
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Evil Deal

As they ran and ran, their legs carrying them swiftly through the forest, Bell and Marc finally reached the protective wall surrounding the orphanage.

Marc: Bell! Are you okay???

Marc's face, arms, and legs were marked with scratches from their harrowing escape through the thicket of sharp bushes and trees. But in that moment, he hardly noticed his own injuries, consumed by worry for Bell, who had lost his right arm to the hunter spider.

"Ugh," Bell muttered, his voice strained but reassuring. "It's alright. I can regrow another limb. This isn't the first time."

Marc: Not the first time?!! Σ(゚Д゚;)?!

Bell: Yeah... Anyway, I'll explain later. Can you place your hand on my back? I'm going to need a bit of your mana to fully regenerate a brand new arm.

Marc: Huh? Oh yeah, sure.

Marc placed his hands on Bell's back, focusing on transferring the flow of mana to him. A small glow appeared on Marc's hand as the mana coursed into Bell's body. Bell felt the soothing flow of mana, and then he gritted his teeth and activated the skill "Mix Mana Regeneration." A burst of dark mana spiraled around his lost arm, causing Bell to cough up some blood.

Marc: Bell!

Bell: Focus!

Bell concentrated on the mana flow he was receiving from Marc, calming the chaotic dark mana spiraling around his arm. The dark mana and regular mana began to interweave in a slow and steady spiral, bringing forth the growth of new flesh. First, a shoulder formed, followed by the triceps and biceps, and then the elbow. The regeneration proceeded at a slow but steady pace. Even though the mana had a calming vibe, the dark mana resisted, causing Bell to continue gritting his teeth.

After three and a half minutes of intense concentration, a fully regenerated arm had taken shape.

Bell and Marc both let out a deep sigh, exhaustion etched on their faces.

After catching their breath, Marc finally became aware of the injuries he had sustained while running. "Argh... I got a lot of scratches... the orphanage lady is going to scold me again (-_-;)..." Marc exclaimed, already dreading the impending scolding.

Bell: Calm down, Dark Regeneration.

Dark mana surged from Bell's hand onto Marc, quickly healing all the scratches and wounds.

Marc: Woah! You really are useful as a healer.

Bell: ( ̄へ  ̄ 🖕)

Marc: Pft. Alright, ah shi! The sun is rising! Hurry, let's go back!

As Marc turned around and ran, his face collided with the wall surrounding the orphanage, forgetting about its presence.

Bell: Pft...

Marc: What? 💢

Bell: (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠) Nothing.

Marc climbed onto Bell's shoulders and quickly jumped, grabbing onto the edge of the wall. The needles embedded in the wall pierced Marc's hand, but fueled by adrenaline, he ignored the pain. He managed to pull himself up and reached out his hand to assist Bell in climbing the wall.

Bell was shocked by Marc's high pain tolerance but also noticed a hint of tears in his eyes. Bell sighed and used Dark Regeneration on both of them. Marc quickly helped Bell by extending hes arm out, and together they reached the top of the wall, despite their impaled feet. They jumped off the wall and found themselves at the back of the orphanage.

As Dark Regeneration healed both of them, they were overcome with exhaustion. Their breathing was heavy, and their bodies were at their limits, longing for rest. However, they knew they couldn't afford to rest just yet, as morning had arrived, and their chores at the orphanage awaited them.

As they attempted to stand, their legs gave out, and they couldn't move any further. With their eyes on the verge of closing, they saw the orphanage lady approaching. In a last effort, they muttered, "Crap..." before succumbing to sleep on the ground.

Jenny (orphanage lady): What the....

Jenny discovered Bell and Marc fast asleep on the ground. Though she had many questions, she sighed and gently carried both of them back to the sleeping rooms. Worry etched on her face as she noticed the scratches on their clothes but no visible injuries. Jenny let out a sigh of relief and looked upon them with a warm smile, tucking a blanket over them.

Jenny continued with her daily routine as an orphanage lady, but in addition to her tasks, she took on Marc's and Bell's chores as well.

While Jenny was out shopping for ingredients, she stumbled upon a disturbing scene in an alleyway. She recognized a child and her family, along with some thug looking individuals. Jenny recalled that the child had recently been adopted, and she couldn't understand why the family allowed the child to associate with such thugs.

Jenny was about to intervene and scold them when she froze in her tracks. She observed as the thugs handed a small sack of silver and gold coins to the family. Suddenly, the parents pushed the little girl, causing her to trip, and with a smug expression, they bid farewell, saying, "Pleasure doing business with you~."

Jenny's frustration soared, her blood boiling with anger. As she turned to confront them, she realized the parents had vanished, leaving behind the child and the thugs. Without hesitation, Jenny sprinted forward, grabbing the child's arm, intending to make a run for it, but her movements were hindered as her speed suddenly decreased. One of the thugs took advantage of the situation and delivered a powerful punch to her gut.

Thug Leader: Hahahaha! What was that pitiful attempt at saving the child, lady?

Jenny, despite the pain, glared at the thug with fury in her eyes.

Jenny: You... Disgusting pigs... Give her back!

Her determination only fueled the thugs' sadistic pleasure. Another thug struck Jenny, this time in her face, causing her to stumble backward.

Thug Leader: Look here, lady. I paid good money for this child.

He held the child by her arm, causing her to cry in fear and distress. Jenny's heart ached at the sight, her protective instincts kicking in. She couldn't bear to see the innocent child suffer at the hands of these heartless criminals.

Jenny: Noo!!! She's only six years old! Please, stop this!

the thug then have an evil grin and licked the face of the child and said

"she's going to be a good product ~"

jenny with tears in her eyes started to flow and she begged and begged and begged countless times to let her go, she couldn't bare watching that scene her heart felt like scattering as she failed to be a proper care taker for the kids.







Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Rock Frog Absorber

Old Title - The Greatest Mage




Strength: 20

Speed: 16

Vitality: 25

Intelligence: 65







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Mana Leap)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

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hello ^^ sorry for the short chapter I'm planning on releasing a long chapter soon so don't worry and I just came here to thank the readers especially the ones that gave power Stones but even if you didn't give any I'm still grateful for y'all anyways that's all ^^ oh and I have another novel but there's no specific goal or anything it's just a novel for fun and free time it's called: ~~ Love Together ~~~

also if you find any word, sentence, and paragraph sluggish feel free to comment ^^

Ajwoohincreators' thoughts