
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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43 Chs

20. Preparation for Future Revolutions

September, 1947, Delhi, India

Today I have called some agriculturists from all over India. They are currently the best in their fields that India could provide. Some of them are those whose education was funded by me. I am still doing it but now I am only doing it for fields which India couldn't teach right now like aerospace etc.

After they came I started explaining them their work. "Good morning everyone, we don't have time for introduction so let's get straight to the point. I want you all to travel to every state and every village of India and outline type of soil, soil fertility, what crop will be best for which area, different methods that should be used in different stages of farming, everything and submit a detailed report to the respective District and State government by 1950 and for the princely states in which we don't have a government body right now bring those reports her in PMO.

Also while travelling you may find some high yielding seeds in different parts of the country I want you to collect these seeds and start cross breeding them and produce HYV seed that needs less water but have increased productivity.

Look for milk producing animals as well in our country or other countries that produces more milk and cross breed them with our Indian animals to increase milk production as well. All these tasks should be done by the end of 1950 other than cross breeding of animals as I know it will take time but other tasks should be done by now.

You will get all the resources and funding you will need but deadline will not extend as we need to end the issue of starvation in the country ASAP. Am I clear." I asked.

"It will be done Mr. Prime Minister." There leader said. And they all went to work right away as they know the importance of this work for the country. They all decided themselves in teams covering with every team covering one state so they can cover all the villages of the country and start working on time consuming projects.

After this I had another meeting with a group of historians and engineers. "Good morning everybody, I know you may be thinking why have I called you two groups together. So without wasting any time let's get straight to topic. I want both of your groups to collaborate and understand how indus valley civilisation made its drainage system and taking inspiration from their model start designing drainage system for all major cities to start implementing by 1950.

All the historians will also look for destroyed ancient temples and religious cities and will work with engineers to restore them. This includes temples over which masjids and churches were built. But remember all these temples are need to be rebuilt in ancient Hindu style not in Arabic style. So it needs to have inscription and designs as found in ancient temples. My wife Saraswati will help you as she had studied the designs of old temples like these and her family has many books with detailed drawings and description of these temples and cities.

Also all the engineers should start connecting all the lakes of all districts with each other and widening of these reservoirs, fixing of any leakages to stop any flooding. Also start planning canals and dams for every river to stop flooding and providing enough water to every village. All of these plans should be ready by 1950 as well."

"Mr. Prime Minister, all these projects will need a lot of money to be completed." One of the engineers said.

"I know but they are not to be done now, just planned for future as we will progress. Also the common people and the existing temples will be willing to donate a lot of money for reconstruction oftemples and religious cities."

They all were very motivated as if they contribute their skills in these temples and cities than their names may be written in history. They all began their work in teams with one team working on industry valley drainage system another group working on temples and cities and understanding the designs carved on them. While another team was travelling all over India and examining where the rivers flood and where they can built dam or diverte the rivers during the construction.

All the princely states have sent declaration for India by the end of September after hearing about privy purses, other than the King of Jammu and Kashmir. The Nawab of Hyderabad wanted to remain independent while also having alliance with Pakistan just like my time but I had my secret forces assassinate him. After him his son became the new Nawab who was more inclined to join India and was scared for his life so he sended the declaration soon after his ascension ceremony.

Our preparation for the eventual war with Pakistan are almost completed. While this will not prove a long campaign but never underestimate your enemy and never overestimate yourself as every plan only lasts till the confrontation.

Our spies have informed us that Pakistan has been preparing it's military and gathering supplies for its invasion on Balochistan and Jammu and Kashmir.

But we are ready for any attack on Balochistan but we will need the formal declaration from the King of Jammu and Kashmir before we could take any military action to secure their borders. We will get that when Pakistan will invade them.

Meanwhile, rebellion has started in all British colonies in Indian Ocean and we have acknowledged them as separate countries and and announced that we will support them in every way other than taking military action.

In these rebellion Maldives, Sri Lanka and British Indian Ocean territory was also able to attain independence. Because of our support to them and being a fellow nation who struggled in British rule, the leader of these freedom struggle being one of my menor being influenced by them, they decided to join India believing in strength in unity and all that.

Maldives islands and the island called BIOT were made union territories while Ceylon was renamed Sri Lanka and was devided into two states, one with Tamil majority and the other with Sinhalese majority.