
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Tree of Avarice

The rain had stopped falling when the girl had stopped crying. The sky voided of its usual tiny lights resonated with her gloomy mood. However faint moonlight was present, symbolizing all hope was not lost. Wiping her tears, she stood up. Crying anymore was useless.

"What am I going to do from now on? Is there even any point in living on, uttering such words her eyes glanced at the cold moon as if waiting for a response that never came.

Making a sad smile she shook her head and caressed the stump which was her arm. She could still remember the chill from the slash of her attacker. A detestable crusader belonging to the Chapel of Quest. Luckily though at a disadvantage she managed to slay him in the end but what was it worth? Sure, she managed to survive the disaster however she had become a handicap.

What was the point in living on when everyone whom you had ties with were no longer in this world?

This feeling of isolation and uncertainty was driving her insane in this eerily silent forest. Thoughts of joining her loved ones coerced her but she managed to brush these of with one predominant thought.

"I must have revenge... Those hypocrites. I want them to suffer before plunging them into the depths of the oblivion."

Vowing so with a look of resolution she looked down to find that her arm had silently regrown.

"This... how strange. I can feel my vitality increasing. Is this the power of the Forbidden Fruit I thought to be inactive?"

Shocked, she clenched and flicked her wrist. Her surprise didn't end there for as she glanced at her body all traces of her wounds had disappeared mysteriously.

How could this be possible? She clearly remained the sensation of her arm being severed and the chill that pierced into her bones. However now there was no discomfort and her stamina had also been restored with an added increase too.

Though she wanted to ponder over the matter a bit longer she decided against it.

"I should go."

A chilly wind blew rustling the leaves and her tattered attire. Hugging her body, the girl stood and gave one last look as if imprinting this scene in her mind.

Bringing a hand to her face she slowly wiped her tears.

A cold glint shined in her eyes which burned with an intense resolution mixed with a deep hatred. Next, she turned on her heels and slipped into the forest again.


Walking for a long time by stepping over numerous corpse that littered the entirety of the forest she made it to the centre. Here the land that was the lowest. Situated below was a large expanse of barren land. In its centre was a huge and dreadful looking tree radiating an evil aura. Nothing else was able to could grow near it and its leaves and frame were withered. Innumerable hack marks covered it. Its sheer size pierced and winded up into the clouds like a serpent reaching beyond. If one wanted to hug this tree then not even fifty adults would be enough. All the dangling vines which once held fruits which induced great temptation were stripped bare.

Covering the land were many deep footprints and groups of broken corpses laid scattered all over.

What made one shiver in fright was that they were so skinny. It was as if all the blood was sucked from their bodies. Countless skeletons piled up under its roots like decorations, trophies of this dreadful existence's year on campaigns with the invaders.

"Is it dead?" The girl cautiously glanced at the tree and touched her nose. The scent of blood and decay was heavily concentrated here, she felt a bit nauseous.


Suddenly a giant pillar of light descended from the sky upon the field on a mangled corpse wearing Dark cultist robes and went into his bod. The man's pale cheeks became rosy again and he stirred a bit but didn't awaken. Strong pulsations akin to heartbeats echoed in the silent forest as the girl struggled to open her eyes. Through her blurred vision she saw fire flies swarming here in droves lighting up the giant dead tree. The earth tremored almost collapsing within itself.


Falling face first on the ground she shielded her eyes. All about the cradle vines of varying sizes erupted sending large patches of dirt as they shot towards the man and raised him into the air. The Tree of Avarice wobbled and the trunk opened up revealing a dark grey orb. This was actually a seed depicting a tree spirit. It pulsated just like a living entity and carried an alluring and irresistible aroma which flooded the entire area.

"Is that another fruit?" Frowning as she lied on her belly the girl denied such thoughts, "No, I sense a strong life source."

The seed pulsed as it resonated with the man's beating heart. Two seconds afterwards the vines ruthlessly pierced into the man's chest, separating the heart from its former vessel. The body crumpled as it was tossed aside like trash. The still beating heart was guided into the tree that shrink rapidly. In place of the massive tree lied a boy around eight with his body shrouded in a white cloth. His looks could easily ensnare the hearts of women, the girl was charmed as he simply lied sprawled like a baby. Especially the slightly bulging tummy with the navel poking outwards which had an indescribable charm to it.

"Huh? I can't believe it…the Tree of Avarice has gained a physical body?"

The girl continued to stare dumbly at the silent boy in deep sleep with both hands covering her mouth. Her eyes flickered with uncertainty, what is going to happen from now on?