
Infamous Academia

message before reading: I only write what I would like to read someday, I'm not good and I only write for hobby, slow to super slow continuity depending on my mood/time/laziness, I just hope you enjoy this fanfic. Note two: my English is terrible so I need a translator, if someone can tell me my spelling or grammatical error I would greatly appreciate it Karma, a powerful entity without a doubt, can be your best friend or your greatest enemy, but if you keep it in constant balance, the rewards can be unexpected. why reincarnate in one of my favorite anime/manga to be a hero or vigilante, but not just any hero or vigilante, but one with the powers of *infamous second son* and a bit more, come on in to find out.

SentimentalReader2 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

I was on one of those quiet Saturday days with no classes and homework all done, where at 13 I could go outside the orphanage to explore and the first thing I did was go to the mall.

It is incredible the great variety of things that you can find and the amount of people is too varied, I had seen several of my classmates from the orphanage have animal parts or mutated appearances, which luckily made them look cool, but seeing people From day to day living with people with such exotic appearances was a complete and pleasant surprise.

Although that did not take me out of reality where many are not accepted for completely terrifying abilities or simply from people who enjoyed torturing or doing evil, as a wise man once said, ´´there are people who just want to see the world burn´´ .

And it is because of people like that that more chaos and an endless cycle are generated, but that is how things work, that is how we evolve, but that does not mean that we should sit idly by, evil will always be stopped by good, and as long as there is good there will be evil.

And we must not forget that the middle point, that evil is sometimes disguised as good, and in the good there will always be some corruption when hiding the evil.

Heaving a sigh at all these problems of ideals being problematic, but what to expect where absolute good and evil exist in physical forms.

So I stop racking my brain thinking about things that I'm sure anyone would find annoying and confusing, like a certain smurf with glasses, then I go to my goal of hero accessories.

Which I fell into a little depreciation because you must enter a school of heroes at least to even buy or enter the store, the windows were opaque inside the store where only posters of the category of products that could be sell.

Which makes sense so that villains don't walk into these stores and steal something or strategize if they see a hero wearing it, although not very useful for villains with a lot of resources if useful for first-time or dumb villains.

But what I did manage to buy was a 1.5 meter stainless steel chain, it was the most economical for my savings that the children of the orphanage receive as compensation for doing work at home, which was Maa-san's plan because he teaches us the importance of work and its rewards, obviously the pay was enough to buy several sweets, luckily he taught us not to corrupt ourselves with money when he saw the first signs of children accumulating money in their children's games of who won, in short, a conference of 7 hours of why gambling is bad, the different bad uses of money and how to use it correctly.

With that I am sure that these children will undoubtedly be very responsible, although one or another slip can escape, but it is part of the experience.

Seeing the chain of a length of almost my size… yes, I measure 1.10 meters, I'm just entering puberty don't bother me!

*cough cough* getting back to business…

I know that seeing a boy with a chain around his right arm is very strange but surely they think it's an accessory or something like that because I look like a little punk having clothes similar to delsing rowe's...

If you ask me, it's that its design is quite cool, it's overly comfortable, the only difference is that I don't wear the characteristic hat and I don't look like I want to spit in someone's face either, I just love the design of the clothes.

I hope that having bioconductor powers will influence my style of dress…nah.

Now, I'm not going back to the orphanage after exhausting 1 year's savings, hopefully I had maa-san's permission to buy the chain, it was extremely troublesome to get the permission, but since my actions proved to be a responsible "child" , he ordered me the condition of never using it in the orphanage and that none of the small children would see it or they would take it from me and with the same chain it would leave my buttocks red hot.

It gave me a shiver to think about that, she may be loving and extremely patient but when it comes to taking care of children her sadistic side comes out, because everyone has a sadistic side!?

I shouldn't complain, I have it too but it's not as noticeable as maa-san who seems to change the space around her to look more sinister…perhaps it's my childish imagination seeing things.

Returning with my chain, I went to the famous beach with garbage of all kinds, and you will ask yourself, why not look for a chain here, simple, they would all be rusty, it is extremely unhygienic but its durability has already taken its toll.

So testing my newly acquired chain I tried to infuse it with smoke, it wasn't that difficult, the chain was impregnated with smoke and it felt like it flowed like…well…smoke.

The hard part was when I tried to move it because apparently I hadn't calculated the amount of power I gave it causing a refrigerator to take a good dent with a passing explosion that sent it flying.

With a face that Goku would make when seeing a needle, I ran to another part of the beach far from where I had been before, I don't want any hero or villain to see my abilities far from the permission zone.

I waited a good 15 minutes hidden in the junk, only for no one to come, taking a deep breath as I felt the relief run through my body, I returned to action but this time start more carefully.

First of all, I gathered several dry branches that were among all the trees and lit a small fire with a pulse of concentrated smoke which would give me a constant charge to use my abilities.

I wanted to try some things that I had planned but I didn't want her to see maa-san, she's good and all but I don't want my trump cards to be filed, not yet.

First thing was chain skills low concentration of smoke and the chain would just leave a trail of smoke with no power behind it adding too much would make bakugou jealous of the blast behind and the middle ground that was the tricky one though it was easy for delsin to use the chain with smoke as if it were child's play, it caused me weariness that I assumed was due to not absorbing the experiences of other bioconductors.

I was a little upset about that but well it was only a matter of time before I can do it like breathing, the good thing is that I train all this time in my abilities to absorb and store my energies, I can last a considerable amount of time on my elemental version and using my less deadly skills in training like my elemental form or clones of said elements, the smoke and video ones are my favorites, the first leaves the opponent blindfolded as if they were throwing a tear gas and the second towards a copy exact of me as a hologram, the best he can talk, the bad thing is that he can't collect information and can only do things that are in my sight.

The invisibility... I better not tell mineta that I have that power ever.

But bottom line I focused years of training on outright resistance and bodyweight exercises to be fully balanced and get used to my weight constantly as I grew older.

So as some would say, I let go of my chains, not the one I use as a weapon obviously, to train my skills in the art of the chain and trying not to make much noise, but enough so that it looks like metal colliding from the push of the tides.

A/N: sorry for the delay, I work on weekends and parties, and I can't take my computer to write, I know it takes me a while to get into the main plot but I always find it interesting to read how the character gets his abilities/powers , and on the subject of secondary characters such as orphans and maa-san I will not do much backstory, too much padding for my taste, I am simple on those issues, so with that clarified.

Please leave a comment about what you like or don't like, I'll try to answer what I can, and if you have any power stones left over, that would be great, it's shameless to vote for myself hahaha.

Postada: how many elements should the mc be able to control? I'm thinking of the video game ones like:


And other items like:

Here I will leave your opinions, maximum 2 more elements, I will eagerly await your comments