
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Movies
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80 Chs


Raj's first sensation was a throbbing ache in his head, a dull pulse that seemed to radiate from the back of his skull. He blinked, his vision blurry at first, then slowly sharpening into focus. He found himself in a dimly lit room, the only source of illumination a single bare bulb hanging precariously from the ceiling, casting harsh shadows that danced on the rough-hewn walls.


Panic clawed at his throat as memories flooded back: the abandoned car, the unidentified attackers, the crushing blow. He was bound to a rickety chair, his wrists secured by a rough rope that chafed against his skin.


A surge of anger replaced the initial wave of panic. He wasn't going to give in to fear. With a grunt, he strained against the restraints, his muscles protesting. It was futile, the ropes held firm.


"Anyone there?" he bellowed, his voice hoarse from disuse. It wasn't a plea for help; it was a challenge, a declaration of defiance.


The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the room, sending shivers down Raj's spine. A man materialized from the shadows, his face hidden in the darkness. He stopped a few feet in front of Raj, a cruel smile playing on his lips.


"Finally awake, Mr. Jayaram," the man said, his voice smooth as polished marble. "Took you long enough."


Raj squinted, trying to pierce the shadows that obscured the man's features. "Who are you? Where am I?"


The man chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "The name's Tripti Naidu. And you, Mr. Jayaram, are currently a guest in my humble abode."


Tripti Naidu stepped into the light, revealing a sharp face with cold, calculating eyes. He was a man of average build, but his aura exuded an air of dangerous power.


"Why am I here?" Raj demanded, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.


Tripti Naidu leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's just say, Mr. Jayaram, that you and your family have been obstacles in my path for far too long. Your rise to prominence, your success with Ark Enterprise… and also helping my brother"


The name sent a jolt through Raj. Appala Naidu, the disgruntled brother, the one Jayaram had made a deal o. This was about revenge, not some random act of violence.


"Your brother and I made a deal," Raj spat, his anger simmering. "He got his cut."


Tripti Naidu threw his head back and laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "A deal made my brother a rising buisnessman which he was not to become .he was a thug should had remained one"


Raj's blood ran cold. This wasn't just about money; it was about a jeaouls brother who cant watch other outgrow him. Tripti Naidu wasn't interested in negotiation; he wanted blood.


"What do you want?" Raj asked, bracing himself for the answer.


Tripti Naidu's smile widened, revealing a glint of madness in his eyes. "Everything, Mr. Jayaram. Your wealth, your influence, your… freedom. But first, let's just say your cooperation will determine the well-being of a certain someone you hold dear."


Raj's heart lurched. A cold dread settled in his stomach. Tripti Naidu knew about Amulya. This wasn't just about revenge; it was about using him to manipulate his family.


He met Tripti Naidu's gaze, a steely resolve hardening in his eyes. They might have him tied to a chair, but they couldn't break his spirit. He wouldn't let them use him to hurt his family.


"I won't let you win, Tripti Naidu," Raj growled, his voice laced with defiance. "You may have me, but you'll never have my family."


Tripti Naidu's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of something akin to respect crossing his face. But it was quickly replaced by a cold fury.


"We'll see about that, Mr. Jayaram," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "We'll see about that."


Dust swirled around the tires of Jayaram's car as they screeched to a halt in front of Tripti Naidu's imposing mansion. The imposing structure, a stark contrast to their own modest home, seemed to radiate an air of menace. Bantu, his jaw clenched tight, followed Jayaram out of the car, both men propelled by a desperate need to get Raj back.


Jayaram, his voice hoarse with worry, called out, "Tripti Naidu! Show yourself! We have what you want!"


A figure emerged from the opulent double doors, a sneering smile twisting his face.


"Ah, Mr. Jayaram," he drawled, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "And who is this… companion you've brought?"


Jayaram ignored the barb, thrusting a manila envelope towards Tripti Naidu. "The documents you requested. Now release my son!"


Tripti Naidu took the envelope, his eyes glinting with avarice as he ran his fingers over the sealed flap. A curt nod signaled his goons, and two burly figures entered the house, reappearing moments later with a gagged and bound Raj.


Seeing his son, pale but alive, a wave of relief washed over Jayaram. He rushed forward, a strangled cry escaping his lips. But Tripti Naidu held up a hand, his smile chilling.


"Hold on, Mr. Jayaram. Let's just make sure everything is in order here."


With meticulous slowness, Tripti Naidu and his henchmen examined the documents. Every rustle of paper, every passing second felt like an eternity. Finally, satisfied, Tripti Naidu tossed the documents aside.


"Excellent," he purred. "Seems all is in order."


He turned to his goons, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Untie him."


As the ropes fell away, revealing a bruised but defiant Raj, a flicker of surprise crossed his face when he saw Bantu standing beside his father. But in that critical moment, there was no room for questions.


"Don't think this is over, Mr. Jayaram," Tripti Naidu warned, his voice laced with venom. "You've merely bought yourself some time."


On cue, his goons sprang into action, slamming the wrought iron gate shut with a resounding clang. Jayaram and Bantu, now trapped in the courtyard with Raj, exchanged a panicked glance. They had retrieved Raj, but they had walked right into Tripti Naidu's trap. The real fight, it seemed, was just beginning.


