
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · Fantasy
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48 Chs


***In a world teeming with power and magic, where the very fabric of existence hinges upon these forces, there is bound to be an individual of unparalleled might emerges. But this world is no mere playground. It is a vast expanse, shrouded in mystery and danger, where explorers and adventurers venture forth with an audacious goal: to be the first to conquer its every corner. Alas, those who ventured into the deepest reaches never returned, their fate shrouded in mystery—lost or perished along their perilous journey.

To sustain the vast oceans and seas of this behemoth planet, so colossal that it necessitates three immense moons grace the sky. Whispers circulate among the people, attributing these celestial bodies to the watchful eyes of mysterious beings: gods, supreme entities, or the mysterious "Creators." Legend has it these moons bear witness to every aspect of life the birth of sorcerers, the rise of kings and lords, and even the malevolence of murderers.

Amidst this extraordinary backdrop, a prodigious child emerges into this expansive world, surpassing all expectations. Destined to achieve feats far beyond the realm of ordinary mortals. This extraordinary individual is hailed by various titles, including the devil, a saint, and a hero. However, there is one title that is vastly used around the people who had meet and praised him, they call him "The Greatest Mage."***



{{{In my previous existence, I delved deep into the study of reincarnation. Through extensive research and careful analysis, I uncovered compelling evidence that supported its existence. However do I really still wanna live again, now, as I stand on the threshold of potential rebirth, uncertainty clouds my thoughts. Have I truly fulfilled my purpose? Have I done all that was expected of me?

Throughout my lifetime, I ventured far and wide, conquering lands, overcoming formidable creatures, and leaving an indelible mark on history. I killed over countless adversaries, yet a sense of emptiness persisted. Despite being admired and worshipped even as far as calling me a god by countless individuals, a profound sense of loneliness engulfed me. The adulation of the masses failed to fill the void that consumed my heart. I find myself questioning the essence of my being, yearning for answers to the mysteries that have eluded me.

As I contemplate the prospect of starting anew, the missing piece of my existence remains elusive. It is as if the happiness I sought was taken away too soon, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Did I ever experience genuine affection for another? Do I long for a love that transcends power and status? These questions, they plague my mind relentlessly. I am but a lost soul, yearning for the affection and connection that seemed to evade me in my previous life. The possibilities of what could have been, the roads untaken, they haunt my thoughts.}}}


"Ugh, my head hurts," Bell groaned, his voice tinged with fatigue. He glanced over to his right and noticed that Marc was still sound asleep. With a sudden realization, Bell quickly left the sleeping quarters and made his way to the back of the orphanage. However, he was taken aback when he arrived and found the woods he was supposed to cut already cleared, with the sun slowly setting in the distance.

"What?! How did this happen?" Bell muttered in confusion as he retraced his steps back to the orphanage. Thoughts whirled in his mind as he tried to make sense of the situation, prompting him to call upon the system.

Bell: "Hey, M.O, do you know what happened after I passed out earlier?"

System: "Certainly. She helped you and Marc back inside the orphanage, laying both of you down with blankets. Would you like to hear the recordings I captured while you were asleep?"

Bell: "Woah, you can do that? Then, obviously, yes. I'd like to know more about what happened."

System: "Affirmative. Playing voice recording."

The system played the voice recording. Bell heard a woman's voice.

"Phew, done putting them down. Hmm, I wonder what happened to them and how did Marc get close to Bell? Well, anyways, I'm glad they're both safe and no injuries or wounds. What if they pass out due to lack of nutrients? I have always tried my best to make the kids eat, even if I don't get to eat myself. I'm sorry, Bell, Marc, for yelling and scolding you two, but I have to act like a strict and strong lady to continue taking care of these kids. And even if they don't get adopted, I'll continue to make them live. Phew, got emotional there for a minute. Anyways, I better go. But hmm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to do their chores for them. I should let them rest."

System: The recording abruptly ends, drowned out by the sound of children playing and mumblings.

"Back then, when she only gave me bread for dinner, it was actually her own meal for the night... She must have given it to me so I could eat, acting as if it were a punishment for me," Bell murmured with a frown on his face. Overwhelmed with guilt, he couldn't help but feel sorry for misjudging the orphanage lady. Bell realized that from now on, he needed to be more supportive and dedicated to his chores. As he glanced around the orphanage, a sense of emptiness washed over him. The lady and the other children were nowhere to be seen.

Confusion clouded Bell's mind as he made his way back to the sleeping room, where Marc still lay sound asleep. Determined to awaken his friend, Bell called out Marc's name repeatedly, but there was no response. Growing increasingly frustrated, he resorted to a more forceful approach.

🗿Bell: (Slap!)

The sharp sound echoed through the room as Bell's hand connected with Marc's cheek, jolting him awake.

Startled and confused, Marc's eyes shot open, and he snapped, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Unfazed by Marc's anger, Bell replied, "I'm trying to wake you up. I called your name countless times, and you just wouldn't wake. So, I decided to try a different method. Now, stop complaining. Do you know where the orphanage lady is? Or where the other kids are?"

Rubbing his cheek where Bell's slap had landed, Marc glared at him with lingering irritation. "How would I know? I literally just woke up. You were the first one to wake. And when did it become nighttime?"

Bell sighed and explained to marc on how the orphanage lady carried them, and did their chores, marc was a little bit shock but he knew the lady do care about the kids, but still shocked she was actually that kind.

Lost in his thoughts, Bell's mind swirled with apprehension. Something didn't feel right, and he couldn't ignore the nagging sensation that urged him to take action. With a determined expression on his face, he quickly darted towards the orphanage gate, followed closely by Marc.

"H-hey!" Marc called out, his voice filled with confusion, but he quickly followed Bell's lead. As they reached the front gate, they scanned the village, desperately searching for any sign of the children. Bell had a sinking feeling in his gut, though he couldn't be certain of what had actually happened. Together, they scanned left and right, hoping to catch sight of the orphanage lady and the kids. Unfortunately, their search proved futile..

"Ugh, let's just ask some—Σ(゚^゚;)" Marc began to suggest, only to be interrupted by a sudden, startling yell.

"Hey, you kids! Why are you out this late? Do you want to be punished or something?!" came the sharp voice of Jenny, the orphanage lady, who had appeared with the children trailing behind her. Both Marc and Bell breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that their worst fears hadn't come to pass.

It turned out that Jenny had taken the children out for a special dinner. The village chief had graciously donated 20 gold to the orphanage, and Jenny had decided to treat the kids to a modest feast. Despite the limited funds, she managed to create a delightful meal, ensuring that the children felt cherished and loved. The joy and smiles on the children's faces brought immense satisfaction to Jenny's heart.

Marc and Bell, scolded for their late-night escapade, were given a punishment of kneeling on the floor with their hands raised for two minutes. Afterward, they were served a nourishing meal of chicken and vegetable soup.

"I shouldn't have followed you," Marc muttered, regret tinged in his voice.

"Shut up and eat your food," Bell retorted, their earlier fear and relief still fresh in their minds.











Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Rock Frog Absorber

Old Title - The Greatest Mage




Strength: 20

Speed: 16

Vitality: 25

Intelligence: 65







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Mana Leap)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

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As i said ill posted 2 chapters which is worth to 4k words ^^ hope you'll enjoy

Ajwoohincreators' thoughts