

Third person POV

After the students changed their clothes, the class began. The students couldn't help but be distracted by their teacher's good looks.

Not only was his face distracting, his evident bulge in the gray pants he wore distracted most of the class, women and men alike, but mostly women.

( Image )

They awkwardly stumbled through their warm-up exercises, their minds more focused on catching a glimpse of him than on the task at hand.

It wasn't just his physical appearance that had them enamored, but also his confident demeanor and charming smile. 

He seemed to effortlessly command the room, and the students couldn't help but feel drawn to him.


" So that's the new attractive teacher I've been constantly hearing about" said Olivia staring at Zekreus with a smirk on her face.

" Attractive? " Emmett pouted

" Yes, attractive with a big dick " Olivia teased Emmett, looking at each other's eyes.


Zekreus POV

Listening to people's gossip about me was amusing.

Observing the students in the gymnasium, among the students I noticed a pasty good-looking guy talking to an equally pasty looking but beautiful blonde woman. ' Must be members of the Cullen coven '

I walked over to them and said " why are the two of you not running " which snapped them out of eye fucking each other.

They grimaced seeing me in front of them as they didn't notice me cause they were so busy stripping each other.

They then started running but not after subtly, looking at me up and down, both their eyes lingering slightly at my pants.



While running Emmett and Olivia looked at each other with wide eyes and said " Did you see that? " at the same time and chuckled to themselves, which earned them a couple of looks from the other students.

" It looked big from a far but seeing it near, it was huge, I feel sorry for anyone short who would take that inside them " Olivia said using her hands to imagine the size

" The bulge was bigger than my whole fist, he's blessed" Emmett said 


Zekreus POV

An hour passed by, and the students were starting to leave the gymnasium after I dismissed them.

Holding a notebook with records about the exercises they did during class.

How many rounds they did running, how many push ups, pull ups, etc.

I surveyed the record and spotted a familiar last name, Hale and Cullen.

' so they were a cullen ' I smirked

_________________time skip________________

The second class was Coach Clapps schedule.


Third person POV

Rosalie was quiet at school, normally she was criticizing everybody.

It worried her "twin" and his mate, Jasper sensed her mood and whispered in Alice's ear to leave her alone, when he noticed she was bothering Rosalie.

The first and second subject passed like a blur, except for a few questions the teacher asked her to answer.

As usual eyes followed her everywhere, but today noticeably less watched than usual, which she was grateful for, she doesn't know why, but she doesn't really care.

Her third subject was gym. A Lot of students who passed by were talking about the new substitute gym teacher, how attractive he was and a lot of things that she would prefer not to say.

She changed right after arriving at the gymnasium, as she doesn't want to change her clothes with a lot of people watching her like a hawk.

Time passed by and more students entered the gymnasium, changing their clothes.

Students were talking, it irritated Rosalie who sat at the bench glaring at anybody who tried to sit beside her and her sibling.

" Stop glaring  Rosalie"  Jasper softly said.

" Don't tell me what to do Jasper " Rosalie said

Their conversation was interrupted by the bell ringing.

They both heard footsteps approaching from the hallway, steps getting closer and closer, a hush fell over the gymnasium as the students eagerly waited for the entrance of their new teacher.

The rumors around the school that a young, attractive, and charming male teacher would be joining the faculty, but the reality far exceeded their expectations.

As he confidently strides into the room, it's as if a spotlight is shining down on him, the girls swoon and whisper excitedly while the boys shift uncomfortably in their seats, feeling a sudden surge of competition in the air.

Rosalie subconsciously inhaled and her pupil dilated, ' Mate ', her eyes widened and her jaw dropped from disbelief.

Would her mate want a forbidden relationship with a student?I don't think so.

Jasper was confused with her fluctuating emotions. Looked at her and noticed her looking at somebody, he followed her sight and there he was, the new teacher.

" Hello everyone I'm Zekreus Riven, I am your new gym teacher, you may call me however you like, do you have any questions?"

A female student raised their hand.

"Yes, do you have a question?" Asked Zekreus.

" Then can we call you daddy sir? " Zekreus chuckled, the sound made Rosalie's dead heart flutter.

" You cannot, lets see miss----- Lauren" said Zekreus with a small smile while looking at the class attendance that has the students' pictures.

"How old are you?" Someone from the  back blurted out.

"I am 24 years old," he answered.

'Physically 24, but the body I currently have, has been alive for 156 years' he thought to himself.

The class began to murmur amongst each other.

Rosalie observed him, really looked at him, trying to engrave his face into her mind.

" Why'd you move to Forks?" Asked someone.

" It was a whim actually got bored and chose a randomiser " he said

" Okay enough questions, I have a few exercises I would like you to do the better the performance, the bigger grade you'll have, if you have any health problems do tell me, I want to avoid students fainting as much as possible, and dont lie as I will confirm it with the nurse, am I understood? " 

"Yes sir"

 "Then good, start running" Zekreus clapped his hands.

Next chapter