
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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43 Chs

22. Development 1

1948, India

Due to the purge of all the genociders from Pakistan much of the land was left without any owner. So all the land was ceased by government to be given to resettlers that managed to reach India alive and still want to live here if they could provide satisfying identity proof.

But, many people don't get time to pack and leave so most of the land was leased to people for farming but with a clause that this land may be taken back if some government project passes through their land.

Such things took place all over India as many riots occured during that time and in some areas emergency protocol was established to regain control. A lot rioters were caught, trialed and sentenced to death and their property were ceased by government and were heavily fined, so it was a common thing occuring all over India.

This also helped in generating funds for future projects that will take place after general election as all the houses and factories were auctioned off. Truthfully, if not for democracy and all, I would have ceased all of nobilities rights and when they would revolt I will kill them and take over their wealth and property, alas it could not be done so easily in democracy. But still it generated huge funds for government to prepare many administrative offices for government all over India.

While this was occurring, I decided to make employment offices for labourers, not for government jobs but for private industries. They were less of employment offices and more of a guild center where people specialising in a particular work could come for employment or for hiring some contractor for their work according to their specification like cost, efficiency, quality of work etc. All of these contractor will be ranked by people who hire them for their work.

This will allow people to get job more easily, even a temporary labour job. It will also be easier for people to hire them according to their specification that is based more on merit than money to advertise your business.

My goal is to make these 'guilds' for every kind of work and jobs. This will give more options to people in finding work and contracting some business.

We have also already designated areas in every district and in bigger districts more than one area for opening 'Mandi'. This will help in reducing middle men in agricultural produce.

Cold storages and granaries will also be developed near these Mandi to reduce wastage in transportation and providing fresh produce in the market. A small daily rent will be charged to farmers for the shops in the Mandi. This will lead to reduction in price of food and at the same time increasing the profit of the farmers.

Similarly cooperative like Amul was being promoted and set up in every state to remove the middle men in dairy businesses.

Many rights for people like minimum wage, establishment of special banks for farmers that will provide loans for farmers at small interest rate and will cater to farmers need, setting up minimum prices of agricultural produce which will be the rate at which government will buy their goods and a complete ban on putting posters on walls, with a high fine for damaging private property and littering. These laws were discussed and finalised to protect the right of the people.

Railways were also seeing huge changes as many hoardings and banners were made their for advertising. Similarly, small holdrs for putting adds were made in every train at every seat in which an add of 25 × 5 in. can be placed. In future I plan to fix a small screen showing the route of the train on which small 10 second ads will be shown every 2 minutes.

This will generate revenue for railways and stop it from being in loss like in my time. It will also make it self sufficient for further expansion. But I will have to make sure that further expansion utilised standard gauge track to make high speed trains and bullet train available by 1970s.

And I just remembered why not make some of those luxury trains that work as hotels for rich people. They will provide every facility found in a 5 star hotels in train and will run once a week in the same place. This will attract rich people and tourists from other countries in future.

Next thing I improved was removing pension system completely. Instead 10% of there salary will be invested in different government projects and in start ups. 5% will be returned as pension and the remaining 5% as health insurance of the employee and his family or will be given at their death to their family.

Next step I took were in government jobs to root out corruption and inefficiency. While in British rule government officials may not lose their jobs no matter what, from now on if a complaint is filed against a government employ than he will work without salary till he is proven innocent but if he is innocent than he will be given all his dues back and they will lose their jobs if they show inefficiency in anyway in their jobs with all the money for their pension and health insurance that has grown till now returned at once. This may seem as awarding but the government can't be seen as hoarding others money illegally.

In this time India has started producing its own weapon and is developing other industries through the efforts of Jews and some skilled people that I was able to poach in the WW2 and we are sending ships for people who want to stay out of war in Israel which led to an increase in skilled and educated people in the country. And germans did have best military equipment and army so it was expected.

Now not only the weapons I designed are being mass produced but new weapons are starting to be developed that will soon replace the old weapons of the army. All the old weaponry and ammunition is being sold to rebels in African colonies of Europe. So we are making nice profits from there as all the transaction is in resources as don't have liquid money.