The iron gate slammed shut with a finality that echoed in the pit of Bantu's stomach. Tripti Naidu's smile, devoid of humor and brimming with malice, sent a jolt of icy dread through him. Yet, amidst the fear, a fierce protectiveness ignited within him. He wouldn't let these goons hurt Jayaram or Raj.


Twenty hulking figures surged forward, a wave of brute force aimed at overwhelming them. But Bantu wasn't a man easily cowed. Years of fending for himself on the streets had honed his instincts and agility. He sidestepped the first clumsy swing, the air whistling past his ear. It was a dance he knew all too well.


He ducked under a wild haymaker from a tattooed goon, pivoting on his heel to deliver a rising knee that connected squarely with the man's jaw. The goon crumpled like a discarded ragdoll, a choked gurgle escaping his lips.


Another attacker lunged, a snarl twisting his features. Bantu met him head-on, his forearm raised in a block that deflected the blow. He countered with a lightning-fast jab to the throat, the goon's eyes bulging as he gasped for air. A well-placed sweep sent him sprawling to the ground, clutching at his wheezing throat.


The remaining goons hesitated, their initial bravado dampened by the swiftness of Bantu's takedowns. But their hesitation was short-lived. With a roar, they charged again, a tangle of flailing limbs and incoherent shouts.


Bantu moved with the grace of a predator, weaving through the attacks. He slipped under a swinging punch, using the momentum to launch himself into a spinning back kick that connected with two goons simultaneously. They yelped in pain, crashing into each other like dominoes.


His movements were a blur of elbows, knees, and well-placed punches. He targeted weak points, exploiting the goons' lack of finesse. One went down with a sickening crack as Bantu's knee met his nose. Another stumbled back, clutching his groin after a perfectly executed groin strike.


The courtyard became a whirlwind of grunts and thuds. Bantu, fueled by adrenaline and a desperate urge to protect his family, fought like a man possessed. He wasn't the biggest, but his agility and street smarts made him a whirlwind of destruction.


One by one, the goons fell. Some whimpered, clutching their injuries, while others lay unconscious, testaments to Bantu's relentless assault. Within a minute, the tide had turned. The remaining goons, their bravado shattered, looked at Bantu with a mix of fear and disbelief.


Bantu stood panting, sweat dripping down his face. His knuckles were bruised, and his breaths came in ragged gasps, but he stood tall, a lone warrior amidst the fallen. He had faced twenty men and emerged victorious, a testament to his will and his street-forged fighting spirit.


The air was thick with tension as Raj faced off against Tripthi Naidu, a known thug with a reputation for underhanded tactics. Raj's stance was steady, his fists raised, his body coiled like a spring ready to unleash his boxing prowess.


Tripthi sneered, circling Raj with a predatory gleam in his eyes. "You really think you can take me down, rich boy?" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.


Raj didn't respond, focusing instead on Tripthi's movements, waiting for the right moment. Tripthi lunged forward, throwing a flurry of punches. Raj ducked and weaved, his boxing training evident in his fluid movements. He landed a solid right hook to Tripthi's jaw, causing him to stagger.


But Tripthi was cunning. He recovered quickly, using his footwork to maneuver Raj into a corner. With a sly grin, he pulled a small vial from his pocket, smashing it on the ground. A thick, noxious gas began to fill the air, stinging Raj's eyes and throat.


Raj coughed, trying to clear his vision as Tripthi took advantage of the distraction, landing a series of blows to Raj's midsection. Raj grimaced, absorbing the hits and focusing on his training. He retaliated with a powerful uppercut, sending Tripthi stumbling backward.


Tripthi, however, was relentless. He used the environment to his advantage, grabbing a metal pipe and swinging it at Raj. Raj dodged the first few swings but was eventually clipped on the shoulder, the pain radiating through his arm. Gritting his teeth, Raj pushed forward, closing the distance between them and using his boxing techniques to deliver precise, punishing blows.


As the fight raged on, Raj noticed Tripthi's attention waver, his eyes darting towards the entrance. There, Bantu and Jayaram were fighting off Tripthi's goons, systematically taking them down one by one. The sight of his men being overpowered filled Tripthi with desperation.


Seizing the opportunity, Raj decided to turn Tripthi's own tactics against him. He feigned a stumble, drawing Tripthi in. As Tripthi moved to capitalize, Raj quickly grabbed a handful of the scattered glass shards from the broken vial and threw them into Tripthi's face. Tripthi cried out, blinded and disoriented.


Raj didn't hesitate. He surged forward, landing a series of brutal punches that left Tripthi reeling. With a final, decisive blow, Raj knocked Tripthi to the ground, rendering him unconscious.


Breathing heavily, Raj looked around. Bantu and Jayaram had finished off the last of Tripthi's men and were heading his way. Jayaram's face was grim, but there was a glimmer of pride in his eyes.


"You did well, son," Jayaram said, clapping Raj on the shoulder.


Bantu nodded, holding up a stack of documents they had recovered from Tripthi's office. "We got what we came for. Let's get out of here."


The three of them hurried to the car, Raj still feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. As they drove away, Raj allowed himself a moment of relief, knowing that they had successfully thwarted Tripthi's plans and secured the documents


Back at home, they would regroup, but for now, they had won a significant victory. Raj looked out the window, the city's lights blurring past, feeling a sense of accomplishment and determination to protect his family and their business from any further threats.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

man last one in my stock . i will decrease chapter upload rate but this had many words. hope you enjoy . kakaroot man hope you enjoy it

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