
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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21. Indo-Pak War

October, 1947, Indo-Pak Border, near Balochistan and Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan has started attacking the Balochistan and Jammu and Kashmir. They plan to militarily occupy these states and force them to join Pakistan. While they are not able to gain any victory in Balochistan, same cannot be said about Jammu and Kashmir.

We have send some diplomats to make the King agree to declare for India by using the pressure of military takeover by Pakistan and strictly told them not to agree on any kind of special status. I will not let any kind of Article 370 become reason of terrorism and a hub for separatists.

Soon Indian forces entered the field on Jammu and Kashmir front also. Soon the war started getting fierce. A major by the name of Sam Manekshaw really distinguished himself in war, I remember him from my time, the first field marshal of India, the man who won India East Pakistan.

After I was sure that Pakistan has deployed all the forces it could spare, I used my trump card. I had all their high level generals killed by their juniors which were my men. Than they took control of the army and made them surrender to Indian forces.

After this surrender Indian forces marched into Pakistan and took control of it. All the members of Muslim League were declared terrorist and were trialed as terrorist. A seprate judicial body under government was set up whose job was to screen the 'pakistani' citizen who participated in genocides. This body was already set up in India and many people were punished who participated in the killing in India. After the judgement of them this body will be desolved and proper courts will be set up.

We used the reason that they attacked two of our states and retaliated accordingly infront of UN. And as it still didn't gain much power and putting sanctions on us will harm USAs interests they didn't do anything.

The annexation of Pakistan led to some riots in India by muslims but that were handled easily by using the dharmic Islam I started to convert all the Islamists or kill them. All the rioters of Arabic Islam that were caught were brutally killed. If a water body is near than by drowning, according to science the most painful way to kill without torture, or just leaving them to public to deal with as they see fit.

It did lead to areas like Hyderabad, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir etc with high muslim population to become red zone but the brutal killing and the conversion to dharmic Islam which is gaining more and more support decreased some of it. Ofcourse we didn't involved ourselves in the 'war between Islam' as it is being called.

We also threw leaders of every terrorist organisation and those who wanted Pakistan in North sea and English channel. Afterall it were the British that wanted to make pakistan so now they will make it out of their own land not ours. They wanted to halt our development through wars and terrorism from Pakistan. Let see how they will handle it now when it is happening in their own country.

Afterall, British economy is crashing and labour intensive industries are at the forefront of it. So how will they feed these people when Indian rupee wouldn't be exchanged their after our sanctions. That's why I have already converted all the pounds in our foriegn exchange for USD. Afterall no nation can make its prices fall after Bretton Woods System.

Anyways, meeting Sam Bahadur made me remember that Indian forces suffered due to lack of development in training regimen of soldiers and many other things. So, I entrusted the man who countered these problems in my world with this job. And Sam Bahadur didn't disappoint me, he went straight to work and started improving training and countering terrorist and private militias of some parties. He also proved instrumental in regaining order in many areas in the riots.

Meanwhile our Foreign Minister, Manikarnika has gone to UN meeting that started on 30 September, 1947. There she give a very inspiring speech on why India will only join UN if it gets a permanent seat on Security Council. While India did get enough vote to be a member of UNSC but Britain used it's veto power to stop India from getting a seat.

But, ultimately it worked in our favour as she said infront of all the representative of all the nations part of UN how other than US who started UN and Russia another big power of the world, all the nations in UNSC are European and will always block other nations from becoming a part of it. How it is not an organisation for all nation of the world but an organisation for European countries. This instigated many nations against european countries that are part UNSC.

At the same time many companies from countries that have small population are opening factories in India for labour intensive work and demand for Indian goods are rising. America have opened many textile factories looking to fill the gap left by Britain and France due to our sanctions on them.

This helped in employing many people and more factories are opening every day. But none of these companies are allowed to sell their products in India to protect its market from foreign well established companies.

Some Indian cooperative are also starting to set up but they are few and far between. That's why I asked Vipul, a cousin of mine and CEO of my company to look for promising start ups and invest in them. While many people of this time may think I am wasting money but these companies can become one of the sharks of their field in future. Especially with such low competition in the market right now.

Some laws were also discussed in constituent assembly for promoting new companies and cooperatives to establish especially in rural or underdeveloped areas like cheaper electricity, low taxes etc.