
India: On a Quest to Make India Great Again

India took many stupid decisions like partition, declining UN seat and Nepal. Rudra, a DRDO scientist was assassinated by Pakistan. When he opens his eyes again he is transmigrated into a Hindu Bengali family with knowledge about many subjects to help him in his quest to make India great again ######## it is inspired from solaceviolet's 'ww1: after the war, i became the leader of India' and fanficworld07's 'India: I became the first pm of India' It is a work of pure fiction set in an AU. None of these things are real and my own thoughts and are not towards some group, race, culture etc.

FlameSpear · Urban
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43 Chs

19. Roasting of Mountbatten

1947, Delhi, India

After many days of delaying I finally gave a appointment to Mountbatten. Well let's show a dog it's place, shall we.

He soon came to my office, I didn't acknowledge his presence and kept doing my work. Simple psychological tactics of showing who is in power.

Seeinge me not acknowledging his presence he said "Good Morning His Excellency." while sitting down.

"I knew that British were uncultured barbarians without any etiquette but he didn't even have decency to wait for me to give him a seat. Good Morning Mr. Mountbatten." I said the first part to myself but loud enough for him to hear everything and than greeted him.

Hearing me words he got a little angry and said "It's Lord Mountbatten Mr. Prime Minister."

"Lord of where. Not Burma, not your so called Pakistan and certainly not of India. So tell me Mr. Mountbatten which state do you have under you for me to adress you as a Lord." I said back. He remained quiet.

"Anyways, I was told that you were asking for a meeting with me for the last few days and here we are. Now speak fast what do you want because unlike you British who destroy countries I have to restablish one in which you have already caused thousands of death." I said to him.

"I wanted you to sign these documents acknowledging Pakistan as a seprate country and warning from United Kingdom to return the land of Burma or face consequences." He said warning me. Hearing this I started laughing but there was nothing humorous in my laughter.

"And what will your country do afterall Burma's own people supported me and decided to become a part of India and if you are threatening me with war than I know the state of your military and colonies so don't think I will get scared of you." I replied and he knew that their bluff was caught and what I said was true.

After desertion of Indian forces many other armies of British colonies started doing the same and after our independence they became even more emboldened and started their movements with a renewed spirit.

They have already lost a lot of veteran generals of their armies and all their remaining forces are being directed in controlling these colonies. In short they have no forces left to threaten us with.

"Now I have humoured you enough so listen and listen carefully because I will say it only once. Firstly, don't ever try to order us again or diplomatic immunity or not you will not return alive to your country. Secondly, instead of thinking about colonies start thinking about your economy which is going to crash in 1 year or maybe 2 year Max with no supply of raw material for your textile industry, heavy industry and tea for your nation. If you want me to remove this ban than these are the conditions:

* Denounce Pakistan and take back all support from it.

* Return of all Indian artifacts, idols, and things of historical significance along with Kohinoor that your shameless royal like to show in their crown.

* Your country will vote for us to be a permanent member of UNSC ( this is a not on paper demand but if not met the sanctions will not be lifted)

If these conditions are not met by 1950 than you can see your economy crashing infront of you yourself. We will not be responsible for it. And next time your government want to talk something than they should send someone of importance, not a dog with nothing to his name, Namaste." I said.

He was very angry but also scared. Angry at my insults towards him, their royal family and nation but also scared for his nation's economy because even all their colonies combined couldn't meet the demand that will be created now because of our sanctions.

He left from there and prepared to go straight to UK to tell them about the meeting and conditions put forward by me for lifting the sanctions placed on them.

Seeing his attitude I was reminded of laws in which foreigners were charged more severely for a crime committed in their country and decided to pass a law enforcing equally harsh punishment as their country. For example, if the punishment for pickpocket is 1 year jail time in a country but Indians have to suffer 2 years because of being foreigner, skin colour or any reason than residents of there country will also charged double the period if they commit a crime in India.

After he left I called for Rameshwar Nath and Ganga, my head special forces and intelligence bureau respectively. They came swiftly as I think they are already aware of the reason for this meeting.

"Rameshwar, I want you to use our contacts with pirates and smugglers around British waters and start bringing the Indians who work in Britain back to India as relations are going to become tense between us and they may be persecuted.

Also I want you both to collaborate in finding and eliminating any separatists or rioters from this land. Focus on East India, muslim majority areas and around important cultural places where they may create riots. Use the dharmic Islam to convert Islamists into dharmic Islam to reduce public support."

"It will be done sir but it may take time as those pirates and smugglers are unruly. As for those separatists and rioters they can be dealed with easily sir." Rameshwar replied.

"It will be dealt with sir." Ganga replied.

Next I have a secret meeting with Homi Bhabha, Vikram Sarabhai and some other scientists about whose loyalty is confirmed through various checks by me.

"Good morning everybody. You may all be wondering why I called you all here in such secrecy. Let me clear your doubts and quell your curiosity. These things as you may have guessed are thorium and plutonium which I secretly smuggled during the chaos of WW2 and uranium found in our country. I think now you all have understood what I want you learned man to do. Yes, I want to start making nuclear weapons.

All the equiments you need will be supplied by me. You will have security assigned to you, don't worry you wouldn't even know that they are following you. All of you will be assigned a body double for any travel while you will be travel secretly in a secured way.

This is the only way for our country to stop foreign interference and prove our domination over this land and to warn off others who will want to exploit us like europeans. I know that this is a dangerous mission so I will not force you in this." I told them. They grew slightly concerned but were determined too contribute in this big project and to their motherland.

"Sir politicians and military are not the only way to serve the country but science can also be used to serve the country. We will not do this for the fame it will bring us but for the country because what we did was for the country, what we are doing is for the country and what we will create will belong to the country." They all agreed to this and went to start planning for this project.