mother, his inquiry hanging in the air.

"Hey mum, why can't I hear anything outside?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of unease.

Her response offered a glimpse into the extent of his transformation, her words tinged with a mother's concern for her son's well-being.

"When I analysed your ears, I saw how much they had changed and assumed the stuff going on outside would cause you more distress than comfort at this point in time," she explained gently.

And as David absorbed her explanation, a sense of gratitude washed over him.

David began by simply walking around the room, trying his hardest to control his new strength as he asked his mother about the changes he experienced.

"What else could you tell me about the transformation?" David asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"You've basically become a different species," replied The Ancient One, her tone measured and calm. "The best way I could describe it would be you'd be a cross between an energy being and a human."

David thought about it, his mother had told him stories about the energy beings that she banished from this dimension once in the past, apparently they were from the Noor dimension. The revelation confused him more than anything, but he couldn't deny the excitement bubbling within him at the thought of exploring this new aspect of his identity.

"How can I be half an energy being if they're completely made of energy?" David asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Your ionic energy has transformed your entire being, all the way down to your DNA up to your eyes and skin," she replied, her words resonating with a depth of knowledge born from centuries of experience.

After hearing her explanation, David decided to try and sense his ionic energy like usual. As he closed his eyes and focused inward, instead of the usual feeling of just the energy, he could feel his entire body. The twitching in his muscle fibres, the flow of his blood, the beating of his heart— he had never felt so connected to himself. It was as if every cell in his body hummed with the same vibrant energy, harmonising in a symphony of existence.

"Could you remove the sound barrier? I want to see how much I can hear," David requested, his curiosity piqued.

"Sure, honey. It's not that noisy around Kamar-Taj anyway. It'll be good training," she replied as she released the spell.

David was assaulted by more sound than he'd ever heard. He braced himself for pain, having seen the Superman movies, but to his surprise, there was none. The sounds weren't louder; it was like he could hear more. The sounds of sorcerers practising echoed as if he were right next to them, the birds chirping in the forests sounded as if he was meditating there again.

"Although it doesn't hurt, it'd be hard to focus with so much going on. Plus, it'd probably hurt more in cities," David mused internally, "it'll probably take a while to completely understand and master these changes," he continued.

August 23rd, 1995 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

Today David decided to master his newly acquired strength. With the guidance of the Ancient One, he began a rigorous training regimen, pushing his muscles to their limits, in order to learn control again. He'd already broken many things around the temple unintentionally.

"Focus, David," the Ancient One urged, her voice echoing in the spacious training chamber. "Feel the power coursing through you. You must learn to control it."

Nodding in determination, David approached a massive boulder, his muscles tensing as he prepared to lift it. With a grunt of effort, he lifted the entire weight of the boulder, feeling the strain as he slowly lifted it from its resting place.

"You're doing well," the Ancient One encouraged, her eyes gleaming with pride. "But remember, strength alone is not enough. You must learn to wield it with precision and control."

September 15th, 1995 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

Today, David embarked on the next phase of his training: mastering his hearing. He'd put it off for a while, but if he wanted to leave the temple without being overwhelmed he needed to master it. With the Ancient One by his side, he engaged in a series of auditory exercises, focusing on honing his ability to discern even the faintest of sounds and drowning out unnecessary ones.

"Listen closely, David," the Ancient One instructed as they sat in meditation. "Your hearing is a powerful tool. Tune in to the sounds around you and let them guide you."

Closing his eyes, David focused on the sounds of the world around him, allowing them to wash over him like a symphony. With each passing moment, his hearing became more acute, his senses attuned to the subtlest of vibrations and frequencies. Through diligent practice and focus, he began his journey to control his hearing, ready to perceive the world with unmatched clarity and precision.

December 1st, 1995 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

In the garden, David focused on refining his speed. As he raced through obstacle courses generated by his mothers magic and sprinted across vast distances at speeds twice as fast as Usain Bolt, he couldn't help but feel the exhilaration of his newfound abilities.

"You're getting faster, David," the Ancient One remarked, observing from the sidelines. "But speed without control is useless. Focus on maintaining your balance."

David nodded, his breath coming in short gasps as he pushed himself to his limits. With each stride, he felt the exhilarating rush of wind against his face, the world blurring around him as he surged forward with unmatched velocity.

February 5th, 1996 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

Today, David began refining his new reflexes. With the guidance of the Ancient One, he engaged in a series of lightning-fast combat drills, honing his ability to react with split-second precision.

"Stay focused, David," the Ancient One's voice echoed in the training chamber as David sparred with a holographic opponent generated by his mother's magic to match his increased speed. "Your reflexes are your first line of defence. Anticipate your opponent's moves and respond with speed and accuracy."

With each exchange, David's reflexes were put to the test, his movements becoming more fluid and instinctual with each passing moment. Through relentless practice and unwavering determination, he bagan mastering his reflexes.

April 18th, 1996 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

Today's focus was on mastering David's new visual prowess. Over the past few months he had figured out how to turn his x-ray vision on and off, but he realised there was more to his eyes than just that. Alone in the garden, he concentrated on tapping into this new ability, allowing him to see beyond the normal visual spectrum of light.

Closing his eyes, David envisioned a world bathed in energy, his mind's eye reaching out to perceive the unseen. With each breath, he felt his vision expanding, his perception shifting to encompass the energies that permeated the world around him.

"Visualise the energy, David," the Ancient One's voice echoed in his mind as he concentrated. "Let it guide your sight and reveal what is usually hidden."

As David opened his eyes, he saw the world in a new light, energy patterns dancing before his eyes in a vibrant display of colour and motion. Through focused meditation and unwavering determination, he began mastering his energy vision, ready to perceive the world with newfound clarity and insight.

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