
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Movies
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


Raj had spent several weeks in Waji City, immersing himself in the local culture and gradually uncovering the layers of its dark underbelly. His primary focus was on Devraj, one of the two reigning kings of the underworld. Devraj's name was synonymous with power and fear, especially after the death of Narantak Roy, the former head of the Roy Group, who had always been considered the more dominant of the two. With Narantak Roy gone, Devraj's influence began to spread like wildfire, reshaping the criminal landscape of Waji City.

Waji City, a bustling metropolis, had always harbored a thriving underworld. The criminal scene was historically divided between two powerful figures: Narantak Roy and Devraj. Their rivalry was the stuff of legends, each controlling vast networks of illegal enterprises, from drug trafficking to extortion rings.

Narantak Roy was a name that inspired both respect and terror. Known for his ruthless efficiency and strategic brilliance, Roy managed to build an empire that was both expansive and deeply entrenched in the city's fabric. His operations were sophisticated, often cloaked under legitimate businesses, making them difficult for law enforcement to penetrate. Roy's death left a significant power vacuum, creating a turbulent shift in the underworld dynamics.

Devraj, once the underdog in the shadow of Narantak Roy, saw an opportunity with his rival's demise. Devraj's rise to power was marked by a blend of cunning strategy and sheer brutality. He quickly moved to consolidate power .

Raj arrived in Waji City with a singular purpose: to delve into the workings of Devraj's empire. Initially, he kept a low profile, observing the city's rhythms and identifying key figures within Devraj's network. His approach was methodical, building a web of contacts and informants who could provide insights into the underworld's operations.

Devraj's empire was vast, encompassing a variety of illicit activities. From drug trafficking to human smuggling, his operations were diverse and profitable. Unlike Narantak Roy, whose activities were often shrouded in secrecy, Devraj's operations were more visible, asserting dominance through public displays of power. Raj noted the stark differences in their methods, with Devraj favoring a more direct approach to control and expansion.

Raj's investigation was fraught with challenges. Information was tightly controlled, and Devraj's men were ever-watchful for outsiders. Raj had to navigate a complex web of deceit and danger, often facing moral and ethical dilemmas in his quest for truth. Encounters with Devraj's enforcers were tense and risky, requiring Raj to constantly stay one step ahead.

Despite the obstacles, Raj made significant progress in understanding Devraj's operations and influence. However, the path ahead remained perilous. The underworld of Waji City was in a state of flux, with Devraj's growing power reshaping the landscape. Raj's investigation was far from over, and the future of Waji City's criminal underworld hung in the balance, with new power dynamics emerging in the wake of Narantak Roy's death.


Raj has infiltrated the imposing Devraj skyscraper, a symbol of Devraj's power and influence. The building towers with 100 floors, each serving a unique purpose, from housing Devraj's closest allies to storing weapons and providing entertainment.

Description of the Building and its purpose

Floors 100-80: Reserved for Devraj's closest friends and thugs.

Floors 80-60: Armory and weapons storage.

Floors 60-20: Entertainment, including casinos and various other activities.

Floors 20-10: Miscellaneous purposes.

Raj, disguised as a member of the cleaning staff, moves through the building with ease, having worked there for several weeks. His sharp mind and resourcefulness have allowed him to navigate the building's complex hierarchy and purpose.

Raj's thoughts: (narration) "Each floor has its own set of challenges, but my goal remains the same—get close to Devraj and dismantle his empire from within."


Raj had been working as part of the cleaning staff in Devraj's building for several weeks, carefully observing the activities of his supervisor. He noticed the supervisor's suspicious behavior, always staying late and being overly cautious around certain areas.

Raj's thoughts: (narration) "Something's off about this guy. He's too jumpy, and he always seems to be in a hurry when he's alone. I need to find out what he's hiding."

Raj quietly follows his supervisor, staying out of sight as he watches him interact with other staff and check various storage rooms.

Raj: (whispering to himself) "Where are you hiding, supervisor?"

One evening, Raj saw the supervisor entering a storage room with a duffel bag. Raj waited patiently, hidden behind a stack of boxes, until the supervisor left the room. He noticed the supervisor's nervous glance around the area before he hurried away.

Raj: (thinking) "Now's my chance."

Raj quickly slipped into the storage room and found the duffel bag. He unzipped it and found stacks of money inside, all neatly bound.

Raj: (smirking) "Got you."

Raj took a few photos of the stolen money with his phone, making sure to get clear shots of the supervisor's ID card and name tag left inside the bag.

The next day, Raj approached the supervisor during a break in a secluded part of the building.

Raj: "Supervisor, we need to talk."

Supervisor: (nervously) "What about?"

Raj: (showing the photos on his phone) "Recognize these? I found them in the storage room last night."

Supervisor: (eyes widening) "What... how did you...?"

Raj: "It doesn't matter how I found it. What matters is what I can do with this information."

Supervisor: (desperately) "Please, Raj, you don't understand. I had no choice!"

Raj: "I don't need to know your reasons. Here's what's going to happen. You're going to give me unrestricted access to every floor in this building. No questions, no interruptions. Do that, and your secret stays safe."

Supervisor: (sighing, defeated) "Fine. But if Devraj finds out..."

Raj: (firmly) "He won't, as long as you cooperate. Now, make it happen."

From that day forward, the supervisor ensured that Raj could move freely throughout the building. Raj used his newfound access to gather information and position himself for the final phase of his plan.

Raj's thoughts: (narration) "This is just the beginning. With access to every floor, I can finally dismantle Devraj's empire from within."

Raj continued his mission, knowing that every step brought him closer to his ultimate goal: taking down Devraj and restoring justice.

Floors 100-80: Raj observes the movements and routines of Devraj's closest allies, learning their schedules and weaknesses.

Floors 80-60: He makes note of the armory layout, security measures, and the types of weapons stored, formulating a plan to neutralize this threat.

Floors 60-20: Raj blends in with the staff in casinos and entertainment areas, gathering intelligence and mapping out escape routes.

Floors 20-10: He explores the miscellaneous floors, identifying key utility rooms, control centers, and maintenance areas that could be crucial for his mission.

Raj: (thinking to himself) "I'm getting closer. I need to be smart and patient. One wrong move and everything could fall apart."

Supervisor: (checking in) "You've been asking a lot of questions lately. People are starting to notice."

Raj: (reassuringly) "I know what I'm doing. Just keep covering for me."