

I dont know how to write a description A man transmigrated as an incubus in a world where vampires prey on humans, and shifters with anger issues. Let us delve into Zekreus story in the world of Twilight. He doesn't know much about the world. AU this fic is trash, don't expect for it to be good. English is not my first language. DONT PRESSURE ME TO UPDATE, IM DOING THIS FOR FUN. I do not own the story this is fiction. Mostly short smut tbh SLOW UPDATES AFTER CHAPTER 10 DUE TO SCHOOL STARTING HIATUS

Axel_ace · Movies
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17 Chs



The class went on, students letting out groans and grunts while doing their assigned exercises, while Zekreus smirked.

" Why are most of you getting slower, go faster " he shouted like a drill sergeant.

" He's a demon" a male student blurted trying to do his push ups faster. Which earned numerous grunts of agreements.

' Oh you have no idea ' he thought while smiling at the students. "Yes, Yes I am a demon, so do your exercise faster, c'mon"

' He's a sadist ' thought the students.

Zekreus was watching all of his students, doing the exercise when he noticed the blonde vampires, he walked near them and asked "is it not hard enough?"

Jasper remembered his days as a soldier and replied " no sir! ".

Rosalie just kept her mouth shut, while sniffing the smell of her mate. It almost made her eyes roll back.

" Good, give me 50 more!"

"Yes sir!"


Rosalie went through the next few hours in a daze. Almost in autopilot.

' Zekreus Riven Zephyrus' that man was stuck in her head. His name, his face, his smell, oh lord his smell.

"Rosalie!" Somebody pinched her arm, which snapped her out of her thoughts.

Her eyes fell on the owner of the hand that pinched her and glared.

"I've been calling you for the last 10 minutes what got you so wrapped up in your head" Olivia said, hands on her waist and and eyebrow raised, looking at the female Hale.

"What?" Rosalie said coldly.

Olivia rolled her eyes and proceeded to hold hands with her mate.

"Until you stop being so grumpy with me maybe I'll tell you" then turned around.

Alice as hyper as always " alright everyone! To your positions, Olivia and Emmett first, second is Jasper and me, and then Edward and Rosalie"

The blonde rolled her eyes irritated.

They walked inside the cafeteria, with alot of eyes watching them. Rosalie walked inside confident as always.

Her siblings grabbed a tray to get their lunch that they would simply just throw away.

She made her way over to an available table at the left side of the cafeteria, she would normally grab a tray, but she did not feel like pretending.

She had more important things on her mind than act like a human.

She tuned out the voices and ignored the looks from hormonal adolescents.

Her mind wandered back to her new teacher, she watched him closely the entire class.

His voice deep and husky, his chest, his hands, his arms, his neck, his face, his bulge.

Everything about him was so intoxicating. Rosalie wanted to wrap her legs around his head, to pull that luscious black hair.

Rosalie's fantasy was interrupted by Emmett," Whoa, what's got you so hot?".

Rosalie blinked and looked at her siblings. Edward looked disgusted, Jasper looked uncomfortable, Alice had an astute look on her face, Olivia was curious and amused, while Emmett was teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at her.

She avoided eye contact, she was embarrassed and frustrated, she didn't sense their arrival.

Jasper sensing her emotions, sent calming waves towards her.

He didn't need more negative emotions to add up to his hunger from being around humans.

" We get it he's your mate but If you were that bothered, you could've excused yourself" Edward scowled at her.

Not only was her thoughts dirty, her emotions were affecting Jasper.

Rosalie shot him a withering look and said " how about you mind your business, if you dont like my thoughts then don't read them" .

Edward still glaring, looked away from her.

"Sooo...." Olivia started

"What?" Rosalie said in an annoyed tone.

"What'd you think?" Olivia asked

"Think about what?" Replied the blonde Hale

Olivia rolled her eyes at her for the second time today.

" The new gym teacher duh "

The frown on Rosalie's face deepened.

" Are you really listening to the objectifying things the other students says about the new teacher? " Scowled Rosalie.

" Oh please, he's super attractive even Emmett says he's attractive, anyone with eyes would, I mean have you looked at him" Olivia said which prompted Emmett to nod his head.

" Were surrounded by hormonal teenagers, its hormones " Rosalie said

" Oh so are you saying you're hormonal?" Olivia quipped

Rosalie glared and growled at her.

" Leave her alone guys " Alice said, her eyes shining with amusement.

" Whatever" said Rosalie while standing up.

"Where are you going?" Alice questioned.

" Away from any of you" snapped Rosalie.

" Anyone want to tell me what happened?" Asked Emmett confused.

" Rosalie's mate is the new gym teacher " revealed Edward.

" Really! Thats great news" Emmett exclaimed.

Olivia nodded in agreement.

" Not really, she's a student while he's a teacher " Jasper says.

When Emmett realized the situation.

"Oh shit talk about bad luck"

Olivia smirked and said " This is fun, a forbidden relationship between a teacher and a student".

" Right! Its exciting" Alice said almost bouncing on her chair.

A fond smile appeared on Jasper's face, one thing he loved about his mate and wife is her ability to stay positive. So full of joy, she was like a humanoid ball of sunshine, his light, the love of his life and his saviour.

While the rest of the siblings chatted in the cafeteria, Rosalie was planning to go to the library for an alone time when she smelled his scent.

She turned and followed where the smell was coming from.

The smell came from inside the classroom. Rosalie was contemplating going inside or just going on her way.

Just when she was about to turn around when the door opened.

And there he was, his eyes wide from surprise before a small smile replaced it.

Rosalie froze and just stared at him, not knowing what to do.


I'm using google docs to proofread, so

If I did any errors while writing please do comment so I can change it, thanks