
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Movies
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82 Chs


As Raj reached home, he saw his mother Yashu, father Jayaram, grandfather Ark, and the rest of the family waiting for him. Bantu pulled over the car, and as Raj got out, he was immediately enveloped in a warm hug from his mother.

Yashu: Raj, my boy! You're finally home.

Raj: (smiling as he hugged her back) I'm back, Mother.

Yashu separated from him and then pinched his ear.

Yashu: You... always getting into trouble and making me worried!

Raj: (wincing) Ahhh... Mother, it hurts, it hurts!

Raj gave a pleading look to his father, hoping for some rescue.

Jayaram: (grinning) Twist it more, Yashu. He's always getting into trouble and only telling us afterward, never asking for help.

Yashu obliged, twisting Raj's ear a bit more.

Raj: (screaming) You're killing me, Mother!

He then turned to his grandfather, giving him puppy eyes.

Ark: (chuckling) Yashu, let him go. He's just returned.

Yashu released him, shaking her head.

Yashu: You're going to tell me everything, young man.

Raj: (rubbing his ear) Yes, Mother, I will.

Raj then greeted the other family members, who were all laughing and enjoying the scene.

Bantu: (still at the car, smiling) Welcome back, Raj. Looks like you're in for a long night of storytelling.

Raj: (smiling back) Seems like it. Thanks for the ride, Bantu.

Bantu: Anytime, brother.

As Raj made his way through the house, shaking hands and hugging family members, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness. Despite the challenges and misunderstandings, he knew he was home, surrounded by love and support.

Raj sat with the family, everyone eagerly waiting for his story.

Raj: So, after leaving the highway, I decided to travel to Visakhapatnam through the villages. On the way, I met a strange old man who gave me a rudraksh mala and then disappeared. It felt like a sign.

Jayaram: (intrigued) Go on, Raj. We're listening.

Raj: I reached Subrahmanyapuram, and my car got punctured. I met the village head and asked for housing. He sent me to a medical team from Hyderabad, where I met Karthikey.

Raj looked at his father as he spoke about Karthikey.

Raj: (to Jayaram) You always told me about the importance of helping others, Dad. Karthikey was leading the camp, and I decided to help until evening.

Yashu: (impatiently) What happened next?

Raj: In the evening, a person got electrocuted, and a local leader arrived to cause trouble, not letting me help.

Yashu: (angrily) What kind of idiots were they?

Raj: (calming her) It's okay, Mother. I asked Karthikey about the situation, and he told me about the deaths happening in the village, causing chaos. They blamed the temple and had closed it down and blame him for investigating

Jayaram: (nodding) It sounds like a tough situation.

Raj: Karthikey's family arrived from Hyderabad that evening and served us food. After dinner, we went to sleep. Later, Karthikey and I went to a house servant's hut where we overheard him planning to kill Karthikey using snake hypnosis. We burst into the hut, and the servant got bitten by the snake. We rushed him to the hospital.

The family listened with utmost attention, their faces reflecting concern and curiosity.

Raj: The next day, we went to a swami in a nearby village who told us about the temple's history and the national treasure, a diamond, present in the temple. Karthikey and I sneaked inside the temple and found an ED officer behind the conspiracy with some foreigners. We captured them and called DGI Uncle to help with the case.

Yashu: (hugging him ) I'm so glad you're okay, Raj.

Raj: (smiling) Wait, there's more.

Yashu: (shocked) More? What else happened?

Raj: (continuing) After that, I traveled to Vijayawada and Kakinada. In Vijayawada, I ended up thrashing some goons who were causing trouble.


As Raj continued to recount his adventures, the family's attention remained fixed on him.

Raj: So after all that, I ended up in Kakinada. There, two groups of goons surrounded a bus and tried to kill someone on board. I helped the passengers escape the encirclement and saved Charan from Hyderabad and Sathya and Deepthi from Visakhapatnam.

Yashu: (concerned) why they were after them ?

Raj: Sathya and Deepthi are lovers living in Visakhapatnam. A dreaded don, Veeru Bhai, has a crush on Deepthi. They managed to escape and boarded a bus to Hyderabad, but Veeru and his goons stopped the bus and tried to take Deepthi. Sathya fought them off and knocked them unconscious.

Jayaram: And Charan?

Raj: Charan is a happy-go-lucky rich graduate who hangs out with his friends and girlfriend, Manju. One of his friends, Shashank, questioned the local don, Dharma, about his illegal acquisition of lands. Threatened, Dharma killed Shashank. Charan then started to rally the local population against Dharma. Dharma, feeling threatened, approached another of Charan's friends, Sharath, and promised to establish his political career if he killed Charan.

Grandfather Ark: (frowning) What a dangerous situation.

Raj: (nodding) Yes, it was. Charan and Sharath went to Visakhapatnam for a wedding. On their return, they boarded the same bus as Sathya and Deepthi. When the bus was stopped, Sharath pulled a knife on Charan, and they started fighting. Outside the bus, Dharma and his goons were waiting.

Yashu: (gasping) What happened next?

Raj: Sathya, Charan, and I took care of Sharath and the goons. he managed to defeat Dharma and his men. It was intense, but we pulled through.

Jayaram: (proudly) You've done so much to help others, Raj. We're all so proud of you.

Raj: (smiling) Thanks, Dad. But it wasn't just me. Everyone played a part in these events. We all worked together.

Yashu: (hugging him again) I'm just glad you're safe.

Raj: (softly) Me too, Mother. Me too.

Yashu: (tearing up) You've grown so much, Raj. Always helping others.

Raj: (softly) It's what you and Dad taught me.

Yashu: (hugging him tightly) I'm glad you're okay.

Raj: (smiling) There's more, Mother.

has not been able to open the website in laptop browser thus the delay and my phone is shit

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