
infinite loop

It's a story of some random neet/shut-in/otaku who is enjoying his life as it's now the pandemic 2020 and everyone just stays in their houses mostly and wouldn't leave them. He just sleeps mostly and watches anime/manga/light novels and doesn't listen to his classes, they are too boring for him, but on a specific day he gets called by a mysterious person and all that he can hear is "###**##*#*hs" and some gibberish.

darklord9999 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

1st loop part (4)


While the classes were up and out my brain crashed more than a million times in a minute literally because the lecture was so damm boring that all my ears could listen to was the sound of the teachers blabbering and students repeating the word

"yes, sir" again and again as if they were puppets or radio tape recorders which whenever the sirs ask or say something they just say freak in say 'yes sir' robotically and why do these old people take a class even during holidays. (edit: teachers are hell reincarnates whose only job is to give students H.W even during the holidays as they enjoy it. hehe devil teachers)

As my body doesn't respond to me as it is laying on the bed and my eyelids are getting heavier and heavier to the point my eyes shut and fall into a deep slumber and enter my dreamland.

When I open my eyes and see look around the room which for some unknown reason is strange and is similar yet different which jolts me completely awake from my half-sleep state and make my body shiver as goosebumps cover my entire body and slowly start sweating profusely while trying to stay calm my body for some unknown reason walks by itself while I try to stop it doesn't listen to me even when I try to scream or shout for help the words don't come out of the mouth its as there is no sound as now even my ability to hear is diminishing and now only my sight is left while I frantically try to do something about this someone appears in front of me and slowly he starts smiling at me and tries speaking but as my ability of hearing is gone now I can't understand what he is trying to say.

as if he understood what I was thinking he again gave a huge grin and started laughing or something but by his actions, all that I can say is that he was laughing at me and tears started flowing from my face and I was scared of him and my current predicament which made me feel what truly despair was,

he is now in front of me and slowly took a knife and stabbed me in my heart which hurt soo bad for a moment and the next all my thoughts just vanished and saw his face for one last time and then the last thing in my mind was that of me and my family smiling in a car.

Where am I? why is it all blank? how can I think? many questions came into my mind,

as my eyes slowly open the first thing that comes into my sight is the place where I had been killed which makes me remember the frightful experience that happened to me and because of those memories my brain freezes and my body shivers uncontrollably vomit the undigested food from my stomach and tears flow from my eyes for more than a minute which makes me exhausted and weak using my phone I contact my the hospital and then my parents which make me feel a bit secure and open the door of my house and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

This is even a mystery tag so gotta make it a bit mysterious.

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